
Return of the diaspora - A personal experience


The early powerless China during the era of foreign invasion and under 毛泽东主席 was so poverty-stricken that there was no seeing of light at the end of the tunnel.  Chaos and starvation were rampant...  All that were left for the badly battered China was humiliation and a shattered country without money to pick up the pieces.  Impoverished Chinese set sail for the far horizons literally seeking for survival rather than fortunes.

I know this distressing dark chapter in history including the Japanese occupation of Singapore because they were passed down to me by my parents many times over.  I may be born many years later after these catastrophic events, it however did not give me a sense of ignorant to bypass such horrendous human cruelty.  The pages of precious story will forever ingrained in me till eternity.  The values instilled in me were strong foundations to build my self-confidence to able to appreciate and feel proud of my identity.  To many, it's strange that I have this weird yearning to search for my roots (寻根) and to study Chinese in China.  Perhaps it is wistful thinking but it remains my heart's greatest desire.

Having said that, I have completely failed to comprehend why there are so many Chinese desperately rushing to embrace and worship white foreigners by forsaking their ethnic identity.  They have lost their sense of identity and have no confidence about themselves.  Feel ashamed about their roots, not interested to know about their forefathers.  They cast away their Chinese name and proudly adopt Western or European names, dye their hairs and what else?...  I am not surprised they must be dying to expunge their DNA too.  I describe such group of people as shameless and pathetic 崇洋媚外 (chóng yáng mèi wài), 六亲不认 (liù qīn bù rèn), 数典忘祖 (shǔ diǎn wàng zǔ).

Many years back, when I chanced upon your blog, I was surprised to see your romanised Chinese name.  I thought this is a rarity when people generally are abandoning their own name and use alien name to boost their self-esteem.  It's so good to know that there are English speaking people out there like you and Southernglory1 who are feeling proud of their identities and share a keen interest in China.  I wish to thank you and Southernglory1 for the meaningful and well-articulated pieces.

The latest attack on China with the American mafia ganging up with his obeying no substance stooges cause me to think of the 八国联军 invasion of an unprepared China.  But they surely have gravely mistaken today's China..., no longer a hapless and helpless country to be trampled upon at will.  China is like a phoenix rises from the ashes, from strength to strength, constantly scaling new heights and is unquenchable.  The white gangsters are green with jealously, filled with rage and fear but unable to contain the super giant from soaring.  It's time for the dreamers to consign their rusty cannons to the scrapyard, save the previous space of the museum.

伟大的中国再接再厉吧,国外的华人同胞都在为您加油打气。衷心祝中国鹏程万里,前程似锦。(How I wish I could shout “我的祖国”, but it's not appropriate as I was not born in China.)


PS. This is the first post by Mingfeng, a Singaporean that has rediscovered and reconnected with her roots and the Chinese Civilisation. More and more of the diaspora would be reawakened to reconnect with their roots when they understand where they were originally from and would want to be a part of this ancient Civilisation again.  Redbean


  1. Oh, same name but different person. Much younger.

    1. Rb just to let you know that many of my friends cheers what the china team did in Alaska. Finally they did it.

  2. Hi Red Bean, just curious, but have you thought of migrating to China ?

  3. There is such a thing as shame in Asian values that are totally absent in Western values. Theirs is a shameless, unconscionable, selfish existence of insatiable greed. Theirs is a pillaging, stealing and killing mindset since the days of their ancestors. Even their religion is rooted in killings aka the crusade. What more can we expect?

    Eastern culture knows the meaning of shame. Those that had committed those same sins, are afraid to accuse others, for fear of having the skeletons in their own cupboards brought into play. Not the Whites. They are immune to shame.

    One analyst had this to say: When Indians or Japanese politicians talk to China they never bring up Xinjiang. India has it's own baggage of targeting Muslims and it's own caste system is a black mark. Japan has the same baggage carried down from WW2 of committing mass massacres in Asia. These two countries know these shameful episodes will be dug out to counter any accusations about Xinjiang.

    The Whites are different. They committed more heinous sins and are not afraid of being stigmatised by such actions. They even think it is a badge of honour. They think it is their privilege to accuse others while ignoring their own atrocities. That is a measure of their shameless barbaric culture.

    As many mentioned, what rests in their museums were mostly stolen artifacts from India, China and Middle East. What lands they now colonised were all stolen from Natives. If that is not grand theft, what is? But they have no sense of shame!

    1. Virgo this dude needed to be sodomized jialat jialat lar

  4. The land of USA, Canada, Ausstralia and New Zealand, Hawaii and many Pacific Islands belong to the natives, not to the white men. They robbed the land from the natives and massacred the natives, some to extinction, some near extinction.

    This is their badge of honour, or like Madeline Albright claiming that the death of 500,000 Iraqi children is worth it. This is how evil the white men and women are.

    Open your eyes to these evil tribesmen. Remove your blinkers and stop being blind to their crimes against humanity.

  5. Watch closely the agenda of the USA in Myanmar. They are eyeing Myanmar for their long wide border with China. They needed a war somewhere, somehow and desperately.

    China cannot be too involved in Myanmar, not with the anti-China idea planted in the minds of Myanmar citizens. But there is still Russia stepping in.

    For all we know, the unrest in Myanmar has the same fingerprint as Hong Kong. The devil has long arms.

  6. Biden is a warmonger. Proven beyond any reasonable doubt since the days of his VP in Obama's administration.

    At least Trump killed his own people with COVID19 and the world does not feel any loss, pain or ignite much sympathy. But Biden is out to relive his gory days. The world must be careful not to let him have the 'Badge of Grand Honour' by starting WW3 and ending mankind.

  7. Which army whacked the daylight out of the American combined forces in Korea?

    China just deployed its army, no air force, no navy, to fight the American combined forces of land, sea and air, plus 26 other armies and won!

    Remember that.

  8. No wars against foreign forces have ever been fought on USA soil, except in far away Hawaii.

    This global war, if it comes, will not leave the mainland USA unscathed. It will be ugly, however one sided, two sided or three sided it may be.
