
The founding of Singapore - Guess who is the idiot

When Will These Idiots Learn?

Snapped this photo while driving.

Apparently written by FTs claiming LKY is the founder of Singapore when it is a known fact that the Founder of Singapore was actually Raffles.



Read the above post in TRE. I believe Singapore was founded by the original natives of the island. Or for those who want to play with semantics, would only want to know the existence of Singapore after the British arrived and called it Singapore, maybe should rephrase it to say who renamed this island as Singapore for the British Empire.

Whatever, Singapore was there all the time. And there were many people of different countries in the island when Raffles came. How did Raffles found it when there were people already on the island?

Only those who read English history books would think Singapore was not there and only came about because the English history book said it was founded by Raffles.  The Ali, Muthu or Ah Seng in the island when Raffles came did not found Singapore, not counted.

Or the island like magic, floated up when Raffles came and found it.  Or it was so misty, no one could see this island floating there, until Raffles saw it and shouted, I found it?

What do you think? Who is the bigger idiot?  Below is a comment with a counter comment.


Great Asia:
Shallow Zhenzidian,the founder of India is?

The founder of Singapore is not Raffles either.

What does the name “Singapore” tells you?

Ha ha ha!

The name “Singapore” tells me the name “GREAT ASIA” stands for

G-etting R-otten E-specially A-t T-he A-wfully S-melly I-nner A-sshole

Bloody stupid Great Asia
For nothing why talk about India
All these info are available in the media
Are you still dreaming in your own utopia
That you must make yourself a fool here?

Don’t call people “Shallow”
When you yourself are a Dumbo
These are easily available historical info
But you don’t seem to know
It shows your intelligence is totally zero
In Malay they call you “bodoh”

And the unthinking one is....

The concept of I found it originated from the arrogant Christian Doctrine of Discovery from the Pope, The underlying principle was that the people of the world, other than the white Christians, were subhumans and had no right to own their land. The white Christians were bestowed the right of ownership of all the land occupied by non Christians by God. That was the beginning of white European conquest and colonisation of the world. Everywhere they went, they claimed to found the land, from the continent of Asia, Africa, the two Americas and Australia.

If you are an arrogant white Europeans, it is understandable to accept this white Christian doctrine as the truth, the law. If you are coloured, non Christians, accepting this doctrine is to accept that you are subhuman and has no right to your land. You don't exist!

The same doctrine can be applied today if the Americans came ashore backed by their 7th Fleet and declared they found Singapore and take it over as their colony. Our presence in the island, what we have built, are immaterial to them. They are the conqueror with the blessing of their God.

Are modern people around the world, including Singapore, still want to subscribe to this silly white doctrine, that they are the superior people blessed by God to own and rule the world?

The real story of Singapore could be like this. Raffles came with his gun boats, landed at the Singapore River, rounded up the people in the island as prisoners.  Those that resisted and ran were shot. Then he declared he founded this island for the King of England, the British Empire. After interrogation, he identified the village chief, forced him to sign on a piece of paper that he did not know what was written on it as proof that the island was legally surrendered to him. And Singapore became a part of the British colony, a part of East India Company.

It was not so innocent like there was no one in the island, or the people in the island stood by doing nothing or even welcoming these pirates on shore to take over the island peacefully. 

PS. When you read history books written by the whites, their literature, think. If you don't, you will be made suckers and fools by them when everything was written in their favour, with their interests, not yours. Still believe in Singapore being founded by Raffles, America founded by Columbus? They would whitewash all their crimes against humanity, genocide etc as if their conquest of the world was a tea party, without bloodshed and cruelty.



Anonymous said...

"The white Christians were bestowed the right of ownership of all the land occupied by non Christians by God." - now we understand !

Anonymous said...

To believe in the concept of I found it, where pirates walked into a country and claimed it as theirs, is to believe in stupidity, in being inferior to white men and in the law of might it right.

The law of finders keeper is about finding and keeping uninhabitated islands or land, not land or countries already inhabited by its own natives.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"The white Christians were bestowed the right of ownership of all the land occupied by non Christians by God." - now we understand !
August 16, 2020 8:52 am

The dull and unthinking will accept this white man's belief without question, as the rule of law, and would not mind being conquered and ruled by white men. That is all they could understand, as inferior species of humankind, sub humans.

SSO said...

Inhabited islands like Australia was made uninhibited by The Evil Queen of England's notorious Pirate called Captain Crook (delibrately mis-spelt as "Cook" in the British historical records) and his Gang of convicted murderers, deliberately released from Britain's prisons by the Evil Queen, by mass murders, plundering, scotch earth massacres.

Many other inhabited countries and islands had suffered under the same fate under the murderous hands of the various Evil European Kings and Queens.

Anonymous said...

you are right. this island was called temasek. parameshwara renamed it singapura, lion city in old Malay language. British anglicized to Singapore. temasek / singapura belongs to Malays. British came and allowed Chinese and Indian to come here. now Chinese here want to talk about keeping Singapore as Chinese country forever. cunning! situation is same as Palestine. they actually wanted to take over whole of Malaysia, but Malay leaders tell Singapore to leave Malaysia. still Chinese are ruling Malaysia economy, they took over everything, plantations, industries etc with money they had in connivance with British.

Virgo 49 said...

Also they embraced their God thinking that's the only way to Sufferings, oops Salvation.

Others False Gods.

But theirs more Terrors than the Chinese God of Wars.

Even their Chief scorned and swept away the hands of an Asian Believer.

The believers still blinded that that is their True God.

Stupidity really no cure.

Anonymous said...

Japan at the tail end of WW2 faced a shortage of soldiers and had to resort to conscripting prisoners and criminals for their campaigns into SEA and beyond. We now know why they were so cruel and vicious.

Mahathir said it more clearly when he said that when Cheng He came to Malacca, it was a friendly visit, nothing sinister. When the Portuguese came to Malacca for a visit and left, it turned out they were there with a sinister motive. They returned with a flotilla of troops to take over Malacca. The rest is history.

If LKY founded Singapore, LTK must have founded Hougang. If Hougang falls to PAP, it will vanish like Hong Lim, Anson, Cheng San etc.

Anonymous said...

This morning, I suddenly FOUNDED these things when reading an article from the News:

Example of Double Standards:


A hotpot restaurant in Shaw House has been suspended for 10 days and fined S$2,000 for failing to comply with safe management measures, including allowing 20 people to gather in a locked private room.

STB said that its enforcement officers saw a group of more than 20 people leaving the restaurant on Friday night.

However, STB enforcement officers failed to see groups of more than 100 people in MRT trains and MRT Stations, and groups of more than 20 people in public and private buses, aircrafts and cruise ships. And have not fine these companies $2000 each yet

Example of Skilful Choice of words to paint a desired picture for effect:

Staff at the restaurant were "uncooperative, and at times aggressive" towards the enforcement officers, added STB, and had tried to block them from entering the restaurant and the private room.

Example of Double-Talk:

“STB takes a serious view of non-compliance for safety management measures by both businesses and members of the public."

Example of Fork-Tongue:

"While we encourage people to go out and enjoy what our local businesses have to offer, we strongly urge them to do so in a safe and socially responsible manner, so as to minimise the risk of further COVID-19 tranmissions within the community."

Anonymous said...

When the religion of the Whites dictate that they have someone to die for their sins, there is nothing they will not do. This is what we call no accountability.

That is why Trump said a little bit of death is acceptable. And the bikers go all out to infect others because it is within their constitutional rights. It is a personal right not to wear a mask nor do safe distancing. What about the rights of others, the rights of society, who may get infected?

SSO said...

Another Criminal Act By The Unlawful States of America

The Unlawful States of America's President Lying Donald Trump late Friday lashed out anew at ByteDance, issuing a fresh executive order stating that the Chinese internet giant must sell its interest in the Musical.ly app it bought and merged with TikTok.

The order builds on sweeping restrictions issued last week by Trump that TikTok and WeChat end all operations in the US, his latest explosive moves are a part of an overall strategy aimed at sabotaging and destroying China’s rising global power.

Chinese company ByteDance bought the karaoke video app Musical.y from another Chinese company three years ago in a deal valued at about US$billion. It was incorporated into TikTok, which became a global sensation instantly.

Trump’s latest fabricated lie is that "there is credible evidence” leading him to believe that ByteDance’s take-over of Musical.ly “threatens to impair the national security of the United States.”

The thing is that if any rogue government is bent on doing evils, anything damn fxxking thing can be easily construed as "a threat to national security". Now, all decent governments in the world must come together and say "Trump is the real threat to the national security of each and every other countries that do business in the Unlawful States of America.

“As we’ve said previously, TikTok is loved by 100 million Americans because it is a home for entertainment, self-expression, and connection,” ByteDance Boss said in response to an AFP inquiry.

“We’re committed to continuing to bring joy to families and meaningful careers to those who create on our platform for many years to come.”

The arbitrary order of the self-projected New World Emperor, set to take effect in 90 days retroactively, prohibits the acquisition of and bars ByteDance from having any interest in Musical.ly.

In addition, Lying Trump ordered that any sale of interest in Musical.ly in the US had to be signed off on by the Committee on Foreign Investment, which is to be given access to all of ByteDance's record and accounting books.

Still not enough, he also ordered that any user data that have been saved must be destroyed.

Lying Trump last week made good on his threats against WeChat and TikTok — two Chinese-owned apps with major US audiences that Trump lied as posing a national security threat.

Through an earlier executive order, Lying Trump gave Americans 45 days to stop doing business with the Chinese-owned platforms, effectively setting a deadline for a potential, under-pressure blackmailed
sale of TikTok to US Microsoft.

Lying Trump has also called for the US government to get a cut on the deal, a stance slammed by many critics who said it appears unconstitutional and akin to extortion and blackmail, a move no decent law-abiding leaders would have taken.

Last week’s move also threw into doubt the US operations of WeChat’s parent firm, Tencent, a powerful player in the video game industry and one of the world’s richest companies again belonging to a Chinese company.

China condemned the move as “arbitrary political manipulation and intimidation”.

Two can play the same game Expect tit-for-tat counter actions from China coming up soon.

Anonymous said...

"Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun." - Mao Tse Tung

That's why it's imperative that China must have a bigger nuclear arsenal than the US.

Anonymous said...

Trump is mentally unsound. His actions are irrational, but what he sees as right is only what he himself thinks and he cuts out all reasoning. He is running the USA into the ground.

Trump is moving ahead with plans to stay in power by hook or by crook. All his present actions are a desperate last minute attempt to shore up his support, by attacking China, using racist tactics to garner support from the Whites in attacking Harris' heritage, trying to prevent voting by removing polling stations in Democratic wards etc. It is too little too late. So, he may do something more drastic as the election nears. Maybe an attempt to evoke martial law by inciting racial riots, or starting a war with China, or call election fraud and refused to leave office.

Anonymous said...

What if China also use lame excuses like Coca Cola, Coffee Bean etc laced their products with poisonous chemicals and are dangerous to Chinese drinkers, a security and health threat and ban Coca Cola and Coffee Bean or for that matter MacDonald and Kentucky from operating in China?

Anonymous said...

Anything Chinese or from China is a security risk.

Very soon, when Chinese in USA fart, that is also a security risk, because it may contain viruses that may spread.

The biggest security risk for the whole world is Trump's big mouth, small hands and tiny brain.

SSO said...

If China Wants Peace, Be Prepared For All-Out War!

China MUST be prepared for an ALL-OUT WAR with the US. This is the most important move to make. There is no time for hesitation. Being unprepared is not an option.

All nuclear submarines must be armed and ready, and spreading these stealthy nuclear submarines across the world so that they won't be easily destroyed by US counter-measures.

China must also get the unmanned drones ready to deliver short range missiles to target US military bases around the world, not just those surrounding China.

The US Navy and Air Force must be destroyed in the first phase.

In addition, Okinawa, Guam, Diego Garcia, Hawaii, South Korea and Japan must be considered as dangerous enemy staging and launch pads for military actions against China and Chinese strategic interests.

India might cooperate with the US as one of the coalition forces. This double-headed poisonous Cobra cannot be taken lightly. Plans must include India's probable participation in any military conflict between China and the US.

Likewise, China should also be weary of Russia, a Whitemen's country that has participated in the 8-Nation attacks on China before and also still holding on to Chinese territories until today. Ex-KGB Chief, President Vladimir Putin is a very cunning and slippery character that should not be trusted 100%, not even 50%. When China and US fight each other, Russia will likely stand at the sidelines and watch. After the devastations suffered by both parties, Russia will then move in for the kill in order to collect the bounties, enjoying the fruits of others' labour.

Israel, UK, France and Germany must also be taken seriously into consideration in any nuclear conflict.

Therefore, China's Nuclear Forces must be sufficiently prepared to target all the potential nuclear threats from all Whitemen and Blackmen countries. This require a substantial ly large am6of nuclear warheads together with the necessary delivery systems

It is not going to be an easy war, though it will likely be a very short war. Within a week the war should be over and more than two-third of the world will be destroyed and casualties will be unpredictably high.

Aftermath of the nuclear fallout will claim even higher casualties. All in all at least two-thirds of the world's population will be wiped out. Another 50% of those who survived will likely die of starvation and diseases.

It will be a horrifying plus terrifying experience for all countries, irrespective of whether they are involved in the war or not. Therefore, neutrality is not an option.

Be prepared for the worst war of all wars!

Anonymous said...

The doctrine of discovery was decreed by a pope who colluded with a king to legitimize the seizure of pagans' properties.
Nothing Christian about it. No such doctrine is found in the Bible.

Anonymous said...

Human extinction is the result of this coming war. There will be no winners. Losers perish, winners face slow and tortuous death. The world has never faced a full nuclear war, but the outcome can be imagined if we look at Chernobyl and Fukushima, which are just tip of the iceberg.

How long can survivors hide when radiation is worldwide? It may come to a stage when instant death is preferable to long and lingering death.

Ironic that a few fuckers can dictate the fate of all mankind!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Anon 4:30pm,

Unfortunately the Catholics in the Vatican also believed in the same semitic religion and the same God and doctrine, using the bible as well.

To the non believers, they are seen as the same. And this doctrine was named the Christian Doctrine of Discovery invoking the same God. And they massacred the natives in the name of the same God and carrying the same cross.

Anonymous said...

The Doctrine of Discovery, as the world goes round and the tides turn around, will be China leading the rest of the World to discover themselves and take back the territories robbed from them by the White Christian and Catholic Supremacists.

This time around, the Doctrine of Discovery will ensure that the White Fanatical Criminals, disguised as religious people, discover a taste of their own medicine.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Clown Trump and his unthinking gangsters are planning and pushing for war with China just to keep himself in the White House.

And they will blame China for starting it, that China is the aggressor. And the stupid bananas would echo yes, China started it.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

you are right. this island was called temasek. parameshwara renamed it singapura, lion city in old Malay language. British anglicized to Singapore. temasek / singapura belongs to Malays.

Paramaswara is an Indian name, definitely not Malay. Singa is Indian for lion. Pura is also Indian.

The Indians were here. Paramaswara was an Indian prince. If Paramaswara was the founder, then in your logic, Singapura belongs to the Indians, not to the Malays.

Anonymous said...

Singha = lion
pura = city

These are sanskrit, not Malay words.

Malay word for city is bandar.

Anonymous said...

Malaya only got tiger, called harimau. There is no lion in Malaya, thus no Malay word for lion. Only an Indian would know the word singha for lion. Malay language borrowed this word from sanskrit.

If Parameswara was a Malay prince, he would know that there was no lion in Malaya and would not know the word singha.