
Canadian genocide - Remains of 215 children found at former indigenous school site in Canada

The remains of 215 children, some as young as three years old, were found at the site of a former residential school for indigenous children.

The children were students at the Kamloops Indian Residential School in British Columbia that closed in 1978, according to the Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc Nation, which said the remains were found with the help of a ground penetrating radar specialist.

"We had a knowing in our community that we were able to verify," Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc Chief Rosanne Casimir said in a statement. "At this time, we have more questions than answers."

Canada's residential school system, which forcibly separated indigenous children from their families, constituted "cultural genocide," a six-year investigation into the now-defunct system found in 2015.

The report documented horrific physical abuse, rape, malnutrition and other atrocities suffered by many of the 150,000 children who attended the schools, typically run by Christian churches on behalf of Ottawa from the 1840s to the 1990s.

It found more than 4,100 children died while attending residential school. The deaths of the 215 children buried in the grounds of what was once Canada's largest residential school are believed to not have been included in that figure and appear to have been undocumented until the discovery. 


PS. I have another 2 pieces from Anonymous and one from Queen of Hearts to post in the following week.


  1. The Canadian Government, the Church and the Natives of Canada are said to be attempting to bring together a closer relationship, hoping perhaps to put this 'genocide' away and forgotten.

    At least there is acceptance by the Canadian Government that such a 'genocide' act did happen. Will the Red Indians of USA be able to say there was 'genocide' committed by the Whites against their ancestors centuries ago? What about the Aborigines in Australia?

    The world should not let these thieves and murderers be forgiven and their acts be forgotten. Let not the perpetrators and their mouthpieces, the MSM, attempt to hide the ugly truth. There is now social media to dig them out.

  2. The white devils are shedding crocodile tears. This is their modus operandi, killed and wiped out their victims and hoped no one knows about it. Don't talk about it, don't report, but keep accusing others of crimes and genocides.

    And when found out, pretend to be sorry, just apologise and treat it as water under the bridge. It is over, history. It's the end of the story. They ended up with the land and assets of their victims.

  3. As Putin said correctly, those that did it will accuse others of doing it. Hence the accusation of genocide in Xinjiang.

    Thankfully, so many videos posted by so many good and truth loving people, including Caucasians on social media, have countered the lies, showing the real situation in Xinjiang.

    Those Uyghurs in Xinjiang that were in re-education camps were radical Muslims that were trying to commit terrorism in Xinjiang to destabilise China. They are not innocent children forced into concentration camps and cruelly indoctrinated.

  4. The Church and the Vatican were the most evil establishments of the West. They were the main instruments and authority in the colonisation of the war and the massacres and genocides of natives of their invaded countries.

    This blood debt has yet to be paid, the sins of the Church and the Vatican must not be forgotten. No amount of lies and white washing can cleanse the Church and the Vaticans from their crimes against humanity.

    Today they preach peace, look so calm, peaceful, serene, innocent, caring, forgiving, godly, did not want to acknowledge their evil past. Their victims did not have a chance to forgive them and would not forgive them.

  5. Religion, in this context, is a tool formulated and invented by the Whites to control the minds of the ignorant and easily manipulated Natives and less aware human beings.

    That the White religion failed to convert China and India, two ancient civilisations, with deep heritage roots, despite vigorous attempts at evangelism over the centuries, lends credence to the fact that those who were more sensible thinking will not fall easily to the trick of buying a simpler, shorter and faster way to heaven.

    Now that this is not working, what else but brute force, nefarious actions and blatant propaganda is the way to achieve control of others by hook or by crook. Imagine using US$300 million a year to target one country alone. How pathetic!

  6. The Devil kills and destroy. Lying is his first quality and best skill of all skills. Deception is his trade of all trades. Sexual perversion is his disease and he spreads it like wildfire. He makes himself the most wealthy Evil "man" on Earth.

  7. Singapore has been transformed into a sanctuary for the Rich, Filthy Rich, to park their money and keep safe their wealth and immediate families.

    The filthy rich are the followers of the Devil.

    The sexually perverts are the followers of the Devil.

    The mentally traitorous are the disciples of the Devil.

    Those skilled in deception are the disciples of the Devil.

    Those who kill and destroy are the armies of the Devil.

  8. Singapore has become The Israel of the East, engineered by the British just like what it has done in the Middle East - the creation of Israel by dissecting Palestine.

  9. what to do then ?

  10. Canada is a stooge of USA and an appendage of UK, just like Singapore and Australia and New Zealand.

  11. which of these countries are more important to uncle sam - japan, south korea, "little red dot" ?

    Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the military personnel who have died in the performance of their military duties while serving in the United States Armed Forces. The holiday is observed on the last Monday of May. Memorial Day is also considered the unofficial start of summer in the United States, while Labor Day, the first Monday of September, marks the unofficial start of autumn.

  12. This brief message from Shad Salleh speaks for all Singaporeans who care.

    From TRE:

    Think for yourself!

    First you refused to lock our borders until the first COVID case happened which led to 31 deaths.

    Later you exercised your measures which were successful only because citizens like us cared for our nation and wanted everyone to be safe.

    It worked because we are a united small country.

    We have good thoughts for the neighbours next door and people along the street as much as we have for our families.

    As things looked rosy…our progress halted today!

    Knowing full blown new COVID variant cases in India reported at alarming rate by hundreds of thousands with thousands of death occurring everyday….

    …you did the unthinkable which any 12 year old can give immediate definite solution to it.

    Honestly, your wait and see attitude isn’t what we can afford for this pandemic.

    What I don’t understand, you didn’t learn from your past mistake.

    Expecting us not to be complacent and I personally have this advise for you…

    It is you who have been complacent.

    Just look at today.

    Don’t blame us!

    It could have been PREVENTED!

    YOU destroyed everything we’ve worked for.

    Shad Salleh

  13. Well said, Shad.

    Singaporeans should be very angry. We were disciplined but let the reckless and irresponsible and careless to bring in their deadly variants to destroy what we were trying so hard to prevent.

  14. The LHL Administrators (they are not leaders or ministers but over-paid administrators) have failed Singaporeans miserably. He must step down now for the good of everyone of us, as well as for PAP and the country.

  15. The COVID-19 is rampaging in Singapore and he got the time to go to court to sue a common citizen because the citizen put a link of another website in his post! In order to make himself richer by about $600,000 under the excuse of being defamed???

    What kind of a leader is that?!

  16. Build and build Terminal 5 and the stupid looking Jewel. Now become a BIG WHITE ELEPHANT! Citizens advised him not to build. He did not listen because he wants glory and good name for his own legacy.

    Citizens cried out load every day telling him to close the border. All his over-paid Administrative Assistants (not leaders and not ministers) keep giving all sorts of crap excuses that border cannot close.

    But should at least close the airport for flights from India, Nepal, and Bangladesh for two weeks or one month.

    What is the real reason for not doing so?

    Most probably it is the Wifey who wanted it open because of Temasek. Everything because of Temasek, isn't it? I bet it is.

  17. During the past few months, when MOH was reporting daily imported COVID-19 cases ranging from 15 to 50, many from India, we were complaining almost daily that the import of these risky migrant workers cater only to the narrow interests of business people at the expense of the rest of Singaporean society.
