
Wildlife will attack when hungry


Pic from Yahoo News showing a hornbill eating a pet song bird from a cage. The owner, typical unthinking Singaporeans, think everything is safe in Singapore. Wildlife also very safe, very nice.

'Others were more sympathetic, asking the public not to blame the hornbill as it was just looking for food to survive. (Wait till the wildlife break into your homes and look for food when they are hungry)

One Facebook user urged Singaporeans to stop criticising the videographer, saying it was the bird owner’s responsibility to keep their pets safe.

“It is important that people understand hornbills can do this,” wrote the user.

“That’s the law of nature, in the estate I lived in, hornbills typically pick young chicks off their nest, if one were to intervene, the hornbill may go hungry and die of starvation,” a second comment read.

“We basically destroyed their house the place where they can find food. Now they seem to be desperate. Still say they have plenty of food? Think again,” another said.

In densely populated Singapore, hornbills live wild and free and have made headlines in recent years, according to the National Parks Board.'


The above is quoted from an article in Yahoo News. Wildlife were welcome into this dense little habitat called home by many Singaporeans. They fed them, love them, talked affectionately about them, want to hug them, want to bring them home. Even cut down trees to build more homes for them.  But they never thought about the consequences when there are too many of them and when they are hungry. People living near wildlife please don't take your safety for granted, your possession would be taken from you by the wildlife when they are hungry.

The imbeciles still want to bring in more wildlife, unlimited wildlife to be neighbours of little caged birds that are used to the safety of four walls. They think the walls are strong and wildlife are unable to break in. When they are not around, especially away working, their homes and possessions are at the mercy of wildlife that are lurking around the corners or living next door.

Stupidity has no cure and will never be cured. You die your business.


Resident Veron Tan told CNA she saw the otters at about 4pm, adding that they ate about "80 to 90 per cent" of the fish living in a pond. They also swam in the condominium's pool, she said.

"Twelve otters terrorised my condo today. They ate up pretty much most of the fish we had. Depressing. We feed the fish every weekend," said Ms Tan. CNA


  1. Woah, be very scared and afraid what an animal wildlife can do to it's own kind, can't imagine what a human wildlife will do to its own species when their livelihoods r threatened...most probably rob, steal, kill, rape, cheat, lie, scam, or even pretend pretend to be nice then slaughter u bit by bit or...dunno wat will do ...

  2. I think a prime minister of a country should be on a two-term basis with 4 years each. He can leave office after end of 1st term depending on his performance. And the people should have their say on whether he should continue another term or be removed. Voting or referendum by the peoples, be held to select a pm.

  3. Heng quit. Putu excited?

  4. Holy shit, Goldfish eaten by wildlife too?

    1. No lah, he still alive mah only step aside (aka resign from Dui Pui Am ~ a puppet role), he made a narrow escape from the Hornbill but will meet again in the next erection before he show hand like Georgie, he might be hubris by then.

  5. India is watching . .

  6. Last 3 PMs are all tall guys - LKY, GCT, Loong. So the next PM should be a tall guy. This rules out the short ones like Chan, Desmond, Lawrence, etc !

  7. Cotton Chan for PM????? God help us !!!! He is like a school boy still in short pants. How can he stand alongside the true leaders of Foreign countries? Beside the leaders of other countries Chan will be mistaken for the teaboy.

  8. With Heng Swee Kiat stepping aside to nurture his own wounds, in the interests of Singapore, who will be selected to nurture Singapore in the interests of himself or herself?

  9. Goldfish read about the 80 to 90% of fishes in a pond eaten by otters and is afraid.

    Jokes aside, I think it has more to do with his falling grades. As the aspiring seat warmer, he should be standing in the next election, but if he cannot guarantee a good result or even a win, that is going to be the mother of all shocks. That is a risk he cannot take with his heart not in top shape.

    Further, was he under pressure for the above reasons to exit gracefully, as they call it, so that they can take it from there, rather than wait until after the next GE when he is voted out?

  10. If Putu Mayam becomes seat warner, better take out most of your money from DBS and POSB, otherwise you may never know when it will move to India to help prop up their failing banks.

    Now, the world's biggest Indian vaccine manufacturer is also in dire financial straits and asking the Indian Government for aid, to the tune of about US$400 million, (if I remember correctly). With exports curbed, they are financially squeezed by the Modi Government and need bailing out as well.

    Will it work and does the Modi Government have that kind of money to spare?
