
Weres My Money?


Photo credit to CNA

'LOUISVILLE: Vandals lashed out at the leaders of the US House and Senate over the holiday weekend, blighting their homes with graffiti and in one case a pig's head as Congress failed to approve an increase in the amount of money being sent to individuals to help cope with the coronavirus pandemic.

Spray paint on Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's door in Kentucky on Saturday read, “WERES MY MONEY". “MITCH KILLS THE POOR" was scrawled over a window. A profanity directed at the Republican senator was painted under the mailbox.

At House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's home in San Francisco, someone spray-painted graffiti and left a pig’s head and fake blood on New Year’s Day, police said. The vandalism was reported at around 2am on Friday, a police statement said, and a special investigations unit is trying to determine who did it.'  CNA

The poor Americans are really angry, but with the wrong people, or half wrong. The Democrats from the beginning wanted to give more to them but this was shot down by the Republicans. And this is likely under instruction from the clown Trump. The Republicans could not go to the negotiating table without a number approved by Trump. So the $600 was what Trump approved to fix the Democrats when he then objected to it and asked for $2,000, making himself looked good. If Trump had agreed to this number from the start, the $2,000 cheque would have gone to the poor Americans long before Christmas.

It was all dirty politics by clown Trump. To be fair to the Democrats, they would not mind giving the people $2,000, after all it was only a matter of printing more money. And when Trump asked for it, they called Trump's bluff by quickly getting it voted and passed, only to be rejected by the Republicans again in the Senate.

So the poor Americans are asking, 'Weres My Money'. Never mind the spelling, poor Americans are mostly illiterates or semi literates. This is how bad politicians can screw up the lives of the poor by stealing their money, oops, by not giving them a few dollars when the poor needed them badly, while they played golf and partied.


  1. Trump is a real bastard who manipulates even his own people, even his wives,children and son-in-laws.


  2. Whether it is $600 or $2000 it is ghost money as it is printed out of thin air with no solid backing of resources or gold backing. The bloody evil Anglo-Saxon-Jewish-Rothschild-Illuminati American Cabal print the fiat American petro-dollar to swindle and con the whole world. They use the petro-dollar to cheat, exploit and rob all the resources from the whole world with impunity. But the days of the petro-dollar are numbered as China, Russia, Iran and many more other countries are planning to take down the obnoxious petro-dollar.

    Death to the White Anglo-Saxon-Jewish-Rothschild-Illuminati Americans


  3. Southernglory, you forgot to mention that EU is also working to be freed from the American clutches and bullying and has developed an alternative banking system to replace the American controlled and weaponised SWIFT banking system.

  4. All goods landing in Singapore port cannot proceed enroute by rail or road through the BRI networks. It would have a hard time, and costly, to transfer to the HSR in JB.

  5. Our carefully developed supply chains would be curtailed without the HSR.

  6. The rest of the world, including the EU, are breaking away from the control of the evil Empire.

    The evil Empire is starting to isolate itself from the rest of the world. It has pulled out from 11 international organisations and many trade agreements and threatening many countries to tear away trade agreements.

    The Europeans are getting wiser and refused to pay to maintain and upkeep the evil Empire. Why should they pay and be controlled by the evil Empire? Why should Japan and S Korea pay to be semi colonies of the evil Empire?

  7. USA democracy, that Trump believes in, is the ability to find votes hidden somehow in order to overturn the election and win by subterfuge. In any other country this will be slammed, shamed, accused of being dictatorial. But in the USA, this appears to be acceptable in the land of the free, the protector of democracy. USA wants to export this brand of democracy to the rest of the world.

    Iraq experimented, learned the hard way, by being exported this kind of democracy and is still mired in conflict and the people still suffering. The Iraqi's have now regretted getting rid of Saddam, where peace was assured while he was in power. Now the oil goes to enrich the USA and cronies and they are laughing all the way to the bank.

    Cuba, after decades of USA sanctions, refused to allow the USA's version of democracy to take root over there. At the doorstep of the USA, they obviously could see what is happening in USA that they do not want to happen in their own backyard.

    The USA tried to export democracy to China and Russia by spreading propaganda of how people are suffering under communist regime rule. How is it possible that this is the truth when people could see the large scale elimination of poverty in China, while more and more Americans are living on the edge and depending on soup kitchens and sleeping on the streets, thrown out by rich landlords when they could not pay their rent.

    The USA could lie no more as their propaganda have been put to rest by facts circulating in cyberspace like Youtube. The USA can fool most people most of the time, some people all the time, but not all people all the time.

  8. The EU had been conned by the USA about the Russian threat, so that the USA can cotinue stationing troops in Europe and sell more and more weapons to the Europeans. But over the decades, the threat was more imaginary than real. Russia was seen to be confronting the USA, not the EU.

    The fact that Russia was willing to sell cheaper gas to Europe, while the USA had sanctioned the construction of the undersea gas pipeline to sabotage the Russians, so that the EU had to buy more expensive gas from USA tells the whole story. The USA is not doing a favour to the EU, but rather sacrificing the EU as collateral damage in competition with the Russians.

    Who is taking care of the EU's interest and who is sabotaging those interest is very clear to the EU leaders. They no longer buy into strengthening NATO nor will they pay more for the USA's protection against the imaginary Russian threat.

  9. The threat to Europe was from Germany, the most powerful country in Europe that nearly conquered the whole of Europe in WW2. In early 1800s it was Napoleon from France.
    After WW2 it was the Soviet Union.

    Now there is no more USSR but a single much smaller state called Russia. Germany or France alone could take on Russia, no need for the Americans to fight for them. It is an insult to the Germans and French and also Japan, another super power in WW2, to be protected by the American lies.

    Europe has finally broken free, or nearly there. Japan and South Korea are still semi colonies of the American Empire, legs chained, hands bound. Europe has Trump to thank for, to provide this golden opportunity to go on its own. Oh, also got the Covid virus to thank as well, to weaken the Americans, kept them busy fighting a losing battle against this invisible enemy and no time to strangle their allies or to start more wars.

    The threat to European countries and Japan and S Korea is the evil American Empire that have kept them under subjugation, under American control, and not allowed to be independent to make their own decisions to decide their own destiny.

    Russia is not strong enough to take on Germany or France on a one on one basis, thus no threat to Europe.

  10. All the threats in the world were fabricated by the Americans, the Russian threat, China threat, N Korea threat, Iran threat etc etc.

    The truth, the biggest threat to world peace, is the Number One Terrorist State, the USA.

    This terrorist country has been starting wars, agitating for wars, inciting wars and fighting wars non stop as a business and also to keep everyone fighting, busy fighting, economies destroyed, while the Americans enjoying peace and stability at home, and keeping a rein on its Empire over the rest of the world.

  11. Imaginary threat is a lucrative business for the USA. They need to sell all the weapons to sustain and maintain their military establishment to protect their US$ hegemony. This in turn is to enable them to hold the world to ransom, as without the US$ hegemony, protected by it's military power, the USA would have collapsed long ago. By hook or by crook they have to keep the US$ hegemony alive, even a nuclear conflict is not out of the question.

    Therefore, for China to keep rising, it is necessary that it's military side of the equation must be strengthened multiple fold to protect it's position. Without that, it is also in a fragile position in the face of threats, even from relatively weaker countries like India or Japan. China's 'century of shame' is a reminder of that position.

  12. Today's military power in a glance.

    Nuclear power - Russia number 1, USA number 2 China number 3. But no one dares to use it against each other. Only paper superiority vis a vis the 3.

    Aircraft carrier - USA number 1, China number 2, Russia, UK, France at number 3

    Naval ships - China number 1, USA number 2,

    Air power - 5th G fighter, USA, China, Russia. 4th G - USA, China, Russia, France

    In terms of aircraft, USA number 1, China number 2, Russia number 3

    Soldiers - China number 1, USA number 2, India number 3

    Anti ship missiles - China number 1. Nobody else has this capability.

    Number of Drones - China number 1, USA number 2

    Control of Oceans - USA controls eastern Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, China controls western Pacific Oceans and South China Seas, Russia controls Arctic Ocean. Both USA and China controls Indian Ocean.

    GPS - China number 1, USA number 2, Russia and Europe number 3.

    Super computers - China number 1, USA number 2

    The rest of the world no need to mention.

  13. There is a report somewhere that China now has more submarines than the USA. How true is it, no one can confirm.

    Submarines are the most important military possession as they are an important counter strike force that can penetrate further into enemy territory than ships or planes. If nuclear, it will be even more a deterrent force to contend with.

    Moreover, compared to an aircraft carrier, it needs a small crew and maintenance cost is lower. An aircraft carrier needs thousands of crew members on board, not to mention the support ships that are also crewed. The cost of maintenance is therefore astronomical. Added to that is that aircraft carriers are highly vulnerable to be destroyed by hypersonic missiles.

    That must be reason enough to conclude that China is not competing with the USA on aircraft carriers. For coastal patrol usage it is an advantage to have a couple. China is hardly trying or capable of projecting global power.

  14. Yes, number wise China has more submarines. But US has more nuclear subs.

  15. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/12/29/trump-gallup-most-admired-452126

  16. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4hpFUSJtxHI&feature=youtu.be
