
Are Singaporeans anti foreigners or victims of foreigners stealing their lunch?

The Singapore Business Federation is so worried about “the recent rise in anti-foreigner sentiments” that it hosted a dialogue on October 1 with Chan Chun Sing. Representatives from 16 foreign chambers, including the American Chamber of Commerce in Singapore and the Singapore International Chamber of Commerce, voiced their concern to the Trade and Industry Minister. Quite a gathering of corporate lions....

Minister Chan assured participants that Singapore remains committed to being open and connected to the world, and continues to welcome foreign investments and global talent to build the best team to play for Singapore in the global arena.”....

 The above is from an article by Tan Bah Bah on the fear of foreign companies that Singaporeans have turned against foreigners. Now why should these companies be so ire or disturbed by this presumed predicament? This is far from the truth. Singaporeans, put it crudely, loved foreigners and like to be 'screwed' by foreigners and would say thank you for it, especially the bananas that are plenty among the daft Singaporeans.  There are unhappiness among Singaporeans, for sure, but more because the economy is not doing well and many are losing their jobs and finding it tough in this expensive city to get by without an income. And when they see the ease in which foreigners are getting employed while they getting sacked or retrenched, as citizens, it would be stupid if they are not angry with govt policies that put them in a very disadvantageous position.

By the way, why should foreign companies be unhappy just because Singaporeans are asking to be treated fairly and to be employed, to get a good job? Why are these foreigner companies here in the first place? They cannot be relocating here just to employ foreigners and not Singaporeans. If they come here just to employ Indians, Pinoys, Australians or westerners, then they should not locate their businesses here. They can go to India, the Philippines, Australia, Europe etc etc where they can get all their foreigners easily, no need to employ Singaporeans. Did they know that Singaporeans are the best educated, from the best universities, no cheating, no degree mills, no fake degrees and very hard working? 

Now who have been spreading the notorious lies that Singaporeans are untalented, lazy and not interested in their jobs? People spreading these lies are traitors to Singaporeans and ought to be shot. These silly lies against Singaporeans, that foreigners are talents and Singaporeans are not have gone too far that even fake foreign talents from third world dysfunctional countries, with funny degrees and fake degrees, believed they are more talented than Singaporeans.

It is time that our silly leeders stop belittling and discrediting Singaporeans and praising fake foreign talents with dubious degrees and qualifications to destroy the confidence in the ability of Singaporeans as the best workers in the region. Our first world city cannot be built by daft Singaporeans. Oooh, now silly fake foreigners from dysfunctional third world countries are claiming that they built this first world city and without them Singapore will fail. Can you believe that? 

Stop the silly myth and lies that we need foreign talents and Singaporeans are all daft and useless!

Now what is the problem with unhappy Singaporeans? Tan Bah Bah put up several questions that have nothing to do with Singaporeans being anti foreigners. It is all because Singaporeans also want good jobs and a good life in their own country. And Singaporeans rightly feel betrayed and rightly feel angry when they are being disadvantaged, discriminated and marginalised in their own country and finding getting a good job very difficult.

The questions below by Tan Bah Bah are very pertinent and basic to what being a Singaporeans is all about.

'What exactly is this anti-foreigner sentiment that is constantly being hurled at poor Singaporeans by its own government? 

Is it anti-foreigner to question whether CECA or any other trade agreement has put the job security and expectations of Singaporeans at risk? Is it anti-foreigner to question whether double standards are being practised in ensuring laws are being followed? Is anti-foreigner to highlight the misbehaviour of some expatriates? Is it anti-foreigner for Singaporeans, especially non-Chinese ones, to want our bus captains to able to communicate with non-Chinese Singaporeans?

Is it anti-foreigner for NS-serving male Singaporeans (and their affected family members) to ask what exactly it is that they are serving to protect – the interests of PRs and others? Would they be wasting two years of their lives (and more, doing reservist training) so that they may end up being at a massive disadvantage in their careers and everything else in life? Is it anti-foreigner if they totally resent being told at the same time that they are too cautious and unwilling to “take risks” (such as seek careers outside Singapore), implying they are not competitive enough, compared to risk-taking and hungrier foreigners?

How has it come to past that the victims of an unfair system are being cast as the villains by an establishment – government and business elite – too used to taking its citizens for granted?'


Only imbeciles cannot understand these and still think it is necessary to appease the foreigners and foreign companies setting up business here but not wanting to employ Singaporeans. It is time to tell these foreign companies to wake up their ideas. If they want to employ Indians, go to India. If they want to employ Australians, go to Australia. If they want to employ Pinoys go to the Philippines. In Singapore, employ Singaporeans. We are the best. 

Oh, Singaporean companies and GLCs that think Indian workers are the best should relocate to India, cheap and good and very talented.

Another myth, we need foreigners to help us fight against the world. Unfortunately the foreigners here are the rejects of their countries and the US or European countries. Even they join us would not make much difference as the best would not be here, would be in the US or Europe or in their own countries. Those that came here, to be in our team, are the mediocres, the unwanted, the unemployed, the jobless, the not good enough. How to compete with the better ones that are not here? Get that?


  1. Just abolish NS and reservists. It will put sinkies more on par with foreigners. Foreigners can work 3 generations in sg without ns especially those from matland. Why sinkies must serve NS?

  2. Our lives have become worse due to all these lousy PAP 4G ministers.

  3. // Minister Chan assured participants that Singapore remains committed to being open and connected to the world, and continues to welcome foreign investments and global talent to build the best team to play for Singapore in the global arena.”.... //

    Millionaire Chan Chun Sing speaks only for 60% of Singaporeans who voted PAP.
    PAP Millionaire does not represent all Singaporeans.

    It is PAP who "remains committed to being open ..." NOT Singapore.

    Singaporeans remain committed to actions that will benefit Singaporeans.

    Singaporeans are not interested in PAP actions that do not directly benefit Singaporeans.

  4. SIA's Silly Flight To Nowhere - Penny Wise, Pound Foolish?

    SIA, under the influence of Changi Airport Group's ex-Chairman Liew Mun Leong for a long time, seems to have adpoted the syndromes of 'benefiting self at others' detriment' and "ownself sabotage ownself", like in the case of falsely accusing Parti Liyani of thefts that she did not commit, and got backfired in the end when Liyani was acquitted of all charges by the high court.

    The idea of 'Flight to Nowhere' is basically just that. It is making money at the passengers risks of getting the COVID-19 infections within the small confine of a commonly-shared space in the aircraft's cabin.

    The excuse given is that they will take all the precautionary safety measures.

    The fact is that no amount of precautionary measures taken by any airline (or cruise ship company) can mitigate for the potential and highly probable risks of getting the COVID-19 infections.

    The COVID-19 virus is invisible to the naked eye, is stealthy, is carried inside and outside the bodies and luggages of the passengers, is highly infectious, can transmit through the air, can survive on any surface for at least 3 days, and most of all, it is smarter than the smartest scientist brain on earth today. So, don't try to outsmart the COVID-19 virus when you are not even a scientist.

    A business organisation is basically an ostensibly greedy money-minded organisation with profit-oriented management at the top. However, it also has a moral as well as a legal obligation to ensure the safety and security of its customers and passengers.

    A flight to nowhere could easily and potentially turn out to be a flight to somewhere - to the hospital or to the hell - for some unlucky customers and passengers.

    Moreover, in the end, the airline might be sued by customers for getting infected on board the aircraf, if all the precautionary safety measures failed to protect them from getting infected. Then the legal battles and the potential compensations to be paid out might cost more than the profits made from the silly flights to nowhere (or bankruptcy).

    Think again.

  5. When you made a bad investment, count it on bad luck.
    When you continued to make bad investments a couple more times, start thinking why.
    When you made a string of bad investments, it is not bad luck, it is not bad judgement. It is something very fishy.
    When making bad investments every other day and lose your pants, be worried, be very worried about what is going on.

  6. Ah Seng and his little boys and girls troop still think of getting foreigners to fight the world when all that they could get are the rejects and unwanted foreigners that nobody wants. The best already taken and they want to use the rejects to fight the best. How silly can they be, always thinking of using others instead of using our very own, insulting the ability of Singaporeans.

    Are these jokers not Singaporeans themselves? Singaporeans paid them to dismiss Singaporeans as useless and unable to fight the world. And bringing in fakes and rejects are better than Singaporeans.

    See how many billions have been lost and unaccountable.

  7. How to invest OPM?

    Very easy. First, make sure to charge very big management fee and work out a formula to get big bonuses.

    Two. Anyhow humtum. Win you get big bonuses. Lose never mind.

    Three. Hire foreigners to help you invest. So no need to sweat the small stuff. If make money, pay yourself handsomely. If lose money, blame the foreigners.

    Four. Keep an eye on the foreigners in case they conspire with the sellers to sell you lemons. But often this part not working. Just trust the foreigners would not cheat you and let them cheat you but pretend they are not cheating you.

    Five. Ignore all the big losses, even completely wipe out investments as long term investments.

    Six. Humtum and humtum and humtum. Don't worry, it is OPM. Not your own money.

    Seven. If no money to cover up losses, think of way to get more OPM. There are plenty of ATMs to take from.

    Eight. When got new OPM, humtum again.

  8. PAP leaders like the Xia Suay talk-cock like sing-song Paper General, by digging graves for Singaporeans to fall in, are actually digging graves for themselves.

    These Grave Diggers are actually also Coffers Diggers. They have been having too good a life and too easy to govern that they have totally forgotten where their rewards came from. They think that it's all their planning. What good are their plans without the Citizenry to carry them out?

  9. Basically they are all the same breed of self-important self-serving hyenas.

  10. Is Chan Chun Sing trying to secure a comfortable and prestigious job in India, like George Yeo after he had been voted out by Singaporeans?

  11. We are going to have 2 big white elephants in Changi. Terminal 5 and now terminal 4.


    1. Now there is one big white elephant, called Goliath, using a huge hummer carried by five muscle men to kill a tiny ant, called David, amongst the grass inside a special zoo where kangaroos are kept and tamed.

  12. Another Goliath vs David Case To Showcase Singapore Justice System

    Facebook post by Lim Tean on 5 Oct:

    >One vs Five:

    "In addition to dealing with police harassment on the eve of a big trial, I will be up against 5 lawyers representing Lee Hsien Loong in his defamation suit against Leong Sze Hian, which will be from 6-9 October in the High Court before Justice Aedit Abdullah. In other words, I will be flying solo for Leong Sze Hian.

    The trial will be held in Court 4B and starts at 10am each day. The public can attend but as seats will be limited, it will be on a First come first in basis with a queue number system. The earlier you queue the better chance you will have of going into the Court to watch proceedings.

    Lee Hsien Loong is expected to be in the witness stand giving evidence on Tuesday and Wednesday."

    Some responses:

    Go, go, go:

    " More than 31% of voters supporting you! Which lawyer got the support of 1 million people?

    Justice is not based on numbers. Parti’s one lawyer won over the LML’s 3 lawyers. Of course, a great judge made the difference between 3 yrs jail and total acquittal."


    "The Hand of God and the Blind Lady’s folded eyes will be SECURED by Allah and the Judge will be a NON-Beholden one similar to Liyanti’s…

    The Wrath of God/Allah will be UPON those who are Evil and Lies

    and The Sword of Justice will CUT through the Evil Heart of the one who is a Lie… Liar in Perpetuity that even his siblings call him OUT!!!"

    Justice Depends On Just Judges:

    "Justice does not depend on how many lawyers you have.

    Justice just depends on just judges. Even if there is only one just judge, it is enough to see justice is done.

    But nowadays just judges are rare. They are a dying breed. There are very few in between.

    Parti Liyani has been very lucky to have a just judge during her appeal hearing in the high court. Her good lawyer has to face give lawyers too – two at the district court and three in the high court.

    All you need is to pray to Allah for a just judge.

    Otherwise, you may have to visit Australia to learn how kangaroos behave."

    Does sgreans want democracy:

    "A very good lawyer does not need other lawyers to win.

    This shows how formidable LT is regarded."


    "This is one of the very rare opportunities to grill LHL.

    Please grill and BBQ him nice and proper. Burnt is also alright and better cremate him.

    Please ask all the right questions.

    This will showcase how the justice system works. Whether the judge is just?

    Remember, no answer is an answer. If cannot tell means something to hide.

    Good luck and good hunting."


    "LIM TEAN,




    "We True Blue Singaporean believe that Pao Zin oops Lim Tean will WIN the case for Leong Sze Hian. Tomorrow Mai Hum will NEED to wear a Jumbo size pamper when he is being cross-examined by Pao Zin oops Lim Tean! Only a Confirmed CHICKEN needs 5 Lawyers cum bouncers to defend him. The whole world is LAUGHING. Anyway, Heaven and the Barn Owl are keeping a Close Watch over the 3 days Trial to ensure that JUSTICE IS UPHELD!"

    Defamation Suit Is 2-Edge:

    "Actually, defamation suit is a double-edge weapon.

    Use it judiciously, it can clear your name and bring back honour where honour is due.

    Use it wrongly or too frequently, it boomerangs and make you look like a little rat trying to steal some cheese from a poor beggar in the streets of commoners. In other words, you degrade your status and defame your own name. At best, you simply made yourself become a court jester, a clown and a laughing stock. At worst, people lost trust and respect in you as a leader, as a person and as a fellow countryman."

  13. Scholars are the most selfish lot in any society. They will pretend to be team-players but inside their heart they aim to become leaders of the teams. In other words, they are actually individualistic creatures in disguise as team-players.
    Their whole entire life is to suppress and excel others so that they can be on the top.

  14. Why is the government still wanting to increase Medishield premiums by 30 plus percent when the annual payout is only 1% of total collections?

    I sense something is not right.

    My clairvoyant perception
    sees that somewhere, somehow, someone must have lost billions of dollars and is running out of funds. So, in order to get cheap funds in a speedy way, increase the Medishield premiums to deplete more of the people's savings so that when they kick the bucket, very little or nothing is left for them to withdraw.

    My clairvoyant perception very seldom failed me but sometimes it can be wrong.

    1. This is called Hood Robin, or Crook Robinhood, or the Reverse of Robinhood.

      Robinhood robbed the rich to help the poor.

      Hood Robin robs the poor to help the rich.

    2. 9.55ppm don't talk cock lar what hood Robin. Where is your logic? I hood u then u know

  15. “We cannot sustain our openness if we do not provide enough opportunities for our own people,” Senior Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam told the Singapore Summit on Sept. 14. “It is not socially or politically sustainable. No society can be blindly open.”

    Tharman should say these to the imbeciles.
