
Covid19 - The whole truth the world is waiting for


A case for the truth on where this Covid19 originated with factual evidence presented succinctly in this 10 min video. Watch it before it is removed.

Undeniable Evidence: Covid19 from Fort Detrick CIA lab, released in Wuhan to blame it on China!



  1. Down load this video as evidence before pro-US YouTube delete it.

  2. Below is an article from All Singapore Staff website. It is proof that corruption is rampant amongst foreigners who can pull strings in Singapore.

    "Pro-PAP Facebook page Critical Spectator was one of those deactivated on 8 July 2020. However in a twist of events, Critical Spectator managed to get itself reinstated in late July. Polish national Michael Petraeus, explained that he "had to pull all the strings that I could, push Facebook's support and get the case higher up," said Michael Petraeus, who was eventually helped by an unnamed Facebook staff to put his name on the line.

    It is disturbing that a foreigner is able to pull strings that influenced a Facebook staff in Singapore to risk his job for the sake of getting this pro-PAP Facebook page back online."

    Pulling strings effectively means Corruption. Falls within the category of Favouritism or Fear.

  3. The US military has been involved in biological warfare reserch since the First World War. This is a known fact nobody can deny.

    The sophistication of the US Biological Weapons is unbelievably powerful, efective and deadly. Therefore, it extremely highly probable (99%) that the new strend of Coronavirus (now known to be a merge between the SAR virus and the HIV viris) has been manufactured in a US Military Biological Warfare Research Laboratory. Whether this new Coronavirus come from one location or another is not important. The US Military has more than 100 such biological weapons research laboratories. Some of these are located inside China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia, Africa, Europe, Oceania Islands, Hawaii, Guam, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Israel, UK and Canada.
