
John Pilger - The coming war on China (The truth that must be told)



This is a very thorough research piece of documentary that covered many years of American activities in the world as an Empire till today with very recent additions on the American provocations in the South China Sea and the erratic and warmongering Trump at his devious and lying best. Many things in this documentary were not meant to be seen by the people of the world. The Americans would be fuming against what Pilger has produced and narrated about the cruel experiment on the poor natives of the Marshall Islands. And there are many things about China that the Americans would not want to see or want to know.

Pilger revealed the extent of the American Empire and how it encircled and contained China militarily while the American go about spreading the lie that China was harbouring the intention of becoming a hegemonic super power when the truth is that America is the resident hegemon. The soldiers on the ground, ie American bases all over the world and around China speak the truth of American aggressive and provocative behaviour to the point of starting a war with China. The hate China disease in the Americans could be clearly seen in the comments by some of the American leaders from the 60s and 70s, harping on the Chinese threat when China was the victim of their aggression, invasion and colonisation. 

There were also some factual revelation of where the wealth of America and some of the elite American families came from, the opium trade in China. From some reviews, it is clear that this documentary is getting on the nerves of American and white supremacists. They are gritting their teeth in rage watching it and at the prospect of the people of the world watching the ugly truth exposed by John Pilger.

This powerful documentary has been very well received as one of John Pilger's great work and has been screened in UK and some western cinemas. This is a must watch documentary to remove the scale the Americans pulled over the eyes of the innocents around the world.

Thank you, John Pilger.


  1. Hear the latest comments by Dotard TRUMP.

    If Joe Biden become the next Americunts President, UAssA would be swallowed or eaten up by China.

    Joe Sleepy Biden is no match for China.

    Only He that Dotard is capable to handle China.

    The Americunts and the Rest of the Western Whites and even silly Asian Stooges been brainwashed China been the threat to the World.

    Must be stopped at all costs.

    Never realised who is the REAL DEVIL.

  2. From day one the white Americans have been massacring the native Americans, then the slaves from Africa, still doing it today, than the massacres of the natives of their colonies, the Philippines, Mexico, the Latin American countries, the Carribean islands, the Middle East, Africa countries, Iran, Afghanistan, Koreans, Vietnamese, the Diego Garcians, the natives of Marshall Islands, the Hawaiians, the Muslims and Arabs etc etc

    And they go around preaching peace and human rights.

  3. The racist white Americans cannot hide their racism against the blacks and coloured people anymore. Basically they still believe in white supremacy and all the hypes in international media about human rights and championing the cause of coloured people, especially the Arabs and Muslims are political conveniences to support American hegemony.

    1. That's why they have the "WHITE HOUSE"

      Why no other neutral name?

      Whites Supremacy!

      When Dotard TRUMP took over from Obama. He criticised evey single detail of the facade in.the White House as previously occupied by Obama.

      He wanted a complete overhaul.

      Daft Americunts wasted so much unnecessary funds just change of a President.

      Dotard Trump can said Obama is incompetent that's why he is here.

      This Fool does NOT think that their terms is only for two terms. If Obama were to run against him, don't think he will win.

      Actually, lots of Whites even those residing in Sinkieland at their private conversations were cursing why their equally daft Ameicunts voted Obama, a Black Man.

      Overhead these in many places in Singapore.

      That's shown the mentality of their Whites Supremacy.

  4. John Pilger is an Australian academic who is able to see the correct pic of geopolitical issue vis a vis the US-China rivalry. The same cannot be said about majority of his compatriots esp the political leaders. Former PM Toby Abbott even opined there was only one threathening party in this. No prize for guessing which this sycophant pointed to.For going along with his Anglo cousins, he was appointed to the UK Board of Trade. His successors in the PMship, Turnbull and Scomo are even worse in their unnecessary fear of yellow peril and China.

  5. Angmo hegemony is better than mongol or ottoman hegemony.

  6. Russia is helping China build its first ballistic missile early warning system. Enough said.

  7. Anon 11.06

    Hello Gordon Chang. China was supposed to finish twenty years ago. How come your prediction gets extended year after year after year? Of course we are happy, because Gordon Chang's prediction never comes true. You are just gaslighting, lifting and licking the white marbles.

  8. Imho 12.14

    If you are Indian, which I think you are, talking just about Mongol and Ottoman,
    your forefathers already had a taste of Angmo hegemony. They enslaved your ancestors, they have to bow and called them 'sahib' in your own country, they stole your treasures and shipped them back to UK, stole your food and shipped all back to the UK as well to feed their own, while leaving the Indians to starve.

    Now you still want to bend over backwards for more Angmo hegemony? Some people never learn!

  9. India's current skirmish against China is just to divert attention away from their COVID19 problem, which invariably is out of control like the US. Both are using the same tactic of diversion, while the virus is given free rein to escalate.

    Great snakes think alike!

  10. Chinese no smell leh. OMG you can smell low esteem? Better than a drug sniffing dog! But dogs don't laugh leh!

    I think RB's posting is ruffling some feathers. Good sign!
