
Geroge Floyd - What it is like to see your father, son, brother, friend, killed vividly in a video clip?

Many families only heard about their loved ones being killed, murdered and died. They only received second hand news. Very rarely does a person have the unfortunate privilege or painful opportunity to see how their loved ones were killed.  And with the video clip, they could replay and replay every second of those painful moment, precious few seconds, when George Floyd was killed and to live through the pain over and over again. This painful horrifying moment is actually very cruel and can be very traumatic emotionally. The rage and anger cannot be underestimated. With the video, the mother, his wife and children, brothers, sisters and relatives and friends of George Floyd were literally at the scene and could share his fear, pain, hopelessness and agony before the white policeman, Derek Chauvin, took his breath away. And he died helplessly, killed when he did not have to, by racist white policeman because he was black. And this white policeman knelt on his neck like a prize animal he had just killed. There was not an iota of misgiving or wrongdoing in the face of this white policeman in the killing of the black man. That speaks a lot on the systemic racism in his police department and in the whole of white America.

And as expected, the white prosecutors are charging this man for 3rd degree murder, not first degree murder, not intentional killing. This white policeman must be as stupid and dumb as Donald Trump. He did not know that what he did was going to kill George Floyd. They did not teach him this in the police academy. They did not teach their police officers that such intense pressure on the neck of a person could kill him. The American Police Academy was run by idiots, unprofessionals, have no knowledge of such deadly moves. So it is right to charge the murderer with 3rd degree murder, because he is a dumb idiot and graduated from an equally idiotic Police Academy.

The only thing to blame is idiocy. If only the white policeman knew that what he did would kill George. If only the American Police Academy taught him this.  The racist Fox News is even trying to explain away the murder by suggesting other causes.

Can you believe this kind of arguments to charge this white man for killing a black man in broad day light, that he is oblivious that his action, a 200 pound of fat pressing on the neck of a black man on the ground? This is white man's justice. White men speak in fork tongue, to save their own kind. Black lives do not matter. Human rights is only for white folks. Yes, who is next, or which black man is next?

Make America Great Again, by killing more black man. America is the land of the free, for white men only. The blacks and coloured live in fear of the white racist policemen.


  1. If u are not whites, going to USA is fairly dangerous. Going to Australia is safer for those dudes who are keen on screwing the blondes

  2. When the Government of that Country condoned these types of practises with the blessings of their Leaders, then you expect their own kind to do all these actriocites without fears and persecutions.

    Happening in Matland now with the Bumis BULLYING others with the blessings and eyes closed by their idiotic Ledaers.

    They are like spoilt children without the control and disclipne of their parents.

    Anyway, these are the decadent style of upbringing of today's decadent generation that had been spolit by their know how to enjoy and give birth to children but don't know how to bring them up.

    They have their children let loose thinking that this is the smart way to be smart and innovative and thinking out of boxes.

    Yes, SMART and innovative in crimes and out of boxes into prisons cells.

    Olden days disclipne of Spare the Rods and spolit the children had the children as upright and genteel beans. The Chinese Ways of upbringing. The West called them barbaric.

    If the Leaders themselves shown the green light that they are acceptable and do not enforce their laws equally on all, then you will have their entitled skunks misbehaving.

    Favoritism on one against the other will lead to chaos and disharmony.

  3. How did that White barbarian not know he was killing George Floyd? The victim on the ground was pleading that he could not breathe. Bystanders were echoing the same plea, but that White barbarian was intent on squeezing the life out of George, using all of eight minutes to do so.

    Is lifting the knee to let the victim breathe something dangerous for the police? The victim had been handcuffed behind his back, immobilised, and there were four policemen standing around. Was the victim going to pose a danger to the police?

    The Blacks do not believe in 3rd degree murder for sure, that is why the protest is spreading far and wide, even in Germany.

  4. Why the three brains dead policemen also did not stop that their cop bastard to let go the pressure on his neck.

    Should be charged as accessories to the murder. All intent to kill and maim.

    All four to be hanged.

    Oops, forget, they said barbaric.

    What's hypocrises!

    Go around killing and hang their criminals barbaric?
