
Tyranny of the Evil American Empire - To hell with the tyranny of the evil Americans!

The Evil American Empire, led by a bunch of liars, crooks and blood thirsty trouble makers are accusing China of all kinds of things, China is aggressive, expansionist, bully etc etc when the truth is that the Evil Americans are the worse and vicious beasts in oppressing and suppressing the people of the world, in wars and destruction, and killings of the innocents in the millions.

Among the cruel and wicked deeds of the evil Americans include economic sanctions and isolation of countries for 50 or more years to impoverish the people of these countries.

Then they are overt and covert wars, terrorism and threats against countries all over the world. The worse victims of American tyranny and cruelties are the middle eastern states, the African and Latin American states, Iran, North Korea and Cuba. The people of these countries have been suffering from poverty because of the tyranny and bullying of the Evil Empire.

The evil Americans spread lies, fabricated lies and use threats against these countries and forced the rest the of the world not to trade with these countries. The innocent people of these countries have suffered for decades because of the evil Americans.

The Americans have thousands of military bases and chemical and biological labs around the world to threaten and intimidate countries to obeisance.

The evil Americans are everywhere supporting terrorist organisations and ratcheting tensions to start wars and destruction.

The crimes of the evil Americans against humanity are so plentiful that it would need a whole library to fill them, but the western media refused to talk about them or write about them, instead painting the evil Americans as angels.

The intimidation and threats of force by the evil Americans have cowed the rest of the world into submission. No country dares to speak up or stand up against the tyranny of the evil Americans.

Only HE can stop the evil Americans from more killings and destruction, to free the world from the oppression and suppression of the evil Americans. HE has sent in the virus to destroy the evil Americans for the good of the people of the world.

The tyranny of the evil Americans must be put to an end for world peace and prosperity. Their cruelty and defiance against goodness and righteousness are being brought to bear by the ONE above. The Covid19 virus is the nemesis of the evil American Empire.

To hell with the American tyranny and evil Empire.


  1. Trump's polls are sinking. He has no more options to win the 2020 election. So lately he has increase his agressive lies on China even to the point of closing the Chinese consulate and concentrating the naval power on SC Sea. China should exercise restraint and not fall into another 'Gulf of Tonkin' trap and engage in a hot war.Thats the objective of Trump because that would instil the American public to rally behind him. Or he could invoke his emergency power to delay the presidential election indefinitely in times of war
    Once Trump is out, China should sieve out his accomplices to the confrontation especially Australia whose foreign and defence ministers are in Washington to devise another evil plan on China even with the exponential spread Covid virus in the US.

  2. Blacks are so poor thing. After being freed from slavery, still not being equal. The whites even designed a virus that would kill the blacks and coloured.

  3. Not to worry.

    The virus is levelling the playing field and China just needs to stand firm, grit it's teeth and wait for riots, strikes and civil commotions to break out in the evil empire. This will definitely happen sooner or later as jobs flew out the window, incomes are lost and homelessness going to spike like the virus.

    The racial issue is flaring up again and it has been reported that people have disappeared after being taken away forcibly by black hooded personnel, sent by the establishment to stamp down on racial unrest.

    China meanwhile have to watch the two backstabbers, Japan and India. They are also up to no good. Japan had lost it's way for more than two decades, a fast aging population, falling productivity, unworkable financial stimulus, and it has to resort to WW2 mindset again by starting a war somehow.

    China must look closely at what the Japs are planning. In WW2 Japan aligned with Germany and Italy, both Whites, against all Asian countries. The US would not have been involved in this region had Japan not attacked Pearl Harbour by stealth. China should learn from this and guard it's flanks against the nippy Japs attacking from the rear.

  4. When China surpassed the US in GDP (PPP) basis in 2014, the US, in desperation, started their planned attack on China, starting in 2015.

    Huawei was the start of the war as they called it. It has nothing to do with security issues. There was absolutely no proof. It was all about the US playing foul to maintain their technological hegemony, that they saw was fast slipping behind China, and they needed drastic actions to make sure this is not going to happen.

    On the US$ hegemony, China still does not have any huge leverage to work on because changing the mindset of the poodles is not possible. But in technology, China is a different proposition. For example, China managed to go to the moon, despite being banned from participation in any space exploration programs initiated by the rest of the world.

    China's construction industry, manufacturing expertise, AI research and implementation, super computer technology, high speed rail network, etc are all for the rest of the world to see. And all along the world at large had been fed the notion that China is backward, poverty stricken, poor government administration that cares little for the people and yet being able to lift hundreds of millions out of poverty. If this is untrue, how can the Chinese nationals travelling abroad afford the kind of spending that ranks them higher than even those developing countries?
