
Afghanistan - 20 years of butchery of tribesmen under the pretext of 911

WASHINGTON: President Joe Biden announced on Wednesday (Apr 14) it's "time to end" America's longest war with the unconditional withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan, where they have spent two decades in a bloody, increasingly futile battle against the Taliban.

Dubbed the "forever war", the US military onslaught in Afghanistan began in response to the Sep 11, 2001 attacks against the United States.

Now, 20 years later - after almost 2,400 US military and tens of thousands of Afghan deaths - Biden named Sep 11 as the deadline by which the last US soldiers will have finally departed. The pullout will begin on May 1.  AFP

Using the pretext of 911, accusing the poor tribesmen of Afghanistan of involvement in a false flag attack on World Trade Centre, the Americans invaded Afghanistan and stay there for 20 years, killing and murdering the tribesmen daily.  'A decade ago, the United States had about 100,000 troops in Afghanistan.' Thousands of innocent Afghans, fathers and mothers, children, babies and women, were slaughtered daily by the Americans till today and still going on, 20 long dreadful years after their self inflicted bombing of the twin towers. No one dares to condemn this barbarism.

The 911 bombings had nothing to do with the Afghans, nothing to do with the Talibans.  These tribesmen living in the desolated mountains of Afghanistan were never a threat to the USA.  Many did not know anything about the USA. But they were convenient victims of the American butchers.  The Americans were using them for training, to experiment and test their weapons of mass destruction, to expend their obsolete weapons so that they could acquire more new and deadly weapons.

Where is the condemnation from the so called evil no conscience western media for war crimes and crimes against these hapless tribesmen of Afghanistan? They have no means to travel to the USA to pose a threat to the white supremacists.  They have better things to do than to want to attack a country they have never heard of and did not no where.

The world, the UN, must condemn the unilateral invasion of Afghanistan by the evil white men and the killings and destruction of their country.  They must be made to pay for war crimes and compensation to the Afghan people and charge for these crimes against humanity. By the way, the Afghans and Talibans are Muslims, the religion the whites hate most. Forget about the farce of speaking for the Muslims in Xinjiang, another hoax, another fabricated lies to serve the interest of the white warmongers, to instigate the Muslims against China.

Where are the crocodile tears? Where are those whites that were standing on high moral grounds? The Afghans and Talibans are also people that have a right to live, to live in peace, to bring up children and to look after their old folks.

"A horrific attack 20 years ago ... cannot explain why we should remain there in 2021," he said. "It's time to end the forever war."  Biden

It can be explained. The Americans just need wars, unending wars, to support their war industries. When the Americans start a war, it is meant to last for as long as possible. They made the invaded countries pay for their expenses, soldiers and weapons expended in the wars. They made Americans pay for all the soldiers, military bases, military weapons and weapons of mass destruction, biological and chemical weapons and labs by creating imaginary enemies or making enemies of other countries to justify a never ending and increasing budget. And a bonus if they have oil or gold in their banks.

War is business, big business, the biggest contributor to the American economies.  Now they are forcing their semi colonies, allies and cronies to pay for the stationing of troops and weapons in the respective countries. The Americans are the world's number one gangsters, the world's number one terrorists, the world' number one warmongers.

Spending 20 years to kill Afghan tribesmen that have nothing to do with the lives of Americans and exploiting and destroying the lives of Arabs and Muslims using lies, fabricated lies. What did the world say, what did the UN say about these crimes against humanity?


  1. Was Osama bin Laden the real mastermind of 911? Such a plot could hardly be made by Osama, hiding in a cave in Afghanistan. How did he planned such an elaborate scheme while trying to avoid detection of his hiding place, ostensibly without being able to use modern communication lines with outsiders in the recruitment and training of pilots and the funding matter.

    And, believe it or not, all these happenings escaped the attention of the most sophisticated monitoring and spying establishment in the world, when they were intently listening and trying to establish his whereabouts via his communication lines?

    Further, it happened on the day the USA was said to be conducting a military excercise that they claimed grounded all their fighter jets, leaving the airspace conveniently open to those hijacked planes to attack their targets. How did the so called terrorist know so much about this opportunistic moment to launch the attack?

    Many still believe 911 was an inside job, to kickstart the invasion of Afghanistan, planned with Israel's expertise, funded by the Saudis and sanctioned by you know who. I an sure decades down the line, when they declassified documents, the truth will be revealed. By then they hope all will be just foggy memories and be forgotten, like the genocide of the Native Indians, their use of biological weapons in Korea and Vietnam and the killings of millions of innocents women and children in wars they created and sanctions they imposed.

  2. Along the coast of California lies an abandoned Nuclear Power Plant, just on a beach, complete with piles of nuclear waste stored in drums. This plant sits right on top of a fault line. When the next big quake hits California, it will be Fukushima all over again.

    The long awaited big one that will hit California is going to lead to the collapse of most of the old dams, bridges and highways, not to mention how many nuclear power plants will be destroyed but creating a nuclear holocaust.

    There is no way of preventing the next big quake. Praying does not help either. And it will be unlike previous quakes when nuclear power plants were practically non existent.

  3. Now also talking about a third COVID19 dose after one year. Looks like it is going to be a endless shifting of goalposts, clearing the way to the banks indefinitely for big Pharma. Because the COVID19 is here to stay, looking at what is happening in India, Brazil and EU.

    Those thinking of big money in the works and entering the race will be no match for the propaganda machine.

  4. LNG avoids China hit as exports set fresh record
    Angela Macdonald-Smith
    Apr 16, 2021 – 10.52am

    Australian LNG exports hit a monthly record in March and export revenues surged as several projects upped their performance and took advantage of stronger prices and demand that has continued apace, led by China.


  5. What a stupid lie. With China not importing LNG from Australia, who else could replace China to buy more than China, especially when all the economies were hit by Covid19 and slowing down?

    This white lie also dares to put out.

    China is cutting all imports from Australia, including LNG.

  6. Cheap fake news. Higher LNG prices some more! Wow, wow, Australian economy booming, booming, booming, bust.

    Trade delegations begging to go to China to reset relations but all turned down. So desperate. If revenue is so good, no need to go crawling to China to beg for business lah.

    They think this is 19th Century can still lie about what is happening in Australia and nobody knows the truth. In this information age, everything is know by every corner of the earth.

    Which economy is booming and buying more commodities to fuel its economy?

  7. Did they say export to who? What projects upped their performance? Lying also must have basis.

    Right, if Australian economy is so good, why is there a need for Oz to ask the USA to intervene in talking to China a while back not to target Australian food etc.

  8. They need to burn away all the spoilt produce returned from China after China refused to accept them. So need to use more LNG.

  9. China's first quarter GDP grew by 18.3% yoy. The fastest pace ever recorded in 3 decades.

  10. Now I know why Australia's LNG business has surged. It is due to the hot air balloon projects. They use LNG burners to inflate their hot air balloons. Notice lately they have been sending hot air balloons everywhere, with some landing on RB's blog.

  11. RB, the 3 links coming in after 11 pm seems to be from Australia's spy agency.

  12. Morning 4:45am. You are absolutely right.

    Since Matilah Singapura exposed himself as working for the Australian intelligence, I have booted him out of this blog. He is lurking in the shadow, following this blog very closely and trying to sneak in whatever he could to try to change the narrative here.

    I have been deleting a lot of his sneaky works.

  13. That Australian sheep dog's cover is now exposed. Thinking it can sneak in unnoticed. But we can spot that dog from a mile away by his actions and agenda. Who else would want to sneak in like this in the middle of the night? He thinks RB will open at least a small little hole for dogs to sneak in and out. Not so fast doggy!

  14. Obsolete fighter planes aside, there are now more problems discovered in Boeing's 737MAX plane's electrical system. Boeing is toast. I wonder how much longer they can mothball those 737MaX planes and what kind of compensation to those airlines is being envisaged.

    The only saving grace is that the COVID19 has forced those planes out of service in any case. Maybe for good.

  15. I also know Putin is a confirmed 'killer' in the USA list of wanted people. LOL

    But Biden still wanted to meet Putin to talk peace. But not before slapping Putin with more sanctions to show Putin who is the boss as they did to China before Alaska.

    Does not sound and act like a man wanting to talk peace.

    Would Putin trust a man who is untrustworthy?
