
Trump's stupidity continues to bankrupt Americans


The NYSE on Thursday said it would delist China Mobile Ltd, China Unicom Hong Kong Ltd and China Telecom Corp Ltd following President Donald Trump's move in November to bar U.S. investment in 31 firms that Washington says are owned or controlled by the Chinese military. Yahoo News

Trump thought he was very smart to delist Chinese companies in NYSE. He does not know what he is doing, only cares about image, that he is tough with his anti China antics to show the daft Americans that America can kick China at will. America is more powerful than China! America can bully China!

Trump does not care about the monies, the dollars the ordinary American investors and funds paid for these shares. The 3 Chinese companies have already collected the money from the American investors. They would be most happy to let these shares become worthless to the American investors. They could now walk away with money in their pockets and tell the Americans that lost money from the delisting to go ask Trump for it.  They can ask Trump, 'Where's My Money?'

Singapore also had many bad experience like this when Mahathir practically delisted Malaysia stocks from CLOB. The result was that the shares became worthless in many cases and Singapore investors lost their pants. Similarly when red chips got delisted, many investors again lost their pants. But in Singapore's case, the cause was external if we do not take into consideration the decision to let foreign stocks listed here and scooted.

In America's case, they allowed the Chinese stocks to be listed, allowed Americans to pour in their savings into them, then delist the stocks and throw the water and baby out.

This is simply 'genius' Trump. Making Americans Grieve Again! the Americans do not need any enemies with Trump as president.

Well done Trump.


The New York Stock Exchange said it no longer plans to delist three Chinese telecommunications giants. (4 Jan 21)

In a late Monday statement, the NYSE said it dropped the plans after “further consultation with relevant regulatory authorities in connection with Office of Foreign Assets Control.”


  1. Well done Trump! For baring warts and all of the hypocritical USA in the eyes of the world.

    Honestly, Trump always act first and think later, unlike a normal person. Then he walks back his bad decisions when he is sober. How many times has be done that?

    After all, how did Trump ended up with six bankruptcies, if his decisions are that sound and carefully thought out? It does not take a nuclear scientist to figure it out what kind of a business person he is. A stable genius at creating bankruptcies to con his creditors. In a twisted mind, that would be an admired trait!

    Did he thought carefully his trade war with China? Of course when he started the trade war, his first salvo was to warn China not to retaliate, so that his trade war is going to be easy to win. He thinks China is still the same as they were at the time of the opium war, easily stamped upon by the ganging Whites.

    But one shot by China at the heart of USA agricultural sector left Trump with having to bail out and subsidising USA farmers, which until now is still ongoing. Now that the USA agricultural exports to China is almost gone for good, it will no longer be the sole source that China can turn back to.

    Didn't the USA claim that China indulged in unfair trade practices by susidising it's businesses to compete with others. Why is the USA doing the same? The pot is calling the kettle black! A double standard again!

    I think China would likely favour the idea of Trump being given another four years to complete his mission of making American Grief Again. Four years of Trump did not do China in. It made China more resolute that is for sure!

  2. 7.03om anon. What u posted is true but its very irritating day in day out on china bashing. Both fatso needed doramy?

  3. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tSYqH-EP9vk

  4. Iran issued Interpol Red Card to arrest Donald Trump and 47 US personnel involved in the murder of Iran's top General Qasem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis last year in a US drone attack ordered by US President Donald Trump.

    Iranian judiciary spokesman Gholamhossein Esmaili announced during a press conference on Tuesday that Iran has requested the international police organisation to arrest Trump and 47 other American officials identified as playing a role in the assassination of top general Qassem Soleimani last year.

    Trump must be arrested and trialled for his crimes, like Saddam Hussein.

  5. Hi unknown, you have misread 7:03pm anon. He is bashing the lying Americans.

  6. RB, I think .Unknown. wants more un-irritating news other than politics, like what is happening inside the British Royal Family, which actor or personality is bonking who, which well know personality is pregnant and which well know personality gives birth. That is the kind of news that will not irritate him.

    1. Pls respect other opinion. If not u needed to be sodomized. Us stock exchange now realised delistng the 3 china companies will wipe off billion from usa investors as reported by RB

  7. Why bother with so called royalties? Basically a bunch of parasites. Some are quite idiotic oso.

  8. Idiotic because of inbreeding throughout the centuries. The marrying of closely related Royal families resulted in such idiotic off-springs. The mentality is still the same today.

  9. Can you believe this, US Embassy in Malaysia issued alert asking all Americans to leave Malaysia. Then go where, USA? USA covid situation better than Malaysia?
