
Covid-19: Safety Is Of Paramount Importance For The New Pfizer Experimental Mass Vaccination Program - Part 1/2


SSO said...

Covid-19: Safety Is Of Paramount Importance For The New Pfizer Experimental Mass Vaccination Program - Part 1/2

Let us all be very clear in our heads. This Pfizer vaccine is new, very new. It is a new technology. No one has the sufficient knowledge to become an "Expert" in the application of the vaccine, yet. So, please don't pretend to be or make use of the word "Experts" to convince us that this new Pfizer vaccine has been determined to be safe for everybody. The fact is, it is not.

To those who called themselves "Experts", have you even taken this particular vaccination yourself, applied it to your loved ones and waited for at least six months to see the side-effects? If no, then you are no "Experts".

This Pfizer new-technology vaccine, no matter how you can put it, is a new experimentation on human life. It is about trying out something that has never been tried before on human beings. There are unknown consequences due to unknown responses by different human body-makeups and conditions. Therefore, there are unknown risks that even the researchers themselves do not know at this early stage of the mass experimentation.

In any experiment, there should be a very high degree of caution. Nothing should be left to chance. Nothing should be thrown to the wind by quoting standard replies from the textbook. This vaccination thing is about human life and death. It is about losing one life is one too many. There can be no careless mistakes to be covered up later with whatever excuses one might have already thought out of one's clever brain, irrespective of scientist, businessman or politician.

These days, the media is filled with the term "Experts" being thrown about to mesmerize the unaware and the unwary. How can there be any expert in this particular new Pfizer experimental vaccine, to start with? Common sense tells us that nobody has ever tried it out long enough (3 to 4 years) to ascertain the long-term side-effects. Its efficacy for the Covid-19 corona-virus may be said to be 80 to 95% by the manufacturers. However, what are its side-effects in the long-run? Will our future generations be affected by this manipulated mRNA thing? How will this mRNA interact with our DNA in the long-run? These questions have to be answered before anyone can call himself an "Expert" in this particular new-technology experimental vaccine.

Even Pfizer does not dare to take the risk of having to shoulder the full responsibility if something goes wrong with this experiment.

I was heartened by what Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said when he introduced the mass vaccination scheme:

"I have personal confidence in our experts. My cabinet colleagues and I, including the older ones, will be getting ourselves vaccinated early. This is to show you, especially seniors like me, that we believe the vaccines are safe."

However, in reply to a question asked in Parliament about whether ministers taking the lead to have the vaccination first, Health Minister Gan Kim Yong shrewdly replied (contradicting the PM's intention),

"Ministers, senior civil servants and politicians do not want to be seen jumping the queue ahead of others in Singapore."

What is Minister Gan trying to convey to us? In the first place, he is in no position to speak on behalf of all the ministers, all the senior civil servants and all the politicians. Moreover, we are very anxious about the safety aspect of this vaccine. We would like to be re-assured by our leaders' deeds, not mere clever-sounding words.

We are not interested in how magnanimous our ministers want to appear to us. We are not concerned whether the ministers, senior civil servants or politicians jumping the queue or not. In fact, they should be the first on the list, to lead the way in this new experiment. Unless, they are also having apprehensions just like all of us, they should gladly be the first to take the plunge. Not using cleverness to side-step the real safety issue.

SSO - 7 Jan 2021

continues tomorrow...


  1. Experimental vaccines should not be administered to healthcare workers. They are the ones that cannot be used for experiments that no one is certain may turn out in a bad way. The fact that no liability can be attached to the use of the vaccine is another matter to consider.

    As someone said, vaccinate the politicians first because we can do without them when things do not work out. Healthcare workers are more important than being used as guinea pigs!

  2. Health Minister Gan Kim Yong and his entire family and all his relatives must take the Pfizer vaccine first.

    The citizens and voters, especially the doctors, nurses and old folks will gladly and unreservedly let them be the very First to be vaccinated with this new experimental invention of the big business-minded, profit-oriented, pharmaceutical company called Pfizer and its partners.

    If Minister Gan is hesitant or afraid to endanger himself and his family, then he should resign immediately. Words are cheap.

    Put your own and your family members' lives on the chopping board and show us that it is safe.

    After six months, when all is well with yourself and your family members, then we will decide whether to follow suit or not.

    Please don't try to tell us what to do when you yourself date not to do.

  3. Yes, the ministers should lead by example. This is not play play with words. This is playing with people's lives. This is not war time. This is peace time. Ministers who dare not take the vaccines first but can only talk cock, and defy the PM's direction, must be sacked by the PM immediately. Otherwise, they will help to breed more contempt.

  4. Why the Hell Minister contradicting the Prime Minister's instructions.
    PM already took his jab.
    Now the Hell Minister must also take his.
    Cannot escape.
    Otherwise he is no leader but coward.

  5. Bad idea to let healthcare people become guinea pigs.

    No-brainers in charge.
    That's why.

    Desperate to find a way out of this pandemic.
    That's why.

    So the first straw appears, just grab it.
    Sink or float, never mind.
    That's why.

    Poor leadership.
    That's why.

    Brain-washed by Westerners, especially USA.
    That's why.

    Experts, my foot!


  7. Anon 1:51am,

    If you believe in what you wrote, then your ability to think, your intellect, is suspect. The equivalent of fake talents.

  8. Photo ops are only good as a gimmick to fool those who are easily fooled. Nowadays, very few people can be fooled by a mere photo ops.

    "LHL was injected with this Pfizer vaccine. Therefore it must be safe." What logic is this?

    So, Donald Trump refused to take the vaccines, so it must be unsafe?

    And Health Minister dares not to take the Pfizer vaccination first, prefer to let others go first, so what does it tell you?

    LHL was injected with Pfizer vaccine or glucose? Who is able to know? Nobody, except the one who injected it. Not even the camera men. Not even LHL himself.

    So, is the Pfizer vaccine safe, just because LHL has a photo ops?

    Whether safe or not, it takes a long time to determine. Not after the 1st jab.

    Let's see what happens to LHL and all those who have been injected with the vaccines after their 2nd jab 21 days later.

    Only at least six months after the 2nd jab, then the real side-effects will come.

    Side-effects do not confine only to that person who has been injected with the MRNA Vaccine but also to his/her future generations. Therefore, it will take years (one generation) to be able to really determine the CONSEQUENCES of experimenting with human DNA.

    At this present time, no scientific evidence has been shown to prove that using mRNA as a vaccine will not cause unexpected and unwanted consequences. None!

    That's why the various US and International Health Authorities only approved Pfizer and Moderna vacancies for EMERGENCY USE ONLY. Not for normal long-term uses.

    Only China's Sinovac and Sinopharm have been approved for normal, regular, long term usage.

    I don't understand why Singapore Ministers keep making one mistake after another in this Covid-19 Pandemic at every major step? Why insist on using the Pfizer Vaccine? Why give the people no choice?

    The trial stages of Pfizer vaccine was based on only 30,000 volunteers and mainly from the Caucasians race, not Asians.

    China's vaccines trials are based on millions of Asians, Africans and Latin Americans. And they use the previous normal process that has been tried and proven in the way vaccines are normally made.

    So why don't use the Chinese vaccines?

  9. If a person wants to change his look, he could go for a hair dye or plastic surgery or inject Botox under his skin.

    If a person wants to change more, not just skin deep, say height, pigmentation, or something more serious, he would need to change the DNAs in his genes/chromosomes. Changing DNAs to make perfect babies, even yellow or black into whites, could possibly be done by manipulating a person's DNAs.

    mRNA could possibly mess around with a person's DNA and alter the person's characteristics in a way plastic surgery could not. Such mutations in the genes could happen to some under some circumstances, over time. No one knows for sure who would or could be affected, for the better or the worse. For the moment the manufacturers and experts said it would not. Are they sure? The secrets of DNAs only started to unravel in recent years and the possibilities are infinite, and this comes with fear of the unknown. That is the reason why the law is against cloning human beans by manipulating the genes, the DNAs.

    There are many unknowns when DNAs are in play. And people with medical conditions, in times of physical weakness, sickness, under a barrage of medications, that's when funny things can happen.

  10. By the way, Singapore still does not have Chinese vaccines at the moment. Probably in the long queue, not priority candidate to receive Chinese vaccines.
