
The evil white Anglo-Saxon Americans & the Europeans are confident:Their plans to decimate the non-white populations in Asia, Africa and Latin America seem to be working.

Monday, 31st May,2021.

 At last the evil White Race, the Europeans and the Anglo-Saxon White Americans seem to be quite happy and satisfied that their plans to decimate the populations of non-white populations in Asia, Africa and Latin America through their biological Labs created and engineered Coronavirus pandemic seem to be working as planned. This American engineered Coronavirus of Fort Detrick, North Carolina is only the latest deadly addition to their evil designs to genocide the non-white peoples or the non-white races in this world through their toxic fertilisers, chemical germicides and insecticides as well as fluid or liquid medicines mixed with  cumulative toxic elements manuafactured by the gigantic pharmaceutical and chemical companies of America and Europe mainly England, Germany, France and Holland. But ironically the Coronavirus seem to obey the Mightier One above and return with a vengeance to destroy the senseless and evil  white men in Europe and the Anglo-Saxon white Americans in the United States and Canada.

Below is  the story written by Southernglory1 on 29th April, 2016, telling on how the Evil Empire in conjunction with its Western European countries planned to carry out their diabolical evil designs.

The Horrendous Plans of the Anglo-Saxon  Americans, The Europeans and the Jewish Zionism to decimate the non-white populations of Asia, Africa and Latin America.

                              The Horrendous Plans of the Anglo-Saxon Americans, the Europeans and the Jewish Zionism headed by the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers and the Illuminatis.

Previously I had written on how the West  (  The Europeans' )  foreign
policy and blue print for conquests and world domination was based on their
Doctrine of Christian Discovery and subsequently over the years expanded by
White Americans into the more evil Doctrines of American Manifest Destiny and
the monstrous  American Exceptionalism. I will not delve into these
doctrines in detail . Briefly white men inclusive
of White Americans claim their God has given them the divine right to take
and conquer non-Christian lands and to kill all the natives of these lands
if they refused to be converted to their faith. American Manifest Destiny
deprives all native Americans of their rights and title to their lands and
properties and claims Americans have the right to expand its  frontiers
both on land and sea without limits. American Exceptionalism empowers White
Americans  -  USA  to assassinate foreign leaders who don't toe the
American line and to carry out regime change. 

But now an even more horrendous Anglo-Saxon American and American Jewish Zionism
policy is in the offing.  This satanic group is headed by the
Rothschilds,the Rockefellers, the Illuminatis and well known American
bankers in the Citi Bank , J.P Morgan , Well Fargo Bank ,Bank of America
and the Free Masons. They are working in collusion with the rogues and
scoundrels in the US government, the CIA, The Pentagon, Congress, The
Senate and the House of Representatives as well as the billionaires in the high tec industries of the internet.

Why is this group so frightening and scary?  They say the world is  now
overpopulated  with Seven Billion people and there will not be enough
resources to serve everyone. They asserted that the world population should
be reduced come what may  to just about one and a half billion people.
They argued that majority of the world's population is found in Asia, Africa and Latin America and it is time to find ways and means to reduce the number of these non-white or coloured people. They have decided that it is only  through a combination of
methods but largely through wars that  the Asian  and African population
can be reduced drastically. For the wars to accomplish its results they
must be fought in Asia and Africa and they always have plans for perennial
wars in Asia and Africa.

Their strategic new plans call for  (1) impoverishment of Asian, African and Latin American
countries (2) Clinically and genetically manipulated changes of fluid or liquid medicine as well as the  DNA of rice
seeds so that the  growing of rice will result in infertility of  rice
eaters. (3) Control of  pharmaceutical products for Asia, Africa and Latin America
designed to a slow but long process of poisoning Asians, Africans and ingenous native Latin Americans
resulting in sickness like diabetes, cancer, heart disease, infertility and
other related diseases. ( 4  )  Chemical fertilizers that poisoned food
crops and the soil cumulatively over a long period,  ( 5 )  Insecticides
that poisoned the food crops and the soil like DDT.  ( 6) Wars of

The impoverishment of Asians, Africans and Latin or South Americans are carried out  through two
distinct direct but related methods. One is to attack and weaken the
financial and economic structure and well being  of the countries of the
three continents. The other is to create instability and destability of the
Asian, African and Latin American countries by provoking hostilities and wars among the
countries in the three  continents.

In the financial and economic front the attack is frontal through the
manipulation of the American Petrol Dollar as a standard of international
exchange. Every country which wants to buy or sell products to America or trade round the world must
use the Petrol Dollar to trade. There is a clear disadvantage to Asian, Latin American and
African countries because US is always manipulating the currency to its
advantage at whatever circumstances  it determines. US rogue bankers and
stock brokers will always cheat and swindle unsuspecting Asians, Latin Americans and
Africans by selling them toxic financial products like mini-bonds . Be wary, 
of European and American private bankers who will use the billions of
dollars entrusted to them for sound investments by the  Asians, Latin Americans and
Africans but instead they will always misuse it  to deal with endless
trading in derivatives and hedge funds which  is nothing but pure gambling. In such cases either
win or lose the bankers will always first award themselves by the millions
or billions as service charges. Derivative trading and hedge funds is nothing but a super
casino which together with the Petrol Dollar and the financial toxic
products are a form of American financial terrorism  on unsuspecting Asians, Latin Americans
and Africans. These financial loses will result in the decline and
weakening of  the Asian, Latin American and African economies and will ultimately deal a fatal blow to
human survival.

Creating wars , instability and destability is the bench mark of American
foreign policy which derive from their doctrines of the American Manifest
Destiny  and American Exceptionalism. The Americans will always sow
suspicion , descension and create instability and hostility among the Asian, South American
and African countries. It will then carry out endless propaganda of
misinformation and disinformation with a lot of  lies, half truths and
insinuations carried to a crescendo before it starts the wars among the
unsuspecting Asian, Latin American and African countries. The Americans are the masters of
sheding blood behind the scenes. They have succeeded in making the Arabs in
the Middle East going after each others throats. The Americans will just
reap the harvest and enrich themselves by selling obsolete weapons to the
warring factions and at the same time test their new weapons in attacking
the factions which do not toe the American line. America is trying to
create the same scenario in Asia. It is trying to create civil and
international  wars among the Asian countries like divided Koreas, divided
China - Mainland China and Taiwan, foment wars between Japan and China,
between India and Pakistan, between India and China and between China and
the Viets and Pinoys. In this way the Anglo-Saxon Americans,the  Europeans and American Jewish
Zionism  led by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Illuminatis, Freemasons and
other big American bankers as well as the rogues in the American government
inclusive of the President, Senate, Congress , CIA and the Pentagon will
have succeeded to see how Asians will have died by the billions in a great
nuclear wars among the Asians. This will definitely decimate Asian
populations by the billions and fit into the ruthless plans of the evil Anglo-Saxon Americans, the
Europeans and American Jewish Zionism headed by the Rothschilds, the
Rockefellers, the Illuminatis and the rogue and scoundrels of the American

The American pivot towards Asia especially in the East China Sea and the
South China Sea is just a cover for American covert and overt plans for
wars and destruction among Asians .  In the aftermath of these wars America
hope to seize the opportunity to dominate and control both the East China
Sea and the South China Sea and together the rich oil and other mineral
resources under the sea bed  and to dominate the whole of Asia under
American hegemony. It will be a hopeless dream for America for under such
scenario there is no guarantee that Russia and China will not carry out
full scale nuclear attack on America and thus resulting in not only mutual
destruction but ultimate total destruction of the entire humanity on earth.

A desperate bankrupt America must not be allowed to destroy the world under
whatever guise and pretext.


Friday, 29th April, 2016


  1. The White people or white race are really evil beyond redemption. Their 500 years of carnage and plunder around the world since 12th October, 1492, had irresibily changed the fortune of the white race at the deadly expense of all other races throughout this earthly world.

    As if 500 years of their carnage and plunder is not enough and they still want to kill and genocide other races through very horrible means. Other races must unite and rise up to stop this white race evil and menace and destroy them forever.

  2. What is the agenda of Satan? To undermine the truth and sow discord and eventually destroy human kind.

    White men's diseases killed most of the Native Americans and genocide did the rest. The Native Americans posed no more threat to the Whites. But that is not enough. China and eventually India will pose serious threats to the US presently and the future. China is the present threat, with India expected to come after. But right now, using India as the proxy to counter China comes first, then if China falls, and India rises, the guns will then point towards India. That tactic has been used by them all over the world.

    With that in mind, Satan plans to get rid of all non White threats in the world, if presently possible, so that they can continue to dominate the world, without worrying about the possible threat from China or India and that is through the use of biological weapons like COVID19. Trump was perhaps aware of the virus propensity to target non Whites only, thus his confidence during the initial outbreak. but the virus has probably mutated and targets humans of all colours. The virus tolerates no borders, racial divide, rich or poor nor nuclear powers or Amazon Natives.

    When China managed to control the virus, they became hysterical, and as expected started creating and fabricating evidence to demonise China by hook or by crook. Using Taiwan issue as the perennial threat, then attempting to create unrest in Hong Kong, hoping for the unrest to eventually spread further to destablise China's mainland.

    Little do they understand that in the face of external threats, patriotic mainland Chinese always come closer together, just like during the war with Japan, where even overseas Chinese provided aid to support the motherland. That the West failed to understand China well is because of their failure to know China better.

    When the Hong Kong plan failed, Xinjiang became the focus and that fabricated narrative of mistreatment of the Uyghurs is being torn apart as well on social media.

    Now Satan is hammering on the Wuhan theory, with the poodles joining the chorus, loud and clear.


  3. RE: RE : Mr. Virgo 49 : 12:06 PM

    Mr. Anonymous : 12:13 PM

    Thanks for your very good informative comments. Both of you gentlemen are very widely read and well informed intellectuals and your comments are really good and analytical. I really hope more netizens who support 'My Singapore News' of Mr. Chua Chin Leng's Blog will come forward to give their comments to exchange knowledge with other fellow netizens. Your comments will go a long way to condemn and expose the evils that the monstrous white race have been imposing on all other non-white races throughout the world.



  4. Some of the races in North America, Latin America, Africa and Australia had already perished under the unprecedented savage carnage of the white race from Europe. For over five centuries the natives of Asia, Africa and the Americas had suffered the most horrible agony and bloodiest genocide. There was tremendous physical abuse, atrocities and loss in life, land, property and wealth to such extent that the natives of the three continents will for many more miserable years continue to suffer from the fallout of this most brutal carnage.

    How long will the repercussion and ramification of this tragic catastrophe continue to haunt the natives of the three continents? The Asians, Africans and native Americans who have now been liberated after the Second World War must never take for granted their tragic past, their poor miserable present situation or possibly a bleak future. They must rise above themselves and determine never to be bullied and exploited by the white people again. They must unite, resist and fight back fiercely against any more attempts by white men to make a come back to exploit and colonize them. Now with the help of China to build and develop their countries they will have a bright future.

    Since the 1950s China has been helping all the African countries to build infrastructures like roads and railways, airports and sea ports, buildings, schools, factories and industries. All these will help each and every African country to develop their economy and deliver them out of poverty.

    Eagles Eyes


  5. Each and every European country had a hand in the rape of Africa. They were England, France, Holland, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Italy and Belgium. For over three to four hundred years they had stolen the African lands and exploited their resources and economy to the bone for the wealth and benefit of the Europeans. Whatever mineral wealth like gold, diamonds, copper and oil which were found in plenty in Africa were all taken out of the continent to the extreme impoverishmment of all the African countries while at the same time enriching each and every of the European imperialist and colonialist country.

    After the Second World War in 1945, the independent African countries approached the West for help to build up their economy. Non of the European countries who benefited the most from exploiting Africa in the past agree to help; not even Anglo-Saxon America. But they continued to monopolize and extract all the mining industries in the gold, diamond, copper and oil extracting industries.

    The white imperialists despised the Africans for being poor, dirty and corrupted, a long lost basket case of poverty incapable of receiving any help to lift them out of poverty.
    The white men would rather continue to keep the Africans in poverty so that they could continue to exploit them endlessly for their own benefit.

    During the last few decades China has been busy and selflessly helping the Africans to build up their economy and lift them out of poverty. As the European countries see how China has been able to build up Africa all over the continent building up their infrastructures, roads, railways, schools, universities, airports, seaports, dams, power stations and telecommunications they became apprehensive. Now they want to have a share in the African economic pie fearful of losing the whole pie to China. One by one these cynical and shameless hypocritical European countries file up to rush to each and every of the African countries to apologize for their past misdeeds and genocide of the Africans. They even promised to pay some compensation to the Africans for their past misdeeds hoping the Africans will give them some lucative projects. The white people are really a shameless and disgusting lot. We can see they are in a way pleading and begging the Africans to give them a piece of the economic pie which China has building up for the Africans with great patience. Having earlier dismissed the Africans as a long lost basket case of poverty incapable of receiving any help they now shamelessly beg the Africans to share with them the African economic pie. The Africans must rebuff the Europeans and show to the demeaning and degrading white men that Africans have dignity and integrity and will stick to China for help which is sincere and rewarding.

    Never, never trust any white men .

    Tan Peck Long

  6. After decades or even centuries of brainwashing, backward countries of Latin America, Asia and Africa have been conditioned to think highly of the Whites. They never look behind the motives of the Whites and look up to them as saviors.

    How could they not be swayed by promise of heavenly paradise just by believing in the White religion that had come to save them from misery. Alas, they found out too late when they converted to the White faith, but found out later that they had lost their land forever to the glib tongue Whites. Most are still waiting for their turn to go to their heavenly paradise promised by the White religion. They never managed to progress with the rest of the world and still wallowing in poverty.


  7. The European Christians and the Anglo-Saxon White Americans are all seasoned con-men. They are cheaters, swindlers, robbers and charlatans. Everywhere they went they brainwashed the natives to embrace their Christian religion. They preached to the Africans that their bible said 'Thou shall not kill', but they kill the natives like killing flies; 'Thou shall not tell lies,' but they tell the most brazen lies and lie through their teeth; 'Thou shall not covet after others properties and belongings', but they covet and steal all the native lands, gold, diamonds, oil, copper and other mineral resources.

    The Africans realized too late that they were being conned by evil white Christians. Now they tell the whole world their regrets. They said, "Before the white men came, we have the land and they have the bible. But after the white men came, we have the bible and they have our land."

    And some other Africans said, "When the white men said, let's pray and we all closed our eyes to pray. But when we opened our eyes after the prayer, we found they had taken our land in exchange for their bible."

    Be wise and never trust a white men. They are all cheaters and swindlers.
