
Which country in this world is dangerous and illegitimate? You judge.

Which country is dangerous and illegitimate - China or USA ? You judge.

This article will reinforce the truth of Chua Chin Leng's article, "The world's number one terrorist nation, ( the evil empire - The United States of America" posted on 20-06-2020

The Western countries especially the United States like to shout at the international political arena as if its is Hyde Park's Speakers' Corner that China is an illegitimate country and the Chinese Communist Party has no legitimacy. So China under the CCP has no legitimacy and the US under the decrepit rotten governing system of the Democrats and Republicans has legitimacy.

So let's examine the facts and the truths. China is a great country of more then 5,000 years and her Civilization is comparable to that of other great civilizations like Egypt, Persia ( Iran ), Babylon or Mesopotamia ( Iraq ), India, Greek and Rome. During these 5,000 years China has bequeathed to us a lot in science and technology, literature, biology, mathematics, inventions like gun powder, compass, paper, printing, seismograph, horse stirrup, the rudder,farming and seed seeding machines, oil drilling techniques, knowledge in astronomy and cosmology and hundreds of others.

Where was US during these 5,000 years?

How did United States come about? Originally the US was part of the odious British imperial north American empire which includes Canada. Imperial England had conquered North America from 1603 AD and ever since then maintained its strong control against the native Americans through brutal military might via unrestrained atrocities and genocide of the natives.

In 1775-1776 some thirteen British colonies were not happy with the heavy taxes England imposed on them. They started a revolution to fight for independence from England . They succeeded with the help of France and Spain. So in a treaty signed in Paris the thirteen colonies from Maine to Georgia became a union of independent sovereign states. So the United States of America came into existence albeit out of violence.

Canada chose to remain loyal to the British flag. In the meantime England also granted self-governing autonomous status to about a hundred native American Indian tribes for the rest of the British north American territory that lie to the west of the thirteen independent states.

From that very first year of declaration of independence in 1776, the thirteen states adopted a policy of aggression and expansion against the self-governing autonomous native states under the doctrine, " The Manifest Destiny of America. " Eventually all the native self-governing autonomous states were brutally attacked by the United States and the natives genocided in a more violent and wanton manner than that carried out by the British earlier. All the native states were destroyed and their lands incorporated into the bigger and wider expanding United States of America. Thus the United States is built at the expense of the native Americans whose lands were illegally acquired by force of military might to form the rogue illegitimate country, The United States of America.

After the brutal and violent way of forcefully acquiring all the native self-governing states the rogue United States went on another spree of wanton aggression against Mexico from 1840s to 1890s. In this hostile aggressive wars of conquest US took away one million six hundred and sixty-five million square miles of Mexican lands which now comprise the states of Texas, Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico and California. Then in 1895 to 1905 it attacked Hawaii and took over the territory after the massacre of over three hundred thousand native Hawiians. The Hawaiian queen was unceremoniously deposed and later murdered.

So the United States is an illegitimate country built on stolen lands from other people, from the native American Indians and the Mexicans. The illegitimate US is built on the terrible agony, suffering and almost a hundred million deaths of the natives and thereafter the senseless killings of African American negro slaves as well as the Latino Mexicans.

The United States streaks of wanton violence continue to this day against most other countries as its motive is to achieve sole superpower hegemony over all other countries on earth.

USA is an artificial illegitimate country born out of violence, pain, agony, suffering and deaths of millions of innocent natives and therefore it needs to be clobbered and destroyed for the safety and security of the rest of other people and countries in this earthly world.


Sunday, 21st June, 2020


  1. Hi morning Southern Glory.

    Now second wave virus infections in Beijing China came from Europe.

    This enforced the beliefs that the West especially the Americans are DEAD set to destroy China and the Chinese World wide.

    Yet, many are still napping and snoring.

    First round to Wuhan, ineffective and under control.

    Now exported by their Allies to maim or cripple and kill the Chinese in their second round of sabotage.

    Yet, the Chinese too trusting and maganimous thinking that all human beans are goodness in nature.

    Deserved to be screwed in their fates.

  2. Patient. God is doing it in His own mysterious way to destroy these evil people in the USA. It is unstoppable with Trump dead set, under God's plan, to hold a mass rally in an enclosed stadium in Tulsa.

    Let the virus multiply exponentially.

    1. RB, u r spot on man!
      Let the Higher Ups do the 'spring cleaning' , in Chinese is called '清理门户' or '大扫除'。

  3. UaSsA is the Rogue One & a Rogue Nation and is governed by Demoncrazy to be rich on small group of demons, will wage a war with any countries that go against their will.
    China is a legitimate country governed by Socialist to be rich all together & will not give an inch when its territory r threatened.

  4. At this very moment, the Evil American Empire are planning to invade Iran and Venezuela. And how many silly world leaders are still sticking to their belief that the Americans are peace loving country and can be trusted to maintain peace in the world?

    The Americans are also agitating and provoking a war with China in the South China Sea and egging the Indians to start a war with China.

    This is a warmongering nation that lives on war.

  5. US elites very much wish to see a war break out between China and a neighboring country. Asian countries and people, be wary of Washington’s instigation. Chinese, Indian, Japanese and Vietnamese should all be vigilant not to fall into the trap of patriotism v.s patriotism.

  6. The white American bastards live by the sword and will definitely die by the sword. Now they live by fire and bombing, they cannot escape to die by fire and bombing too.

    Anti- white terrorism.


  7. Please take note for your own safety.

    Do not buy or eat fruits like apples, pears, oranges, plums, avocadoes and food stuffs like cod fish, salmon, crabs, lobsters, beef, ham and chickens from the United States and Europe. They intentionally transport and shipped these products for export in trucks and containers which were previously used to store dead bodies of coronavirus patients and their remains because of their freezing facilities. Their intention is to destroy non-white people especially the Chinese because China is the only country that is obstructing their insidious motive of dominating the whole world under white domination and hegemony especially the hegemony of the evil white American satanic empire of the United States.

    A more detail story of these evil American undertaking will appear either on tomorrow or any day next week.


  8. “I went to Japan and I told the Japanese that Malaysia has had relations with China for nearly 2,000 years with no conquests,” Mahathir said. “You compare that with the Portuguese who came to Melaka in 1509. Two years later they conquered Melaka. So who are we supposed to be afraid of? China or the Europeans?"

  9. Its best to have dual or multiple citizenship.
    No country is 100% safe or immune to virus.
    PAP should stop being so stubborn.

  10. Its been revealed China lost 40 men on the recent border clash with India but they did not tell. India lost 20 cried father cried mother telling whole world and srirred up nationalist sentiments. And who else but US via anti China shill Mike Pompeo and the western press blaming China the aggressor without even knowing the facts on the ground. China should just ignored US and their sycohant allies esp Australia and move on.
