
UN - How ridiculous can it be?

By Michelle Nichols

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The United Nations said on Thursday it is "now abundantly clear to all" that Eritrean troops are operating throughout Ethiopia's northern Tigray region and "well-corroborated" reports suggest they are responsible for atrocities.

"Eritrean Defence Forces must leave Ethiopia, and they must not be enabled or permitted to continue their campaign of destruction before they do so," U.N. aid chief Mark Lowcock told the U.N. Security Council according to remarks seen by Reuters.

The UN in the above remarks is telling the Eritrean troops to leave Ethiopia. What about Americans in Iraq after being proven that they lied about WMD and murdered its President, Saddam Hussein, and continue to stay there killing more Iraqis and destroying the country.  Why didn't the UN tell the Americans to leave Iraq?

Why didn't the UN tell the Americans to leave Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and the surrounding African and Middle eastern states?

Why, why, why? 

The more the UN tries to admonish and tell the smaller countries of violations and infringements of human rights and cross border wars, the more ridiculous it looks when the elephant is still in the room. The American soldiers are all over the place conducting illegal wars of invasion under fabricated lies and false flag incidents, committing atrocities, war crimes and crimes against humanity.  And the UN kept mum, looked the other way, could not see anything and would not say anything.

This is how ridiculous and farcical the UN has become. The UN has become another big bully like the evil Americans, often as accomplices to the Americans especially in all the horrendous sanctions against nation states and impoverish their people to decades of hunger, deprivation and starvation.

Another ridiculous thing is to allow the world's number terrorist nation to build up a nuclear arsenal of 7000 nuclear warheads and still developing more deadly ones and supporting this evil Empire to attack North Korea and Iran for wanting to have a few pieces of nuclear weapons as a deterrent against the evil Empire.  What the hell is the UN thinking, that it is alright for the most belligerent and warmongering country, regularly threatening to nuke other countries to dictate who can have nuclear weapons and who cannot while it hoards thousands of them and ready to use against other countries?

The UN must pass a resolution to demand the evil Americans to destroy their nuclear arsenal, and all the nuclear powers as well. This world cannot afford to have nuclear weapons. Defintely not to let the evil American Empire have a monopoly of nuclear weapons to threaten other nations.

Wake up and do the right thing UN! Make it a mission to destroy all nuclear weapons, starting with the disarming of the evil American Empire.


Queen of Hearts said...

The United Nations comprises 193 members todate. It has a Security Council of five permanent members () and ten temporary members, elected for two-year terms.

The UN Chief and his staff are mere administrators and managers of this World Organisation. They do not have powers of their own to tell member States what to do. They act only on the collective directions, instructions and resolutions passed by the Security Council.

The present UN Chief seems to be over-active in exercising his role and responsibilities. He must have either taken too much unprescribed medication or given too much under-table money to act in the interests of certain shadowy powers.

Anonymous said...

These Singaporean investors think every country is like Singapore. China's property lease is very short and it has a central govt that does not want a property bubble.

Li Ka Shing also tried. But China has the bigger interest of its people at heart. Ask Robert Kuok for advice on investing in China.

India is lawlessness. See what is happening to DBS and watch how much they are going to lose. Investing in India is for people suffering from 'Stupidity has no cure' disease.

Queen of Hearts said...

Investment In Foreign Countries - Cautionary Tales

Singapore's richest property development and investment family invested $1.78 billion in a real estate company in China last year. The deal was said to be a real “game-changing” for the City Development Limited (CDL) in expanding its scope in China.

A year later, this game-changing has truly changed the mind-set of the top honchos in the CDL. Instead of the expected good results, this investment has become a tale of disappointment that warns other Singapore firms looking to invest in China to be more cauttious.

In this case of a beautiful dream turning into a nightmare, CDL revealed a S$1.78 billion write-off on the Chongqing-based Sincere Property Group that caused it to suffer a record annual loss in its entire history.

Likewise, the DBS-LVB merger fiasco in India should also warn Singapore investors to be very careful with dumping good money into failing banks and companies in India.

Likewise also, the Temasek Holidays' losses in investing in failing banks in the EU, UK and US are eye-openers to Singapore investors too.

Be cautious. Do your due diligence thoroughly. Never trust the foreign agents who do due diligence for you wholesale. Do your own homework as well!

Queen of Hearts said...

In every failed foreign investment, there is an insider who benefits from its failure.

Find out who this beneficiary is.

He/she is usually the one who is most influential in driving the final decision towards his/her own selfish hidden agenda.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Agree with your observation on someone benefitting from a big failure. This is one of two main reasons why the 'fools' would continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over again and profiting from it quietly.

The second reason is the stupidity has no cure disease, when they think they are the smartest and would be the exceptions. Others can fail, they would not, they are the exceptions.

DBS LVB is one good example of silly people thinking they are exceptionably clever but would be taken to the laundry.

Anonymous said...

When there are so many experts involved, so many rules involved, big failures do not happen so easily and so frequently.

Anonymous said...

Why? Because the UN is the USA and vice versa. How could it be different if one is a rubber stamp for the other?

In fact most countries of the UN have bloody hands and are complicit in atrocities committed by the USA through wars started by them using the UN rubber stamp.

Do not be mislead by the appointment of non Whites to head the UN. The control is still in the hands of the Whites.

I would say the UN has been abused and overused by the evil one and is an obsolete body today. The USA can do what it likes without the UN, but the UN cannot do what it likes without the USA.

SSO said...

More and more countries are suspending the use of the produced-in-India Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. Yet the WHO is still defending that vaccine. Why? Why? Why?

Somebody in WHO have been bought by the Indian big pharma?

Anonymous said...

All world bodies are working for the interest of the rich and powerful countries. This is a given.

Do not be mistaken that such world bodies are formed to look after the interest of small nations. Far from it. Such world bodies are vehicles to be used by the big and powerful to control the small and weak who will join as members, and being members of the gang, are thus constrained by rules not to act against the interest of the other members.

Who can and cannot have nuclear weapons is all dictated by the most powerful country, using the UN rubber stamp, which they control.

SSO said...

A large chunk of the UN's funding is from the US. Followed by Russia, China, UK, France and Japan.

If the US stops funding the UN, the UN is as good as dead, even though the other countries can still continue to do their part.

Therefore, the politics of survival in the UN is to always listen and obey the biggest paymaster. The other paymasters are also important but of secondary importance.

In addition, the UN's HQ is in the US. Therefore, the US can impose many restrictions and limitations upon the movements and security of the UN personnel and buildings.

Liar mafia chief Don Trump had imposed both financial as well as physical restrictions upon the UN during his 4 years of presidency. His aim was to bring the UN to its knees, begging the US for mercy.

Anonymous said...

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is working with her counterparts worldwide to forge an agreement on a global minimum tax on multinational corporations, as the White House looks for revenue to help pay for President Biden’s domestic agenda. - The Washington Post

Anonymous said...

Even as we talk about asking the UN to denuclearise the world, the UK is talking about stockpiling nuclear weapons.

The UN, even if it has the power to do that, it is also unable to ascertain if countries are hiding nuclear weapons in hidden places. That now obsolete treaty between the USA and Russia already had this problem of who is under-declaring and cheating on the other side.

It is too little too late to have any realistic goal of global denuclearisation.

Anonymous said...

And the white devils are still demanding that North Korea and Iran cannot have nuclear weapons or else....While they keep increasing their stockpile, for what? Not going to use them?