
America under threat


Who is threatening America? The white liars pointed the fingers to China, Russia, Iran, North Korea etc etc. The truth, as reported by Chris Hayes of MSNBC, the threat is the white supremacists led by their President aka Don Trump. No one is a threat to the American Empire. It is too big, too evil and will destroy anyone that posed a threat to them. Do the names Saddam Hussein, Guammar Gaddafi ring a bell?

Both were taken out and their countries in disarrayed, invaded and occupied by American troops. This is the price for being a threat to the evil Empire. So, the real threat to America, the evil Empire now, clear and present danger, is Don Trump, their President, and also the white supremacists and thugs like the Proud Boys. The American news media said it, on American TV.

But Trump and his evil peers would continue to lie, to spread white lies, the more they repeated it, the more stupid Americans would believe them. Keep repeating a lie, make the lie big, very big, then they will become more believer.

This is standard American tactics being used all over the world, spreading lies, making wild accusations, and the stupids would believe them. The stupids just cannot think or would not think.

After spreading lies and lies to stir trouble, to incite wars, start wars, fight wars in foreign land, to keep American homeland safe when others are lost in their wars and troubles, the war has boomeranged, the war has come home. America is under threat of war inside homeland America. Their Capitol invaded, ransacked, their senators and representatives are living in fear, fear for their lives, in America.

Think about it, only the violent white men of America could be a threat to America, not other countries, not Kim for sure. Kim has never go to war with any country. Kim is busy rebuilding his own country and preoccupied in trying to ward off the nuclear threat and invasion by the evil American Empire. Only the evil Americans can threaten North Korea, not North Korean threatening America.

But the lies continue and now the Americans are having a taste of their own medicine, their own lies spread by their evil men and women in the White House.

Nice, well deserving for this threat to their lives and to their country. Better if a civil war breaks out.  Then they will have no time to incite and start wars elsewhere. Keep them busy, very busy, at home in America. This is unlike America, unAmerican? Bullshit, this is what America is and has been throughout its existence till today and tomorrow.

Trump said America is a rule of law country.  The Americans said theirs is a rule of law country. What is Trump doing, obeying the rule of law or breaking down the rule of law?  America is a lawless country. Look at Trump and his mobs!

PS. With the mobs and white supremacists ransacking Capitol Building, you can bet that foreign operatives would be among them and the possibility of these people planting listening devices, bombs etc etc in the offices of the senators and representatives, in Pelosi's office etc etc cannot be ruled out. The amount of work to clean up the whole building is enormous. Capitol Building is now not only unsafe for the people working there, whatever that is being said inside the Building could be listened to.

Oh, can you imagine how many sensitive and personal/confidential documents were stolen on 6 Jan?

Well done, Trump, for undermining the security of Capitol Hill Building and Congress.


Anonymous said...

Is karma at work in the US? The coronavirus rate of infection and deaths caused by indifference of their president who is also responsible for the domestic political strife and mayhem. Perhaps if the virus had taken out the Trump adminstration, the rightwing warmongering advisers, enablers and hardcore supporters rather than decent Americans, the latter could have been mitigated and avoided?

Anonymous said...

It is a good thing that they did not get rid of Trump and his terrorists. This would allow them to continue to disrupt and destroy the Americans from within.

American will be under constant threat of war and bombing and killings throughout Biden's admin.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

China should put up an arrest warrant for Pompeo for acts of terrorism, supporting terrorists in Hong Kong and interfering in China's domestic affair.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

PS. With the mobs and white supremacists ransacking Capitol Building, you can bet that foreign operatives would be among them and the possibility of these people planting listening devices, bombs etc etc in the offices of the senators and representatives, in Pelosi's office etc etc cannot be ruled out. The amount of work to clean up the whole building is enormous. Capitol Building is now not only unsafe for the people working there, whatever that is being said inside the Building could be listened to.

Oh, can you imagine how many sensitive and personal/confidential documents were stolen on 6 Jan?

Well done, Trump, for undermining the security of Capitol Hill Building and Congress.

Anonymous said...

Up to this moment, Trump has still not conceded the Presidency to Biden. He has still not called Biden to congratulate him.

What kind of a man is he? What is he thinking and brooding?

Anonymous said...

The last I read on Counterpunch, at the present rate of vaccination, it will take the USA ten years to vaccinate the whole population. Now they are short of vaccines, and like the UK are planning to delay the second jab.

How this will work out and how it is going to affect those who have already taken the first jab, is anybody's guess, but the one to benefit most will be Pfizer and Moderna, with one more excuse to fall back on, if the second jab is delayed with consequences.

Anonymous said...

Kim is smarter than we think. With Trump in office he knows how to deal with the Dotard, but with Biden, it is not that clear cut.

In fact, there were more wars created during Obama and Biden's years in office. Without Russia and China in the way, North Korea would have gone the way of the dinosaurs long ago. That is why Kim is beefing up his nuclear arsenal. Puny by comparison it may be, but with missiles capable of being launched from submarines, it is a deterrent enough.

Anonymous said...

Oswald Spengler, the prophet of the decline of the West, left a question for the West more than a century ago. If the decline of the West is caused by its own doing, then it has no one to blame. But if the rise of non-white people causes the West to decline, should the West eliminate them?

The US, UK and Australia's attack on China has a racism element at its very core.

The West is in real panic because white supremacy is crumbling. China doesn't have to do anything - America will tear itself apart from within.

Anonymous said...

The British model of empire necessitates the total control of Government and maintenance of armies, a very costly affair that eventually bankrupt the British empire.

The USA learnt the lesson well, by just stationing troops in bases in those countries and letting those countries run their Government, a much less costly affair, but still discreetly having the invisible hand of control.

The USA arrangement may save on cost more than the British system, but it is still a very costly bill to foot, that is why their defence budget is so high and escalating every year. If they had not the luxury of printing unlimited US$, they would have collapsed long ago. Hence the fear of the US$ hegemony being upended is the most important preoccupation of the USA to survive. It is a life and death matter to them. That is why putting China down is uppermost in their minds.

Anonymous said...

12.46pm anon knn why asking rb unless u think he is a regular there if not how the hell he knows based on common sense if massage parlour is closed then the brothel is also close tio bo? If u can not tahan u can approach those independents no need safe entry but max they provide blow job only provided u OK with it. Else get your fix at Jalan Besar let the tuakee sailor sodomized u to get your high lor

Anonymous said...

RB will know when his mother's bedroom door is open. He wants RB to tell him that?

SSO said...

Why Teo Chee Hean said in his Facebook page that he was sad when the Americans are killing themselves?

Is he sending a message to someone?

More questions:

Is he one of the American worshipers?

Or he has valuable assets in USA?

Or was he recruited by the CIA while he was studying there?

Wise men at high places simply don't anyhow send out uncalled for messages like this. They keep their emotions to themselves. They don't express their inner feelings to the world at large.

Stupidity has no cure, again?

SSO said...

USA now has 4 Big Shits at hand. Yet still keep attacking China, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria and Yemen. Sooner or later, it will have more shits on its hands and legs.

1. COVID-19:

The Coronavirus Pandemic is still rampaging unstoppable. Even with fake vaccines like Pfizer and Moderna, it will take more than 10 years to solve this shit of self-generated super-spreading on a mass scale.


The US economy is in deep shit. The Federal Reserve is empty of money, talents and ideas. The continuous increase in deficit by the $Trillions and relentless printing of fake worthless Banana Money will soon erode confidence and trust in the US Dollar.


In addition to the division between the Republicans and the Democrats, the racist division between the Whites and the Non-Whites is getting worse by the days. Violence has become a daily affair and the Whites are running out of time and are desperate.


Trumpism is here to stay. Even with Don Trump out of the Presidency, the Trump culture has already been implanted deep into the heart of the society. There are too many violent groups under the influence of Trumpism. They will continue to use violence to fight for what they want and exert their influence over all the 50 states. More and more will join them. The US military is deeply involved with these violent groups. Even CIA, FBI and the paramilitary are not spared. This is a force to be reckoned with. These are well organised and well connected groups. Whereas the Non-Whites are not well organized and loosely connected, and lack of true and strong leadership. Trumpism will destroy the fundamental ideals that hold USA together for the ladt 200 years, from within.

Anonymous said...

When uprising or civil war breaks out, the USA is the worst country for it to happen. The free availability of arms in people's hands including mobs and mafias, any fighting is bound to be bloody and death will be beyond imagination.

1984 George Orwell said...

USA - What's Coming Next?

Today is 16 Jan. Another 4 days to go for Joe Biden's Inauguration as the 46th President of the Unlawful States of America.

What will happen within the next 4 days and after?

Will Jona Trump simply wind down, lick his wounded ego and go off quietly? Or, like a wriggling snake, refusing to die, he still has some venom up his sleeves?

Most of his financial supporters have either stopped their support for him and those who voted against the electoral results or pledged not to support him and his gang of lawless law-makers in the Senate. Some even asked for return of funds that have been donated.

Even the Deutsch Bank that has been the main financial support for Trump's Business Empire, has decided not to have any dealings with him any more.

Moreover, most of the main social media such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube have banned Trump indefinitely. Without Twitter, Trump has become like a Twat - can open his mouth but no one hears/reads.

Trump still has his Proud Boys, the white supramacist gang, the KKK gang and the Mafia gangs. He also has about 150 Republican senators in his pocket. He also have significant support from the Military, the CIA, the FBI and the Homeland Security Agency. These forces can help him do a lot of damages in the next four years during the Biden Administration.

On the other hand, Joe Biden looks old, weak and frail. Will he be able to last 4 years? Even if he is able to last 4 years, will he be able to serve a 2nd term?

The first 4 years, with so many major issues to deal, would have depleted his energy and ability to a great extent. How then can he be able to serve another 4 years in the second term?

It is very likely Trump will make a comeback in 2024 to try to win his 2nd Term. But man's plan cannot beat God's Will. He may suffer a heart attack or relapse of Covid-19 infection and kiss the Mother Earth bye bye.

Anything can happen. But nothing is going to be easy and plain-sailing for the Joe Biden Presidency, for USA and for the rest of the World.

1984 George Orwell said...

Biden’s inauguration will be a disaster planned, engineered, instigated and summoned by Don Trump, the lawless, immoral, vindictive, vicious and unscrupulous mafia chief of modern USA.

Virgo 49 said...

This Mafia Chief still wanted a Grand Send off with 21 guns salute and red carpet and Coloured Guards of Honour.

What's a Psychopath!

Anonymous said...

Trump is a psychopath. He wants to be the Hitler of the USA. Give him another four years and this will be the reality. In fact, he already has his militant followers ready to make that happen. When that opportunity did not materialise after his election loss, making use of the militants for insurrection is his plan B.

But even with him gone, the USA is still a plutocracy masquerading as a democracy, ruled by the rich. The one sitting in the White House will only care for the top 1%, not the other 99%. Trump's trillion dollar tax cuts benefitted the super rich. All the money said to be helping the poor goes mainly to Wall Street to push up the market. A negligible amount goes to the poor to project a semblance of help.

Funded by campaign funds from the super rich, the President of the USA is always beholden to the super rich, which means big business, big banks and big billionaires will continue to grow richer. The poor are unable to make big contributions to alter the status quo. Even the wealth of the middle class have migrated to the super rich.

And who are the poor in USA? Mainly the Blacks. In this climate of COVID19, business closures and job losses, more homeless on the streets, how long can this continue? A revolution in the mode of 'Arab Spring' is sure to erupt sooner or later. It is not preventable. Whatever external problems are just invented to divert attention away from the festering turmoil that is about to explode.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Nancy Pelosi's laptop was stolen by a rioter on 6 Jan. Can you imagine what kind of sensitive information will be stored in the laptop?

And they identified the rioter that took her laptop.

Can you believe it that the rioter committed suicide inside his garage... with 8 shots into his own chest? He could pull the trigger 8 times to shoot himself in the chest?

Anonymous said...

Jeffrey Epstein also committed suicide inside his prison cell. There were video cameras, but they stopped working at the exact time Jeffrey hanged himself. Can you believe it?

Anonymous said...

Why suffer the pain of 8 shots instead of one to the head? Does not look like suicide.

The question is, did the rioter or accomplice(s) stole any information from the laptop before he committed suicide or was 'suicided' by someone to erase the tracks?

1984 George Orwell said...

Obviously, someone has killed (murdered) him and whoever said that he had committed suicide must be an accessory or accomplish to the crime. If the police or FBI said that, then the police or FBI must be complicit in this case.

Probably, some FBI guys must have been sent to track him down. And when he was found, they killed him and took possession of Pelosi's laptop. This laptop could be in the custody of one of the Republican senators now.

Who is this senator?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Poor Pelosi. If this is the case, they could blackmail her. Is this the reason why she is still holding back the Impeach document and not sending it to the Senate?

Anonymous said...


Putin had his thumb on Trump. Trump had his thumb on Pelosi. Pelosi had always been fearful of taking action against Trump although she is a Democrat.

Solving the equation means Putin controls Trump, who in turn controls Pelosi.