
Sample Count in GE - What is the real purpose of this seemingly unnecessary process all for nothing?

 The sample counting of votes is a novelty introduced into the GE process of Singapore. I have not heard of any other country having such an additional process to have a preview of what the final outcome of an election would be. What is this sample counting? It is an additional step that allows a small sample of the voting slips to be counted and to announce what is the percentage of votes for the parties involved at the start of the counting of the votes. One thing for sure, it is just a preview but would not be the result as the final answer must be when all the votes are counted.

The question is why have this additional process when it really does not do anything and cannot be the real result of an election?  It cannot change anything. It can also be very misleading as a sample done in this way can be horribly wrong and different from the final result, though so far it seemed to be quite representative of the final counts. A coincidence or what? Is this not surprising that all the sample counts reflected very closely to the final results? Under the rule of randomness, this cannot be and unlikely to be. A sample is just a sample and cannot represent the whole and can be wrong.

So, why is there a need for this unnecessary step that would add in more work to the whole election process, may cost more time to do this extra bit? At best, a sample count would give the spectators and supporters a feel that the vote may be in favour or against a candidate. So what? It can go the other way too. Does this mean that the spectators and supporters can start to prepare for a big celebration or to go home as their candidate appears to be losing?

Come, come, why is this necessary at all? Unless something can be done to change the result of the final count, ... a sample count is totally a waste of time. And in a transparent and clean electoral process like the Singapore GE, everything is so well controlled, no one can ever think of doing something to the results once the voting is closed. Everything is accounted for, every item is controlled, even ballot boxes are controlled item and cannot be miscounted or misplaced.

So, hypothetically, say in a third world corrupt country when election processes can be manipulated, rigged, votes can be added etc etc,  a sample counting would be very useful to the power that wants to cheat and has the power to cheat. In such a situation, when the sample count says the party in power is losing, the party in power could then do something to load in more votes in its favour, to stuff more votes into the boxes, to add in a few more boxes of votes.  Or, if the party in power had stuffed in too many votes and the result would look ridiculous, they could temper it by removing some votes to avoid winning by a too big margin. But such crooked process can only happen in backward third world countries, not in modern cosmopolitan city state, a small state when practically everything is being watched.

So, why is this process so necessary, so important, that it is a must have process? Singapore, being well known for efficiency, should not indulge in doing the unnecessary that has no benefit and a waste of time and resources. I have been thinking and thinking, why perform an unnecessary, good to have task, when there is no benefit to gain from it? I am lost for trying to think of a good reason to have this sample count. So much work, coordinating, planning, time and resources but with no real benefits.

What do you think? Why is this sample counting necessary or should it be done away with? At best people would say the sample count is quite accurate. At worse, if it is the other way, it is frivolous. Having or not having the sample count would not affect the final result in anyway.


Virgo 49 said...

Good morning Mr RB

These samples counts are deadly accurate.

Most results are forecasted accurately with a discrepancy margin of only a little less than below 3 to 4 %.

Did they forecasted that WP, the PAP second team leaded at Hougang?

Or they just simply ignored broadcasting it?

Sample counts from one polling station of seveal HDB or other blocks and mixed together with some from same Constituency will have the Papies calculated and tableted into the statistics of what's is the percentage of supports are for the Papies.

This is to guage future boundaries realignment if necesaary.

Their Scholars are UAssA Dotard Trump Top Unis and it must be a tactic that been taught by the look for wars intelligence service and their CIA.

Maybe also psychological warfare in browbeating the Oppositions.

No one infered of Outside Inferences as claimed by the Americunts each time in their errections.

Any outside rigging or interferences by Indons or Mats?

Why every time the PAP won by majority?

Haha, our laughing Anon akan datang.

Anonymous said...

Bilateral agreements have not jeopardised employment opportunities for Singaporeans: Heng Swee Keat

Si liau! Very out-of-touch-with-ground PM-in-Waiting . . . .

Anonymous said...

He is happy that everything is fine to him. No problem. Full throttle ahead.
To the losers, you die your own business. It is your own problem.

Anonymous said...

“In fact, what we are doing is to ensure that it creates better jobs for Singaporeans,” he said.

Assured of his own job for the next five years, now he talk ya-ya.

Anonymous said...

We can thank the 61.24% for that!

Anonymous said...

Hi a very very good morning to everyone.

So far ok leh...accurate leh.

The sample count is very good to some.

Once all sample counts out, can go and sleep lah.

No need to wait for another two to three hours for the official results.

So the sample count should continue. Correct?

Anonymous said...

Yep, only a matter of perception. My view against yours.

To you, more foreigners is bad. To them, more foreigners is good.

They are the garment. They think what is good must be good. They decide and make policies.

You think do not matter. You have to live with their policies.

Anonymous said...

It is not a matter of perception. It is real life experience we undergo. Have u ever been asked by your bank employer to leave, together with the whole desk of Singaporean colleagues, to be supplanted by a team outsourced from India?

To add salt to would, the employer tell you to stay just another three more months - proposing to pay u a higher monthly salary for these 3 months - to help train the India nationals who are here to take over your job !?

Anonymous said...

Which bank would do that to Singaporeans?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

When an empire is in its dying days, pompous fools would be elected to power, just like clown Trump. And Trump and his equally idiotic gangsters believe what they are doing are going to Make America Great Again.

The rest of the world looking at the circus could not believe what they are seeing and happening in the USA, with devious and self inflicting policies to run down the Empire. And Trump and Pompeo truly and sincerely believe they are the most brilliant fools and what they are doing are the right things that would bring them more votes and be in power for another term.

Queen of Hearts said...

Question :

Why is the oil rig called oil rig.


Because when it is oiled, it is rigged.

SSO said...

"Those skilled in deception deceive without deceiving. That is the ultimate art of the crooked human mind that has been regularly grind and polished to shine and outshine."

- From Random Thoughts Of The Day by SSO.

Anonymous said...

They can urinate down your back and tell you it's raining.

SSO said...

Breaking News from BBC:

US President Donald Trump's eldest sister, a former federal judge, has said her brother is a liar who "has no principles", secret recordings reveal.

The critical remarks by Maryanne Trump Barry were recorded by her niece, Mary Trump, who last month published a book excoriating the president.

"His goddamned tweet and lying, oh my God," Ms Barry is heard saying. "It's the phoniness and this cruelty."

Mary Trump said she had taped her aunt to protect herself from litigation.

Mr Trump responded to the latest revelations in a statement issued by the White House, saying: "Every day it's something else, who cares."

Virgo 49 said...


Those who had lost their conscience would not bothered who bad mouthed and told their evil truths on.them.

Queen of Hearts said...

Trump even paid someone, whom his sister still remembers by name, to sit for his SAT exam in order to qualify him to enter the University. He already started cheating during his teenage time. Countless girls and women must have been cheated by this self-confessed puss-grabbing playboy during his teen and middle-age. That's the reason he organised beauty contests, reality shows, casinos, trumpet university and marrying three wives and unknown number of mistresses. Cheating by deliberately going bankrupt six times. All his life is nothing but cheating in order to get where he is today.

That is what Trump actually is.

Make Americans Grieve Again!

Anonymous said...

From Wikipedia, Exit poll - An election exit poll is a poll of voters taken immediately after they have exited the polling stations. A similar poll conducted before actual voters have voted is called an entrance poll.

Exit polls are also used to collect demographic data about voters and to find out why they voted as they did. Since actual votes are cast anonymously, polling is the only way of collecting this information.

Anonymous said...

I think we should overlook this flaw. PAP deserves credit for going all in with CCP and rejecting the West. Xi Jinping Thought is a book that should be a mandatory read in all the local schools and universities.

Anonymous said...

Singapore all in with CCP or the USA?

BTW there is no such thing as Xi Jinping thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Watch Singapore media. It's all China good, USA bad.

The concepts behind Xi Jinping Thought are elaborated in Xi's The Governance of China book series.

Anonymous said...

I watch Singapore media, always US good, China bad.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Singapore's news media, monopoly of SPH (controlled by SAF personnel at various key levels) has always been propagating good things for the US and Whitemen but always bad things for China and Chinese people. Even local Chinese are being despised and branded as Xia Shuay by one of the ex-SAD generals.

Anonymous said...

Clear, clear, cleared!
MOM has been so quick in declaring that all foreign workers dormitories have been cleared. Now what happened?

"SINGAPORE — Around 4,800 workers have been issued a stay-home notice at Sungei Tengah Lodge, said the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) on Sunday (Aug 23), a day after a new Covid-19 cluster emerged at the dormitory. 

Located at 500 Old Choa Chu Kang Road, the dormitory was among the largest Covid-19 clusters in Singapore with more than 2,200 confirmed cases before it was declared cleared of the coronavirus by MOM last month."

Last week, another 8,000 workers were lockdowned again because of "one infection"?

Queen of Hearts said...

Philippines' Hot and Cold Diplomacy With China

Two weeks ago, Philippines' President 'Romeo' Do-The-Take expressed gratefulness to China for help in providing the COVID-19 vaccine.

Last week, after China did not reply to him about his request of the vaccine to be free, Romeo Do-The-Take turned to Russia and said "Russia is our friend", when Russia offered the COVID-19 vaccine and also said he would be the first Guinea Pig to try the Russian vaccine. He also asked Russia to provide the vaccine free of charge. Russia also did not reply.

This week, the Philippines' Defence Minister (probably in the payroll of the CIA) accuses China of fabricating the South China Sea claims of using the nine dash boundaries.

"China’s nine-dash line used to claim most of the South China Sea is a fabrication, the Philippine defence minister said, as he accused Beijing of illegally occupying Filipino maritime territory.

The Philippine Foreign Ministry last week lodged a diplomatic protest over what it said was the “illegal confiscation” by China’s coast guard of fishing equipment near the shoal.

“That area is within our EEZ,” Defence Secretary Delfin Lorenzana told reporters in a text message, referring to the country’s exclusive economic zone.

“Their (China’s) so-called historical rights over an area enclosed by their 9-line doesn’t exist except in their imaginations.

“Our fishermen are within our EEZ and likewise our ships and planes conduct patrol sorties within our area.

“They (China) are the ones who have been doing provocations by illegally occupying some features within our EEZ. Hence they have no right to claim they are enforcing their laws.”

Beijing claims the majority of the sea, often invoking its so-called nine-dash line to justify its alleged historic rights to the key waterway that is also contested by the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam, Taiwan and Brunei.

It rejected a 2016 UN-backed tribunal’s ruling that its claims were without legal basis.

China’s foreign ministry on Friday defended the coast guard, saying they had carried out law enforcement activities and “their actions are understandable”.

It also accused Philippine military aircraft of invading Chinese airspace in another disputed section of the sea and urged Manila to “immediately stop illegal provocative activities”.

Anonymous said...

After they assassinate Duterte, the Pinoys would be back in the American camp and be as bad as before. And this day would not be long. They are all waiting for Duterte to die quickly.

There is not much China could do. It is unlikely that there would be another Duterte to continue his legacy and be friendly with China than with their ex colonial masters. The Pinoys are very grateful to their colonial masters.

Anonymous said...

The PAP govt. knows exactly the best procedure to conduct a GE. They are expert in conducting this event. If Uncle RB is in doubt about the reason for conducting the event, then he should ask? Don't kpkb.

Anonymous said...

What happened when Chee Soon Juan asked about the 10m population?

Anonymous said...

The Pinoys, after decades of being colonised by the USA, have inherited their thinking of demonising China. Duterte may be different, but there are many in his Government that do not share his thinking, and of course all the drug lords that he went after earlier on, have now been used by the USA to ferment discord.

The Pinoys can never accept China. They have been too far Americanised to change.

On another note, there is another police shooting of an unarmed Black man in Wisconsin that is now fermenting another riot. This is going to spread to many cities and Trump is capitalising on this, perhaps by eventually advocating martial law to rule in perpetuity. It is one of the many evil plans that Trump is seriously working on to save his skin.

Anonymous said...

@ Anon 10:52 pm

"The PAP govt. knows exactly the best procedure to conduct a GE. They are expert in conducting this event. If Uncle RB is in doubt about the reason for conducting the event, then he should ask? Don't kpkb."

KNN, carry PAP's balls until become so glaringly obvious and stupid. Can't even discern that Uncle RB is exactly asking the PAP that very question.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

After all the shouting and screaming and table banging, Halimah heard us. This is reported in CNA of what she said in Parliament.

SINGAPORE: The issue of work pass holders competing with Singaporeans for jobs could become a divisive issue and will be addressed, President Halimah Yacob said in Parliament on Monday (Aug 24)....

“Another potentially divisive issue closely connected to our Singaporean identity is the sense of competition for jobs from work pass holders,” she said.

“This has become a major source of anxiety, especially among mid-career Singaporeans. We understand these concerns. They not only touch on matters of livelihood, but also on our sense of identity and belonging. They will be addressed.”...

“We will work with employers to further strengthen the capabilities of our workforce in every field, and ensure that firms treat Singaporeans fairly when they recruit or retrench workers,” Mdm Halimah said in her address.

“In all that we do, the interests of Singaporeans are always paramount.”

The main issue is that would she be ignored, or what she said was just to wayang as the 4th G are very happy with CECA and the influx of foreigners claiming that they have created more jobs for Singaporeans or locals but ignoring the data of so many PMETs being sacked and jobless.

Virgo 49 said...

Mr RB.

All prepared text ans read like a parrot.

Lip service lah!

All these Scholars good in good coining propaganda sppeches to coin the Dafts.

Gold fish eyes Premier to be ALREADY said it's NOT TRUE they they stole your rice bowls but created more Rice with sand for you.

Why you buggers itchy backsides kept supporting more and more Opposition?

They're here to replace you for your stupidity.

Our Second PAP team leader had already been brought over by our offer of half a million K.

These are our usual tactics in buying over all the branches union chiefs. The dafts still think that their Unions fighting for their interests.

Anonymous said...

On another note, there is another police shooting of an unarmed Black man in Wisconsin that is now fermenting another riot. This is going to spread to many cities and Trump is capitalising on this, perhaps by eventually advocating martial law to rule in perpetuity. It is one of the many evil plans that Trump is seriously working on to save his skin.

August 24, 2020 11:05 pm

After the demonstration for killing George Floyd the whites continue to kill the blacks at will. It is second nature to them for the white policemen to kill black men. When would the blacks learn that the only way to teach the whites to respect the blacks is to give them a taste of their own medicine. If not, the whites would continue killing them, business as usual.