
The world's Number One Terrorist Nation - The stupids believe they are peace loving people

The Americans and the western media have been publishing misinformation and fake news about China, branding China as an aggressive and expanding power. We cannot trust the Chinese. What if they...  This is all the Americans and the western media are accusing China of, What if? And China has been seen and believed by all those that were fed on American and western diet of misinformation that China is a hostile and dangerous country.  And many silly Asian and SE Asian leaders believe so especially from the American lackey and crony countries in SE Asia. Singapore is number One in believing this disinformation of hate against China.

Now who is the dangerous Number One Terrorist Nation in the world in terms of wars and bombing of other countries? Below is the America's bombing list. These are the countries that the Americans have attacked and bombed in recent years. And all the silly country leaders still believe that the Americans are peace loving people, inviting the Americans to be policemen, to keep peace.

Korea and China 1950-53
Guatemala 1954
Indonesia 1958
Cuba 1959-61
Guatemala 1960
Congo 1964
Laos 1964-73
Vietnam 1961-73
Cambodia 1969-70
Guatemala 1967-69
Grenada 1983
Lebanon 1983-84
Libya 1986
El Salvador 1980s
Nicaragua 1980s
Iran 1987
Panama 1989
Iraq 1991 Invasion
Somalia 1993
Bosnia 1984-85
Sudan 1998
Yugoslavia 1999
Yemen 2002
Iraq 1991-2003
Iraq 2003-2015
Afghanistan 2001-2015
Pakistan 2007-2015
Somalia 2007-8, 2011
Yeman 2009, 2011
Libya 2011,2015
Syria 2014-15

Now ask, what wars have China fought, invaded and countries bombed during the same period? China was only involved in 4 defensive border wars with Russia, India, Vietnam and the Korean War. China has not set foot on any foreign country and neither did China bomb any country.

Why is China untrustworthy, dangerous when the Americans were and are doing all the invasions, wars and bombings and killings? Think, look at the facts.  Who is the dangerous one, who is the warmonger, who is the world's Number One Terrorist Nation?  China cannot be trusted because the evil Americans said so. China is so dangerous, if....if, not that China has invaded any country or bomb any country but based on if, and the Americans said so.

Who is unreliable? Who cannot be trusted? Still want to believe in the American lies, in white lies?

1 comment:

  1. When Hong Kong was under British colonial rule, the British Treason Act was applied with special enforcement agencies.

    Now the American and British bastards play double standards, want to sabotage China's national security law for Hong Kong in order to undermine China's territorial integrity & national security.
