
Slippery India outwitted by China - So poor thing.

There is a long history of India’s dealings with China, and almost all of the reverses that India has suffered have been during the previous rule, particularly of Congress regimes. It all started with the Tibet’s annexation by China which India accepted quietly in 1959. In 1962, the loss of large chunk of territory, and the then Indian Prime Minister interpreting it by saying that “not a blade of grass grows there”, sums up the attitude towards border issues.

During the 1980s and 1990s, when China started taking lead over India economically, militarily, and in infrastructure construction, India was not able to respond and match up in equal measure. In the 1990s, boundary management agreements were signed that further limited India’s manoeuvring ability, particularly the 1993 Accord.

The United Progressive Alliance era (2004 to 2014) allowed multiple transgression of Indian land through deceptive salami-slicing methods of the Chinese, and even lost lands in Demjok areas of Ladakh during the period of 2008 to 2012.

AK Antony, the then defence minister, conceded in Parliament that we have lost the infrastructure race with China. It was in this era, that the serving army chiefs repeatedly pointed out how our armed forces were facing shortfall of critical ammunition and border infrastructure woes to counter enemies.
The policy paralysis was reversed following the regime change in 2014 and Prime Minister Narendra Modi changed decades of drift in India’s policy towards China by bridging the infrastructure gaps in border areas by constructing roads and bridges with faster pace.

It was PM Modi who dared China on several fronts and foiled its bids in Doklam, stopped RCEP, and strongly opposed Chinese dream project OBOR.

The above is reported in the hindustantimes.

If you believe in the above double talk, you would get away with the feeling that the Indians were so pathetic, so hapless and were outwitted by the poor peasant Chinamen that were never good in their glib but were able to outdo the slippery smooth talker Indians and made the Indians look like little lost children. And for several decades India were standing idly by, unable to do anything while China was 'annexing' Tibet and seizing chunks of Indian land. Like some of our clowns used to say, the Indians are so nice people, so timid. They would not dare to create trouble for the Chinese and would just look and let the Chinese do as they want. Of course India would love Chinato take away everything. Remember Little India Incident?

Then came the punchline at the end of the above article, India always win and came out better off than China. India foiled China's bids in Doklam, Bhutan, India stopped RCEP, so clever, India opposed Chinese OBOR, so powerful. Who cares whether India is in the RCEP, OBOR or not, like who cares if the US is in the TPP, the world moves on with or without them. Irrelevant.

If you know what the Indians did at Doklam which is not part of India but Bhutan, if you know how arrogant and cocky the 50 soldiers led by the colonel Singh in removing Chinese army tents, would you believe that the Indians were so timid, so hapless against the Chinese? Even not Indian land they would dare to attack the Chinese.

The cocky Indians have always been the aggressor at the Sino Indian border and only cried foul after their aggression got hammered like in the 1962 War and the recent brazen act of removing Chinese army tents in Galwan Valley. And when the Chinese hit back and inflicted severe casualties on the Indian side, they would play victim, cried to the world that they were victims of Chinese aggression. In the case of the Doklam Incident, the Chinese were caught off guard and the Indians stood to blare their victorious aggression. If the Chinese were able to thrash them at Doklam, the Indians would again cry foul, blaming the Chinese for starting the fight.

This is how typical bully India would act and behave. Start a fight, if lost, play victim. Until today, the Indian narrative of the 1962 Sino Indian Border War was started by China. But the whole world knew that it was the Indians that started to encroach on Chinese territories. China fought back and pushed to the outskirt of New Delhi before withdrawing to the previous status quo position. If China started it and with intent to claim more land, Chinese forces would simply stay put and sit on the land they occupied and India would not be able to do anything. The Indian lie till today is still being spread and celebrated by their western supporters.

With the Indians, always thinking so highly of themselves and talking so big of themselves, could they so easily be outwitted by peasant Chinamen?  Are the Indians admitting that they were so stupid?

The Indians would concede to be lesser beans to the westerners but never to the Chinese. It is in their bones that they are smarter than the Chinese despite their slum and dysfunctional third world cities standing starkly beside the sparkling modern skyscrapers of Chinese cities for the world to see. The western tourists love to visit India to see the slum and backwardness. It would be the greatest insult for the Indians to be seen as less smart than the Chinese. They would die just thinking about it. Cannot be!  Indians are definitely smarter than the Chinese. See, Indians can speak good English, Chinamen cannot. Indians got literary awards in English, Chinamen did not. Indians are CEOs of many big western MNCs. Chinamen only CEOs of Chinese MNCs, not wanted by western MNCs.

Verdict, Indians are smarter than Chinamen. Happy.

PS. '“We, the nation, lost twenty brave soldiers in the Galwan Valley in Ladakh on June 15-16. They laid down their lives in the ultimate act of sacrifice, valour and duty to our country. Our brave hearts defended the motherland till their last breath and for that we owe them, and their families, our eternal gratitude,” Singh said.'

This is not bravery Manmohan Singh.   This is stupidity. You do not walk into another country's army camp and start to pull down their tents. Idiots! You deserved to be shot.

Knowing the Indians, there is going to be a strike against the Chinese. The Chinese is prepared for it and waiting in ambush. The Chinese are able to read the thinking of the Indians like an open book.

Wait for the next episode. Sure to come, like they did to the Pakistanis. But they are so drunk with their pride, hurt so much, that they think the PLAs are Pakistanis soldiers, waiting to be attacked by them. The Indian Army are given a free hand to deal with the Chinese. Did they know that the PLA is also given a free hand to deal with the Indian Army?


SSO said...

Beware Of The Hidden Cobra's Natural Instinct

The black or white Cobra snake always breathes poison out of its mouth. This poisonous breathe can blind your eyes and dull your brain.

This poisonous snake always attacks. Even in defence, it attacks with its poisonous breath and bites with its poisonous fangs.

The natural instinct of the poisonous Cobra snake is to bite the hand that is extended to feed it and help it overcomes its hunger.

The only way to deal with this poisonous Cobra snake is to distract its attention from the front with one hand, and then use the other hand to grab hold of its head from behind. Of course, one has to first wear thick gloves to protect the hands, before taking any action. Otherwise, don't ever go near this poisonous cobra snake.

One works with, make friends with or sleeps with the poisonous Cobra snake at one's own peril.

Signing the CECA with the poisonous Big Cobra is tantamount to sleeping with that poisonous Big Cobra. It is foolishness at its highest order. It is suicidal. How stupid can one be? Its beyond understanding. Beyond common sense. Probably, there are at least two or three traitors within the Power Corridor?

Somebody must have convinced or tricked the book-worm elites into believing that they could out-wit and tame the poisonous Cobra snake and benefit from it. They must have forgotten that the Cobra is a jungle-wise and street-wise creature and the book-worms are themselves not even street-wise. So, how could the book-worms, who are only good at devouring books, be able to out-do the Cobra snake that has been well-seasoned by the elements?

The question is: Who are the traitors?


1. One who raised funds for an Indian University and later got a prestigious job in India.

2. One who loves to wear Indian clothes and went all-out to tailor-made Indian traditional clothes in India and boasted about it.

3. One who actively promotes the Indian Race-Superiority over the other races.

4. One has been quietly working for the interests of the Indians, against the interests of the majority (Chinese),

5. One deliberately imports more and more Indians to convert them to New Singapore citizens so as to increase the Indian population ratio in Singapore from 5% to 15%, or more in the future.

Take a close look at the Population Ratio in Singapore.


Chinese 75%
Malay 17%
Indian 5%
Others 3%.


Chinese 60%
Malay 20%
Indian 15%
Others 5%

From the stats, one thing is for sure:

Social Engineering is very much alive and kicking!

But who are behind all these manoeuvres? It cannot be just one person. It has to be a small group of people at the right places at the right time.

I may be mistaken. What do you think?

Anonymous said...

They "walk into another country's army camp and start to pull down their tents." - reminds of CECA India nationals, they walk into the tiny city state and start to pull down the livelihood of Sinkies.

Anonymous said...

Sit back and relax and watch the india vs china games of thrones.
There is nothing sinkies can do.
Health is more important than worrying about things that cannot change.

Anonymous said...

Where are you LKY? We need you to stop the stupidity.

Anonymous said...

"Where are you LKY? We need you to stop the stupidity."
@ June 23, 2020 10:16 am

LKY recruited and appointed this present group of PAP 4G Ministers.
LKY was part of the problem.

Anonymous said...

Don't listen to that ting tong.

Anonymous said...

// Where are you LKY? We need you to stop the stupidity. //
@ June 23, 2020 10:16 am

LKY groomed and appointed the 4G Ministers.
So LKY is responsible for any stupidity from the 4G Ministers.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Galwan Brawl

Fact as reported by AFP.

'According to Indian military sources, Chinese troops ambushed Indian soldiers and forced them down a ridge where they had gone to remove a Chinese "encroachment".'

Cocky Indian soldiers went to remove Chinese army tents. Can you believe how arrogant these Indian soldiers were? Removing tents of another country's army and thought they would not be attacked?

And they blamed the Chinese for starting it.

And the Indians got the cheek to say cannot take what the Chinese said at face value. Read this...Harsh Pant from the Observer Research Foundation think-tank in New Delhi said: "Anything that the Chinese now say can't be taken on face value. India, hopefully, has learnt its lessons now."

No one can trust the Indians and take their words at face value.