
Covid19 - Is it so easy to control the spread of the virus?

The idiotic clown in the White House is belabouring the point that China could have stopped the virus from spreading and getting out of China. To this clown, it was so easy and China did not do it. Could he do it if it happens in the USA? This clown did not know that by the time China knew how serious this new virus was, many would have been infected and moved out of Wuhan to other parts of China and even overseas.  It was an unknown virus, a new virus and needed time to be noticed and to be identified.

Compare to what hit China and how this virus hit other countries that already got wind of its existence, and some knowledge of how infectious it was, all the countries in the world had the privilege of pre warnings and by right should be able to contain this virus in a more effective way than China. They knew, every country knew it was coming except China. But China took drastic measures, criticised by the West, especially the clowns headed by the chief clown in Trump, condemned the measures as draconian.

Because of the tough measures, the lockdown of Wuhan and Hubei province, China was very successful in curbing the spread of the virus across the whole of China.  China was also able to limit the infection to about 80,000 cases in a population of 1.4b people. This is hell of a great achievement from hell of a great effort and efficiency in the Chinese medical and administrative system and political will.

Except for a handful of countries in the East, most countries could not contain this virus from spreading even with all the pre warnings and pre knowledge.  The most silly country in this pandemic is of course the USA. They laughed at it, called it a hoax, claimed that it would just go away like a miracle. Their failure to take this threat seriously is comical and deadly, and a threat to the people of the world.

If this virus is so easy to contain, if the Americans are so good as they claimed to be, why the more than 3.4m cases and growing at nearly 70,000 cases daily? What was clown Trump and his team of experts doing all the time? Should not they be doing better than China to curb the spread if they are indeed so clever? If they could not, not by any count, not near by any means, to control the spread of this virus, is it reasonable to blame China for not able to control it effectively and not allowing the virus to spread across the world? China today is opening up, almost free of the virus with daily imported cases of less than 10!

Or, as more evidences are appearing, this virus was all over the world in the first place. China happened to be the first to identify it and to declare it a health hazard. Thw world should thank China for it. And with more evidences pointing to the real origin of this virus, ie Fort Detrick, USA, Trump is making a mockery of himself to wanting to shift the blame to China.  The virus came from the USA, planted in China by American agents in Wuhan to kill Chinese and cripple the Chinese economy just like the unceasing number of flu epidemics hitting China with a high probability that they were hostile acts of the Americans.

It is right and opportune and just for the virus to spread like wildfire in the USA. It is God's message to the evil ones not to play with fire. It will burn the fire starters.

Stop blaming on China. The USA is the real culprit of this pandemic. No one is going to believe the evil clowns in the White House. Period.

And it is time to lock down the whole of USA, no one allowed to enter or to leave the American soil. Every American is now a health threat, exposed to and carrying this virus around. Countries of the world must ban Americans from entering their countries.  Americans are diseased!


Anonymous said...

The dude needed to be sodomized jialat jialat

Anonymous said...

USA has the the Tonya Harding Syndrome - the agony of worrying and panicking about losing out in a competition and resorting to whacking the kneecap of one's competitor.

Tonya Harding was a promising American figure skater, eager to strike more fame and fortune at the world championships and the Olympics. What undid Tonya's skating career was her implication in the whacking of the kneecap of Nancy Kerrigan, a graceful skating competitor from Massachusetts, by Tonya's husband, Gilloly, and his associates. When the dust settled, Tonya Harding was barred from figure skating competition for life.

USA is Tonya, China is Nancy. The Trump admin is trying very hard to whack the kneecap of China.

Virgo 49 said...

Today's Strait's Times full of articles of mainly Banana journalist and also the American Chinese Traitress and also the enemies of China with their articles of instigating and the control ling of China brazen instruions in the World and SEA and Asia.

China's intrusions and gangsterism?

Do not believe the Aussies billion defence spendings to counter China.

They are in deep shits becoming a Papuer soon. Also America's crumbling diapailated warships and their Arsenals. Also their crumbling infrastructures.

China and Chinese people with the exception of the Traitous kinds can withstand hardships and adversaries.

The West and their cronies with the Vietnamese and Indians would perish first.


Anonymous said...

Australia is a small little country but thinking too highly of itself. China only need to huff and puff to blow it away.

Looks like Singapore never learn its lesson and still allowing the Americans to twist its arm to go against China. This time when China hits again, it would be more painful.

Useless buggers so frighten of the Americans.

Anonymous said...

shall be history soon.
is destined for destruction by natural disaster.

Anonymous said...

Beware Of The Poison Shrimp.

China and Chinese by now realise that the present Singapore government is staunchly pro-American and pro-British.

Their attitude, behaviour and character, displayed in public and in private, cannot hide the fact that they are staunchly pro-American and anti-China.

Their media publications almost on a daily basis have been bombarding China and demonizing China on behalf of the Americans.

The facts are there and cannot hide:

1. Changi Naval Base is being used as the US staging area to launch naval operations into the South China Sea and as part of the US operational strategy to encircle China.

2. The deliberate visits by Singapore leaders to the American White House to deliver speeches to belittle China and the Chinese leaders blatantly and openly for all to see.

3. The deliberate efforts to help the Evil Empire's President Trump create jobs for the Americans, by signing huge and highly costly contracts to buy Boeing's aircraft.

4. The purchase of F35s from the US instead of buying better and cheaper stealth fighter aircraft from China or Russia.

5. The ganging up with the Americans to conduct naval operations in the South China Sea.

And many more .....

You can find more evidence by just googling.

Anonymous said...

These silly leeders think the Chinese are stupid and did not know how they played them out behind their backs and also openly by speaking out against them and allowing the media and lapdogs to talk bad about China.

Just you wait.

Anonymous said...

To avoid fines.
Return library items borrowed before 7 April by Tuesday, 21 July.

Elections are over.
Time to collect more money from Singaporeans over the next 5 years.

Anonymous said...

Too many military paper-generals inside the PAP is not only bad for PAP cadres and lower rungs but also bad for the country and the people. These generals are all self-centred, selfish, conceited and prone to give orders without second thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Another paper general, Chan Cannot-Sing utters nonsense again at Bloomingberger.

He is snipping at Heng Sweet Cake, indirectly criticising HSK's supplementary budgets to help the people get by the Covid19 Pandemic and to boost the Si-Si Singapore economy.

CCS likes to dwell into the unknowns so that he doesn't need to provide any solution because solutions cannot be certain when dealing with unknowns.

This chap is too cunning for his own good. People easily see through his antics.

LOOP said...


In the last few days, after the General Elections, the number of new cases of COVID-19 coronavirus infections reported seems to be on the rise. This is not a good sign. It could be due to increased testing and more efforts put into the test-processing by the various test labs. Or, it could mean that the COVID-19 coronavirus is spreading in Singapore at a faster pace.

MOH reported 327 new COVID-19 cases as of noon on Friday (Jul 17), with nine infections in the community, the Ministry of Health (MOH) said in its preliminary update.

This brings the total number of cases in the country to 47,453.

MOH said it will announce more details by instalments on Friday night. Possibly to cushion the alarming situation and the shocking incompetancy of the Multi-Millionaire oops, I mean Multi-Ministry Task Force?

With a total of 47,453 cases of infection, Singapore's ROI (Rate Of Infection) is 8,325 infected persons per million, which is not far behind USA's 9,036 infected persons per million! This does not spell good for Singapore.

The number of low death rates in Singapore could be attributed to wrongly assigned causes of death. COVID-19 coronavirus can also induce heart-attack, cardiac arrest, kidney failure, stroke and other causes of death. Clever reporting of the 'Cause of Death' could have masked the true number of deaths caused by the Covid-19 coronavirus. This convenient methodology has been widely practiced in many countries, especially in USA where doctors attributed the Cause-of-Death to common flu instead of COVID-19 deaths.

The best way to fight the COVID-19 Pandemic is to cooperate as a nation and fight as a nation. In order to do that, situation reporting, information dissemination, and data and statistical reports must be forthright and forthcoming. Any attempt to hide or cover-up for fear of alarming the public must be strictly avoided because it will only cause more confusion and distrust than doing good.

Individuals whose leadership has been found wanting in handling this Pandemic should not be allowed to continue in the same ministry "forever", as though such a person is above all faults and errors. Nobody is perfect and nobody is infallible.

In conclusion, the way Singapore governors are handling the COVID-19 Pandemic is commendable but there is still a lot of rooms for improvement. Until and unless the COVID-19 coronavirus is brought under total control, the efforts to deal with it should never be slackened.



Anonymous said...

Urgent: 7.3-magnitude quake hits 119 km N of Kokoda, Papua New Guinea -- USGS

Xinhua July 17 , 2020

An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 jolted 119 km N of Kokoda, Papua New Guinea at 02:50:24 GMT on Friday, the U.S. Geological Survey said.

The epicenter, with a depth of 85 km, was initially determined to be at 7.8 degrees south latitude and 147.7 degrees east. longitude. 

LOOP said...


India added a record number of Covid-19 cases - nearly 35,000 - in the last 24 hours, breaching the one million mark, to join the Million-Infection Club with the USA and Brazil.

In order to hit the one million mark, all you have to do is to allow your people:

1. To congregate in schools, churches, mosques, temples, community centres, libraries, shopping centres and malls.

2. To go around without wearing masks and hug and kiss one another whenever they meet and greet one another.

3. To organize and participate in sports and sporting activities.

4. To not go for COVID-19 testing when the are sick and just tell them to stay at home for 14 days. Whether they stay at home or not, nobody is the wiser.

5. To allow buses, trains and other means of transportation be packed like sardines.

6. To allow infected construction workers to carry on renovation and building works.

7. To conduct Elections so that voters are forced to congregate and queue up at polling stations to get infected easily.

8. To go about telling everyone that everything is under control while in fact it is just the opposite.

You see, it is so easy to do the easy lazy things. But it is so difficult to truly and really keep the situation under control. It means a lot of hardwork - pre-emptive and preventive measures have to be taken; proactive decisions and actions instead of reactive, wait-and-see monitoring decisions and actions.

Proactive means you project and anticipate what is to come. You stop people from getting infected and die

Reactive means you keep watch and monitor, then take actions after it is too late - people already got infected and some are going to die.

So, are Singapore leaders going to carry on to be reactive, or it is time to start being proactive?

If you want to stop your people from getting infected more and more, then ban all Americans, Brazilians, Europeans and India Indians from entering the country for the next two to three months, until the explosive situations in their countries have subsided.

Do you have the political will to do it? Start working for your $millions pay!

Anonymous said...

U hv a Loser leading a Organization of Auntie Lucy. Who will respect a Loser? Who will work with Loser? The answer is anybolee guess who loh..

Anonymous said...

USA is toast! So is Brazil and India. The trio, Trump, Bolsonaro and Modi are walking the same path to infamy.

77,000 infections in the USA over the last 24 hours is slightly more than the total number of infections for the whole of China to date. It is definitely out of control, or if control is attempted by now, the whole USA will have to be on lockdown, for how long, we cannot tell. One way or another, it spells doom.

Sure there is talk of a breakthrough in coming out with a vaccine, maybe right just before November and Trump will be saved. But what about the lives already lost. Just forgive and forget? And the most ridiculous part is that there are USA citizens still determined not to wear a mask in public. Their human rights is more important and death itself. Well, they can die and is not our business, so let's not worry for them.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...


I am seeing many of you spending time and great effort to write very concise and clear articles here. Thank you.

What I will do is to put these articles up as main stories instead of letting them get hidden and lost as comments.

I will put up one of LOOP's article here as I did before for SSO and Future Kings, never mind if some may think they could be the same person.

Good articles deserved to be aired accordingly.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi, LOOP's is now Ali.

The more Trump tries to put the blame on China, the clearer it is as an attempt to divert the attention from the real origin of the virus, the USA and its wicked attempt in planting the virus in Wuhan during the Chinese New Year Celebration.

The world must not be misled by this disinformation and point the finger direct at the USA as the culprit in this pandemic.