
The narrative to insult and belittle Singaporeans continues

 ...we should immediately stop describing foreigners who come to work in our country as foreign “talent”. This term was used by the elites and the MSM as a clever ploy and euphemism to mask the horrendous number of foreigners,which the government was allowing in,who were coming to our shore to earn a living.

If I go abroad to work,no one will ever describe me as a “foreign talent”. I would be described as a foreigner working in a particular country, which is not my homeland.

And how do we know if a particular foreigner is a real “talent”? What if he has a fake degree or qualifications? Why is he a “talent” when the Singaporean who has earned a degree from the 11th ranked NUS or 13th ranked NTU is not described as a “talent”?

So, let’s stop putting foreign workers on the pedestal by elevating their status as “talent”! I shall forever banish the phrase “foreign talent”from my own use. I shall remember what my teacher in Primary school taught me and describe them non-judgmentally as foreign workers.

Lim Tean 

Never in any country would its leaders repeatedly and continuously belittle and insult its own citizens as daft and stupid and praising unknown foreigners, many from pariah back lane universities or with fake degrees, some did not even go to universities, as talents. And there was very little effort to verify where these fakes came from, or casually do a simple routine formality and claimed to have done the due diligence.

When would Singapore leaders stop belittling Singaporeans from three of the world's best universities as non talents to be replaced by fake talents? When would this insult stop?

For continuously harping on this silly myth, even the fake foreigners think they are really talents or at least better than the graduates of our world class universities. Maybe our world class universities are fakes and so their graduates are equally fakes and our leaders knew about these or believe in this and thus prefer the unknown fakes.

It is unbelieveable that our graduates from world class universities are being looked down upon and despised and trampled by the foreign fakes allowed to come in so easily and freely to shit on their heads, interviewed them and told them they were not good enough, or be their bosses and pushed them around.

When would this nonsense of smearing our own citizens and graduates stop?

Comments from TRE


FTs Trash LTs:

The foreigners are talented at their game and know the loop-holes, while locals are losing their grip. Even the scholar-civil servants cannot or will not do anything about it because they are bound by trade agreement. Some of these foreign “talents” came in with fake degrees, six-month diplomas, or degrees from unranked universities and yet managed to land themselves in cushy jobs. Who is helping them enter the country? Who is giving them jobs?



Foreign talent ? More appropriate phrase is foreign trash. The word “talent” used by the Parti Against People to describe every foreigners, has lost its true meaning. Those with talent is someone who is specially gifted, and not any Tom, Dick or Harry coming to our shore. Many of these so-called talent are from 3rd world countries where their countries cannot find jobs for them. So, the main purpose they come to our land is to earn money.


Foreign Talons!:

Shame on the Gahmen for bringing in these FTs “Foreign Talons” who are literally clawing the livelihood out of innocent Singaporeans- no thanks to our “goondu” Ministers who are not street-smart and get conned into signing the CECA. The only way to free ourselves from the claws of these hawkish opportunists is to rescind the CECA or has the Gahmen foolishly gone to a point of no return?


  1. Singapore is the Garden of Eden for the PAP elites and their foreigner pets, not for ordinary true blue Sinkies!

  2. Even in Matland where I was seconded to their Warehouses and Port Services for a period of time, they used to call me Orang dari Singapura..

    But they were friendly and accommodating.

    Even that Datuk as owner of one of that privatised port had me sitting together on his specially reserved table at the Canteen and conversed of our experiences.

    They don't called you FOREIGN talents! Just an neighbouring kuching kurap expat from Sinkieland.

    Kind ENOUGH for you to stay and work in their country.

  3. Permanent resident are foreigners and must be classified together with Foreign Workers. Singaporeans are unique, they are already divided into local borned and naturalised. It further divided into different races, religions, etc. Sggov is really confused.

  4. Blame Woody. The one that has done the most damage to Singapore. He started opening the floodgates, sent Minister's salaries into the stratosphere (and still harping that that is not high enough), called Sinkies who migrated as losers (when his own daughter is one of them), initiated the moves to pander to Indian music, tells tall tales of 'ghouls 2010', more good years (of massacre of local job seekers) and paved the way for those after him to decimate the locals.

  5. "decimate the locals." - oops typo, should be "decimate the Sinkies."

  6. Karma or the Universal law of Cause and Effect shall find unto them whoever deprive Sinkies the job opportunities & coming to this tiny rock to steal away Sinkies jobs some even steal away Sinkies families, it's a sad scene in this part of the world.

  7. Similarities And Differences Between CECA Invaders And ISIS Terrorists

    The CECA Invaders are similar to the ISIS terrorists in their own right, though there are differences too.


    1. The ISIS terrorists terrorise the locals by brutally and horribly killing them and take away their possessions and land, exactly like the evil Whitemen.

    2. The CECA Invaders terrorize the locals by stealthily and subtly killing their jobs and take away their only means of survival and happiness, exactly like the evil White Devils.

    3. ISIS was created, organised, trained, equipped, supported and weaponised by the Unlawful State of America under the Obama Administration to invade the Middle-East agressively, speedily and recklessly and then subsequently capture state by state the oil-rich countries in the Middle-East firing as many shots as they can.

    4. CECA Invaders were created, organised, trained, equipped, supported and weaponised by the Cunning Republic of India under the Modi Administration to invade Singapore subtly, slowly, surely and then ultimately capturing Singapore without firing a shot.

    5. ISIS has the support of part of the local people in each Middle-East state because of the benefits they thought they would enjoy if ISIS could overthrow their present government and rule their country.

    6. CECA Invaders also have the support of the greedy get-rich-quick type of local people, especially their instant multi-millionaire leaders in Singapore because of the benefits they thought (guided by lack of common sense) they would enjoy if the CECA Invaders could create jobs and increase the GDP at all costs for them.


    1. ISIS Terrorists use muscles, guns and bullets, whereas CECA Invaders use brains, fork-tongues and keyboards.

    2. ISIS Terrorists operate noisily and overtly, whereas CECA Invaders operate stealthily and covertly.

    3. ISIS Terrorists cause deaths and bloodshed, whereas CECA Invaders cause joblessness and hunger.

    4. ISIS Terrorists openly claim responsibility for what they have done, whereas CECA Invaders do not claim responsibility for what they are doing.

    5. ISIS Terrorists are not welcomed by the leaders of the countries that they have invaded, whereas CECA Invaders are welcomed with open arms and open thighs by Singapore's leaders.

    6. ISIS Terrorists have no legal documents to back up their destructive activities inflicted upon the local community, whereas CECA Invaders have legal documents to back up their destructive activities inflicted upon the local community.

    7. ISIS Terrorists' backing country, USA, cannot sue the government of the invaded country, whereas CECA Invaders' backing country, India, can sue the government of the country they have invaded.

    8. ISIS Terrorists invade a country with the local people and government knowing it, whereas CECA Invaders invade Singapore without the local people and government realizing it.

    9. ISIS Terrorists take on big countries and stronger opponents, whereas the CECA Invaders take on a tiny, puny, helpless and much weaker City-State, like Singapore.


    When a country is destined to fall, fatuous, greedy, incompetent, self-glorifying and self-enriching pseudo leaders automatically gyrate themselves to the centre of power, to allow foreigners to infiltrate into and invade their own country without even realizing it.

    The actions of such pseudo leaders inevitably cause havoc and upheavals to the social fabric of the local society and hasten the destructive process of the country for a final grand fireworks finale.

    History is never kind to a society that has become the symbol of "Ah Quism". In other words, history is always on the side of the wise, street-wise, not on the side of the book-worm idiots, who think that their fellow citizens owe them a living, and also continue to behave arrogantly and chronically like a childish A-level student even into their 60s.

  8. When we were young watching TV shows, we were led to believe that traitors always end up behind bars or dead and the righteous win.

    In real life nowadays, the traitors end up happily rich, enjoying life and living to ripe old age!

  9. Talking about free riders, aren't these FWs (foreign workers not FTs as Lim Tean says) free riders too? No NS, not even from top U but given high pay posh jobs? PAP ministers started as free riders too riders on the coattails of seasoned ministers in GRCs to pass the post.So are all MPs in GRCs. Heck even the unelected reserved elected president is a free rider too. The laws had been changed to make it so difficult for others and easy for her that she didn't even need to work up sweat for a contest. Its given on a silver platter at the expense of the people's choice. So the freeridership symptom is pervasive in the Govt and PAP.


  10. Hi a very very very good afternoon to everyone.


    The massive 61% still die die die die die die die die wanted them to form the government!

    Why? Why? Why?

  11. All these foreign workers may be considered "talents" when compared to our leaders. With CECA, the foreigner workers are having the cake, eating it with their whole villages and all of them laughing their way to the banks. And our leaders are still clueless on what is happening.

  12. @ 2:01 pm

    "Hi a very very very good afternoon to everyone.


    The massive 61% still die die die die die die die die wanted them to form the government!

    Why? Why? Why?"

    You are just like Ah Q. Got cheated for so long, again and again. Yet still don't know why? And pretend don't know? So that you won't feel the pain of being cheated into defeat?

    Have you heard of smart people?
    Have you heard of stupid people?
    Have you heard of smart people cheating the stupid people?

    Have you heard of ballot boxes left behind in the school or voting centres?

    Have you heard of ballot boxes transferred by buses?

    Have you heard of any policemen or opposition leaders following the ballot boxes from the voting centres to the counting centres?


    Why need another set of people in another place to do the counting?

    Why don't use electronic counting?

    Voting slips can be perforated for electronic counting, just like counting money.

    And why need sample counts?

    Have you heard of magical illusions?

    Have you heard of oil rig? An enormous structure that is rigged in order to collect oil?

    Wake up!

  13. Don't u think Members of Parliament who never served NS are free-riders?

  14. There are many, countless, free-riders in the PAP camp:

    1. MPs who hide behind Ministers to get elected, because by their own standing, he would have been trounced and not voted in, e.g. the asshole surgeon, Poh Ah Koon, the present talk-big and got kicked out of the MOE, Ong Ah Koon, the sheep produce cotton idiot who always talk cock and who bad-mouthed Singaporeans as Xia Shuay, and many others.

    2. Nepos who got into high-paying jobs through connections instead of merits, yet covered up by fake meritocracy argument.

    3. Cronies who get contracts and sub-contracts to big garment projects earning millions easily.

    4. Grass-looters who loot the people without shame by pulling strings and pulling ranks.

    5. SAF paper generals who got no experience nor appropriate qualifications are given high paying jobs by parachuting into the positions, bypassing the rank and files in the organisations like GIC, Temasek subsidiaries and GLCs, and NTUC.

    6. Unqualified people being converted from Indian to Malay in order to take the post of a puppet at high pedestal.

    7. Father made son to take over PM job, using seat warmer and cronies to pretend it is not his doing.

    8. The list goes on and on.....

    Therefore, the one who points a finger at others being free-riders is actually pointing his own other fingers back at himself and his gang of free-riders and free-loaders.

    To a cunning person, black can be white, and white can be painted black. Same as evil US Empire that accuse others of doing bad things but it is the evil US Empire that is actually doing the bad deeds of killing, murdering, sanctioning, and regime changes. PAP leaders must have rubbed off the reversed psychology and reversed engineering from the Evil US Empires' leaders?

    Only thing is: Nowadays, the public are not easily bought.

    Never trust a politician who openly said he confessed that he fixes the opposition and also proclaimed himself as natural aristocrat, and made use of parliament as his person court of self-redemption.

    The Covid pandemic has been so badly handled, yet self-praised self has done a good job. Pui, pui, pui...

  15. Hi Anon 7.48

    You are absolutely correct. I agree with all you have written. One thing I disagree with you is when you say " Nowadays, the public are not easily bought." In the last GE 61% swallowed their lies, - hook, line and sinkers.
