
Chinese diaspora or Indian diaspora - Why?

 The Chinese would never forget the massacres and plundering of their country by the foreign invaders from Europe and also Japan. They ganged up to invade Manchu China and robbed China of its wealth, then the richest country in the world. The war indemnities from the invasion and the wars to sell opium in China bankrupted the Manchu Dynasty. They had no more funds to run the country as it was before and had to impose heavy taxes on the already poor citizens hit by wars, famines and droughts. There was literary nothing left in China and decent work was non existence. 

Then came the Japanese invaders attempting to colonise the whole of China, a second phase of massacres and looting and plundering. More unequal treaties, more land carved away by the Japanese, including the Ryukyu island chain of today's Okinawa, Diaoyu Islands and Taiwan.

When the Japanese were finally driven out of China, there was no economy to talk about in China. A hundred years of foreign domination, semi colonisation and wars depleted everything in the Chinese govt's treasury, depleted the soul of the Chinese citizenry.  China was robbed of every penny in the Treasury, in the whole country, and still not enough, still in debt to the invaders. China was again at Year 0, so to speak, to start everything from nothing in 1949. 

The outflow of Chinese gathered speed, from the 19th Century to the early 20th Century. There was no industry of reasonable scale to provide employment for the masses of impoverished Chinese, actually hardly any industry existed other than agriculture, handicraft and small traders. The hungry masses had to seek a living elsewhere. The British started by providing indenture labour to Malaya to provide coolie manpower in the rubber plantations and tin mining as well as coolies for the ports. Many left for the Americas and Australia to work in the gold mines, many were cheated and sold as semi slave workers.

China was like the proverbial rich village landlord being robbed and killed by the gangsters or bandits coming down from the hills. The people, the children of the landlord became poor orphans. Some died, some ran away, and a few were kept by the bandits as workers. When the children grew up, many forgot that the rich landlords were the bandits that killed their parents and stole their homes and wealth that forced them to flee their homeland. Those that were given better jobs by the bandits turned landlords were grateful to their benefactors and willingly served their new masters.  They forgot that the wealth of the bandit landlords were theirs in the first place and they were serving the murderers of their parents. These are the Chinese diaspora of today, descendants of a very poor and broken China.

Some of the children worked their way to rebuild their lives and their fortune. They grew up in the hard way and not forgetting how it all began and the history behind their sad past. Now they are strong enough to want back the wealth and properties stolen from their parents by the bandit landlords. The latter accused them of being assertive and aggressive and spread lies about their 'bad' behaviour, to want to live a better life and to want to take back what were stolen from their parents. 

Some of the diaspora could not understand why, did not know why, also sided with the bandit landlords and hate their forgotten brothers for being assertive and demanding the return of their assets and land. Some of these Chinese diaspora even despised their long lost brothers thinking that they are overbearing and over reaching, unreasonable, to want to seize the wealth of the bandit landlords that gave them good jobs and a good life, a life better than their long lost kins.

This is the tragic story of the Chinese diaspora, acknowledging the thiefs and murderers as their benefactors without knowing why they became the diaspora, eking a living in far off land, away from their impoverished country of origin. They think, live and act like they are part of the bandit landlords and yes, they hate their lost long kins.

They even could not see that the bandit landlords are getting poorer with no free wealth and properties to rob to feed their good life. They think their good life, a given to them by their gracious and generous bandit landlords would continue forever. They could not see that their long lost kins have rebuilt their fortunes and would be richer than their bandit landlords and deserved a rightful place under the sun. 

The diaspora have forgotten their roots, their origins and how they became the diaspora, also by courtesy from the good grace of the bandit landlords that killed their parents and stole their wealth and everything from them.  Their parents were like the refugees today running away from their war torn and destroyed homes and countries. When would the diaspora know who they really are and wake up from their fake existence, calling and treating the murderers of their parents as fathers, the bandits that made them poor and had to run away from home, from a place called China?


  1. The Chinese diaspora, or bananas, or traitors are mainly those whose DNA produces bad genes - rebellious genes and cancerous cells.

    Such rebellious genes and cancerous cells are highly inclined to devour their own good genes and good cells, descended from their ancestors.

  2. Some of them even use their parents as punching bags to punch above their weight. And then boast to the whole world about it.

    Some of them sleep orgasmically with the White Devil and produce children who are completely westernised, to the extent that they think that they are the same as White Devil's children.

    Some of them even worship a certain foreign god sold to them by the White Devil.

  3. They have been called chinks, gooks, ching chong etc etc and felt so bad and shameful about these name callings.

    Their defence is to pretend they are not Chinese, hiding themselves under their nationalities eg Singaporeans, Hongkongers, Americans, Brits, Aussies. Unfortunately the whites would not care, the whites only see the colour of their skins and their slanted eyes and would attack them when possible.

    It is time to be confident of their race, especially when China is no more the Sick Man of Asia, the poor country to be bullied. China is now the richest nation on earth with many things surpassing the West. It is time to be proud of being Chinese. No more shameful and disgraceful, to be kick around and despise by the rest of the world, even by poor developing Asean countries.

    China is number one today. America number two. China is now imposing sanctions on the white countries. This is unbelieveable even a few days ago. It was a rude shock to the white men, but they would get use to it.

  4. When the Brits were the colonial masters, the Seranis or Eurasians thought they were whites but got looked down upon by the whites too.

  5. The white genocide, white extinction, or white replacement conspiracy theory is a white supremacist belief that there is a deliberate plot, often blamed on Jews, to promote miscegenation, interracial marriage, mass non-white immigration, racial integration, low fertility rates, abortion, governmental land-confiscation from whites, organised violence, and eliminationism in white-founded countries in order to cause the extinction of whites through forced assimilation and violent genocide. Less frequently, black people, Hispanics, and Muslims are blamed, but merely as more fertile immigrants, invaders, or violent aggressors,

  6. They will never wake up lar till they jena sodomized jialat jialat else like in hk still carry usa and UK flags

  7. Given a tiny island to govern and makes himself a mini emperor, the banana will never wake up one.

  8. Talking bad about China in front of the white men is a way for the bananas to redeem themselves, to prove that they are not Chinese. Hopefully the white men then would accept them as one of them.

    Najib went to play golf with Obama thinking that it would ingratiate himself into the good books of the Americans. While they were on the golf course, Obama must be thinking what a silly ass this native from Asean was.

    There was no mercy when the Americans tore Najib to bits.

  9. Mr RB, your article has made me also a Banana Chinese Sporean to reflect on myself that I m a Chinese 我是华人,I'm not Banana Chinese 我不是香蕉华人,我是生长在新加坡的华人 I'm a Chinese born in Spore. But now when we meet the PRC Chinese we tell them we r S'poreans Chinese, this does not connect well with them & they tend to talk to their own kind its natural becos of our language assent Ang Mo Chap Cheng pie. However, when we say 我们都是华人 they r very glad & ok with that especially when we r doing bziness with them it helps to connect with them & they r quite happy and accepting.

  10. Germany and the rest of Europe should remember what’s at stake: a conflict between value systems pitting Western notions about rule of law and open societies (however imperfectly those may often be observed in practice) against a Chinese model of overt autocracy. Europe cannot pretend to remain neutral in this contest. A good way to explain this to Beijing is for the EU to hold the investment deal to ransom.


  11. Value systems, rule of law and open societies? Don't make me laugh. The Outlaw says Germany and the EU is not even allowed to buy cheap Russian gas. China's autocracy or USA mafia lawlessness or dictatorship?

    Ok let the EU hold Beijing to ransom and see who needs more of who? The EU itself is held to ransom by the USA and dare not do a damn thing.

  12. The whites like to deceive themselves that they are still the dominant civilisation in the world and can control and dominate the rest of the world including China. Even has been power like Britain is still acting as if it is a big power with some silly Brit MPs calling for sailing warships to attack China like the Opium War days.

    Britain today is about to go bankrupt after making the stupid decision to exit EU, in the same way the Americans walked away from TPP.

    Most of the European countries are at the brink of bankruptcy and needed the Chinese market and Chinese funds badly. Can't imagine this 30 years ago when China was still relatively poor. Now China can throw money into the faces of the Europeans and the Europeans got nothing to throw back.

    Without the deal, many European countries would go bankrupt and China still strut along to become the biggest economy in the world registering positive GDP growth. How could beggars threaten a rich China with a market they are trying to crawl in?

  13. Hi Anon 2pm. We have many identities, as an individual, as a family, clan, social or religious groupings, professional groups, as a national or as part of a civilisation.

    We are Singaporeans as a nationality.

    We are Chinese in ethnicity, part of the Chinese Civilisation.

    Today the conflict is racial rather than national. The whites want to kick your ass is not because you are Singaporean but because you are Chinese. This you cannot explain to them and they do not want to understand.

    There are times when we want to differentiate ourselves from the PRC Chinese. There are times we could identify with them as a Civilisation.

    Wear the appropriate hat for the particular moment.

    1. Hi Mr RB, you r mostly correct. Wear the appropriate hat for the particular moment is a wise words. Have encountered some 18 years ago when was in US, the whites Americuns when told them about where tis little red dot was mostly they wud think u r from China or part of China bcos u r a Chinese, they wud not know there r overseas Chinese in many parts of the World. Everywhere u go America they wud assume u r a Chinese from China bcos u r yellow skin. Some of them were quite surprised that we cud converse well in English, very very few of the whites will know where tis little red dot is unless those whom been here. Even the Blacks olso didn't noe where the red dot is as they brand us as Chinaman.

  14. The blacks esp the lowly educated one are quite anti yellow skin. I got cursed at for nothing cause they assumed I was Korean as there was conflict between Korean and blacks in new York then
