
Colonialism versus Neo Colonialism

 When the European gangsters and pirates raided the world, they came with their guns and weapons that the natives did not have and could not fight back. Then they seized the land and formed so called govts. They appointed themselves head of this and head of that and put all the white men in charge of this and in charge of that. All the industries and businesses became their properties.  All the land became their land. And they imposed taxes on the people, just like the gangsters collecting protection money from the small businesses.

And of course they grew rich, very rich. In simple terms, they set up a system to legally rob the country and the people.  It was organised crime to benefit and profit themselves. They had free land, free labour, freedom to impose taxes on anything they wanted, to take money from the people short of calling the people slaves. Come to think of it, it was organised slavery with legal terms and concepts.

Colonialism was an efficient system for the thugs, gangsters and pirates to rob a country systemically and legally. They became the law, they were the law. What they said became law. They were above the law.

And the whole world, their colonies, were robbed of their wealth.  And they became very very rich, living in style, like Swiss standard of living, building fanciful family homes and estates, manors, counties in grandiose style, and lived in splendour and luxury, while the slaves, the subjects in the colony, just worked to support their high living.  The subjects could not fight back, unable to fight back, and as long as they had enough to live, a roof over their head, life goes on and on, with the gangsters getting richer and fatter by the day, and lazier as well.

Then they made themselves the aristocracy, short of becoming royalties. They rode horses for pleasure, went to theatres, went for holidays, looked for adventures when their lives got too boring because of too much money and no need to work for it. The people in their fiefdoms did all the work.

This was Colonialism. It worked in the past and the present. It was built on a relationship between the colonial masters and their subjects aka slaves who did not know they were slaves, slaving to fatten their masters and to support their lavish lifestyles. And the aristocracy grew in numbers and their titles and wealth became inheritance to be passed down from generations to generations, not taxable.  Their descendants no longer need to work for a living, living off their titles and inheritance.

This is Colonialism in simple plain language, a system to rob a country by a bunch of gangsters. Is it applicable today? Neo Colonialism?


  1. The PAP governing style is clearly borrowed from the British Colonialists' model (declaring themselves as natural aristocrats), with a sprinkle of communism (addressing themselves as comrades).

    Singaporeans have been fooled for the last five to six decades. Even now, many Singaporeans are still sleeping - perhaps never to wake up at all.

  2. The colonialist took the land, stole the riches, enslaved the Natives to do the work for them.

    But they made sure the natives had no recourse by reducing their population through genocide, like the Red Indians and Aborigines, so that what is left of them is just enough to become slaves doing all the work.

    Even in their homeland long ago, they imported slaves from Africa to work in the fields and serve them. The Black slaves were severely punished for not following orders. The end of slavery did not improve the status of the Blacks. Black lives did not matter!

    The Blacks were still gravely discriminated against and looked down by the Whites. Asians think they will be treated otherwise, but White Supremacist behavior will never change. Not at home, not overseas. Not only that, the Blacks are taking a leaf from the Whites by using violence against Asians. Now the anti Asian, particularly anti Chinese behavior in the USA has been ignited by Trump's administration and will get worse.

  3. Quite familiar, importing foreigners to replace the natives.

  4. Why the European invaders of America did not enslave the native Americans but chose to import Africans to be slaves?

    Why they chose to terminate the native Americans instead, tens of millions of them in the biggest genocide in human history?

  5. Anon 10.08

    Hope it does not become so familiar that the caste system is also imported from you know where, and practiced in you know where too!

  6. The Europeans imported Africans to become slaves. This is different from importing foreigners to become the new masters.

  7. The Native Americans owed the land. When the European invaders wanted to take the land from the Natives, they have to get rid of them. Doing so they think 'out of sight means out of mind' about who owns the land and is therefore theirs to claim. Genocide makes sure the Native Americans cannot have the numbers to do anything.

    Africans do not owned the land, just imported slaves to work in the cotton fields, like in Africa. They have totally no recourse to fight back due to lack of numbers too. Native Americans probably are difficult to condition to work in the fields and would probably rebel if their numbers are not reduced through genocide.

    Just my thinking anyway.

  8. The sicko Sinkie elitist leaders import caste conscious practitioners from India to lord over Sinkies.

    Instead of foreigners as slaves, the sicko elitist leaders make Sinkies become slaves to foreigners.


  9. Westerners slander the Chinese of genocide in China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

    But statistical data shows the Uygur population increased from 10.1715 million to 12.7184 million from 2010 to 2018, an increase of 2.5469 million, or 25.04%.

    What’s genocide?

    Massacring native Americans and Aboriginal Australians, forcing people colonized to speak English, French, Spanish, transforming their way of life, these are genocide!

  10. That is why you must watch the news on RT, Aljazeera and CGTN to get the true picture. Not on any other channels that thrive on lies.

  11. If China has to keep defending herself against scurrilous and fake accusations by the Evil Westerners, how then can China protect the smaller countries?

    What confidence level will the smaller countries have on China being able to protect them against the Evil USA, Invader UK?

  12. But there are signs that some of these would-be immigrants, spooked by tales of difficult resettlements, are already having second thoughts. Their fears mean the true number of those who take up the UK’s offer could be far lower than thought.

