
USA - a nation built on the foundation of white supremacy, racism and hate

WASHINGTON, DC: The fatal shooting of a black man by a white police officer, this time in Atlanta, Georgia, poured more fuel on Sunday (Jun 14) on a raging US debate over racism after another round of street protests and the resignation of the city's police chief....

 "I do not believe this was a justified use of deadly force," Bottoms said. The officer who shot Brooks - identified as Garrett Rolfe - was dismissed....

James Clyburn, an African American member of Congress from South Carolina, said he was incensed.
"This did not call for lethal force. And I don't know what's in the culture that would make this guy do that. It has got to be the culture. It's got to be the system," he said, speaking on CNN's "State of the Union."  CNA

In a way it is the system. But the system is built over centuries of hate and white supremacy.  From the days of genociding the native Americans to the slavery of black Africans and racial discrimination against Chinese and Asians, this doctrine of hate is in the bones of the white Americans.  And this culture has been built and perpetuated through centuries of hate narratives in the culture, in the homes, in the schools, in society, where white supremacy is the norm.

America is for the whites. The rest of the coloured people do not matter. The blacks, the native Indians and other coloured immigrants are second, third and fourth class citizens, with lesser rights, some with no rights like the blacks Africans, to be killed at the slightest infringement, not necessary violation of the law. Imagine youths walking on a country road with no sidewalks can be hauled up for jaywalking and be killed when resisting arrest. Imagine young boys and girls can be harassed and handcuffed at the whims and fancy of the white policemen. Imagine killing a black man for accused of $20 fake notes, note even proven. Imagine being checked everyday on the roads, in your own garden or right in front of your own houses.

The white supremacy and hate culture are in the bones of the white Americans. It cannot be wiped out just be a few protest. It took centuries to build and develop. It would take centuries to erase from the sick minds of the whites.

The only way out is to divide America in coloured and white states. Let the whites rule themselves and the coloured rule themselves in two or more countries of the Disunited States of America. Otherwise the killings and discrimination of blacks and coloured people will never cease.

The USA needs to be broken up. The coloured people need a country of their own when they are treated as equals, not the unwritten slaves of the whites and to serve the interests of the whites.

This is the 21st Century, but the whites are still living in medieval times when they are the superior race, living under the Doctrine of Christian Discovery, where the coloured and natives are sub humans, and could be killed under their religion of white supremacy.  This doctrine of racial discrimination and hate must be eradicated once and for all. No more dilly dally and hoping that the whites would be merciful and kind to the blacks and coloured people.

There were thousands of cases of police abuses but all dismissed except a handful of cases that involved black policemen attacking white men. Cases involving white policemen were always dismissed.

They will not. Mark my words, there will be more killings of blacks before this thing is over. The white policemen is only a small fraction of white supremacy gangs and thugs. There are the KKK still hiding around the corners, the extreme rightist groups, the Nazi groups etc etc waiting to kill the blacks and coloured people when the chips are down.

America needs a black revolution for equal rights to exist with dignity and to be treated like human beans.

PS.  AFP report.

A 1999 review into the case found British police were "institutionally racist".

Basu said there had been "real" progress since then but "we must confront the fact that with many of our communities - especially the black community - we still have a long way to go".


  1. The 5-Eyes (or Five "I's") represents the Intelligence Organisations of the five countries controlled by the White Supremacists - a direct and indispensable example of outright open racism. Period.

  2. To play Devil Advocate, i would like to suggest that the Caucasian european immigrants killing of American tribal indians... was no big deal. Originally America was inhabited by about 70 indian tribes circa 1800. They were killing each other anyway!! Pawnees, Sioux (Lakota), Cheyenne, Apache, Hopi etc etc. All fighting for the best flat safe land with water and arable land. So when white man arrive, they also fight for the best land. Survival of fitess and natural evolution resulted in white man being the winner. Are they evil? Not much more evil than the Pawnee tribe massacre the Lakota tribe... Which nation's history is not written in blood? None!!!

  3. Evil man with evil thoughts, just like the white devils. Killing other people is a natural affair.

  4. 10.17pm anon needed to be sodomized for advocating this theory. If tuakee not enough get a gorilla who has a larger birdie to do it so jialat jialat that he will remember other people's pain

  5. Wind the clock 200 years back. You are married. You have a wife and four kids. Your food will last just one month. Not far away is a rich (Red Indian) man who is also a warrior having stolen land from others. So how to feed family? No government will help you. So you check your inventory and find you have a lot of weapons. And your neigbour too. So you join the mad grab for land to feed your kids. This happened in USA. It happened in Israel, and the Hebrews even justified their hideoous act by inventing a god who offee them a promised land... flowing with milk and honey. IT ALSO HAPPPENED In china. The warring states in china were killing each other internally. Hsiung Nu in the north also waged war... humankinfld is like this, no food and water= war. The old days norm is like that. The caucasian Americans are different only in the sense that they still carry forward their killing wars and bring misery to others regime chaange etc. All other countries had become civilised gradually,BUT CAUCASIAN AMERICANS STILL CANNOT RID THEMSELVES OF THE PRIMORDIAL JUSTIFICATIONS OF WAR TO FIND FOOD. That is the greatest sin of the evil caucasians leading USA today!!! RB... No point to dig up history of warring coz it happens everywhere in thosr days.

  6. Some tribes get civilised and stop their killings.

    Some tribes remained uncivilised and continue with their killings.

    The most evil tribes pretend to be civilised, but continue with their killings. This is the evil white tribes.

    1. Exactly! We on the same page.

  7. Some humans still think like animals and condone the killings as natural.

  8. Mr Baa Baa Black Sheep says: ".................the Government will intensify its efforts to bring the best foreign talent to Singapore". It seems that our current and future students and graduates have nothing much to look forward to as high paying jobs could possibly be reserved for "best foreign talent". The only talent in Sinkapor have comes from "Paper Generals" from army, navy,etc. They are likely be made millionaire$$$ ministeers. Our Sinkaporeans will get jobs with mediocre pays. Now you know why "A fool never learn"? by Andy Williams.

  9. They are suffering from group think. Just because some silly old men said must need foreign talent, so all the fools simply follow as if this is the only way to go, the only truth, like studying for exam to score As. Just follow the model answers cannot be wrong.

    And they are paid millions for not thinking and acting like unthinking parrots.

    They cannot think and cannot come up with new ideas.

  10. One of the most stupid thing was to hire foreigners to run the postal service. Nitwits. And lost money investing overseas on the recommendation of foreigners.
