
India's Hindu Caste Disease Re-surfaces Again - A Warning To Singapore

Under the Hindus' BJP party led by Narendra Modi, the Hindu caste mentality has been openly displayed for the whole World to see. There is very little attempt to hide or disguise it. This culturally-ingrained caste-mentality is an ugly disease that is impossible to eradicate. Despite the promises of doing away with the caste system, this ugly disease continues to infect and infest the brains, hearts and souls of most Hindus, especially those in the upper echelons of society.

With a staunch traditional Hindu leader, the BJP Hindu nationalists have been pushing the minority communities into a corner. The minority communities, especially the Muslims, are feeling more humiliated now than at any time in the history of India since 1947.

Hindu mobs have lynched Muslims and others for eating beef or transporting cows, which are sacred to majority Hindus.

The Modi government has amended laws to fast track non-Muslim refugees from neighbouring countries. It has also split the Muslim-majority state of Jammu and Kashmir and stripped it of its decades-long constitutional autonomy.

This year, Muslims were singled out and blamed for spreading the COVID-19 coronavirus infections, after members of an Islamic group attended a religious gathering in Delhi. However, much larger Hindu religious gatherings during the COVID Pandemic received no such political, public or media opprobrium.

In addition, Muslim students and activists have been picked up and thrown into prison for allegedly instigating riots over a new controversial citizenship law introduced by the Modi Administration last winter, while many Hindu violent protagonists went scot-free.

India's Muslim community's sense of alienation is real. PM Modi's BJP makes no bones about its Hindu Majoritarian Ideology. Popular news networks openly demonize Muslims and other races. Many of India's once-powerful regional parties, which once stood by the minorities, appear to have abandoned them. The main Opposition Congress is accused of using the minorities cynically to harvest votes without providing much in return. The minority communities have few leaders to speak up for them.

Indian Muslims carry a double burden of being labelled as anti-national and as being appeased at the same time. The irony is that, while many Indians have bought the Hindu nationalist's bogey that Muslims are being "rewarded unfairly", the Muslims have in fact not benefited from any major socio-economic gains.

For decades, India's Muslims have been disproportionately squeezed into ghettos in India's teeming cities. Their share in India's elite federal police officers force was not even 3%, while Muslims make up more than 14% of the population. Only 8% of India's urban Muslims have jobs which paid a regular salary, less than double the national average.

Though enrolments of Muslim children at primary school levels are high, dropouts at high school are even higher, mainly due to economic deprivation at the national and local levels.

Also, Muslim representatives in India's Parliament have been declining speedily and consistently - below 5% in the elected lower house now, down from 9% in 1980. When the BJP swept to power in 2014, it was the first time a winning party did so without a single Muslim MP.

Religious electoral competition practised by the ruling BJP has led to the marginalization of Muslims. Modi's party polarises the country by making the Muslims a threat to the Hindu identity.

In fact, India is moving towards an ethnic Hindu dictatorship, born out of ethnic Hindu nationalisation, which inculcates a strong sense of belonging and of superiority of the Hindus over all other people in their ancient caste-fixated world view.

Back home, Singaporeans had better wake up now before it is too late. Don't play with your fate by romancing with a caste-entrenched mentality. Otherwise, one day you are bound to face the same fate as the minorities in India today.


PS. Posted on behalf of SSO


  1. When you read India newspapers online, you will notice that they always report on all cases of Singapore citizens who are of " Indian origin ".

    They don't report on cases of Singaporeans of other races in their Singapore news focus, only Indian.

    Don't believe? can check here as example!

  2. Isn't the natural aristocracy concept propounded by PM Lee Hsien Loong a few years ago the same thing?

    Singapore is now a caste-society, with the Ruling Elites being the Highest Class of Singaporeans, entitled to rule. Their children are called "White Horses" which are given special designated planned and mentored routes of advancement - e.g. children of ex-ministers are given special treatments in the SAF, and a few are now ministers or generals.

  3. Indians are very class-conscious.

    The higher classes usually treat the lower classes with disdain and abhorrent.

    The lowest class called the Untouchables or Dalits are treated worse than animals. Even cows and buffaloes are treated better.

    Such caste system has been going on for thousands of years. It is in their blood and bone. How can they able change?

    Unless new laws are created to consciously make a great effort to alter the character of the upper classes.

    Even with new laws, it will not work because of the caste system works to the advantage of the ruling elites coupled with the corrupt adminstration at all levels.

  4. Googled " gang rape " and click [images] tab, seeing almost all are India pics !

  5. They are projecting themselves as the equals of the whites in the USA and capturing all the top positions in top American companies.

  6. My grandma said,

    "If you are attacked by a poisonous snake and an Indian at the same time, kill the Indian first."

  7. How to eradicate when the ruling class have all the say and position in society. Who would give up status and position that they have held for centuries? The lower caste have no say in the system, so how could they change the system even if they want to?

    And we are led to believe India is the world's biggest democracy. Demo my foot!

  8. India has never been a real democratic country.

    How can a highly corrupted country at all levels become a democracy champion?

    Look at the USA. It may champion for human rights and democracy but the USA itself is not a democratic country. It is a called a Republic. Likewise, India is called a Republic. China is also called People's Republic of China. Russia is called Republic of Russia. And North Korea is called Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

    Moreover, India is a Hindu dominated majority country that is very deeply entrenched in the belief in Hinduism. And Hinduism is the creator of the Caste System that divides people into five classes, plus the Untouchable as the NO CLASS or lowest of all humans. Altogether six classes. This is the earliest political concept of "Divide And Rule" devised by the Brahmins or Priests who claimed themselves to be the Saints, or representing the brain of their God of Creation (Brahma).

  9. India CECA news:

    Singapore’s GIC Pte. awill invest 55.1 billion rupees (US$753 million) in Reliance Retail Ventures Ltd, Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani’s retail unit.

    Hope don't lose money again !

  10. Not to worry. We have everything under control. Just sing along folks!

    It only needs a gang rape here and all hell will break lose? But it will, as always, be brushed aside as an honest mistake.

    When have politicians anywhere in the world admit dishonest mistakes?

  11. Some private companies, after years of making all the money, will look at the prospects further ahead and if it is not good going forward, will go for listing. After that it is all public money, or other people's money, to lose. They will take on very risky projects that they would not have undertaken had the company been still in private hands. Does that ring a bell?

    Who is that generous to share his profits with others when the going is so good?
