
Redress Of Injustice

Redress of injustice can come in several ways. Not necessarily by the way of the legalistic courts through fallible human judges who are imperfect beans subjected to all sorts of natural and unnatural influencing factors and sectors.

Humans are the most emotionally unstable creatures on Mother Earth. A judge's thinking, interpretation of the laws and decisions can easily be influenced by countless factors and sectors. No one can claim that he is perfect under any circumstances. No one should even dare to think that he is perfect in anyway, in anything, in any subject.

No one is an actual expert as far as the laws of man are concerned. Why? Very simply put, it is because the man-made laws are made by imperfect human beings and interpreted and applied by imperfect human beings!

Man-made laws, like man-made languages, are evolving all the time. What was considered right yesterday can be considered wrong today. What is considered right today might be considered wrong tomorrow. It all depends on changing circumstances and changing environments, from country to country.

Personalities also play a very substantial part in the interpretation and application of man-made laws. No one person in the world can claim that he is always fair, unbias, non-corrupt, non-influenciable, totally upright and completely fair in all situations, under all circumstances.

A strong and steady character differs widely and significantly from a weak and meek character. An appointed position differs widely and significantly from a self-made and elected position.

Especially in any case involving high-powered dignitaries verses commoners, whether perceived or real, there is a strong tendency for the public to scrutinise the judge (or judges) and his (or their) judgement more closely and in depth, more inclined towards thinking that undue behind the scenes influences directly or indirectly could have been the devil in the works of deliverance.

Especially so, when records show distinctly that out of 10 cases involving high-powered personalities, at least 8 resulted in favour of the high-powered personnel, then the whole legal system and process is automatically called into question by the educated and learned discerning public. A 50/50 probability would be more palatable. A 80% tilt towards one side, any side, of the scale of justice cannot and must not be so easily accepted and swallowed, and happily pat one another's back and move on. If it does and carries on for a long time, frictions will accumulate, until one final day it will explode for sure. This kind of ostrich mentality cannot and must not be condoned for the good of our nation and the future of our people.

Yes, justice is blind. But the problem is that judges are not blind!

Therefore, redress of injustice must also come from the following ways:

1. Divine Intervention.

2. Natural Justice.

3. Court of Public Opinions.

SSO - 21 April 2021, Wednesday.


  1. Actually in this mundane world there isn't any justice or impartial judges, only the Universal Law of Cause & Effect or Karma exists through this Universe.

  2. All judges are human beings. Human beings are always subject to their own innate idiosyncrasies. Therefore, there's no such thing as unbias or impartial judges and unbias or impartial judgements.

  3. With Power, one can invoke justice. With Money, one can pervert justice.

    One example was the case of the repairman in NKF golden tap case, who revealed the truth, but got overwhelmed by wealth. And when SPH took up the issue later, NKF tried to sue, but SPH had deeper pockets and higher connections and they lost.

    With Power, well the sky is the limit in invoking justice.

    As Anon 9.34 said, the only justice comes from the workings of Karma. No matter how powerful, how wealthy, no one escapes from the workings of Cause and Effect.

  4. If Karma is truly applicable, then Evil will forever rule the human realm. Why?

    Because the evil and corrupted ones dare to kill and cheat, while the good and meek ones tend to abstain from killing and cheating. Therefore, in the final analysis, all the good and meek ones will be cheated and killed by the evil and corrupted ones.

    1. // ..Because the evil and corrupted ones dare to kill and cheat, while the good and meek ones tend to abstain from killing and cheating. Therefore, in the final analysis, all the good and meek ones will be cheated and killed by the evil and corrupted ones.//

      If the above statement holds true, then China & Russia would not stand a chance to beat the evil ones Empires up. And the Japs will never get it's own retribution even if they dump all the nuclear wastes into the sea. The Universal law of Cause & Effect sometimes takes a little longer to see it into fruition, it might not be immediate but few generations down the road it will definitely come into fruition or effect.

  5. That means those who believe in karma will be destroyed by those who don't.

    1. No lah, in fact a Karma believer will preempt the effect from happening it again. Look at China, it's getting stronger and stronger thru the lessons learned from the past.No lah, in fact a Karma believer will preempt the effect from happening it again. Look at China, it's getting stronger and stronger thru the lessons learned from the past.

    2. Not to worry Virgo, in time to come China will teach the whites aggressors a lesson that they would not forget, the last meeting at Atlaska was just only the beginning. Even the Bible has this phrase like~don't do unto others if u don't want other do unto u (also a Karma of some sort), to do this phrase the white till now still dun wanna know.

  6. Not wo worry Virgo. The effect is not for us to suffer. If self consolation is going to save them, let them be. No point arguing further.
