
China led by the CCP is glorious, modern, rich and powerful. Every Chinese worth his salt should be proud of it.

PART      THREE     

The Chinese Communist Party was founded in 1921 in Peking and in Paris simultaneously.

Western wanton and brutal aggressions against China since the 1800s had reduced China and the Chinese people to servitude in an extreme tragic disastrous situation causing the Chinese people and nation to lose self-respect, honour and dignity.  Under such agonizing situation many heroic patriotic Chinese leaders had come forward to form the Chinese Communist Party in answer to the cries and calls of the Chinese people to redeem the pride, honour, self-respect and dignity of China. In this manner the Chinese Communist Party was founded in 1921.

The CCP was founded simultaneously in 1921 in Peking by Chen Tu-Hsiu , Li Ta-Chao  and Mao Tse-tung where Chen Tu Hsiu was Professor of Peking National University ( PEITA ) and  Li Ta-chao  and Mao Tse-tung were Librarian  and  assistant librarian of Peking University respectively and in Paris, France by a group of Chinese students Chu Teh, Chou En-lai and a few others .

The Chinese Communist Party was founded independently of the  Russian communist party. However, due to a meeting by Dr. Sun Yat Sen with a Russian communist representative Dr. Sun agreed to take in Chinese communists as members of the KMT.

Meanwhile the endless cycle of warlord civil wars continued in the north. The warlord Feng Yu-hsiang was more agreeable to a peaceful reunion of China. Unfortunately before he could finish his task for the unification of China, Dr Sun died in March , 1925. Before long Feng was ousted by the reactionary Chang Tso-lin the warlord of Manchuria. The reactionary Chang Tso-lin also captured and executed Li Ta-chao on April 28, 1927.  So the reunion of China was temporarily shattered.

Before he died Dr, Sun was preparing the KMT government in Canton for an expedition to conquer the north to destroy the warlords. Dr. Sun had established the Whampoa military training college in Canton. Dr. Sun had put Chiang Kai-shek as commander of the Whampoa military college. From this college some of the best generals of the KMT and the CCP were produced. Many of the KMT generals were disillisioned with the self-serving corrupt Chiang Kai-shek and thus in the on-going civil war in later years they were thus being influenced to cross over to join the ranks of Mao Tse-tung and enabled the Chinese Communist Party to win the civil war from 1946 to 1949.

The indiscriminate shooting of Chinese in foreign concessions due to trade disputes.

On 30th May, 1925 , a huge student crowd demonstrated against the foreign-controlled police of the International settlement in Shanghai on the occasion of the arrest of strikers from a Japanese mill were fired upon with many fatal casualties by the police in the Nanking Road. This resulted in nationwide boycotts of British and Japanese firms from Canton and Hong Kong to Peking. Demonstrations continued unabated for weeks and months in in all Chinese towns and cities which provoked more foreign violence and atrocities.

The Chinese press was very indignant at the violence of the foreign police and fiercely condemned the foreigners in no uncertain terms. There was universal indignation, violent hatred and ferocious threats of vengeance against all western imperialist powers and Japan and these demands were the sole response to outrageous foreign action in China. Hundreds of foreign Christian missionaries felt untenable and had to leave China. These missionaries had been brainwashing the Chinese population especially in the interior and converting them to Christianity while at the same time deculturalise the Chinese folks from their traditional beliefs and traditional values.

The Chinese were very outraged because too often the Chinese were badly treated and killed. Shanghai is a Chinese city and the foreign police just shoot and kill as they like with no responsibility or remorse. And those shot and killed were students, scholars and members of the educated elite who were protesting against acts of imperialist oppression.

The Chinese now insist that all foreign concessions and extra-territorial rights should be abolished. For the first time since the Revolution the whole Chinese nation and people were stirred and roused. The infringement of Chinese sovereignty was too much for the Chinese to accept. They realised that foreign aggressions were the cause of all the sorrows and sufferings of China. Thus there was a strong demand and urge to drive the westerners out , to strip them of their ill-gotten wealth, to seize the concessions and abolish their privileges so that the Chinese revolution could go forward in the assurance of victory of modernization and of peace.


KMT And CCP Cooperate to liberate China.

May 30th, 1925, provided a good date for the KMT and the CCP to work together to liberate China from the warlords. The militarist government in Peking and the provincial warlords who accommodated the foreign powers were described by the Chinese as "Running Dogs of the Imperialists because they refused to unite with the KMT and the CCP to drive out the foreign imperialists to liberate China. This serious issue of liberation stired the minds of the soldiers of the warlords and the militarist government in Peking. They were later to cross over to join the forces of the KMT and CCP in their march northward to overthrow the warlords.

The warlords were cooperating with the western powers and Japan to sell China and divide China into separate colonies of the foreign powers. This was too much for the Chinese people and thus when the revolutionary armies from Canton marched north they were in full support and assured the success of the liberation. By 1926 the Revolutionary armies had taken Wu Han and the whole of the YangTze Valley as well as Nanking and Shanghai.

The west especially the British were seriously alarmed by the success of the KMT-CCP unity. The British sent troops to garrison the international settlement and naval ships to the Yang Tze to protect the foreign concessions.In the past it served to frighten the Chinese but not this time.

The Nationalist revolutionary armies undeterred by the presence of foreign warships approached, attacked and captured Nanking. At Hankow the Chinese overran the British concessions, seized the British ships and drove off the British gunboats with severe casualties by artillery fire.

In Shanghai, in February, 1927, communist forces under the command of Chou En-lai wrested control of the city from the warlords. Foreign powers and the British could no longer maintain their concessions or extra-territorial powers in China. The British realized it was futile to start a war with a strong and very determined revolutionary China.

Chiang Kai-shek betrayed the CCP

The KMT and the CCP were supposed to work together in coalition for the good of China's national development. But after achieving success and victory over the warlords Chiang unceremoniously turned against Mao Tse-tung and the communist. On 26th March, 1927 Chiang struck and slew all the communist leaders he could catch in Shanghai and other cities. Fortunately many of the top communist leaders including Chou En-lai managed to escape.

Chiang was so treacherous that with one fell swoop he got rid of the CCP from KMT coalition government and denied it a role in the Chinese revolution against the warlords. Then in 1928 the nationalist armies marched north to Peking and destroyed the warlord Chang Tso-lin. Chiang then shifted the capital from Peking to Nanking.

Though the warlords and the militarists in the north were defeated the task of freeing China from her subjection to the foreigners was not yet completed. The foreigners still retain most of the concessions and most of the extra-territorial privileges.

Chiang had destroyed all oppositions and failed to satisfy the demands of nationalism . Workers in the big cities were suppressed and the communists were driven from power. However on 1st August , 1927, the Fourth Army of the Nationalist at Nan-chang revolted and went over to the communist to form the Red Army of the CCP. Also the peasants who were suppressed and oppressed by Chiang rallied to the CCP.

End of   PART   FOUR

What eventually happened to the Chinese Communist Party  ( CCP ) after Chiang Kai-shek's treasonable acts will appear in the concluding  PART   FIVE  which will be published tomorrow, Wednesday, 1st July, 2020.

Southernglory 1

Tuesday, 30th June, 2020


  1. The founding of the Chinese Communist Party was a milestone in the long journey of liberating China from the oppression and suppression of the western imperial powers including US, Russia and Japan. Had it not been for the success of the CCP China would have gone to the dogs and become separate colonies of England, United States, Russia, Germany, Japan, Holland, Spain and Italy. China under the efficient and competent rule of the CCP government will safeguard Chinese sovereignty and defeat the warmongering evil empire and its insidious allies.


  2. It wasn't easy for against tremendous outstanding odds the Chinese Communist Party was able to first help the KMT to destroy the unruly warlords, then defeat the corrupted Chiang Kai-shek and his KMT in the civil war and finally drive out the evil western imperial powers and Japan. It was really an epic long struggle of about thirty years, ( 1921 to 1949 ) to success through great gumption and grit and the intelligence, efficiency, competence and integrity of the leaders and the full cooperation and support of the entire Chinese people and society.

    Congratulation to China

    Anti-western imperialists


  3. The biggest mistake Dr. Sun Yat Sen made was to trust the United States, UK and Russia. They all played him out and wished the failure of his young Republic so that they could continue to exploit a very disunited war-torn China.

  4. The real reason why Chinese President Xi Jinping wants no term limit on his tenure as President is because he wants to personally see to the reunification of Taiwan and mainland China.

    Today, the new National Security Law for Hong Kong has been passed by China's top legislature.

    Having settled the Hong Kong issue, Taiwan is next. Already, PLA jets are buzzing and penetrating Taiwan airspace,unprecedented, these past few weeks.


  5. Russia like all western countries was just as untrustworthy. Lenin promised to abrogate all unequal treaties imposed on China by the Zarist Imperial Russia and he publicly denounced and renounced that all lands taken from China through coercion and unequal treaties were null and void and should be rightfully returned to China. But after Lenin's death in 1925, Russia's successor Joseph Stalin reneged on Lenin's promise and not only never intended to fulfill the promise but subsequently went on to steal more Chinese lands and territories. Stalin took the Chinese province of Outer Mongolia out of China in 1946 and annexed Tannu Tuva, a big province of Outer Mongolia on that same year.

    That's why never trust the Russians, never trust the Americans and the West. They are all whites and as native Americans have always warned us, "Never trust white men. They speak with fork tongues."

    It is imperative all non-white countries take not of the Native Americans' warning

  6. That's why Russia is one of the top 4 most condemned countries hit by Covid19. God is making them pay back using the little virus to hit them.


  7. Russia under the imperial Zxars had been trying to steal Chinese lands since the 1650s. In the 17th and 18th centuries Chinese sovereign territories stretched from Lake Baikal in north of Outer Mongolia to the Maritime coast fronting the Pacific Ocean and Japan as well as the Sakhalin Island. From the 1650s to the 1830s every time the Russians encroach on Chinese borders and built their military bases or forts Emperor Kang Si and Emperor Chien Lung would send Chinese armies to destroy their forts and drove them away from Chinese territories. However subsequent Chinese emperors were weak and made only feeble attempts to dislodge the Russians when they encroached on Chinese lands.

    The fucking British Opium Wars on China exposed the weakness of China. So during this period from 1830s to 1940s while the western powers inclusive of England, France, United States, Germany and Japan were attacking and invading China from the sea in the east China coast and south China coast the Russians just marched in from the north to snatch all the Chinese lands from Lake Bakal to the Maritime Province and Sakhalin. The Russians were helped to steal the Chinese lands with the help of the Catholic Vatican Pope whose representative in Peking Matteo Ricci was instrumental in misguiding the Chinese emperor with misinformation and disinformation so as to help the Russians to take all the Chinese lands without even firing a shot. Therefore China and all Chinese people should never trust the European or white American christians. They are the most ungodly and most evil people on earth and because of the catholic Vatican China lost over threee and a half million square miles of Chinese lands to Russia.

    Also in 1885 Japan stole the Chinese islands of Liu Chiu Dao from Japan when China lost the Sino-Japanese war in that year. The Japs subsequently renamed the Liuu Chiu Dao as Okinawa.

    Political observer. EAGLES EYES


  8. The United States is playing a dangerous game in taking on Russia and China at the same time.
    It is a clear sign of American insanity for both Russia and China are nuclear and industrial superpowers. If the US dare to start a war on them they will be able to bury America in no time.

  9. Iran Issues Warrant to Arrest President Trump Over Killing of General

    Iran has asked Interpol for assistance in detaining the individuals, who include Mr. Trump and political and military officials from the U.S. and other countries, over the killing of Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, Tehran Prosecutor-General Ali Alqasi Mehr said Monday, according to the semiofficial Fars news agency.
