
Crimes against humanity - The evil Trump Administration

Is there an international agency that can bring crimes against humanity charges ,and bring the administration and agents at the border to trial? There should be. A Nuremberg style trial. Children died when put in terrible conditions at the border camps.
  Wish you'd kept a nightly count and reminded people daily of the kids in concentration camps
  Whether or not the separation of children from their parents was/is used as a deterrent, is beside the point. It remains a crime against humanity either way. Every single person, starting with Trump, involved in this crime must be brought before the World Court, and held accountable.
Thorsten Koethe 2 days ago
Never forget the names of these very evil people - they should never ever get a job when this terror regime did finish.  

Child separation' - kidnapping and child abuse.
  It is terrifying to me when I realize how many evil, damaged people are working for the white house administration...and that they are citizens of our country... sociopaths without compassion, moral compasses or an ability to feel remorse or guilt.. malignant narcissists who have one goal in mind...satisfying their own hunger for whatever...fame, power, riches...and right now they are scurrying like cockroaches through the sacred offices of our government. And many seem to be immune to covid 19... Go figure!
The rest of the world should start putting sanctions on the USA!
  This period in US history is going to make the US atrocities of the past look like child's play. Dump trump. Just saying...
  This is unbearable. How can a country tolerate this to happen? A whole government is guilty of such crimes? There should have been sanctions taken by the rest of the world against the US. Problem: the UN have their seat in NYC. If they didn't have their hands tied in their back, the other members of the G7 should have threatened to expel the US from their ranks. We don't have an international Court that works, that's a problem. 
  It is beyond imagination how cruel and damaging it is to separate young children from their mothers and lock them up; it reminds me of scenes seen in film footage how children were separated from their mothers/parents during the third reich. People who ordered this and people who executed those orders are not human but monsters.
It seems to me that in this present day and age being an American is a disgrace. Is this what our father's worked so hard for while fighting for freedoms?


  1. Trump is a racist, substantiated.

    President Donald Trump's niece said she has heard her uncle use racial and anti-Semitic slurs.

    "Oh, yeah, of course I did," Mary Trump said in an interview airing Thursday night on "The Rachel Maddow Show" on MSNBC. "And I don't think that should surprise anybody given how virulently racist he is today."

  2. True to his vicious Mafia-like characteristics, President Don J Trump lashed out at his niece, Mary Trump, and his former National Security Advisor John Bolton on Friday, leveling his most direct criticism to date as both books have been released,, after winning the legal battles, and immediately
    become best-sellers.

    Trump trumpeted in his tweets:

    "I am the ultimate member of The Book of the Month Club," Trump said before going on a tirade calling his niece "a mess!" and Bolton a "lowlife dummy."

    "First I have lowlife dummy John Bolton, a war mongering fool, violating the law (he released massive amounts of Classified Information) and an NDA in order to build badly needed credibility and make a few dollars, which will all end up going to the government anyway," Trump tweeted.

    "Next up is Mary Trump, a seldom seen niece who knows little about me, says untruthful things about my wonderful parents (who couldn’t stand her!) and me, and violated her NDA."

    "She also broke the Law by givng out my Tax Returns. She’s a mess! Many books have been written about me, some good, some bad. Both happily and sadly, there will be more to come!"

    His tirade comes as both books have become instant best-sellers and cleared major legal hurdles to publish their unflattering portraits of President 'Mafia Chief' Don Trump.

    Early this month, Mary Trump published her book:

    "Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man".

    Last month, John Bolton published his book:

    "The Room Where It Happened,”

    Both books were released by Simon & Schuster, the publisher, announced on Thursday that Mary Trump's book had sold a company record 950,000 copies on its first day and Bolton sold nearly 800,000 copies in its first week.

    Mary Trump's book was released after a legal fight with her relatives, who argued she violated a nondisclosure agreement she signed related to the settlement of Fred Trump Sr.'s estate. A federal judge ruled last month Bolton could publish his tell-book about his time in the White House.

    Mary Trump also gave a wide-ranging interview on "The Rachel Maddow Show" on Thursday in which she said she has heard her uncle use racial and anti-Semitic slurs, and racism was rampant in the family when she was a child. She also disclosed that she was the source of leaking the president's tax returns to The New York Times, which was the basis of its Pulitzer Prize-winning series.

    "Oh, yeah, of course, I did," Mary Trump said when asked on "The Rachel Maddow Show" if she had heard him use the N-word and anti-Semitic slurs. "And I don't think that should surprise anybody given how virulently racist he is today."

    It was the show’s highest-rated hour in history and the network's highest-rated regularly scheduled show, MSNBC said.

  3. The arrogant, boastful and con-job Trump has been trying very hard to paint his challenger Joe Biden as a dirty politician. Ironically, the Americans mostly view Joe Biden as a Clean Politician and Trump as the Dirtiest Politician in the history of presidency.

    Pussy-grabber Trump's popularity votes have gone down from 51% to 35% in the last three months.

    It will go down further by Oct. And in November, he will be the 2nd One-Term President in the US history.

    After that, he will face many criminal and fraud charges. And also abuse of power charges.

  4. Trump should be put on trial for crimes against humanity for various crimes.

  5. The answer is always the same - 'American Exceptionalism'.

    The USA can do anything it likes, to anyone it likes, in any way it likes with no backfiring, all through the decades. Any other country doing likewise would be demonized to high heaven, sanctioned, barked at by all the poodles, like the passing of the HK security law by China, as if China does not even have the legitimate authority to make any attempt to restore law and order in Hong Kong, a place that belongs to it legitimately. How ridiculous can that be?

    But heaven has eyes indeed. The COVID19 is telling the USA that there is indeed a greater power than 'American Exceptionalism', and that there is no need for massive use of WMD to bring down the evil empire.

    Of what use is 'American Exceptionalism' and massive fire power now, when the little virus can by itself bring the USA down on it's knees. Truth be said, the USA has lost the battle against the virus. A lockdown is a possible last ditch effort, but that is a sure way for the evil empire to go back to the stone age. And bombing others to the stone age is the USA's favorite desert for other countries. Now they are going to have a taste of that desert themselves!

  6. Better still, keep pretending that the virus is a hoax and will go away by April, 2021!

  7. The world would be a better and more peaceful place without the Evil Americans going around agitating and inciting wars. Now they are very busy, despite being attacked by the virus, in raising tension everywhere, especially attacking China and Iran and Russian hoping to start another war.

    The countries of SE Asia better wise up and not be tricked or forced into taking sides with the Americans against China. It is a war that the Evil Americans wanted to start against China. It is none of the business of SE Asian countries. Let the warmongers fight their own wars and not become cannon fodder for nothing.

  8. When elephants fight, run and hide.

    Don't be silly asses wanting to join in and get trampled.

    But some cronies got their balls squeezed and cannot say no to the white masters and must do as being told, even pretending to punch above its weight.

  9. Trump is using his unidentified gangsters to attack the Democrats and their states.
