
Covid 19 - Aryans being infected most


United States25,109,148418,982
United Kingdom3,647,46397,939
South Africa1,412,98640,874
As of 8:34am Jan 25, 2021

Above from CNA 

What are the common factors in the top 10 most infected countries?  Ex colonial powers is one. Most of them were ex colonialists and this virus is like a punishment for their past crimes against victims of their brutal and uncivilised colonialism. But this factor alone makes India and Brazil stood out as exceptions as they were not in the same league as the European colonialists.

The other factor that is common to all of them is race, the Aryan race. Many Brazilians are also Aryans, descendant of Spanish colonialists. Indians are also Aryans though not Europeans.

Why are the Aryans most infected by this virus? 
According to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, three researches, Pei Hao, Institute Pasteur of Shanghai. the Chinese Academy of Science, Wu Zhong, National Engineering Research Centre for the Emergence Drugs, Academy of Military Science, Xuan Li, Key Laboratory of Synthetic Biology, CAS Centre for Excellence in Molecular Plant Sciences, published a joint article on 21 Jan 21 in China Life Science journal, written in English, on the discovery of 4 Amino proteins that were changed in the Sars virus to create the Covid19 virus. The change in the S proteins in the Sars virus would give the impression that the victims were down with Sars, not a new virus, a deception that would have killed many more if not discovered early. The second important discovery is that it is designed specifically to kill Chinese people.  Thirdly, though 4 S proteins have been changed, the infectious rate is still very high, in fact higher than Sars, and more deadly. Fourth, the Covid19 virus is man made. It would take hundreds of years for a bat virus to mutate to this state with 4 S proteins changed.
This is a scientific paper and stands to be corrected or disputed scientifically, not white lies spread by the Americans. Scientists would be studying this in detail and make their comments and observations based on science.

The fact that this virus was designed to target Chinese people, people with similar genetic stocks are the Japanese, Koreans, Mongolians, Tibetans, Vietnamese and to a great extent Thais and some northern Asean countries, might be the reason why a simple minded Trump did not act on it. Probably he believed whole sale in the intelligence briefings that it would only infect the Chinese. This lulled him to inaction and telling his believers that it would go away miraculously.

What the Americans did not bargain for, they could not believe or expect the virus to mutate to hit them and the Europeans so fast and so deadly. Now the Aryan stocks are the new victims and with more mutations like in Britain on the way. Things are going to get from bad to worse for the Aryans. This is called playing with fire and got burnt by the fire.

The above charts said it all. What you throw around would come around.


  1. New Zealand gets an imprted casw that go roaming around more than 30 places in the northern part of NZ. This 56 year old woman went to Spain and the Netherlands, the two countries that have the New British Covid-20, the doubly infectious and more deadly strain.

    Moral of the story: Whitemen cannot escape the wrath of God wherever they may be, even if it is in New Zealand, the country that boast of success in controlling the COVID-19 coronavirus infections.

  2. In East Asia, Japan turns out to be the worst affected. This is surprising, knowing that the Japs are the least inclined to go against measures to control the outbreak. I would not argue if it is punishment for the atrocities committed during WW2.

    In the initial period of the outbreak, Trump appeared unperturbed about the COVID19 going home to the USA. That may be the clue that he knew the virus was targeted at the coloured races, particularly the Chinese people, and he was confidently sure the Whites were going to be spared.

    How could one be so absolutely sure even to ignore scientific warnings, time and again, unless he had inside knowledge, particularly if the virus had been genetically conceived in their lab at Fort Detrick, released in Wuhan in order to throw off their dirty tracks and not to be blamed for the outbreak.

    God knows how many other biological and chemical weapons they have engineered besides the COVID19 and others already known.

    Heaven cannot let the innocents die in vain.

  3. Japan and Netherland are the two evil colonial powers that are not on the top 20 countries affected by Covid19. These are the two anomalies as the rest of the evil colonial powers are there, punished for their crimes.

    Let's watch how Japan and Netherland turn out. They should be not be allowed to be freed from their crimes, esp the barbaric Japanese.

  4. The Americans painted anything communist as enemy but playing Vietnam, another communist state against China, ignoring that Vietnam is also a communist country.

    Once the Vietnamese no longer be useful to them, they would condemn the Vietnamese communist party the way they condemned China, Russia, NK and Cuba.

    Vietnam and some American lackey countries are only useful to them when the Americans needed them but would sell them out when the time comes. The Americans are now selling out Germany and some EU countries to protect their economic and big power interest.

  5. Now 600,000 deaths in the USA is the moving target. Trump had predicted in the early days of the outbreak at 100,000 deaths and he would have done a good job. When he left office, it was already 400,000 deaths and escalating.

    Biden's target of vaccination would take a year to complete the whole population of the USA. Never mind, they can always move the 600,000 death target higher and higher, like Wall Street stock market. Unlike Wall Street, there will be no all time high for comparison, to coax the market even higher.

    The even more sobering news is that the present vaccines are reportedly not that effective against the new variants coming from UK, South Africa and Brazil. Of course they must break the sobering news in tiny morsels so as not to alarm the world. What else is going to be released slowly and tactically and who else is going to join in with new variants is anybody's guess.

  6. The USA and the West had been fighting to sell democracy to Myanmar, using Aung San Suu Kyi as the pawn in their agenda. All this effort is also to make use of Myanmar to be another pincer movement against China. Myanmar had been a close ally of China, and the USA and the West attempted to use democracy to pry that apart.

    But, as it turned out, Aung San Suu Kyi is more patriotic than they thought. She would not tow the line and they failed to control her direction. That did not satisfy the Evil Empire and hence the Rohingya issue become a human rights issue for Suu Kyi. Expect more propaganda following in the footsteps of Xinjiang in the days to come.

  7. Every day whenever COVID19 is the topic on air, the narrative is always to remind the audience that Wuhan is the first place that the virus started.

    It has also been reported that the virus in fact already existed elsewhere in the West earlier than Wuhan and that there were indications that the common flu in the USA had been the perfect cover for their outbreak there. They refused to let autopsy be performed on those that reportedly died of the common flu in late 2019. Why the fear?

  8. Do not despair. While the evil Americans are trying to blame China, to instigate the world to start a war with China, but without success as by now the rest of the world knew that the Americans are using them to fight and die for their Empire and would not want to be dragged into such a stupid war, ... the war against the evil Americans is still going on and getting stronger by the day.

    This war conducted by the Covid19 virus is something that the Americans still taking it lightly but would break them apart. The white racist war would add a different dimension to the war in American homeland. The white supremacists and their lust for violence against the coloured people, especially the blacks, have been tempted and the genie is out of the bottle. Wait for them to go on their killing spree.

  9. Despite all the evidence pointing to the Americans, Fort Dettrick as the source of this virus, the whites are still dragging everyone to Wuhan to try to blame Wuhan, China as the source of this pandemic.

    Australia, the barking dog of the Americans, still acting like the white sheriff of Asia, is now at the brink of an economic collapse with China cutting off all economic activities with this white racist country.

    Without the mad clown Trump and lying piece of shit Pompeo pushing them from behind, Australia is now facing the wrath of China alone.

    Let's see how long they can hold on befall raising the white flag and beg for forgiveness.

  10. In the eyes of Western elites, Westerners can have the privilege to eat meat while Chinese should just eat grass.

    Time magazine on Friday posted an article entitled "How China could change the world by taking meat off the menu." The author draws a connection between Chinese eating meat and global environmental problems. It said: "Livestock farming produces 20 percent to 50 percent of all man-made greenhouse gases… Halving China's animal-agriculture sector could result in a 1 billion metric-ton reduction of CO2 emissions."

    In 2018, the Atlantic published a piece with the headline of "China's love for meat is threatening its green movement." In 2019, the Economist released an article entitled "The planet needs China to curb its appetite for meat." It is reported in June 2020 that Pat Brown, chief executive of Impossible Foods, a company developing plant-based substitutes for meat products, even said, "Every time someone in China eats a piece of meat, a little puff of smoke goes up in the Amazon."

    Chinese people's eating patterns remarkably differ from people in the West. Chinese mainly eat grain and vegetables, supplemented by meat, while for Westerners, meat has been their staple food. The proportion of meat in the diet of Westerners is much higher than that of Chinese.

    The Time article states that China consumes 28 percent of the world's meat. This data has been cited by Western media outlets since 2016. Western media tend to criticize China by referring to the total amount. As China is the most populous country in the world, using a total figure as a benchmark is unfair to China. Yet based on meat consumption per capita, the West far exceeds that of China.

    In terms of beef, the OECD shows in 2020 that China's consumption of 4.2 kilograms per capita lagged behind the world average at 6.4 kilos. The figure for Argentina was about nine times as much as that of China, and the US more than six times that of China. The consumption of many Western countries, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK, was also much higher than China's.

    According to media report, beef production causes five times more climate-warming emissions than pork. If having less meat is essential to "change the world," it is more than fair to urge the West to reduce its beef consumption. The US consumed far more meat per capita in 2020 alone, so how can they pass the buck of Amazon destruction to China?

    When interviewed by an Australian media outlet in 2010, former US president Barack Obama said, "If over a billion Chinese citizens have the same living patterns as Australians and Americans do right now, then all of us are in for a very miserable time. The planet just can't sustain it."

    In the eyes of some Western elites, Westerners can have the privilege to eat meat while Chinese should just eat grass. They are reluctant to see Chinese are living an increasingly abundant life, and that the living standards of the Chinese are getting closer to the Westerners. They feel their sense of superiority including the one toward their political system challenged when they see Chinese, whose political path and values sharply differ from them, can also enjoy a better life.

  11. I always thought the Chinese eat more grains and vegetables than what the West accused them of. Chinese main food item is rice, lots of it. Westerner's diet is all centred on meat. Who drugged the world with fast foods like McDonalds and Kentucky among others? All are highly reliant on meat.

    The West will always find fault with what the Chinese do. While the Chinese are reclaiming deserts and changing them into farmlands and greenery, they said little about such things. It is always the negative things that they will highlight.

    Their propensity to lie is beyond imagination.

  12. The total COVID-19 coronavirus infections has gone over 99 million target, going on to 100 million.

    The total reported deaths due to COVID-19 directly has exceeded 2,119,000.

    Many COVID-19 deaths have been covered up by smart, untruthful, manipulated or mis-diagnosed reportings.

  13. The Americans, Indians and practically all of the other countries are under reporting their cases. It is alright if they did it, cannot accuse them for under reporting or not transparent. It is their right.

    There was a source that said 70% of Indians are infected. The infection rate of the US could be 50%. UK could also be 50% or more.

  14. It's a fact that Covid-19 was planted in Wuhan to obliterate the Chinese by the US military during the Wuhan Military War Games. That's not surprising given that there are so many extremist China-haters in the US government, eg Pompeo, Rubio, Navarro, Pottinger, etc.

  15. I suspect India is doing the same thing as the USA, minimal testing to make the infection figures less intimidating. Trump in fact ordered that. Hw wants to look good, papering over the issue, which is why the USA is in the state that it is today.

    Well, under reporting is not going to make the situation better, it only kicks the can further down the road. At some point there is going to be a tsunami of infections and totally out of control.

    To make it more serious, there are now problems with vaccine rollout and supply. It is no use talking about how many they will vaccinate when the reality is that vaccine supplies are uncertain and is beyond their control.

  16. Even Singapore also under-reporting. The total number of cases is not 59,000 plus but much more. Multiply by 3. And it is about the right number.

  17. And the stupid Task Force is happy with that number. And also happy no to carry out mass testing in the community. Their priority is to test the foreign workers and totally neglect testing the own people. Idiots.

  18. The most dangerous part about the mRNA vaccines is that they are trying to cover up all the deaths and adverse reaction cases to make it looks good and safe.

    On the other hand, a small little thing that happened to Chinese vaccines they would blow it out of proportion, even attributed non related cases like suicide to Chinese vaccines.

    The more they tried to lie, and forcing more people to be vaccinated by the mRNA vaccines, the more unexplained adverse reaction cases would happen. The time will come when they cannot hide and cover up any more.

    Singapore should be prudent to take these vaccines slowly and not rush into it. Vaccinate some and study the reactions and move gingerly forward, a small step at a time. Let the Americans and Europeans be the guinea pigs to their vaccines.

    These vaccines could be their nemesis.

  19. Every country is under reporting! Why? Because they have not tested their whole population, only a part of it. We cannot assume those yet to be tested are not infected. Singapore is in that situation.

    This is in fact the biggest problem, the bigger the population. And is exactly why Indonesia and the Philippines are so seriously affected. The yet to be tested but infected are spreading the virus. That is why it is so difficult to contain.

    It is still long way off waiting to return to normalcy. Firstly, there must be comprehensive testing in every country. That is the biggest problem, particularly in those third world countries. Secondly, every country must be cleared of the virus, no exception if travel is on the cards. Thirdly, a few infections resurfacing and the whole exercise has to begin all over again. It is a long long battle, if it is ever to be won. No need space age science to tell us that.

  20. The evil Americans have locked out several countries from the world trading system and forced their people to live in abject poverty and blaming their govt for poor management. The cause of their poverty is the evil Americans not allowing them to participate and trade with the world.

    NK, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, to name a few, are victims of the evil American Empire.

    Why the UN and the world allowed this to happen? No choice, the Americans carry the big guns, control the banking system, control the dollar, and can sanction whichever country that dares to trade with the countries the evil Americans forbid them to trade.

    This is how evil the Americans are, making the people of the countries they sanctioned and blocked from the world trading system to remain poor and hungry.

    It is only morally right and deserving for the Americans to be condemned and destroyed by the Covid19 virus.

  21. China has scored another first.

    China has overtaken the US as the world's top destination for new foreign direct investment, according to UN figures released on Sunday.

    New investments into America from overseas companies fell by almost half last year, leading to the loss of its number one status.

    In contrast, UN figures show direct investment into Chinese firms climbed 4%, putting it number one globally.

    The top ranking shows China's growing economic power and political stability influence on the world stage.

    China's successful model of governing, which the US and UK are very jealous of and trying very hard to paint it a negative image, has now proven to the world that it has been on the right track for National Development, Progress and Prosperity.

    Many African countries are now trying to adopt the Chinese model of government combined with free-market capitalism. The state will not interfere with the economy most of the time. It interferes only when necessary. For example, only when a foreign power such as the US or UK tries to sabotage China's economic growth through all sorts of ways and means.

  22. The Americans, through Soros, tried to destroy HK when they attacked the HK Stock Market, think in 1997. HK Exchange would have collapse if China did not intervene.

    China then made it public that if HK needed China's help, China would send it all the funds needed to fight Soros. They broke the attack and Soros suffered the biggest loss he had in his career of attacking and busting exchanges.

    The Americans are trying to pry open the Chinese stock markets to do another attack. China is aware and wary of it and is not going to open its financial system quickly for the Americans to do harm to it.

    There are a few hundred million innocent people in the countries under sanctioned and blocked out of the international trading system by the evil and wicked Americans. These people are suffering and many living in poverty. Thanks to American 'kindness, and protecting their human rights', to attack their govts and isolating them from the rest of the world.

    Evil deeds will be returned with evilness and pain, only a matter of time.

  23. China may have overtaken the US as the world's top destination for new foreign direct investment, but Singapore is pouring money into India. Why huh?

  24. Is there any louder confirmation that there's danger about the mRNA vaccines?

    Today's ST front page Headline: Integrated Shield Plan now covers Covid-19 jab complications that lead to hospitalisation. This will apply to policyholders who receive vaccines approved by HSA and are vaccinated in Singapore.

  25. China is doing rehearsals for military actions to forcefully take back Taiwan.

    On Saturday 4 fighters, 8 bombers and one recce aircraft were sent to South-West Taiwan, where Taiwan's secret nuclear bombs are located.

    On Sunday, another 4 fighters, 8 bombers, two anti-submarines aircraft and one recce aircraft were sent to the same location.

    All the Chinese bombers are the H6K type that can deliver nuclear weapons and bombs.

    It is only a matter of time that China will be running out of patience and Taiwan will be obliterated within two days.

    China will have to sacrifice the population of Taiwan in order to solve this problem once and for all.
