
National Assets Must Be Owned By The Citizens Collectively, Not By An Individual Public or Private Entity, Legally Or Not

From whatever information gathered, the painted pictures about the ownership, responsibility, reporting, accountability and transparency of GIC and TH are very troublesome and worrisome.

Troublesome in that it is very difficult and problematic for any concerned member of the public to secure reliable detailed information and important reports from the two entities for a close and thorough scrutiny.

Worrisome because national and public assets have been transferred and privatised, and therefore the public has lost ownership, control and say over the national and public assets held by the two entities.

It seems to look like the legality of the two entities have been specially curved out to avoid and prevent scrutiny by and from the real stakeholders of state assets, i.e. the citizens.

My gut feelings tell me that something is not right.

If Singapore is taken over by a rogue government, or a foreign government by proxies, then all our National Reserves and National Assets will be in serious dangers and jeopardy.

The laws governing these two entities must be changed to give back power to the People instead of to an individual heading a ministry, such as the Minister for Finance, or exclusively to a small group of individuals, such as a board of directors with personalities solely affiliated or associated with a specific political grouping.

As I envisage, the present arrangements can be easily sabotaged or manipulated if the individual and group concerned have hidden agendas and are determined to pursue them in their own selfish interests, whatever they may be.

Think deeper.



  1. Do not under estimate the power of the stupid.

  2. Even in many dictatorial regimes, monarchies and communist systems, the dictators or monarchs and communist leaders do not make use of the laws to make their national assets be owned by the individual ministry or board of directors.

    How come Singaporeans are so stupid to allow PAP to manipulate the laws to its sole discretion and advantage?


  3. After the death of honourable Dr. Sun Yat-Sen in 1925, China was ruled by Pro USA Chiang Kai-Shek and his Kuomintang (KMT ). Chiang was corrupted to the core and he ruled China from 1926 to mid-1949 with nepotism and cronism. He ruled as if China was his own private property. Under him China was run mainly by only three related families namely Chiang, T.V. Soong and H.H> Kung as well as some close cronies. Chiang was both president as well as head of the military. He was assisted in the domestic political affairs and the judiciary by Tan Yen-Kai. His wife Soong Mei Ling always interfered in states affairs both internal and external and acted like an Emperess Dowager. T.V.Soong, his brother- in-law was in charge of trade, finance and monetary affairs while H.H. Kung another brother in law was in charge of industries and technologies. The KMT was so corrupted that it was finally booted out by the Chinese Communist Party led by Chairman Mao Tse-Tung who proclaimmed the establishment of the Peoples Republic of China in Beijing on October 1st 1949.

    The sign is clear any government that is run by corrupted politicians under the umbrella of nepotism and cronism is sure to lead the country to failure and disaster and must eventually be booted out.


  4. How about a country run by a bunch of crooks getting rich on lobby money which they turned a blind eye to and pretend it is not corruption?

    Whether it is lobby money or corruption, corruption is corruption and all corrupt countries would end up like KMT China.

    America is no exception. See how corrupt they are in everything they do.

    See how dishonest they are and how they lie and lie and lie to cheat their ways to get what they wanted.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sad to say dafts sillyzens here don't wear a Badge to identify as citizens of the nation, so the alicetocats jus sell away all kind of assets to collect more monies and they r blind or could not see anyone wearing a sillyzens Badge. Or they had reclassified into a new form of Badge whereby anyone even without Badge can be sillyzens called the 'kakilang core' . So if u r badge doesn't show tis, then u r out. So do u really need a badge to be inclusive? Or jus no need one & everyboli included.

  7. Selling assets, selling jobs, selling citizenship, selling country.

    What can be badder?

  8. Traitors usually sell out and play out their country and people.

    First, they sell away national strategic assets.

    Then they play out their own citizens by selling away their jobs.

    Then they take their national reserves money and dump in foreign countries as investments.

    When they are toppled finally, they will run away to other countries.

    Then they can then claim those money in foreign lands belong to them because they are owned as private properties by their privately registered companies run by their own family members or their relatives.

    This is the way traitors play their citizens and their country out.

  9. Singapore has all the democratic trappings but it is anything but democratic....


  10. Good management consists in showing average people how to do the work of superior people.

    Bad management does not recognize its own local talents' superiority by importing scavengers as superior foreign talents to replace them.

  11. Why Dictatorial Leaders Cling Onto The Throne Of Power

    A capitalist model inevitably leads to crony capitalism. This crony capitalism in turn leads to chronic dictatorship, when too much power is vested in one man (or one woman, who is usually the wife or concubine of the man in power and she exercises her power in the shadows).

    History is filled with such greedy dictators who never fail to make the lives of the citizens miserable and suffering, because of the continuous and persistent sucking of money, energy and resources from the masses in one form or another, in one way or another.

    When the same power-greedy people or their descendants sit on the Throne of Power for too long, they, by hook or by crook, are bound to prolong their stay on Power. They will, without fail, cling unto the Throne of Power like a bull dog tenaciously biting someone's flesh and refusing to let go until it iis knocked off by force.

    With such power-hungry and power-greedy dictators ruling the country, the people are bound to suffer tremendous economic hardship, torturing pains and mysterious deaths.

    Most of these power-hungry and power-greedy dictators perpetuate their reign through raw and direct ruthless methods.

    However, there are some who are more cunning. They manipulate the laws and the Constitution to benefit themselves, their families and their cronies, to buy loyalty and obedience, and to sustain and prolong their stay on the Seat of Power.

    The longer a corrupted dictator stays in power, the more skeletons he will collect and hide in his cupboard, cabinet, closet and an enormous iron safe deep in the fortress of CompliCity, with layer after layer and ring-fence after ring-fence of complex rules and regulations to allay and dispel the notion of conflicts of interests due to the three most common, gullible and unforgivable misdeeds called CNC (Corruption, Nepotism and Cronyism) that every ruthless dictator, weak or strong, succumbed to.

    The more skeletons he has, the more he is afraid to lose his power and be overthrown, because he knows fully well that the masses will go after his blood and his neck when his karma catches up with him to make him falls from grace.

    As such, he keeps perpetuating this reign by putting up false flags, to give him grounds for excuses, in order to cling onto the Throne of Power.

    He will keep giving the false impression that he will be stepping down soon. However, he will not give a time frame as to when he will be stepping down, making the people guessing all the time.

    As the public's expectation gets stronger, he will make an anti-climax move to disappoint their expectation by giving an excuse that he has to carry on ruling in and for the interests of the country (but actually in his own interests).

    In the final analysis, all dictators are corrupt to a certain degree. Some extremely and rampantly corrupt and ruthless. Some subtly and indirectly corrupt and cunning.

    Don't you think so?


  12. can anyone enlighten, is pap kindergarten pcf consider a business enterprise? as to my understanding, political party are not suppose to be involve in any business dealing.

    also do they get any grant or special rate when setting up their business? moe kindergarten is another business owned by mof..so does the top employee there get paid as civil servant or commercial rate? if those top civil employee sit on it board of director..do they get director fees as well as civil service pay & bonuses???

  13. Under CECA, Singapore allowed workers from India to work in Singapore in return for Singapore companies accessing the Indian markets.

    Which Singapore companies have outgrown the domestic market and need to access the Indian market?
    Which Singapore companies have the financial resources to expand into the Indian market?
    The big Singapore companies.

    Which are the big Singapore companies?
    The companies owned by Temasek Holdings.

    Who runs Temasek?
    Ho Ching

    What was Tharman's position when he made the speech below?
    Deputy Prime Minister of Singapore

    Who was more influential?
    The Deputy Prime Minister was at a disadvantage; he could not engage in pillow talk with the Prime Minister.

    Who won in the end?
    The commercial interests of a private company Temasek won over the national interests of Singapore.


  14. Aggrieved PartyMay 29, 2021 4:30 pm

    Why such a stupid, short-sighted, and reckless decision that seriously affects the whole country in the long-run just for the selfish interests of Temasek and GIC?

    Lau Goh was the Senior Minister in 2005. LKY was the Minister Mentor.

    Did both of them agreed? Obviously, they did.

    Lau Goh was so happy to visit India and bought some Indian traditional clothes to wear and looked so proud about it. As published in his Facebook pages.

    LKY did not say anything to object strongly either.

    So, that means the Trinity, God the father, son and holely goh agreed to signing the CECA with India.

    LkY was incharge of GIC then. Later Tony took over. GIC also has direct interest in CECA, right?

    What can Tharman (Finance Minister and DPM) do when the Trinity supported the idea?

  15. Singapore needs a taste of bad government.
