
White men's art - A visual treat

Great works of white men - Less you forget, less you did not know, less it was not told, less you think these were fake news. This is a visual treat on how creative and artistic the white men can be. And with the recent killings of George Floyd and Ahmaud and fellow blacks in the hands of their police men, anyone of a clear mind and conscience would not think of asking these white murderers to be the policemen of the world. White cruelty against the blacks and the coloured people is in their bones and is not going away.


  1. Morning Mr RB

    Should have seen modern days torture by the WHITES in the show of how they killed Saddam Hussein.

    Their CIA and Special Forces with the info from the traitors under cover agents brought in suspects and the ways they tortured them to find the whereabouts of S.H.

    They were electrocuted. Put into a box and chained bend like a foetus over nights and brought out again to be tortured again for info to S.H.

    So much for their human rights and the Geneva Convention.

    The lame U.N with majority their own closed their bloody eyes to these acrocities.

    They themselves shown the movie and an proud to show to the World their rights to all these tortures.

    They can claimed that China is doing all these to the Uighurs.

    Against Xinjiang.

    What's bloody hypocrites

  2. More of these pictures must be posted to show the real atrocities committed by the Whites, otherwise the whole world thinks only communist China is capable of doing all this without proof!

    Now, why in the world would the CCP leaders want to lift hundreds of millions of Chinese out of poverty if they are really as cruel as the Whites? It does not make sense if you are aware that all dictators only care about themselves and not those under their rule.

    Those who read history of India will know that when Indians were facing starvation, the Whites were sending Indian food production back to England to feed their own.

    And of course, the forcing of the opium trade on China was the most inhuman act of mankind. There is karma in all this, now that many states of USA have massive drug abuse problems.

    And the Whites have the audacity and conscience to talk about abuse of human rights by other countries. The USA is the biggest hypocrite of the entire world! Ignorant leaders trust and follow them at their own peril.

  3. Virgo and all.

    Please send your beautiful pics of Americans torturing the Arabs and Muslims. Will post them here.


  4. When White men landed in America, they were missionaries, sent to free the natives from misery and give them salvation. The natives were tricked into believing those fake missionaries and later lost their land, human rights and were decimated.

    Malacca thought the Portuguese were there to pay them a visit, but they returned with an army with guns and all and took over Malacca. The Chinese were in Malacca long before the Portuguese, for trade and never had intention to take Malacca as their territory. This was also the usual routine that Cheng Ho conducted during his many voyages around the world. How many countries did Cheng Ho discovered during his voyages? None, according to history.

    There were no slavery among the Red Indians. The Whites bought in slaves from Africa and slavery became the norm.

  5. Rb you read an article in Online Citizen how the writer father radicalised by China propaganda so are you and I radicalised by this

  6. That silly girl is a duckweed. She would tell you Pompeo is God's angel and Trump is the Chosen One. There are many such silly people around, people with no roots and no forefathers and ancestors.

  7. Hope that silly woman did not kill her father because he did not believe in her white God.

  8. There will always be people willing to sell their soul (or their grandmothers) for money. Just as there are people willing to face the death penalty for drug conveyance.

  9. You are right RB they are brainwashed for many year A lot of truth the main media don’t want them to know

  10. That silly duckweed girl loves the angmoh's tua kee !

  11. I think her parents are ang mohs.
