
Israel's pride, Palestinian tragedy...and American support for the genocide continues


Photo credits to RT and Al Jazeera

Above are pics from RT showing the damage caused by intense bombings by Israel on Gaza. And the Israelis are not holding back and confidently announced that they would intensified their attacks on the Hamas like a true conqueror, a mighty gangster that is invincible and unstoppable. No one, not even the UN, could stop the slaughter of the Palestinians with the Americans, the 'champions of Muslims' in Xinjiang standing firmly behind this killing of the Palestinian Muslims.

The Muslim world is incensed by the American and European support for Israel in this genocide of Muslims.  Aren't they the supporters and protectors of Muslims?  Oh, only for Muslims in Xinjiang that were having a great and peaceful life there.  They needed to pretend to support the Ugyhurs to incite them to turn into terrorists and suffered like the Palestinians in warfare. They could not tolerate Muslims living peacefully, happily and well in Xinjiang.

And the killings of Muslim Palestinians will go on and on, mercilessly, by the Israelis with overwhelming fire power supplied by the Americans and the western powers. With the Americans and the West behind the Israelis, the butchering will go on and on at their pleasure.

This is how loving and caring the Americans and the West are for the Muslims, watching and supporting and protecting the Israelis while they massacred the Palestinians. Palestinian Muslims have no human rights to live by, unlike their darling Uyghur Muslims?

PS. From RT.

'“If we do not immediately stop Israel’s aggression in Palestine and… in Jerusalem, tomorrow, everyone would be a target of this brutal mentality,” the Turkish president warned. Erdogan also gave a scathing rebuke to the officials who supported Israel’s actions in Gaza.

Those who chose to remain silent or backed Israel “for political and ideological reasons should know that their turn will come one day” as well, he said.

Earlier, leaders of several Western nations including Austria and Germany expressed their support for Israel’s right of “self-defense.” Leaders of France and the UK also earned praise from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for supporting Tel Aviv.'

The changing map of Israel, from nothing to what it is today. As for the Palestinians,  from everything to nearly nothing today.

Creation of Israel in 1948 by British and Americans from Palestinian land. The whole piece of land, blue and green were colonised and ruled by the British. They carved out the blue part for the Israelis and transported the surviving Jews from the holocaust in Europe to this land. See how the European Jews were given a piece of Arab/Palestinian land to form a state called Israel? See how the Palestinians were broken up and not able to form a state?


After the 6 Days War in 1967, the Israelis expanded their territories at the expense of Palestinian land. Only two parcels of the land were left for the Palestinians, Gaza and West Bank.

Today, the Israelis settlers moved into West Bank and occupied many parts of it and the Palestinians were left in separate clusters all over West Bank. The other part of Palestinian land left was Gaza, the target of Israelis aerial bombings these few days. Gaza is the tiny strip of green on the left.

How could the Palestinian form a country when they were broken up in pieces in their homeland with most of the land now occupied by Israel. Anyone helping the Palestinians to regain their lost land?

Yes, the kind Americans, now protecting the Israelis in their bombing of Gaza. And with each year passing, the land of the Palestinians gets smaller and smaller, with the Americans' blessing. And the Arabs still believe the Americans are fair and just and would help them and the Palestinians in getting their land back.

So pathetic, so silly. How could the British and Americans broke up the land into separate bits for the Palestinians to build a country? What was their intent and agenda in 1948? What fricking idea was that? It was meant to fail from the start.

See how evil and mischievous were the British and Americans against the Arabs/Muslims, specifically the Palestinians? From the start, the Palestinians were scattered in different parts of their land and could not possibly form a country. They were set up to be gobbled up by the Israelis over time when the latter grew in strength. What happened to them today is the result that was conceived by the British and Americans in 1948, a crime against the Palestinians, the Muslims and the Arabs.

The genocide of the Palestinians is real and on going, compares to the farcical fabricated genocide in Xinjiang cooked up by the AngloSaxons that no one would believe is happening.


  1. UNITED NATIONS: The United States on Monday (May 17) blocked - for the third time in a week - the adoption of a joint UN Security Council statement calling for a halt to Israeli-Palestinian violence, triggering a new emergency closed-door session set for Tuesday.

    The text drafted by China, Tunisia and Norway was submitted late Sunday for approval Monday by the council's 15 members, as Israeli jets continued to pound the Gaza Strip and the death toll from a week of violence passed 200.

  2. Many had been saying that the USA is the bitch of Israel. How this came about I don't know. The USA is paying monetary tribute to Israel every year and making some poor USA citizens angry, especially when Israel is not a poor country.

    On a separate note there is now a movement in Europe and USA claiming that the COVID19 virus was a plan hatched by the Ruling and Financial elites to reduce global population, so that they can control everything after it is over. China, one of the most populous country, was supposed to go down first, but it failed at the first step. Now India, second in population numbers globally, seems to be suffering the collateral damage. The MSM and the elites claim that all this a conspiracy theory and false and tried to discredit the rise of the movement.

    It does not surprise me that people are not believing in what the Western MSM are reporting now, after all the lies they trotted out over the decades, like the Iraq War. Why should they now believe MSM, USA, UK and their equally untrustworthy allies? That movement is the result of information coming out of social media that is obviously doing a good job of countering the fake news from MSM controlled by Governments. In fact Twitter and Facebook have even resorted to censoring the spread of the movement, no doubt coerced by the ruling and powerful elites.

    Western Governments are seriously worried that the movement is gathering pace. Who will win the hearts and minds of the global community is still to be seen. It will be a slap on the face of those who are still dead set on sticking to the Wuhan theory.

  3. It used to be going to the MSM for the truth.

    Today if you want to know the truth, go to social media and alternate media.

    As someone said, when you control the media, it will sink into the drain with all the untruths being published. Most MSM are already down the drain for obvious reasons.

    At least in the social media there are genuine news being published.

  4. If they have taken down China with Covid, 1.4b people would be taken out as the survivals would be ostracised and lockdown by the rest of the world.

    And if they take down India as well, that would be another 1.3b. Between China and India, 1/3 of the world's population would be taken out.

    While the evil men planned for this, they failed to take out the Chinese. But chapter 2, taking out the Indians is progressing smoothly. What they did not plan for, is the taking out of America and Europe. These two plus Brazil would fill in the gap for the missing Chinese population. So the final number would still be the same, nearly 1/3 of the world's population would be taken out.

    The depopulation of the world would still be successful.

  5. I still cannot believe that Trump was so confident that the Virus would not harm the USA when China was fighting it's battle. This should make right thinking people to ask how did he came to this conclusion so early during the outbreak.

    Only when it began to spread rapidly in the USA and the West did he changed his tune and probably produced that 'supposedly private interview' that 'leaked' out claiming that he took it lightly in order not to cause alarm among the USA population. How believable is that change of tune when more than 580,000 in the USA have now lost their lives so far? And he goes into the sunset without suffering any bit of conscience and still is thinking of coming back.

  6. How To Guard Oneself Against Falsehood In The World Of Propaganda - Part 1

    I go for the main government mouth-piece of any country for the half truths because I know that all government mouth-piece are their advertising bill-boards, their propaganda machines. So, I will never take their words at face value. As I read them, I sieve out the truths from the half-truths, and the half-truths from the lies and vice versa.

    I go to non-government, private and commercial news outlets for their news but always keep in mind that these news outlets are profit-driven. That means I have to be careful about my emotions. I must not allow myself to be dragged in by the sensationalisation of the news reporting and news reporters/readers.

    I go to the social media for the opinions, views, critical comments and the facts in order to give myself a huge reservoir of data, information and knowledge, so that I will be able to identify, discern, distinguish, differentiate and interpret what is truth and what is untruth, or half-truths from the mass of information and disinformation out there in the cyberspace.

    And I often go to Google and Wikipedia, and other search engines to find historical facts in order to verify what I have read.

    I call the whole process: The Intelligence Cycle, which can be broken down into clear distinct stages for ease of understanding (usually there is no distinct stages in the brain - everything happens intuitively in a haphazard manner), as follows:

    1. Collection.
    2. Collation.
    3. Processing.
    4. Analysis.
    5. Interpretation.
    6. Options.
    7. Conclusion.

    To continue....

  7. The only country that can really bully and threaten the USA is Israel. Just look at how Netanyahu handled Trump, treating Trump like a small brother.

    Actually this is the case as the USA is a state of Israel. Israel is the boss.

  8. All USA Presidents are mascots of Wall Street. Obama has been called the 'black' mascot of Wall Street. Who controls all the the big banks and business on Wall Street and who are the biggest campaign contributors of aspiring US Presidential candidates? The Jews of course.

    They always say, the Jews control the USA. How true!

  9. The West especially UK and US first response was Israel deserved the right to defend itself without weighing who started the fight.

    Its as good enough as licence for Israel to carry on killing. Even the UN Security Council trying to convene an urgent meeting on the conflict has been vetoed by the US, the great hypocrite always seems to be fighting for China's muslim Ughurs.
