
Covid19 - Xi Jinping, emergence of a world statesman showing firmness and decisive leadership

The treacherous infiltration of this coronavirus into the Wuhan, the heart of China at a critical and vulnerable time was aimed and timed to cripple the Chinese economy and bringing untold misery to the people of China with thousands of death and disease ridden people. China could be bogged down with millions of people infected by this highly contagious virus and would be destroyed for the next few decades as the new Sick Man of Asia as proclaimed by the Wall Street Journal. That was the script of the evil American leadership. When trade wars failed, biological warfare was the ultimate weapon to bring down the rising China, to destroy China at all cost.

When the virus struck, China was caught in a whole new situation, an unknown enemy from an unknown source. China could not blame anyone but to deal with the virus as best as it could. When the Chinese scientists found out how deadly and destructive this virus was, kudos to them for knowing the danger of this new and unknown threat, this was immediately raised to the highest level of the Chinese leadership. It was an extraordinary threat to the existence and survival of the Chinese people. Any carelessness and mismanagement of this danger would not be acceptable. It was a matter of life and death of a civilisation.

In such a crisis it demands extraordinary leadership to make tough and fast decision. Not a day was wasted and Xi Jinping had to make a decision that horrified the West. The lockdown of Wuhan and Hubei was unimaginable, draconian, the West condemned. How could Xi make such an undemocratic decision to lock down 55m people with no respect for the human rights and freedom? Harsh and unacceptable, but it must be done and quickly enforced. The decision gave the evil men in Washington a free hand to condemn the Chinese leadership claiming that this could only happen to a communist country, an authoritarian regime. They vilified the communist party , the CCP of China, demonise the Chinese leadership and flame their actions as contrary to everything in democractic West.

China's Wuhan and Hubei province went under a lockdown order, including several other cities. This was not praised but accused by the West and bad and undemocratic and against individual freedom. China had no choice after assessing and concluding that this virus is very dangerous.  The rest is history. Today, after 3 months of fighting this virus, China is virtually free from it, he only safe sanctuary in the world while the rest of the countries literary burnt and cowered in fear.

Trump and his clowns continued to clown around, making unpleasant noise and did nothing. The clownish leadership led to a hapless USA struggling with the spread of this virus. The rest of the world understood the danger and decided to follow what Xi Jinping and China have done. Xi has shown the leadership the world needs in a major crisis, a pandemic. Xi and China have shown the world what to do and the leaders of the world took the lead and did the same without question. This is the way going forward to save their people and the world.

Not a single leader in the world is following the clown President and his circus in Washington by doing nothing.  Everyone is showing what tough and decisive leadership is all about, to make tough decision quickly to protect their people and country.  Many American governors and mayors too decided to do what Xi had done to protect their people.

While clown Trump continues to lie and lie and the USA fell under the grips of this virus, all able and competent leaders of the world took actions to lockdown their countries to save their people, doing what Xi and China did, draconian, undemocratic or whatever, they just do it. Not doing anything is not an option except for the clowns in Washington.

Xi Jinping and China have shown the way to be responsible, to save the lives of their people for the rest of the world to follow suit. No responsible leader would want to stand up to look like clown Trump.  Everyone wants to be tough and decisive like Xi.

In the latest struggle for world leadership, Trump's threat to breakaway from the WHO saw a quick response from Xi. Trump's threat of withholding or not contributing $100m to WHO was met by a $2b offer from Xi to support the organisation.  Below is a quote from CNA.

'During his three years in office, Trump has criticised many international organisations and quit some. Still, European diplomats said they were taken aback by Washington's decision to stand aside at the WHO while China is boosting its role.

"It was so striking to see Xi Jinping seizing the opportunity to open up, with broad (cooperation), and make a proposal for US$2 billion, and say if ever there is a vaccine they will share it with everyone," a European diplomat said.

"It's exactly what we feared: the space liberated by Washington will be taken up by China."'


Virgo 49 said...

Mr RB.

The Western Evil and Bananas Beans would NOT readily accept China as the World's Leader.

CNA or Channel News America expressed Apprehension of the void or vaccum as left by Americunts.

This is how brainwashed and dependent they have been under the Western and Americunts influence for decades.

Capitalists and Elites the Wealthy are just too afraid to be stripped off their status quo in a Socialist World.

Harping, the Migrant workers are part of our community and they are here to stay forever. To create their imaginary WEALTH.

China, with their disciplined and trust in their Govt and Leaderships will cooperate and be united with their Leaders..They knew that they are genuinely caring for them.

Thus, they are cohesive and jelled.
Also, Chinese PRCs remembered their humiliations by all including their own Overseas Bananas Chinese when they are poor and humiliated.

So, they will never want to be humiliated again.
Whereas, the farking Whites and their cronies what's bullshits demo crazies are diverse in their life styles and interests.

Their what's human rights that they will never cooperate and follow their Leaders.

This is the vast difference of peace and chaos.

Claiming NOT enough sleep, our Kee Chiu Minister claimed that he cannot differentiate that cotton wool does not come from sheep.

Both also white white. We also White whats. So what's wrong to say that cotton also white and sheep also white does not come from them.

Correct or NOT?

Sinkieland is doomed with these types of calibre Ministers and MPs.

No hope liao.


Anonymous said...

China leadership is the next gen of true lealeaders chosen by THE SUPREME BEINGS or aka God or Allah or Buddha to lead & guide humanity for this century & beyond.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Virgo,

Heaven's will cannot be changed by man. Look at all the half baked leaders in western countries, this is what will happen in the last days of Empires. They would not be able to throw up good leaders to lead them.

The USA is led by a clown and the next challenger is a sleepy job that has a different variation of Trump's pussy grapping fame. As for substance as a leader, he is no better than Trump.

The European powers are now all second and third grade powers, inconsequential. And in Britain there is another clown that is second only to Trump.

A new era is in the making with new leaders from Asia. Hope the pretentious Indians do not upset the apple cart.

Anonymous said...

In an interview with the Financial Times, German Chancellor Angela Merkel makes clear she won’t join Trump in challenging China.

Merkel likened China’s success to Germany’s — “as was the case in Germany, [China’s] rise is largely based on hard work, creativity and technical skills.”

She said she would “advise against regarding China as a threat simply because it is economically successful .”

Anonymous said...


RB, I like what you had said......

Heaven's will cannot be changed by man!

You are 108% correct!


Virgo 49 said...

Son of the Gun (Gan) always flip flop and made me and my neighbour lost 40 plus in ordering face shields.

I feel bad ordering for them on behalf.

Last time said can wear, now cannot wear.

Bloody clown.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Virgo, still can wear face shield. Just make sure you wear a mask behind it.

Double protection. Face shield alone is not good enough to protect from the virus.

Anonymous said...

In Trumps' world, good leadership is using force, passing atrocious laws unilaterally and using sanctions on those he disagrees with. He wants to send in the troops to end the crisis. He basically does not understand the issue. He is provoking the unrest, not making it go away. As always, he is now deflecting blame, criticising the Governors and outside agitators. The United Snakes of America leadership is only good in pushing such narratives to protect itself.

This is not just an isolated incident ignited by George Rloyd's murder. It is a long standing, simmering, undercurrent harboured by the Blacks against police brutality for decades, that the USA leaders, justice system, police and politicians on both sides of the political divide failed to address.

Using troops to quell the unrest may work in the short term, but that is, as what they always say, just kicking the can further down the road. Trump is taking the bet that the problem will have to be shouldered or solved by future US Presidents, like the US$24 trillion deficit that is still ballooning. Why does Trump need to worry that when he leaves office? This has been the case all along with past Presidents.

USA voters now have the unsavoury taste and irony of being invaded by their own soldiers if Trump sends in the troops. Then maybe all the guns will come out for a civil war to erupt.

If that happens it would be an even more 'beautiful sight to behold' for Nancy Pelosi and her political hotshots.

And if that happens, how China dealt with the protest in Hong Kong will open the eyes of the world. If praise is on the cards, Trumps is going to be raving mad, like a rabid dog sending his most savage rabid canines to attack China.

Virgo 49 said...

I purposely buy Face shield as real uncomfortable walking long distance.

Also, hard to breathe like our George.

They said can either face shield or masks previously.

Saw ex RC chairman wearing it long time even b4 they ok.

If wear both, defeat the purpose.


Anonymous said...

RB. Wearing a mask is already torture. If you add a shield, that is ridiculous.

If the shield is not for protection, is someone making money out of it's promotion, like Trump promoting his Hydroxychloroquine?

No wonder they always say there is money to be made in a crisis.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

The doctors in ER did it. It is a necessary piece of PPE for front line workers.

For others, having a face shield is just cosmetic. The looming openings below will allow all the virus to go into the nose freely. The frontline workers needed this to cut off saliva droplets when they came face to face with infected patients. But they still need the mask to make the shielding complete though still not 100% safe.

Anonymous said...

"They said can either face shield or masks previously"

They lied. Fake news. Where is the Sham?

Oh, I forgot. Politicians have two mouths, up and down? Which mouth to blame? That is how they always get away whatever they say.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

To the Editor(NYT)

Racial unrest, mass protests, rioting and looting, millions unemployed, thousands of businesses either filing for bankruptcy or closing for good, endless lines of the hungry waiting for hours at food banks, over 100,000 U.S. dead from the coronavirus, health care workers pushed to the brink, an incoherent and often contradictory state-by-state response to a ravaging pandemic, escalating tensions with China over trade and deteriorating relations with Russia concerning election meddling.

President Trump is presiding over all of this misery, and his utter failure to provide the requisite leadership and hope for better days as our nation is falling apart is as disheartening as it is chilling.

Mark Godes
Chelsea, Mass.

Anonymous said...

It is regrettable, but it appears that unless there are riots, fires and vandalism, white Americans do not pay attention, or, if they do, they quickly forget what fears black Americans face on a daily basis when encountering the police or encountering whites in predominantly white neighborhoods.

If we are going to expect behavioral changes by demonstrators, we need to engage in some serious behavior changes as a society.

Anonymous said...

This problem of discrimination against Black is already a political baggage since the time of Abraham Lincoln. It has never gone away in practice, only in theory.

When the Whites wanted to open up America they imported Blacks and Asians to do all the hard labour of laying railways, opening up gold mines, working in cotton fields and actually becoming slaves to the Whites. The Chinese flood to America under the lie that the streets there were paved with gold. But when they went there, they were conned and had to work in terrible conditions in the mines.

Talking about China paying slave wages, I wonder what the Whites paid all these slaves. Maybe just three meals a day, and if they are not lucky, might even be chained like dogs.

To this day the Whites talk about human rights and preaching human rights, but at home, under the cover of not exposing what is under the radar, they are still treating and denying the rights of Blacks when it comes to justice.

Anonymous said...

Do you think Trump will be re-elected?

Anonymous said...

Just remember, Trump is a master con-man!

If he can con his way to bankruptcy six times, who will bet against him in November. Then there are the clueless living dead still behind him, cheering.

Anonymous said...

And with sleepy Joe standing against him?

Heaven help the USA.

Virgo 49 said...

Prefer Bernie Sanders.

More honest gentleman.

Better to have Dotard Trump another term to make America Grief Again as coined by one of our innovative Anon than to have Sleepy Joe.

He, had scandals that Dotard Trump trying to dig and bring him down.

Smelly, oops sleepy Joe, Nancy Pelosi or Pepsi Democrats no angels same same devils be worse than clown Trump.

At least kept all entertained with his stupid charms and NOT more greater harm.

Democrats, sober and scheming, China and all will have a more difficult time.

Sinkieland got to spend another billions buying their rusty Arsenals to carry their balls.

Anonymous said...

Another black restaurant owner shot and killed by police or national guard in Lousiville. The police switched off their mandatory body camera when killing this black man. The police chief was fired.

This is adding fuel to fire.

Anonymous said...

Democrats or Republicans are all the same. When one sings the high notes, the other will sing the low notes. And vice versa. Americans have been living with this con for centuries and thinks it is the land of the free.

I cringe when I hear one police chief saying he is with the protestors. This is just lip service and changing the packaging to appease the protestors, but not going deeper into solving the issue of police brutality against predominantly the Blacks.

And Trump is pouring oil into the flames by asking Governors to dominate the protestors by force. The police were forced to use tear gas to clear protestors in front of a church opposite the White House in order for Trump to take a photo shoot holding a Bible upside down. That has made protestors really angry.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

More than 400 years of slavery and hating the blacks, bullying and oppressing the blacks, and taking the blacks for granted as sub humans, do you think they can change overnight or they want to change? The most they would give some lip service and everything would be forgotten when they turn around.

Don Lemon, the anchor man of CNN lamented that no Hollywood celebrities would dare to stand up and say something. There is a lack of black leadership to champion the cause of the blacks. Obama is muted, Colin Powell, Rice etc etc, even the half baked Nikki Haley were all not to be seen for fear of being condemned by the whites. Their own futures more important than the cause of the victimised blacks.

Virgo 49 said...

Mr RB.

CNN telecast not too long ago George's Bro appealing to the protesters to protest calmly.

The Whites had to use this to pacify the protesters.

Crying crocs tears asking the family to calm the protesters.

Behind their backs, the Whites sniggering away. Stupid idiots.

After this is over, we gonna start our inherent ways of bullying every one not our kind.

Leopards won't change their spots.

You idiots falling into our traps.

We are the most deceitful beans ever born into this World.

We are the White Supremacists.

Anonymous said...

The White elites hope that everything will be forgotten over time. But this time is different. All because Trump the 'destroyer' has his dirty hands in it, and insidiously advocating and inciting more violence.

He wants to show his power to send in the troops and his vicious dogs. This man is not a leader that wants to bring peace. He is playing one side against the other, all to improve his November chances, to show his supporters he gets things done. He proclaims himself as a 'War President' remember. He needs a war, never mind if the war is on home ground.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Without Trump the American Empire may last a few more years. With Trump, he will speed up its own demise. Trump will stir up more shit and hatred at home to bring down the house of cards.

Virgo 49 said...

Out of Topic

Just seen BBC and reports that the virus affected more on coloured people especially the Ethnic Races and NOT the Whites clearly pointed that this is been planted by the Evil Country UAssA and scientifically and genetically engineered by the Biological Labs.