
GE2020 posters - intrigue, mischiefs or tiada apa

Above 3 PSP posters from www.theindependent.sg showing them being torn down. Seemed like deliberate acts and PSP had made police report about the incidents.
Police are investigating torn election posters of PAP and PSP.  A 51 year old man is under investigation for the damage PSP posters in Bukit Batok.  PSP posters were also found strewn on the ground in Choa Chu Kang.  A 13 year old is helping investigation in the torn PAP posters in Hougang.

Obviously there are heat generated in this GE on both sides of the political divide. There are anger and frustration for and against the ruling party and the opposition camp as well.

Now everyone is calling for calm. Not to worry, it would not become like, 'Black Lives Matter' even if the campaign cry is turning to 'Singaporean Lives Matter'. Suddenly everyone seems to be very concern about the well being of Singaporeans, about finding jobs for Singaporeans, and to be serious, they are now talking about good jobs, not drivers, security guards and cleaners.  Is this just part of the political gerrymandering, good enough for one week of campagning and everything back to normal after the GE? Then the official calls will be again for more foreign talents and more population growth? And be happy if you have a job, any job, done be choosy. Be grateful? Cannot use any numbers, very sensitive now.  The official position expounded by Vivian is that the govt has no official target for population growth, not even thinking of 6.9m and definitely not 10m.

Should Singaporeans fearing more job losses to foreigners, higher cost of living and more squeeze and having to make sex in small places be feeling better now, more assured that things would not go down that slippery road of no return?

These are pre election days. Everyone is saying nice things that the people want to hear. After the GE the people can start to see who are the liars and who would disown every word they said.


  1. PAP beg Singaporeans for 10 days before elections.

    Singaporeans beg PAP for 5 years after elections.

  2. My balls there is no official population target.

    Then how does HDB plan ahead?

    How does LTA know how much COE to issue?

    Vote Opposition.
    Any Opposition is better than PAP.

    What's the use of a well qualified PAP MP if he is sleeping in parliament.?
    Or he is absent from parliament all the time.

  3. Hypothetically, if someone is planning for 20m and you said he is planning for 10m, you are also wrong.

  4. One Message: Please leave the Sinkies out of Politics!
    Majority of them r Kwai Kwai kiasi kiabor kiasu KiaChengHu type. Jus let them die is their own bziness ho born eh sai boh, majority Sinkies will juz follow wat the old man said ~ repent if u not vote for the lightning rod party or else no help will be render unto u. Sinkies r majority very pragmatic & realistic & wouldn't want an OPPo party else their constituents will be at odds with the whites natural alicetocraz, on that polling day they will be like scared to death when their NRIC number is read loudly in front of them they become spellbound by some whites magic spell & cast their votes to that whites PAPIES party ...& it's like that for many many years nobolee can even come close to break this spell which is like Zoombies shouting Medaka, Majullah ...

  5. Mr RB.

    Now the ST covering HSK live in East Coast.

    Wow, real fearful.

    The Mother of all Posters of HSK and his team being put into a sign post with "DEAD END" on top of his poster.

    Chinese character DEAD ROAD.

    Wow, hope the concidience is true.


  6. Where is the usefulness of electing PAP candidates if after becoming Members of Parliament they are forced by the PAP WHIP not to vote for the people's unterests but for the PM, Cabinet and PAP's own interests? And not able to speak freely to represent the people. Instead, they are always representung the PM and his PAP!

    1. @ 9.48am

      Correct !!!
      The PAP system is an emperor Lee Hsien Loong system.

      PAP MP's job is to rubber stamp and vote YES to everything Lee Hsien Loong says.
      - we are paying for very expensive rubber stamps in parliament

  7. PAP is planning to build underground spaces to make room for a 10 million population.

    Do you still think PAP Vivian Balakrishnan is telling the truth?


    1. Hi Anon

      They have such plans but denying it.

      If now that Liu buggar would NOT waste.time to mention it.

      SDP SMART move to hit the WP hammer on their heads.

      You believe the PAP. They could turn their words later when.they have the majority again.

      One.hundred and thousand reasons to implement it.

      Be aware

    2. Proof that Heng Swee Keat is using 6.9 million and 10 million population as planning parameters.


  8. Going thru YouTube and happened to see a debate between Grace Disgraceful and our Sylivia Lim on the GST issue.

    Hello Disgraceful? You know about Parliamentary Privilege or NOT?

    MPs have the Parliamentary Privilege to speak whatsoever issues in their mind that goes on in Parliament.

    How can she threatened to complain to the Parliamentary Privilege Committee to censure Sylvia Lim for speaking her mind on the issue.

    Even LKY had to tell JB Jeya to repeat his so called allegations outside the House which they claimed to be untrue.

    Please lah so many years as chiak liao bee MP and Half past six Minister don't know about Parliamentary Proceedings.

    Go and learn from Lim Tean Lah.!


  9. Good afternoon everyone....

    Actually in Sg there is no fun to be an opposition candidate.

    Very very very very very very very very Siong!

    Must salute them! Must salute them!

    Why GE when all of us know the final results? Waste time and resources!

    Really really really... no need any GE!

    Anyway.... once again salute all the opposition candidates.. salute salute salute!

    All the bestest!

    1. U r rite ! Why need GE when it's almost a 100 chance tat the PAPIES will win mah? For show or wayang? No...for them to have tat Power grip ? YES...for them to justify their pay? YES but depends on % voters vote them in. The Real Truth ? For them to tell U Who s the Master is & after GE as Sinkies will see lio pay them till pants drops like being sucked dry!

    2. Frankly, Sinkies are alreday farked and brainwashed for too long.

      They would NOT dare to risk a change.

      That's why the PAP now everyday and every where kept on drumming the Present Perils of the saviour the COVID 19.

      Their fears factors of unemployments will strike fears into most Sinkies.

      Unless those kamikaize ones and the ALREADY chronic unemployed and the retirees.

      Now they can blamed this pest on their incompetence.

      Sinkies can have a slate of capable and honourable men and women in the Oppo camps to serve them.

      Just look at Taiwan. Their popular KMT candidate to become a loser. Now even turned away and been sued by them.
      Chinese are a also a Traitous lots in.their genes.

      In the final count down MOST if NOT all will mark the PAP.

      This is the Hard Truths.

      Sinkieland can also claimed Nunber One in index as the most daft beans.

      Or nowadays so called SMART beans in the world had became DUDs.

      Like voting Dotard Trump in UAssA.

  10. After election they said it is now a new plan. Before election don't have 10m plan. Now got. Then what?

    1. Jus remember their goal post always change after the GE.

  11. Let's vote in Chee Soon Juan to make sure PAP does not change the population target to 11 million after the elections.


    1. Very very sorry anonymous 150pm....

      You one person no use lah!

      The trouble we have in Sg is that the masses die die die die die die die die vote for pap no matter what! Impossible to change this! Impossible!

      Listen to me. Don't hope. Otherwise you will be greatly greatly disappointed and cannot sleep peacefully after the GE!


    2. I die, die must vote for Opposition.
      - as long as it is not PAP
      - I will support

    3. Anon 2:43pm

      Really admire ur courage. But if u cud juz gonna convince ur family members, friends, colleagues & others the more the merrier to vote for OPPO Party, then there is hope else its futile. Tis the problem here.

  12. The outreach of this blog is limited to the number of visitors and readers. In order to get more voters to vote for the alternative political parties, instead of PAP, the outreach has to spread much wider. In order to achieve this, each one of you here must do your very best to convince and convert at least 10 people to vote for their children's and grandchildren's future - i.e. to vote for and support any Alternative Political Party.

    1. It's a good idea!
      But it's very very very hard to convince those Uncles & Aunties seniors whom r deeply rooted and affiliated to the old man & the old man's party, majority r die hard supporters of PAPies for ages already, to ask them to be traitors of the PAPies is a no no, some more these Uncles & Aunties when come to voting they will also suddenly become 'Dementia' & marked X on the PAPies column thinking that cross is a No vote to PAPies it's really what Jack Neo's character Liang Po Po always said 伤脑筋哟!

  13. Hi Redbean, Speed here. Exciting time for all Singaporeans. Like to wish all in Singapore the very best in the coming GE. May Singapore achieve the best outcome.

    1. Hahaha. .....

      What so exciting if everyone knows what the final results will be!

  14. Parliament is dissolved.
    No more ministers right now.
    In the TV Debate.

    How come PAP's Bala gets 4.5 minutes?
    And PSP, WP and SDP gets 1.5 minutes each?

    Fucking unfair.

    1. So bro..make it simple.

      Next turn when the Opposition become the Ruling Govt, dish out the same to them.

      Let Media Cock or Corpse and Shits Times CEOs ran after TCB, LT, CSJ and company for alms.

      Por lam pars them in return.

      Let's see whether the PAP will complain about unfairness or NOT.

      Sure do.



  15. I will vote for the opposition because:

    1) I don't want to often see PAP MPs sleeping when Parliament sessions were on going.

    2) I don't like to see Parliament so empty of MPs when Parliament is in session.

    3) I don't like to see some PAP MPs hardly asked or at most asked only a few token questions on their constituents' behalf whether it is the cost of living or transportation or educational or CPF or housing issues but collect their fat MP allowance punctually every month without fail.

    4) I want our Constitution to be solemnly respected and not changed at whim such as turning an Indian woman into a reserved Malay presidential candidate with ease.

    5) I disagree about paying political salary cum bonuses and making it into a goldmine and MPs taking up directorships in companies shouldn't be another connection or route to more goldmines.

    6) I disagree allowing anybody to use our Parliament to clear his/her name instead of our courts. Parliament and Parliamentary time, resources and Members of Parliament must never be used or misused by anybody for such purposes.

    7) I take Word of Honour seriously and I want the PAP government to equally honour its own Word of Honour given to Singaporeans on the returning of their CPF savings at their 55 birthday seriously. At the very, very least, give people a choice to either op-in or opt-out of their schemes and not simply legislate and conveniently neglected whatever promises made earlier and "bully" our citizens.

    8) I don't like it when we are one of the world's top retirement fund savers but so many people after decades of saving find themselves faced with retirement inadequacies and living in a declining value flat with failing health.

    9) I support the Foreign Talent policy but I don't like it when the government has overdone it, taking the easy and lazy way without realising it and resulting in our citizens paying the price for it at the ground level and on a daily basis.

    10) I don't like it when top people or PAP Ministers always get away scot-free when fiascos happened under their charge but the blame always fall on some junior people whether it was the MRT tunnel flooding or fatal accident at Pasir Ris station or train collision at Joo Koon station. Another example would be the Hepatitis C outbreak that killed innocent people at SGH or our military training accident deaths etc....

    11) I don't like it when AMK GRC residents' S&C fees were lost for 2 years and their 6 PAP MPs there could simply continue to behave as if nothing has happenedand/or nothing to do with them and continue with their more good years. None resigned in shame or at least, offered to resign.

    12) I don't like it, in fact, I consider it to be an insult when I read that GohChok Tong considers those who earn less than S$500,000 annually to be mediocre.

    13) I don't like it when I read that Goh Chok Tong said that PAP Ministars are not paid enough.

    TBC:- Tan Cheng Bok as TBCont'd


  16. 14) I don't like it when I read that Edwin Tong lamented that he has st support his parents-in-laws too and that it is tough for him with the political salary that he is earning

    15) I don't like our Parliament and Cabinet being made up of only book smart people and people with impeccable educational credentials. Life is not a straight line and all kinds of people make up our society and country. We are so short of, for example, people who fail in businesses but subsequently make good or succeed in life being represented in Parliament or people who are not highly educated and struggle a great deal in life but are good, caring and decent Parliamentarians.

    These sort of people will add breadth and depth to our Parliament and we will be richer for it if only we are prepared to open up our minds and cast our nets wider. Alibaba's Ma Yun taught us to choose the most suitable people and not necessarily the best people. Mr Ngiam Tong Dow has warned us too that the PAP has become too elitist.

    16) We badly need more Parliamentarians who can and are willing and dare to speak up for the people even if they displease the government and not just knowing how to say 'yes sir, yes sir'.

    17) I don't like Amy Khor, a Malaysian born Singapore politician telling Singaporeans that if they are unhappy here, they can pack up and leave Singapore

    18) I don't like seeing the picture of former PAP MP, Penny Low, looking down and fiddling with her hand phone during a NDP when our national anthem was being played.

    19) I do not like the policy that 1st generation new citizens need not serve national service. Life anywhere is a matter of give and take and not just take and take and serving national service even in non-combat vocation must be a consideration for all new citizens if they eventually choose to settle here. We need to be firmer and more principled and I feel that the PAP government has done poorly with the current policy.

    20) I don't like the practice that land cost is factored into the final selling prices of HDB flats when buyers are only buying the right to live for a specific period of time with no claim or rights whatsoever to the land. This unfair and greedy policy unfairly burdens our flat buyers over many years.

    21) I don't like the practice that the PAP government is very good at passing laws in Parliament that benefit themselves at our expense.Share this with as many people as no possible to ensure that the PAP will be denied the 2/3 majority in Parliament

    Enough is enough

    1. Virgo your piece has gone viral in WhatsApp sms. So be careful kenactangkat. At your age don't think you can tahan tuakee sodomizing u

    2. Every dafts have these type of fears.

      No wonder they be slaves forever to the Pay And Pay.

      See our Bravo CSJ and Lim Tean.

      True honest men and women don't believe im these fears.

      Humans scared of humans.

      Better don't live lifes and go to Hell or Heaven fast.


  17. THEY projected pap will capture ALL GRCs and ALL SMCs at the next GE!

    Like that how.....?????

    1. You PAP IB?

      WHO is the insane imbecile who forecasted this?

      I had also a sane SMARTie that Oppo will have MORE than 32 seats.


    2. No! Hahaha.....

      Hope THEY'RE wrong!


    3. Another PAP IB.

      Gian png 2$ per post.

      Cannot blame them. Have to do this for a living now as had too good lives previously protected by their PAP masters.

      Now eat grass and been abandoned.

  18. Good News - Chan Chun Sing Views Opposition Parties as Alternative Government!

    Chan Chun Sing said Opposition parties can combine and form the next government to replace the PAP. This is excellent news!

    Just imagine, an inner circle man (or circus clown) openly admitted that the Opposition Parties are credible enough to be voted in by the people to form the next government. Fantastic!

    Thank you Chan Chun Sing for selling out your own people's action party and promoting the Opposition Parties. Lee Hsien Loong may think of you as a traitor, you know? You better watch your 6.

  19. CCS is planting the seed of fear in the minds of Sinkie voters.

    Do not be taken in by his reverse propaganda!

    1. Right Anon 10.58

      This is the usual tactic or trick by the PAP in any GE.

      They will always said that the Opposition may win more seats than them and form the next government.

      The kia si, kai sui voters were be very half hearted to cast their votes for them.

      Every one will be wondering whether my neigbours are overwhelmingly casting their votes for the Oppo or NOT?

      Think i better give to the PAP to balance up.

      This way, they will still win by a simple majority in votes by a minute amount but NOT in popularity.

      That's why WP always harped that the WP or the Opposition may be wiped out so as to have the voters also wondering the same.

      Thus, the voters may give them their votes as they were afraid that their fellow men gave the Papies more votes.

      These are just reverse psychology a game played by them.

      TCN and LT will said that the Country is NOT only run by them but by also the Evil Serpents so as to allay the Fears of the voters.

      Also, their gung ho confidence that that also have their own to run the country better than them.
