
Xenophobia on the rise when foreigners become too cocky and deluded

 On 21 September (Monday), a HardwareZone user shared a Facebook post by an individual named “Khan” on the forum, which garnered a lot of negative responses.

The post by Ms Khan explained her recent Xenophobic encounter with a number of Singaporeans who stated that expats in the country have taken over jobs meant for Singaporeans.

“I just had a very Xenophobic encounter with some Singaporeans which started of with snide comments about my country of origin and then going further to say ‘expats are taking over jobs from Singaporeans’,” she wrote.

She added, “Has anyone ever had an encounter like that in Singapore? I’m a bit worried now because I never thought that this would happen in Singapore. For expats with families in Singapore, do they experience this as well?”

In the comment section of her post, many foreign talents (FTs) have expressed their thought on this matter. Some of the points that they pointed out include FTs are “necessary to sustain this country”, Singaporeans are not “good enough” for the job so foreigners have to do it, Singaporeans’ lack the qualifications for the jobs and Singapore will be badly affected without expats.

The above is posted in the TOC on foreigners mocking at Singaporeans for lack of qualifications for jobs and Singapore being run by expats. This trend of thinking among the foreigners is a result of stupid people telling Singaporeans that foreigners from hopeless countries, could not get a job in their own countries, are coming here to work and thinking that they are better than Singaporeans. And many of these foreigners have fake qualifications or papers from funny universities, not from our very good universities, world class, quality measured by the expensive fees to match.

How could this happen to Singapore and Singaporeans, the only first world city state in a third world region and got despised and insulted by third world people that could not find jobs in their own third world countries? Who created this silly situation?

And as expected, when the numbers got big enough, the presence of foreigners, the novelty and goodwill will go down the longkangs. And to make matters worse, the foreigners not only sneered and despised Singaporeans, they even discriminated against Singaporeans, ganged up to marginalise Singaporeans in the work environment, in getting jobs. This is recipe for xenophobia.

Yes, you don't expect this to happen in Singapore, an island of daft that do not mind having millions of foreigners coming here to steal their lunch with a govt boasting about how important it is to bring foreign talents to work here instead of competing against Singapore and Singaporeans.  They forgot that if Singapore is not going to provide the jobs, the so called foreign talents would be jobless. They forgot that many jobs and industries are nothing more than selling chicken rice and have no need for these fake foreign talents. They did not know that many of the jobs can be done by Singaporeans instead.

The tolerance for foreigners is wearing thin and anger is rising. Don't bet on it that more ugly incidents would happen and foreigners would not be having it so good as before. It is a matter of time when Singaporeans would say enough is enough and good riddance to foreign rubbish.

Here are some responses to the mocking by foreigners.


  1. These foreigners feel no shame being parasites in other people's countries. The responsibility for creating jobs for India nationals lies with the Modi government.

  2. I strongly disagree. The responsibility for creating jobs for jobless Indians lies with silly leaders of countries that want to replace their citizens with foreigners.

    1. Why u strongly disagreed? U saying our silly leaders are responsible and u supporting them?" u needed to be sodomized jialat jialat lar

  3. The ones who are responsible for today's Singaporeans' hardship through hardwork must answer to the voters. But the voters are blind, deaf and daft. That is the biggest issue of all issues.

    Being looked down and marginalised by foreign scavengers in hordes is secondary. Having jobs stolen is secondary. Having falsely accused and wrongly convicted by a judge is secondary. The most important is to vote collectively as a force for food and also a force for good. For ourselves and for future generations.

    When elected representatives only represent their political party and their party's ministers, the rot has already set in.

    Nobody is taking care of us but themselves. They only show a token of cursory care in order to get by. They don't commit themselves fully to serve us but only for us to serve them.

    Almost all the laws passed in the last 50 years are mainly to serve those in power, not to protect those who are weak, lowly paid and powerless. This alone speaks volumes.

    This state of affairs cannot be going on and on. We must tackle the biggest issue first. We must make the blind sees, the deaf listens and the daft wakes up their fxxking ideas.

  4. If only the daft Singaporeans could their balls back, to have the balls to fight for their rights and place in their country.

  5. sinkies get the govt they deserve.

  6. The daft Singaporeans do not deserve to have this country. The pioneer generations built this country for them but they meekly allowed this country to be taken away from them and give it to foreigners without a whimper of protest.

    And now the foreigners are so audacious to even insult them and shit on their heads in this country.

    What can the daft Singaporeans do? Or what would the daft Singaporeans do? They have already been convinced that they are useless and deserve to be jobless and to look up to the foreigners for crumbs.

  7. China to the rescue - now Chinese tech companies Tencent, Alibaba, TikTok investing $billions in Singapore to create jobs for Singaporean PMETs in these hard times, while India send its India nationals here to cannibalize Sinkie PMET jobs ! What a contrast!

  8. Our Parliamentarians are a disappointing lots. They are not learning from history that many crowded cities were brought down by pandemic like covid. Hope that some mp would put up plan to reduce our population density. Must learned from historical events. Must have skills to look for grey rhinoceros and black swans, that what MP are for.

  9. There is an article in TOC about HK banning AI Flights because of Covid in India and many travellers from India tested positive. It asks why aren't Sin doing the same given the imported cases here are mainly also from India. Most of these are PR returnees and their dependents . Perhaps "Talent" has more privileges than just posh job and good life.That includes travel and return as one wishes even if one is COVID positive on return?

  10. Hahaha....

    Long time didn't say say here lah.

    Don't get angry. Bad for health!

    Sg already like that loong loong loong loong loong loong loong loong time ago liao! T

    Now, Sg can just LAN-LAN! You look at me I look at you!


  11. We can now see a big contrast between the PAP MPs and the Alternative Parties' MPs performance in the Parliament.

    The PAP MPs speak with their brain only.
    The Alternative MPs speak with their heart and brain.

    The PAP MPs speak in generality.
    The Alternative MPs speak in specifics.

    The PAP MPs speak in a round about way, in riddles.
    The Alternative MPs speak directly, frankly and clearly to the point.

    The PAP MPs, even Ministers, need help from fellow PAP MPs to back them up, most of the times.
    The Alternative MPs usually do not need backups, even though sometimes they may fumble too.

  12. All the states of India cannot ban movements of Indians.

  13. When China COVID-19 cases less than 80,000 in late January, Singapore banned entry to all Chinese visitors to deter the spreading coronavirus.

    When India COVID-19 cases more than 5.56 million today, Singapore still did not ban visitors from India !

    What is the reason huh ?

  14. @1:07 pm,

    Possible answers to your question:

    1. Singapore is afraid of India but not afraid of China because China is very friendly and easy to talk peace but India is very sneaky and vicious, little bit only threaten to sue.

    2. Singapore is pro-US and past colony of UK and most of the present Singapore leaders have been educated in UK and US Ivy Licked universities. And India is also pro-US and also ex-slave-colony of UK. In such connection, Singapore and India are buddy buddy birds of same song.

    3. Singapore is controlled by the Indians as follows:

    President is Indian,

    Foreign Minister is Indian,

    Home Affairs Minister is Indian,

    Law Minister is Indian,

    Chief Justice is Indian,

    One of two Senior Ministers is Indian,

    Deputy Attorney General is Indian,

    LAW Society’s Chief is Indian,

    MAS Chief is new citizen from India,

    DBS Chief is also new citizen from India,

    Temasek International CEO is also new citizen from India.

    And many many more new citizens and PRs from India holding key and powerful positions in public and private sectors in Singapore, replacing many Singaporeans who were holding those positions before.

    4. The Chinese leaders are basically held by the balls by the Indians. Though it looks as if the PM is running the city, it is not entirely so. He looks so frail and sickly, how can he perform in full steam?

  15. I agree with what Khan has written and also most of the subsequent comments made. Singaporeans should view the FTs as educators and helpers who have come to this little un-talented red dot to bring prosperity. Lets face it, if all FTs were to leave, Singapore would not function. Live and let live. Please.........

    1. Ya and I need to sodomize u to wake u up too

  16. For almost 40 years from 1965 to 2004 (year of new premiership), Singapore make do with less than 500,000 foreigners in Singapore.

    Today, there are 2,400,000 foreigners in Singapore.

    At least 1,900,000 foreigners should make their way home as Singapore sheds its unnecessary ballast.

  17. " At least 1,900,000 foreigners should make their way home as Singapore sheds its unnecessary ballast. " If you do that Singapore will sink.

    1. @ 2:14 am,

      How do you know? That is only your indoctrinated and fixated individual thinking.
      The fact is Singapore in 1965 was much worsr in every aspect than today, yet we strived, survived and prospered. It's all about good leadership. If we have good selfless sincere leaders and a hardworking and united citizenry, there is nothing to fear. Singapore will not only survive but thrive and leap to a higher state than today.

      Over-dependence on foreigners is a sure recipe to disasters to happen. It's only a matter of time.

  18. RB Thank you for this excellent post.

    Kind Regards


  19. lf one million foreigners leave Sin,
    the property market here shall crash instantly and many Sinkies will have to dive from the highrise to end their mortgages for their properties.

  20. India CECA News:

    KAMTHANA, India — On a recent muggy afternoon in southern India, Earappa Bawge hacked at the ground with a pickax, his white shirt pasted to his back. Each dull thud reminded him of how far his hopes had fallen.

    Just months ago, the 27-year-old engineer was poring over project files in an air-conditioned room at a factory hundreds of miles away. The job was a ticket out of rural poverty for Bawge’s entire family, who had sacrificed for years so he could complete his studies.

    Now he was back in the village where he was born, propelled by a wave of economic destruction rolling across India during the pandemic. To survive, Bawge began digging ditches under a public works program. Alongside him were a former bank employee, a veterinarian and three MBA students. At the end of the day, each received $3.70.

    “If I don’t work, we don’t get to eat,” said Bawge, flicking beads of sweat from his brow. “Hunger trumps any aspiration.”

    As India’s economy reels in the aftermath of one of the world’s strictest lockdowns, a rural employment program has emerged as a lifeline for some of the tens of millions left jobless. The government program — which aims to guarantee 100 days of unskilled work in rural areas — was intended to combat poverty and reduce the volatility of agricultural wages. Now it is a potent symbol of how the middle-class dreams of millions of Indians are unraveling.

    The program is serving as a last resort for university graduates as well as former white-collar workers who find themselves with no other safety net. More than 17 million new entrants applied to access the program from April through mid-September. Nearly 60 million households participated during that time — higher than the total for all of last year and the most in the program’s 14-year history.

    The need is dire. India’s economic output shrank by 24 percent in the three months to June compared to the same period last year, worse than any other major economy. During the nationwide lockdown, more than 120 million jobs were lost, most of them in the country’s vast informal sector. Many of those workers have returned to work out of sheer necessity, often scraping by on far lower wages.

    Salaried workers were also badly affected. A survey by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy found that 21 million salaried jobs were lost between April and August . The hardest hit group were workers with professional qualifications such as engineers, teachers and accountants.
