
GE2020 - Confirmation of a Singapore miracle

The GE went on under the shadow of Covid19 with additional safeguards to protect the voters from getting sick. These included longer and slower queues due to temperature screening, hand sanitising and putting on instant plastic gloves. And these let to a last minute announcement to extend the closing time from 8pm to 10pm to clear the late comers stuck in the long queues.

The results of the election were rather expected with the PAP continued to dominate the Parliament with a near clean sweep but slightly lower percentage of popular votes, at about 61%. The only upset was the lost of Sengkang GRC in addition to the Hougang Aljunied and Hougang SMC to WP. WP has now strengthened its presence in Parliament with 10 elected MPs.

Cheng Bock's last minute new PSP could be considered as doing fairly well though unable to clinch any victory. He and his teams managed respectable votes in the 40 percentiles. His home coming did not materialised and Singapore would have to bear with the inconvenience of having F1 races roaring around Marina Bay with Iswaran retaining his seat.

SDP's gambit failed again. Both Chee Soon Juan and Paul Tambyah did quite respectably in the 40 percentiles with Chee gaining a few more points than his last attempt against Murali.

All said and done, PAP is still ruling supreme as the ruling party and will continue to rule Singapore for another term and perhaps in perpetuity.  This is Singapore's miracle confirmed over time, that a political party would continue to win and form the govt of a country, with no meaningful contest from the opposition parties and all the unpopular policies. Singapore belongs to this miracle forever. The PAP is probably the only man made miracle in politics that the democratic world has never seen or known.

Despite all the cursing and anger about the CPF, about the unfair CECA treaty, about high cost of living, lost of jobs, unemployment, underemployment and foreigners gaining a bigger foothold in the country, and a country on a trend of being taken over by foreigners, the people still voted for PAP for more pain and seething angers on the way.

Well, they asked for it, they asked for more of PAP. Say goodbye to their CPF and good jobs while more foreign talents are waiting to be invited in to replace them and their children. Hope they don't just lose their jobs and later their country to the foreigners. The blank cheque has been handed out to the PAP to do as it pleases.

For those thinking of getting a car, do it fast before COE hits their past highs. Go celebrate more good years under the PAP.


  1. Good morning Mr RB.

    What a let down as in 2015.

    Getting a car in Singapore and contrubuted to giving alms to Sinkies who cannot do without hand outs from them dishing out the alms as extorted from the same sinkies?

    Better choice, think also of flight to safety in another country where you may be also welcomed as Foreign Talents by them.

    Better life than own country.


  2. At this age, just enjoy everyday you can. : )

    1. We oldies can just live whether in good times or bad we can.

      We had undergone much worse situations before.

      Pity, the younger generation.

      They used to tell me what's the fark you so upset when this so not concern you.

      As you are retired and no need a job.

      Evil regins when no good people speak out.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Singaporeans.
    You are PAP's bitches.

    Whose your daddy?
    Answer: LHL

  5. As long as OPPO pop up with many meaningless parties, it will be difficult to progress. U can see the vote count of these parties, it's a joke. They should just disappear or join the established one but of course they won't be the chief.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Because of those voters still fearful of voting in the alternative parties, all citizens have to suffer and be prepared to have their whole chickens taken back, including all "sweeteners" before Jul 10. From now onward, you guys also be prepared to taste more bitter medicines for the next 5 years. Sorry no cure.

  8. GE-COVID19 Has Done The Trick To Retain PAP Supremacy Over A Nation Of Dafts That Remain As Daft As Daft Can Be, Forever And Ever

    There is an old saying: "Once a dog has eaten shit, it will eat shit forever", This saying is so true in the context of Singapore's LKY-trained dogs and horses.

    The Supreme Leader and Master-Trainer has trained the 60% to 70% of what he labelled as "DAFT" very well. So much so that in every general election, there is an unmistakable foregone conclusion that these well-trained daft dogs and horses will die-die vote for their Master-Trainer's Party, even though that Master-Trainer is already dead and gone for five years.

    A dog or horse will not bite the hands that feed them. A daft dog or daft horse that has been fed shits by its Master will not only not bite its Master's hands but also believes in its heart and mind that they simply cannot live without shits. Oof, oof, no shits, die lah!

    The alternative political parties must realise that there is no short-cut to winning an election. Old habits diehard.
    To change this shit-eating habit is even harder. The ground-works have to be laid on a daily basis, over a prolonged period of time, regularly, consistently, persistently and relentlessly without any let up or let down. This is really hardwork and heart-work. There is no easy way out. There is no lazy way up.

    The training of dogs and horses is not easy. The training of daft dogs and daft horses is even harder, especially if they have already learnt so well in the art of eating shits. In order to undo their bad habits of eating shits, a new trainer must give them something else, disguised as shits, for them to eat. And this cultivation has to be subtly done over a long period of time like what Master Chiam See Tong had done when he started in Potong Pasir as a Lone Ranger, with his wife Lena as Tonto by his side, in the 1980s.

    The Workers' Party seems to have learnt the lesson from Master Chiam See Tong quite well. The approach has to be a deliberate daily ritual to "slowly slowly catch the monkeys" in order for it to work. You just can't lay low for four years and then suddenly come out at the nineth hour when Elections are imminent and put up some last-minute speeches and displays, and hope to win a seat in the rapacious PAP-controlled Parliament. You will be lucky if you did not lose your election deposit! Or get Sue as your lover.

    For example, as expected, Goh Meng Seng was trounced by the famous feet-stamping, "I don't know what to say" Kate Ting Pei Ling of Macpherson. Why? There is no mystery. There must be a very strong ground support for her leadership and a positive sentiment for her relentless hard works on the ground. No matter what rotten eggs have been hurled at her, from all angles, she continues to stand tall and mighty. Why? There is no short-cut to winning an election. On the other hand, nobody in the SDP is able to clinch a seat in Parliament since Master Chiam had left the party he created. Why? Trust and Image! Voters have lost trust in the SDP. Once trust is lost, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to regain that trust. Once the image is tarnished, it is very hard to change voters' perception. As long as Dr Chee Soon Juan remains in SDP, it is going to be wasted efforts and talents for members of SDP to win any election. Sorry for my bluntness. Truth always hurts. Undeniable truth hurts even deeper.

    There is no short-cut in converting the shit-eating dogs and horses to follow you! You have to make them kick the habit of eating shits first. Otherwise, the daft will remain as daft as daft can be forever and ever!

    There is a constant of about 60% vs 30%, with 10% swing voters. Alternative parties must endeavor to convert at least 15% of the shit-eating dogs and horses to kick their habitual tendency of eating shits. This is the strategy to success in future Elections.

    God bless!

    1. SSO

      Another miracle is that have the dogs and horses that ate the Papies shits to die their natural DEATHS.

      Slowly, the purging and dying that they are no longer the supports base.


  9. Now the Rice is cooked,
    it is time for the Leeders to show their integrities to prove their sincerities to work with the People and for the People.
    Currently, the C19 Outbreak has got the Country mires in disease and economic problems that could result in great sufferings.
    The Government has the Duty to take care of the People as it has promised.


  10. A very very good morning to everyone.....

    Yes! As I had said many many times before, the masses will only kpkbssssssssss and TCSSssssssss, but when come to voting... they will die die die die die die die die vote for pap. It was shown again yesterday!

    Sg is like that liao. So don't waste time hoping for miracle lah. No use. No use.

    Anyway....YES! five more years...yes! As RB said above. Enjoy each day! Enjoy while you STILL can! ALL the best-est!



  11. Background factors in the rout of opposition parties.

    1. There is no unity among the opposition parties. Each and every opposition party leader thinks he is of PM material and dream to be a potential PM.

    2. You can't kill a savage beast like a lion, a tiger, a bear, a wolf. a hyena, a leopard, a jaguar or a panther single-handedly by your lone self. You sure to be mauled and die. It is the same in politics.

    3. To kill a political savage beast you need to confront it as a unified solitary unit to destroy it. Otherwise you will be mince meat, eaten up and send into oblivion.

    4. Looks like the opposition party leaders will never learn a lesson. It is really disgusting. They are just as selfish and self aggrandizing.

    5. The masses, the citizenry are mostly numbskulls. Their minds and brains have been colonized and appropriated by the savage political beast through timeless and endless propaganda via the state controlled mass media and the social media. They are brain dead and have to do everything at the bidding of the political beast.

    6. The citizenry knowledge of history, international affairs and politics as well as local history and current affairs is either very limited or practically nil. This may be due to faulty curricula in schools and universities where children are not taught about history, geography and international affairs and politics. They grow up ignorant of the evil intrigues of government and evil western imperialism and colonialism. Talk to any doctor, lawyer, accountant, teacher, engineer and whatsoever on international history, politics and international affairs you will be so exasperated of their ignorance. They are literally brain dead on the topics concerned. No wonder they always praise the US and the West and believe in their demonization of China and the Chinese people. It is really pathetic.

    7. Most citizenry in pseudo democracies are brain dead and deserve to be treated as slaves or semi-slaves. They seem to feel alright living in their world of servitude.

    8. However no pretentious exploitative politicians and government will come to a good ending. Fair and equitable socialism will eventually triumph. This is so evident in China where the former corrupted fascist Kuomintang ( KMT ) government of Chiang Kai-shek was overthrown by the Chinese people and society and is now governed by an enlightened Chinese socialist government.


  12. Now where is our resident PAP rooster who forecast 70 to 75%?

    No voice now after crowing too much.

  13. The problem for the PAP going forward is the lack of heavyweights to put into GRCs and this will be their Achilles Heel going forward.

    When many of the 3G leaders retire, there will be a vast vacuum to be filled, which not many 4G leaders are now in a position to helm come next election. And with the opposition parties getting stronger in substance, the days of sure win mindsets need to be tempered. Sengkang is a perfect example. The impossible becomes possible.

    Take the case of DPM Heng who helms East Coast GRC and whose win of around 54% is hardly a strong mandate. And that is for someone touted to be the next PM.

    On top of that, the opposition parties are getting more capable people than in the past

  14. Well done Singaporeans, you have reinstated the PAP to govern you over the next 5 years. When you feel pain during the next 5 years, you must not complain. You get what you have voted for. Good luck.


  15. Yes, the triumphant will continue to collect their millions of dollars in legalise sinful salaries, perks and whatever performance or special allowance while the people will humbly continue to pick up the bread crumbs fallen from the table.

    Be prepared for new burdensome heavy taxes to be introduced. No way and nowhere to complain but just just stare with blank eyes and blame the brain dead citizenry.

  16. That is why they warned:

    Do not trust Ah Longs or you'll have hell in your life.

  17. But can trust Ah Heng or not?

  18. The Singaporeans have nothing to complain about anymore. They voted for the PAP. This means they voted for their CPF to be kept for as long as needed by the rulers. They voted for more CECA Indians to come in, more foreign talents to take their jobs and their children's jobs. They voted for more taxes, more hikes in fees and fares. Train fares and bus fares are going to go up, gantry fees, parking fees are going to go up, COEs are going to go up. HDB flats, properties are going up only to become zero after 99 years. School fees, university fees.... except your salaries.

    Stop complaining.

  19. Can trust seat warmers or not? Who is/are the architects of CECA?

  20. Just imagine, good, highly qualified and competent people like Dr. Tan Cheng Bock, Dr, Tambyah, Dr. Chee Soon Juan and Mr Lean Tan and a few more others they don't pick. These competent candidates are like pearls to be treasured for they will run the country well and efficiently. But when you cast pearls before swine, they will just sniff at the pearls and walk away to pick and eat shit .

    The island will sink in disgrace.

    Felt being played out by morons.

  21. GE 2025
    - I want PAP's share of votes to drop below 60%

    1. Bro, it's not up to you lar. The votes were cast by sinkies and under democracy it's up to individual. Your way is to dictate like a dictator. That is even worst. You may want to seek treatment to wake up at Jalan besar by getting yourself sodomized jialat jialat by USA sailors lor

  22. Frog Outside GlassJuly 11, 2020 8:00 pm

    Once A Fixer, Always A Fixer

    The Fixer has again displayed his finest skills in fixing:
    The unprecedented last minute delay of two hours is very telling;
    The 4% of votes coming in from 8 to 10 in the evening,
    Made the difference between losing and winning.

    The good doctor again has been fixed so easily,
    For the third time in the span of ten years, unfairly.
    This time, extra 2 hours done in the dark so skillfully -
    48% vs 52% transformed to 52% vs 48% surreptitiously.

    The Emperor without clothes is frail and sickly looking:
    His face pale, skin wrinkled, eyes no more sparkling;
    His hair grey, mouth drooped, and speech slurring.
    Nevertheless, a Fixer is a Fixer at the beginning and the ending.

    FOG - 11 July 2020

    1. Hi FOG.

      You may be absolutely right!

      PHANTOM voters???

      Just like in Matland where they start giving the illegal Indon migrants under Nasib' s time to vote and vote and vote??

      TCB called it irregular!

      Wow, smelled a fishy here.

    2. Also understand from a source that he was supposed to go for a Prostate Operation.

      Delayed till after G.E.

      Looked bad even with his millions of dollars.

      Shud tell Ah Heng to hold election just like in 2015 and have 70% instead of 60 plus now.

  23. Kpkb for what?

    This time result is similar to 2011. Back then pap started opening up reserves to spend on sinkies. Expect them to start spending more soon. More packages & chicken wings. Grab first think later.

    Anyway is a lot of oldies still voting for pap. Kept on hearing old voters asking the polling civil servants which is the logo for pap on the card so as to select it.

    1. Now election over, no more spending lar. You are delusional to expect more handout. Go Jalan besar as earlier poster suggested

  24. In this election the opposition party that stands out is the Worker's Party. They had truly walked the ground, listened to the people's voices with a good heart & the voters of SengKang GRC had sensed their sincerity and they reciprocated with their votes. Worker's Party has found their way much like the then LKY whom has found his way (LKY's way). WP continue to walk it's way up surely one day it will take the lead when their candidates r better than the ruling party. Keep it up WP continue to work & walk the ground, listen to people's needs & voices with sincerity, there is a ray of hope for Singaporeans in years to come, same goes to PSP.

    1. The rest of the OPPO should disband. Esp gms that pop up once every 5 years jumping from ward to ward to try his luck and contributed to the popular votes lost

  25. This GE timing is bad.

    People are not happy - swing voters at least 9%, to 15% in Sengkang GRC and West Coast GRC, and others.

    Even though given out $billions in four different budgets, Ah Heng barely creeped through, if not last minute transferred to East Coast, he sure lost.

    Xia Suay Chan Cotton-From-Sheep thought he is smart - using crisis to hold GE sure win big time.
    But actually backfired.

    Should have waited until the Pink Panther died of third cancer remission, then hold big funeral, like last time for his Old Man, then conduct the GE.
    Like that sure win big one.

  26. Anon 738

    My exact thoughts. Bad image for opposition. Enough said.

  27. Looks like Ah Heng's PM designate position is in jeopardy. Now, also looks like no one else is in line?

    LHL's comparison of Worker's Party in Sengkang as a 'PAP lite' version, is in fact a failed version of his father's comparison of Chiam's academic record against Mah Bow Tan's, which resulted in the backlash against the PAP in Potong Pasir years ago. Many thought that LKY's comments played a key role in Mah's defeat. Does LHL's above comments did the same to PAP?

  28. People are not happy for sure. The billions given out, who are the main beneficiaries? Not those who get $600 or less? Taxi drivers get $9K plus also what other's get and are allowed to work delivering things.

    Most of the money goes to those self employed or running businesses, the money spent on the dorm workers, their hotel and cruise ship accommodations, wages etc. These have no benefit at the ballot boxes for the PAP, but the money is huge. The money from the sweat and toil of past generations and elderly. Who is happy? Most happy are the foreign workers. No need to work, wages paid, food and accommodation FOC. What else is better?

    One renovation contractor was heard to say, I hope this payout continues without having to work. How true!
