
Genocide in Xinjiang or USA?

 Genocide is a very serious act of violence and oppression against a people. It involves not only the termination of a people from the surface of earth, but also their culture, language, religion and their way of life. The Americans genocided almost 100 million native Americans aka Red Indians in the 300 years of forced occupation of Indian land but today strutting around as the protectors of minorities and accusing China of genocide against the Uyghurs in Xinjiang, China. This is not counting the their scorched earth bombing of North Korea, Vietnam and the invasion of Iraq, Libya and many Arab and African states and the killings of hundreds of thousands of Arabs and Muslims. Then there were the many massacres in Australia of aborigines, Red Indians in Canada and many Africans in Africa.

Just look at the words in the American notes, all in English. Not a trace of the original native Americans. This is genocide of the Red Indians to wipe them off and any trace of their existence.

Then look at the Chinese notes, on the back top right corner, the official languages of the 4 minority ethnic groups are included, ie Mongolian, Zhuang, Tibetans and Uyghurs. They are immortalised, preserved as living languages in China, taught in schools and practised by the minority groups, including their religions and way of lives. These are the hard proof of their existence unlike the complete wiped out of Red Indian existence. The Red Indians were forced to convert to Christianity and speak English. Many still stuck in their concentration camps called reservations.  Many had perished under the harsh environment of the concentration camps.

Below are a few pics of the reservations aka concentration camps in the USA when the Red Indians were dumped to live in the wild, at the mercy of mother nature with little help from the American govt. Many parts have no piped water or electricity in the richest country on earth.  The reservations are barren with little life activities and few survivals of the American genocide. No proper surface roads, barely any utility facilities. The reservations/concentration camps were like time stood still for centuries. There were barely any attempt by the white American govt to uplift the quality of life of the few surviving Red Indians, forgotten and left to fend for themselves.

Below are pics of Xinjiang and the Uyghurs, a province teeming with life and happy people compare to the Indian reservations in the USA. The population of Uyghurs are several times more than the few Red Indians that are still alive today, with American historical records stating between tens of millions to a hundred million being massacred by the white Americans. They could not agree on the exact number as records were sketchy and the genocides was all over a continent of people.

Who is lying about the genocides in Xinjiang and in the USA? The evil Americans got the gumption to spread the lies that China is committing genocide against the Uyghurs.  Maybe this is the way to divert the attention to their genocide of the Red Indians in the land they stole from the native Americans. As the white men like to say, dead men tell no tales. 

From the pics one can see whether the Red Indians or the Uyghurs are thriving or dying, happy or oppressed.


Anonymous said...

Good morning Mr RB. A very good job to your findings about the Uighurs in Xinjiang as compared to the Red Indians of the Americuns. It seems like China is much more compassionate to its own minorities than the Americuns. In fact the Americuns shud put aside their so called human rights standards and be humble enough to learn it from China. China now is much wiser and economically wealthy enough to lift the poverty of his own people what then the Americuns do to his own minorities, one can clearly sees who is the one who can lead the people in this era.

Anonymous said...

How about Australia? Did the same thing

Anonymous said...

Chinese one child policy does not apply to the minorities in China, including Uyghurs of course. And minorities are given generous assistance like pocket money for the young, easier admission to universities, cheap housing, assistance in farming and doing businesses.

The American Red Indians were left in the reservation on their own, to die.

Anonymous said...


It's hard to convince the white or Chinese's hater that China is not racists. The last few weeks or months there were many Asians either being killed or attacked especially here in California. the sad part my ABC's nieces and nephews are anti mainlanders... they too hate Chinese, they themselves are and even my siblings from Ozzie feel the same.... we hardly talk noways. kindest regards JC

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

It is tough for the normal overseas Chinese to not hate Chinese after being brought up reading hate Chinese literature and news and hollywood movies. And the fact that China was bankrupted by the West for so long, it is hard to want to be part of a loser civilisation.

But things are changing with China getting rich and powerful, and becoming the richest and most powerful nation and crafting a new narrative. The Chinese people have never been so proud of their civilisation and culture and confident of themselves till today.

This would eventually rub off these overseas Chinese or waiting till they became the victims of white hate and rage.

This blog and many other blogs and websites are just the beginning of a trend to write the new narrative to dismiss the white hate China and hate Chinese narrative. If we can convince one overseas Chinese a day to see the light, it would be a little change for the better tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Putin was right.

What the USA accused others of doing, just look back and you will find that they are the ones that did it themselves.

In fact everything they have done, from genocide, cyberattacks, subterfuge, false flag operations, regime destablisation, lying, cheating and stealing. The last three straight from the hog's mouth.

Anonymous said...

A real pity the Native Indians do not have channels to voice their fate. They are consigned to live inside concentration camps, unrepresented on Capitol Hill, their numbers reduced to impotence, ignored and left to fend for themselves and the real avenues for voicing their misfortune, which is the Media, is all controlled by the Whites.

It is left to the outside world to re-open old wounds to show the global community the hypocrisy of the Whites. This is the moment for China to use the same tactics used by the USA in Xinjiang to hit back. You want to mess with China, China has the right to mess with you as well.

Anonymous said...

See also on Youtube: 'The Vietnam War's Agent Orange Legacy - Unreported world'

Anonymous said...

RB, you have succeeded in removing the blinkers from the eyes of at least one banana. Thank you. May more blinkers be removed from the eyes of more bananas and mangosteens.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

You are welcome. Please share with others to open the eyes of more people. The West has been spreading white lies against China and Chinese for 2 centuries. It takes time for people to see the truth and reject the fake truth that they had been injected with.

From 1840 to 1949, China was invaded and fighting wars of aggression. After 1949, China was cut off from the rest of the world by the West, isolated and had to start from scratch until the last 20 years of the 21st Century when it was allowed to slowly rejoin the international community that the West claimed credit for ti. They did not want to tell the world that it was the western gangsters that blocked China from the rest of the world like what is now happening to those countries sanctioned by the Americans.

And the main narrative of the West is that these countries isolated themselves from the rest of the world. Myanmar was locked out for many decades.

During this 150 years, China was a poor victim of the West, poor and underdeveloped and had no time to disturbed any country or involved with any country. This is the recent history of China.

How then is China being hated by the rest of the world for no doing anything against any countries, blocked and isolated? It is because of the western media demonising and smearing China until even Chinese bananas hate China, countries all over the world that were victims of western colonisation and looting also hate China when China had nothing to do with them but not hating the western colonial masters that robbed their countries and pride.

The eyes of the rest of the world is opening and seeing the evilness of the West and will rise up against this warmongering primitive uncivilised men that is still conducting wars of aggression and oppression everywhere. Civilised people don't go to wars for their differences. They talked, not fight like primitive tribesmen.

The West are still very primitive in this area.

Anonymous said...

The USA is bent on following their agenda of using the Muslims issue to destablise China starting from Xinjiang, and fooling Muslim countries to believe their lies to demonise China over the treatment of the Uighurs.

The Muslim world particularly, and others, should remember what the USA did with Iraq. They manufactured fake evidence of WMD, produced fake videos, interviewed fake witnesses, concocted fake intercepted phone conversations, and presented them at the UN, leading the world at large to believe their blatant lies and the UN rubberstamped the invasion.

When no evidence of WMD were ever discovered after the invasion, what did the UN and those countries that were dragged into the war say? Nothing! Little condemnation was heard, allowing the USA to rob Iraqi oil, and stealing their treasures and caused the country to be in dire straits ever since. The UN and those countries involed think that lying, cheating and stealing is the provocative of the biggest terrorist of the world and they are proud to be associated with it.

The same agenda and the same modus operandi is being directed at China in Xinjiang. Meanwhile the lap dog MSM will bark in unison whenever the USA invents fake news about Xinjiang. The parroted the same lines like a broken record throughout the day. It is sickening to say the least.