
Bad words and derogatory phrases must be banned

Singaporeans have been bombarded with bad words and phrases that degraded their existence and insulted their intelligence and have been keeping quiet about it either for fear of speaking out or just being plain dumb. After being trained to fear authority, not to question the natural aristocrats, not to question abuses and threats, daft Singaporeans have turned themselves into meek sheep to be controlled by sheep dogs, the perfect creature to live under authoritarian rules. They can no longer tell what is good for them what is bad for them, what is dismissive and derogatory, even willingly allowed their country to be occupied and taken over by foreigners.

Here are some of the dismissive and bad words and phrases that Singaporeans must take note of, wake up.

1. 'locals' is a word invented to mean citizens and PRs when used to tell how many foreigners/Singaporeans are employed or unemployed. By using the word 'locals' it treats PRs as the same as citizens/Singaporeans. So when they said 60% of locals are employed, it gives the impression that 60% of Singaporeans are employed. The truth could mean that of the 60%, only 10% is Singaporeans and 90% PRs. 

2. Foreign talents. How many are real foreign talents? How many are fakes and cheats. Are they really better than Singaporeans? Are the few hundred thousand foreigners here really better than Singaporeans to deserve to replace Singaporeans in the jobs they are hired?

3. Singapore belongs to everyone here? No need to elaborate on this. Can't believe my ears.

4. Here is another dirty word, 'residents'. When Singaporeans start to use residents instead of Singaporeans, it diminishes the importance and value of Singaporeans. This is Singapore and we should be talking about Singaporeans, not residents, not locals! Foreigners are foreigners and they are not the responsibility of the Singapore govt. They have their own govts to take care of them.

Below quote is from TOC.

'Singapore People’s Party (SPP)’s Jose Raymond on Sunday (27 September) called on residents of Potong Pasir Single-Member Constituency (SMC) seeking new employment to send in their résumés through his website.

In a Facebook post yesterday evening, Mr Jose said that residents can also recommend the function to anyone living outside of the area who is currently seeking a new job after being retrenched.

“We managed to put another resident back to work, thanks to my network of friends and business owners who have pledged to provide support to residents who are in need of help, or who may have been laid off over the last few months as a result of COVID-19.'

 If we keep on talking about foreigners, locals and residents, then where is the place for Singaporeans, where are the Singaporeans? Are Singaporeans no longer important in this island called Singapore?  This island no longer belongs to Singaporeans but to foreigners, to locals and to residents?

What is the point of calling this a nation? What is nation building all about? What is National Service all about?


  1. When good people started to get fat, fatter and fattest in body, brain and bank accounts, they neglect the source of their inflow that made them fat. They become ungrateful to the source that feed them. They then started to bite the hands that feed them.

    Then they became bastards. Once they became bastards, they started to bastardise everything below them, everyone who is beneath their level and false dignity, anything that they do no like or do not meet their whims and fancies.

    The first thing they bastardised are the words and the terms they coined. And these include "locals", "residents", "xia shuay", "Singapore is for everyone here", "Swiss standard of living", "more good years", "quitters", "peanuts", "mediocre if your salary is below $500, 000 per year", "fixing the opposition", "natural aristocracy", "foreigners create jobs for you", "be grateful", "Inside 200 meters is not WITHIN 200 meters", "India can be accepted as Malay for purpose of become President", etc. etc. etc.

  2. Nowadays in your workplace or offices if u dare say u r a S'Poreans, mind u there r many whom r naturalized SPoreans, PRs, WP or EP whom dared to tell u Hey Mate SPoreans so wat u goto to the job olso except NS benefits & nothing else, so locals/residents/Poreans makes no difference to them anymore all need to work hard for that bread n butters to bring hm & put on the table for yah families.

  3. The imbeciles still bringing in more of these fake foreign talents to discredit and insult us.

  4. The ones who really insulted us are the 61% pappy voters.
    They not only insulted us. They insulted themselves aa well.
    They helped the betrayers to betray us.

    The 39% must unite and work harder to get at least 12% of the 61% to wake up. Otherwise there is no hope already.

    Better find ways out of this shit hole than to get screwwd by the Foreign Trash.

    This present governor is very sick. Cannot trust his judgement and decision any more. I think the self-destruct cancer cells have affected his brain and sanity.

  5. If we want to restore Singaporeans back to our rightful place in Singapore.
    We must vote out PAP.
    We have no room for traitors in our small country.

    Singapore for Singaporeans only.

    True or not?

  6. @ September 30, 2020 12:27 pm

    Out with traitors!
    Out with foreigners!
    Out with Millionaire leeches!
    Out with Millionaire Mayors of Singapore!

  7. They publicly, proudly and happily declared that Singapore was not a nation, only a city and that she belonged to everyone in this whole world. It is as good as announcing that Singapore is nothing more than a corporation for them to milk as much as they can and for as long as they can. Public service, national pride, patriotism, citizenship privileges are rubbish to them. They sneer at such daft concepts.

  8. @ September 30, 2020 3:23 pm

    I agree.
    These people should be sodomized by their own tua kee foreign talent.

    It's useless to debate with these people.
    Just vote Opposition.

  9. Nation Building is for all citizens of Singapore. There is no difference between a true blue Singaporean and a new citizen. Both are Singaporeans. Both are entitled to be treated the same. No difference at all. Entitled to all rights and privileges of a citizen of Singapore. The only difference is they may not have done the NS. A spouse of the new citizen may still hold the nationality of their home country or their sons may also hold the home nationality to avoid NS, but can enjoy the fantastic medical and education facilities of Singapore. Furthermore when things become less favourable for this new citizen in Singapore, the whole family has the option to pack up and return to their home country. This option is not available to the true blue Singaporeans. All new citizens are also Singaporeans.

  10. When Ah Kong built a business empire, how many silly prodigal sons would invite outsiders to join the company to share the wealth as equal shareholders at the expense of the children of the Ah Kong? Hiring outsiders as employees is ok, but as shareholders is betraying the family and children of Ah Kong.

    But prodigal sons are like that. That is why family wealth cannot last more than 3 generations.

  11. Elon Musk called Billy Goat (Bill Gates) a knucklehead.

    While Elon Musk made his $billions through real innovation and sheer hardwork, Billy Goat has been living off others' innovation by stealing their ideas or buying up their new start-ups which are making promising progress, e g. His recent attempt to buy up TikTok through pulling strings with Trump behind closed doors. (Walls have ears).

    Even his Microsoft and Windows are not his own work. He stole then from his partner.

    And while Elon aim to be pioneering in new frontiers, Billy Goat has been aiming to monopolise and dominate the Internet with his Windows and Microsoft.

    DOS (Disk Operating System) used to be a freeware until Billy Goat bought up those brothers who invented the DOS and incorporated DOS into Windows and the never allowed others to use DOS again. How selfish bastard!

  12. MediShield Life premiums will go up next year by as much as 35%.

    Electricity tariffs to rise 9% for households in next 3 months.

    Gas prices to increase 5%.

    Are you angry ?

  13. Singapore is a very expensive city. Cost of living is very high. Medishield Life Insurance Premium is going up and soon your CPF will be ZERO. Better emigrate and go live a cheaper Asean country. Can claim all your CPF before it becomes kosong.

  14. CPF is not your money. Other people are helping themselves to it as and when like it. You have no say. Oh, it is for your own good. With this statement, say bye bye to your CPF money.

  15. You save they take.
