
Fox News and low IQ Fox News viewers according to Rupert Murdoch


'I started Fox News to get rich.  When we got sued, our lawyers made it very clear we are not journalists. We are entertainers...We wrap lies as opinion and that formula retains viewers and it's very profitable.'

'We created a fake story that "Biden stole the elections" to keep our low IQ viewers returning everyday. It worked.'


  1. Seems like those are not direct quote from Rupert Murdoch:


  2. 'Low IQ viewers', very apt description. And they always came back for more sensational news. In the same nest is Sky News Australia, also owned by Murdoch. Who believes MSM nowadays?

    Little wonder SPH is unloading it's States Times. It is a liability nowadays.

  3. Ya, 'States Times' even with it's monopolistic status for decades is not able to survive.

  4. People in UK, Australia and India are busy digging deep holes in the ground as the BBC, Sky News Australia and Indian news sites warned of a 21 ton rocket, that sent up the Chinese Core Module pf their Space Station, comes crashing back to earth, out of control, on May, 10th.

    This must be the only one of thousands of rockets sending up satellites from earth, returning and going to hit someone on earth. One of more than six billion people will get hit!

    Strange that it must be a Chinese rocket. All other rockets that went up were all under 'controlled landing' and none burned up during reentry. What has all the talk about space debris burning up upon entering earth's atmosphere and now only this big Chinese rocket will not.

    We must thank the BBC, Sky News Australia and the Indians for bringing this sensational news to our knowledge. They open our eyes wider to their sinister agenda.

  5. Latest news reported the Chinese rocket that sent up the Chinese Space Station Core Module splashed into the Indian Ocean near the Maldives. None of the more than six billion earth inhabitants were hurt.

    The Brits, Australians and Indians can now safely exit from their underground burrows.

    What is their MSM next spin I wonder?

    1. When that Skylab spent rocket returned, they cheered as presenting a spectacular lightshow. But when it's China's, the West media pitched it as coming armeggadeon.

      NASA even chided China as irresponsible when a hugh chunk of their own debris fell on someone's backyard while China's into the Indian Ocean

  6. They would claim millions of Indian fish died of shock and asking China for compensation.

  7. OMG, animal rights group would now bring the case of the Indian fish that died of shock to the Animal Court of Justice (actually should be the Kangaroo Court of Justice) for compensation.

    In this case, maybe the BBC or Sky News Australia or WION of India could take the lead by spreading the news widely to garner support.

  8. Old man Rupert is the scum of all scums.Absolutely no integrity.Same for all the news people who work him. His TV hosts are the most obnoxious, qarrelsome
    bunch who thrive on fake news and lies. Just watch their sycophantic support for Trump and toxic lies about China. Lately even pushing for Oz to go to war on China.
