
Genocide, discrimination and slavery of the Palestinians

 The plight of the Palestinians, since the British and Americans carved out their land for the European Jews in 1948, is worse than genocide. Their land were stolen from them, they were under lockdown in their own country, now left only in small pockets and a stretch called Gaza Strip, the rest occupied by the aggressive Jewish intruders/invaders. They are like prisoners in their own land, cannot communicate or trade with the rest of the world. Their lives are like living hell.

Where were the Americans and AngloSaxon do gooders coming to their aid, telling the whole world about their tragic existence and wanting to free them from being interned as slaves, unemployed, unable to feed themselves, in their own homeland?

Not only the Americans and the AngloSaxons did not come to defend them, both were party to their enslavement by the Jews.

Hypocrisy is to lame a term to describe the evil Americans, the Brits and other white countries in condemning the Palestinians to their concentration camp which was their homeland.

Listen to this 13 min video on how sad is the life of the Palestinians, under the domination and control of the white men and the Jews. 

Where are the bleeding hearts Americans and Brits and white men that were crying day and night about 'genocide and child labour' in Xinjiang? If there is a God, these evil and hypocritical white men must be condemned to the sea of fire.

When are the evil white men going to save the Palestinians, the Muslims, the Arabs they have abandoned to generations of oppression, aggression, poverty and genocide?

Watch Krystall Ball, the female presenter, trying to explain the historical events and Palestinian rights to their land and how she was brushed off by the Indian American Saagar Enjeti who tried to wriggle away by saying it was too complicated so no need to understand. You can see that she was offended by his nonchalance as it does not affect him and he simple did not care, did not want to know, did not bother to know, too complicated. He looked so bored, so uninterested in the rights of the Palestinians.


  1. Not only not really helping, the USA is stoking the conflict by replenishing arms to Israel. What the USA wants is a perpetual war between Israel and Hamas, so that they can continue to sell more weapons to Israel.

    To rub salt into wounds, the USA is also said to be offering aid to the Palestinians to rebuild what had been destroyed by the Israelis. This is their sick agenda all through the decades, a double headed snake.

    The USA had been doing double headed snaky business decades ago with Iraq and Iran, selling arms to support one side, then turning around to support the other side with similar arms sales. Where they cannot create conflicts between countries, they resort to creating terrorist groups like ISIS in Iraq and Syria to stoke conflict. Many troubled spots were the creation of the USA and the UK. That is how evil and vile the USA and UK are.

  2. On 17 May, 57 year old Chinese Ambassador, Du Wei, died in his residence in Israel.

    Who killed him? Israel said he died of natural causes.

  3. If majority hit minority in a public place, it's quickly and widely framed as a racial hate crime.

    If minority beat majority to a pulp in a public place, it's dismissed as a public nuisance case.

  4. Controlled by minority, double standards abound.
