
China will support countries that are violated by the USA

BEIJING: China will support countries that believe the USA has violated their territorial claims, territorial rights and human rights in the USA and any where in the world.  China Secretary of State Kang Mei Guo said on Wednesday (Jul 15) but stressed doing so in multilateral and legal forums.

"We will then go use the tools that we have available and we will support countries all across the world who recognise that the USA has violated their legal territorial claims, human rights violation as well – or land claims as well," Kang told reporters. "We will go provide them the assistance we can, whether that’s in multilateral bodies, whether that's in the USA, whether that's through legal responses, we will use all the tools we can," he said, referring to the 51 states of America (USA).

Source : mysingaporenews


Virgo 49 said...

China should have declared and said this long long ago.

Border to border with North Korea.
Simply trade with the North Koreans and see what can America and their cronies do to them.

Let them spend.their time kapoying using their surveillance satellite zooming of their going on and let them goes ga ga like wild monkeys.

China should have defiled all these unreasonable sanctions on those countries just because America and their cronies said so.

Once, in strengths cooperating with China, America and their Cronies will squeeze their balls to DEATH.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

China is gaining in strength daily. Soon countries around the world would have to choose either to trade with China's biggest middle class market or the shrinking American market.

China should take strong and immediate action to freeze trade with the UK, Canada and Australia and cripple their economies. Then see them crawling on their knees to beg for trade.

The USA is showing how evil it is under wicked men like Trump, Pompeo, Navarro etc etc. They are stirring shit and trouble everywhere, now wanting to drag Asean countries into a war with China and turn SE Asia into a war zone. Luckily the idiots in UMNO have lost power or they would be the first to join this American led war with China, thinking their sampans can fight the Chinese naval fleet.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

China should declare Pompeo as a terrorist, ban him from entering China and put up an arrest warrant on him.

Anonymous said...

Singapore now openly siding with US on South China Sea?

A phone call made to Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong by Chinese President Xi Jinping on Tuesday to congratulate him on winning the city state’s July 10 general election and work with Singapore to “overcome distractions” to safeguard regional stability was interpreted by some observers as also a subtle warning against siding with the United States.

That came a day after Washington rejected Beijing’s territorial claims in the South China Sea said that the US could apply sanctions on Chinese officials and companies that pursue “illegal” claims in the contested region.

“The safest move for most Southeast Asian countries is to make no response at all,” said Dylan Loh, an assistant professor of international studies at Nanyang Technological University.

The Singapore leader has previously said the city state will not take sides and has tried to keep relations on an even keel with the two superpowers.

However, on Thursday (July 16, 2020), ST Editorial says: "The US' statement that opens up Washington to the use of economic sanctions against China over the South China Sea should provide some relief to the region's anxieties."

" .. in aligning itself with Unclos - even though it is not a signatory - the US may help strengthen Asean's hand in stressing international law in the South China Sea disputes, and it would not be a surprise if the region's leaders were to cautiously welcome it."

Virgo 49 said...

Muhayin going to be upseat by the UMNO foxes very soon.

They abding their time with Muha weak fragile majority.

Soon, they be kicking him out like what he did to Maha.

Anonymous said...

What about Singapore and Singaporeans?

Our territorial rights are being violated by CECA Indians.

Anonymous said...

Difference between Singapore's and Australia's take on the situation in Hong Kong:

"Hong Kong, which competes with Singapore as a regional financial hub, has suffered setbacks as China tightens its grip on the former British colony through a new security law. It’s better to compete with a strong financial center because that means growth and opportunities in the region are good. If things go badly wrong in Hong Kong, that’s not good for the region, and not good for Singapore." - Ravi Menon, managing director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore.

"The federal government will consider tax and regulatory concessions to help attract capital and skilled workers fleeing Hong Kong and to make Australia an international financial services hub. Senator Bragg has written to Treasurer Josh Frydenberg and suggested the government include reforms in the October federal budget to capitalize on Hong Kong's "collapse as a credible financial centre in the region".

Anonymous said...

The Joker wanted to make this little country of 22m whites from Europe sitting in stolen land from Asian natives as an international financial hub. They think the whole of Asia must look up to the few white men in this stolen land and no where better to go.

LOOP said...

With Internet and Advanced Digital Technology, anywhere can be a Financial Hub. The only things required are:

1. Infrastructures.

2. Participating Banks and Financial Services.

3. Trained, skilled and professional personnel and logistics supports.

4. Confidence and Trust, which can only be accomplished after a long time of building up a good reputation.

The four basic foundations Singapore already has. So why go all the way to Down-under? Why not shift the HK operations to Singapore?

Anonymous said...

The silly Australians still think this is colonial days and white men are superior to Asians and wanted to be the sheriff and leader of Asian countries.

Anonymous said...

Every time Trump and his officials mainly Pompeo,Navaro and the Washington political elite open their filthy mouths on China, its always spewing trash.
Having squeezed and done with Huawei, they are now moving to TikTok which proves all this talk about Huawei security issues are bullocks. Whatever they can't compete with Chinese tech, they ban and coerce other countries not to use too. We all hope Trump will sail into oblivion come Nov PE but I am not hopeful Biden would be any diff. Its in every American psyche they cannot be anything but No 1 in everythng. And that includes COVID infection cases and deaths. Still they don't stop stirring shit elsewhere like sending most of their naval power to SC Sea confronting China. If there is a miscalculation, the consequences will be dire for countries in the region because China is not their usual easily bullied nation.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Yep, the two aircraft carriers in South China Sea are sitting ducks. The Chinese missiles from the air and under the sea are waiting for them. They don't even know when they would be hit and where the missiles would be coming from.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Gone are the days when they can sail their aircraft carriers all over the world and no one can touch them. Now they can be hit anywhere in the seven seas.

While they boast about the aircraft carriers, the captain and the crews are shitting bricks every time they get near to seas around China, including the Indian Ocean. It is push button warfare, like computer games.

The Chinese will be singing hallelujah when they press the buttons.

Anonymous said...

For the sake of reunification with Taiwan, even if US send 10 aircraft carriers into the South China Sea, China will still be unfazed.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has twice stated that the separation of mainland China and Taiwan “should not be passed down generation after generation.” And in his most recent speech focused solely on Taiwan, in January 2019, he said that “our country must be reunified, and will surely be reunified.”

Following that, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang omitted the term “peaceful” in front of “unification”—previously standard in official communications about Taiwan—in his annual opening speech to the National People’s Congress in May. A few days later, State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi did the same in his speech to the congress.