
The Destruction Of Our Nation

 SSO said...
The Destruction Of Our Nation

Truth is stranger than Fiction.
Fiction of imagination,
If stretched by business corporation,
Becomes absurdly in retrospection.

In the building of the Nation,
There was only one expectation:
A just, equal and fair consideration
For all our beloved citizens.

Today, after years of progression,
Many have different expectation.
So they resort to manipulation
To achieve greater division.

Divide and rule is their equation,
For they seek only damnation
And destruction, not salvation,
For our beloved Nation.

SSO - 21 Jan 2021


  1. A short, sharp and sweet effective poem, very relevant to our time.

  2. It has been revealed by UK scientists that the new UK virus Covid-20 is not only spreading twice faster but also more deadly. How much more deadly is still under research.

  3. Broken Promises - The Weakness Of Men

    "Fair is foul and foul is fair," so says the three witches of the three times of past, present and future.

    This is the characteristics of human unkind. We have been calling human beings as human kind. This is a misnomer.

    Humans are basically unkind beings if left to their whims and fancies, if they have too much of power or wealth or sex, or anything. This is caused by greed and envy. And greed and envy are caused by ignorance.

    Ignorance is the result of two factors :

    1. Ignorance due to lack of knowledge.
    2. Ignorance due to neglect.

    For the lack of knowledge, you can go in search of knowledge but you still cannot attain wisdom if you do not have practical knowledge.

    For the neglect, you can choose not to neglect by being conscious and aware of what you are doing all the time. You need to intentionally choose not to ignore things, e.g. your health in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic, don't ignore the precautionary measures to be taken as a daily routine.

    Therefore, fairness must be practised on a daily basis. Not once in a blue or red moon, you come out with a collective statement to tell the world that you believe in fair hiring and employment practices. Such adhoc measures only show your insincerity not your wisdom. Wisdom is derived from daily practice, regardless practice or what you actually believe in, of the truth at heart. This is the only way to prove that you are sincere in practising fairness in hiring and fairness in employment.

    Otherwise, fairness turns foul because of an insincere heart at work, a crafty brain and a greedy way of life in your entire being, resulting in your entire business organisation.

    For example, the promise to let you withdraw all your CPF savings when you reached 55 and then it turned foul, you broke that promise. That is not fair but foul.

    Also, another example, recently other than Vivian, there were also a few top ministers who came out to promise that the TraceTogether app is only for tracking Covid-19 infections. Period. And the Law Minister kept quiet. Then someone came out and say that the police can make use of the TraceTogether data at will because of the proviso in the Criminal Procedure Code. Fair has become foul again.

    Repeated again and again, fair becomes foul again and again, the precious human commodity called TRUST is lost. Once TRUST is lost, it is very difficult to get it back. Foul then becomes fair! If you keep running foul, then it is only fair that people don't trust you anymore. You are not a gentleman. You are not a man of your words and weight. You are a foul person. We, everyone of us, want and expected you to play fair but you failed, you run foul. No amount of excuses can erase that. You may claim that you have forgotten about this and that. It is only a lame, very lame, excuse. You can't pass a new law to cover up the broken promise. The laws are meant to protect the powerless from the powerful. Not the other way around. You play foul again if you passed a new law to allow you to break your promise. TRUST is lost one more time.

    For how many times must TRUST be lost before wisdom can overcome cunningness? When can fair is fair, be fair and remain fair?

  4. There are now so many variants - from Brazil, UK and South Africa vying for deadliness.

    Have we reached agreement that the virus is indeed under control? Far from it despite the vaccine rollout all over the world. This virus looks like the game changer that mankind had never been prepared for. The lockdowns, the ravage on economies, and yet they are already talking about GDP growth worldwide very optimistically. I just wonder how they could know when infections and deaths will end?

  5. The US Health Authorities have discovered that the new vaccines like Pfizer and Moderna are less effective with the new strains of Coronavirus. Most people have been suspecting it. Yet the shameless self-called "Experts" keep saying that they may not be less effective.

    Never believe in the words of "Experts" in the vaccines. They always doubke-talk. They will say something to appease their political masters or to appease their research funds providers, and the add something at the end to contradict themselves in order to cover up their arsk when something goes wrong. These are actually not Scientific Experts but Doubke-talk Experts.

  6. Who paid those 'Experts' to say those things that are good, but never reveal those things that are confidential or I would say 'negative' stuff. Big Pharmas and big businesses would not pay experts to dig up their dirt, right? That would be unthinkable. So, believe the 'experts' at your own peril! They earn their keeps by spinning for others!

  7. They say Trump was an expert in COVID19 (do not let the virus put you down), hurricanes (very wet), disinfectants (injected to kill COVID19 virus), bankruptcies (six in all) and now impeachment (two for the record) among others. Is there anything that Trump is not an expert in?

  8. Chinese scientists already confirmed that the Covid19 virus was man made, with 4 amino acids changed to target Chinese people. They have published their findings in a medical journal to make it official and to inform the scientific community. This also subjects themselves to scrutiny and to prove their findings based on scientific methdology.

    They are now pointing the fingers at the Americans for creating this virus to kill Chinese people. Chinese people include all Mongoliods, ie Koreans, Japanese, Mongolians, Tibetans, Vietnamese and to some extent Thais.

    What the Americans did not bargain for is that mutation had turned the virus against the Aryans, ie Europeans, Indians and white Latin Americans. That explains why USA, India, Brazil and several European countries are having the most infection and deaths.

  9. Why Do People Tell Lies?

    There are liars everywhere, in every country, in every profession, in every walk of life, in the whole wide world and in the cyberspace.

    Liars can be grouped into various categories depending on their motives. However, the main categories are:

    1. White Liars - they tell white lies.

    2. Black Liars - they tell dark, secretive, deceptive lies.

    3. Evil liars - they plant poison into the minds of innocent common folks on a regular basis, day in, day out, relentlessly, persistently, continously, using every means of communication and dissemination available to reach deep into the psyche of the unsuspecting common folks, to make sure that they are mesmerised into believing the lies and turn them into unshakeable truth, and into personal conviction.

    Among these three groups of liars, the most common and outstanding ones come from the professions of businessmen, lawyers, magicians, politicians and religious preachers.

    Examples of white liars are magicians and circus clowns.

    Examples of black liars can be found in businesses and products advertisers, sales personnel, journalists and news editors, unethical lawyers, politically-motivated judges, all sorts of smart accounting and book-keeping service-providers and confidence-tricksters.

    Examples of the evil liars are the religious crusaders and evangelicals, Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump.

    There are numerous reasons why people tell lies. The most common reason are greed and gain.

    Throughout the history of man, greed and gain have been the most destructive motivators. They had motivated countless people to do unimaginable things beyond logic, towards destruction of self and others, towards heinous crimes and towards unfathomable cruelty and colossal sufferings.

    Greed and gain drive honest men to become dishonest politicians and dictators. They drive good national leaders to become cruel torturers and mass murderers. They also drive upright judges to give absurd reasons to support their politically-motivated judgements. And they make holy priests become holely priests (conscience full of holes).

    In conclusion, whether it is white, black or evil, lies are lies. They do harm to others and yourself. They punch a hole and make a mark in your character. You have to live with it and carry the burden of guilt throughout the rest of your life, until your dying day and beyond, to the next generation.

    Remedy: Repent, confess and promise not to tell lies again, and really do it.

    1984 George Orwell.

    1. Some of evils whites people don't follow God's ten commandments that is Thou Shall Not Lie (violaters
      shall be judged & punishment due on them), some of these evils whites can tell others do this do that but they themselves did nothing, the Covid-19 virus is fair to everyone & it just equalized all nations fair and square, God's bless everyone who follows His Way & His Ten Commandments, Haleluyah, Amen, Allah, Buddha & Almighty Gods.

  10. Thou shalt not kill. Who have been killing and killing practically everyday with wars?

    Who have been lying and lying?

  11. Holding the bible does not mean that person is holy or moral. Trump is an example!

  12. In court people swear on the Bible. If I am not a Christian, swearing on the Bible is meaningless, because I do not believe it's importance. And why does justice and judgement have to be following the White colonial practice of swearing on the Bible? Isn't that an attempt to show that other religions have no justice and fair judgements, even in a court of law?

  13. 'Thou shall not kill'

    OMG, who made a mockery of such words, when millions of Red Indians are the victims of genocide, millions of Middle Eastern civilians are collateralised, and millions of others starved to death from sanctions.

    And 'Thou shall not lie'

    And who makes a mockery of such words, when the man holding the Bible in hand lied more than 30,000 times.

    More and you will die laughing at the hypocrisy.

  14. TraceTogether: Broken Promise Or Deception?

    Vivian Bala Krishna, the smart eye surgeon doctor incharge of turning Singapore into a Smart Nation, with daft citizens remaining daft, has promised in no uncertain terms that the TraceTogether app is PURELY for the tracking of COVID-19 infections. Period.

    The PM and other Ministers also said similar things immediately after that.

    But when questioned in Parliament, this happened:

    "The Singapore Police Force (SPF) can obtain TraceTogether data for criminal investigations," said Minister of State for Home Affairs Desmond Tan.

    Replying to an MP’s question in Parliament on Monday (Jan 4), he said "the SPF is empowered under the Criminal Procedure Code to obtain any data, including that of TraceTogether."

    He said, "the Government is the custodian of TraceTogether data submitted by individuals. Stringent measures are in place to safeguard it."

    Source: CNA on 4 Jan.

    Now, instead of passing a law to make sure that the Police cannot touch the data collected by the TraceTogether app, they are going to pass a law to make sure the Police can 100% make usw of the data collected by the TraceTogether app, albeit with a few limitations.

    This is like a master magician playing magical tricks. The powerless and daft public can only watch with shock, disbelief, amazement and awe.

    Going forth, how to trust the 4G leeders?
