
China led by the CCP is glorious, modern, rich and powerful

     PART       TWO

 Western Democracy or Communist Socialist System

The young Chinese republic was studying and observing which of the two systems would best suit China.

In 1920, Lenin the leader of Soviet Russia denounced and renounced  the unequal treaties the former Russian regime of Tsarist Russia imposed on China. He renounced the extra-territorial rights and privileges which the Tsarist government had extorted from the Chinese of the weak Qin Dynasty. He promised to return to China all Chinese lands and territories that the Tsarist Empire had illegally taken from China through manipulated unequal treaties. This was to give the Chinese a good impression of the Russian communist and set a standard of friendly cooperation.  ( Footnote:  However, Stalin the Russian leader after Lenin reneged on Lenin's promise and stole even more of Chinese lands. )

China was able to compare the behaviour of communist Russia and the capitalist western imperialist. The capitalist western imperialists were seen as selfish and self-serving.

England and the United States rejected Dr Sun Yat Sen's appeal for recognition of his would-be democratic regime at Canton and for assistance to overthrow the ruinous rule of the warlords.

US and UK prefered to support the warlords and Yuan Shi Kai the new emperor pretender whom they could manipulate to support their own sinister agenda of controlling China behind the curtain. This caused the collapse of the early Republic.

After the death of Yuan Shi Kai in June 1916, China was thrown into complete choas for the next ten years when competing warlords strived for power and control. It was total anarchy for China.

SunYat Sen again appealed to the West for aid to end China's misery. Again he was rebuffed by Britain and the United States. They feared that Sun Yat Sen might achieve the formation of a strong and nationalist China in which they could no longer exploit. The western powers feared a strong united China under Sun Yat Sen might demand the return of all Chinese lands and territories which they had grabbed earlier from a weak China under Qin's rule.

Also they feared a strong China would abolish western imposed concessions, fortified extra-territorial rights and tariffs imposed on China to prevent Chinese competition and China's rights to impose duties on western products.

The warlords were traitors who liked the western Concessions which gave them sanctuary at every adverse turn of the political wheel. At the Concessions they could invest their spoils or loot in safety under the protection of the foreign powers' law. From the concessions they could continue their nefarious activities to plot for their return to power safe from the arrest or interference of the Central Republic Government of Dr. Sun Yat Sen.

Most of the KMT republican politicians were corrupt and their mouthing of slogans for revolution against the Qin's rule were just a travesty of the revolution as they aimed for their personal enrichment, aggrandizement and despotic power.

Western democracy was perceived as a sham and Chinese revolutionaries cast it aside. In 1921, Sun Yat Sen met a Russian representative in Shanghai and agreed with some principles of communism. Dr. Sun renamed his republican party as Kuomintang ( KMT ) or Nationalist Party. There was still no alliance between KMT and the Chinese communist party.

Dr. Sun Yat Sen was a non-partisan between the Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party. All he wanted was to unite all Chinese as a united front to build up China as a strong respected and dignified country which will never be bullied and humiliated by foreign powers again. Therefore he welcomed Chinese communists to join the KMT as individual members.

He reorganized the KMT along the lines of the Russian communist party with political commissars and strict discipline. The KMT therefore turned away from western democracy.

It was unfortunate that Dr. Sun died early in 1925 before he could see to fruition  his dream of forming a strong united China. After the death of Dr. Sun Yat Sen, the KMT leadership was usurped by Chiang Kai Shek.

Under Dr. Sun the KMT had recognized that all the evils and troubles which China suffered were due to the unequal treaties and western imperialism.

Chiang Kai Shek betrayed the ideals of Dr. Sun Yat Sen.

The KMT was not a communist party but Dr. Sun had welcomed capable communist leaders into the party to help to run the country. Chiang Kai Shek who was of mediocre intellect subsequently came under strong American influence. He soon betrayed Dr Sun ideal for a united front and under Strong American influence he turned against the Chinese communists. Chiang Kai Shek had asserted full authoritarian and dictatorial power in the KMT. In his quest for dictatorial power he had trampled on Dr. Sun's three principles for China's national development via ( 1) recovery of sovereign rights - abolish foreign concessions and extra-territorial rights ( 2 ) Socialism - reform the land system and introduction of the rule of law and ( 3 ) People's livelihood - Every Chinese is assured of employment and a just salary for livelihood. All these were not fulfilled. It led to great national discontent and the rise of the more competent and patriotic Chinese communists.

End of  PART     TWO

What happened afterwards, can be found in  PART    THREE , which will be published  tomorrow, 30-06-2020


Monday, 29th June, 2020


  1. COVID-19 found in Spain sewage in March 2019

    The source of COVID-19 is slowly being unearthed, as the virus may have existed in other countries before the first case was reported by China. These findings may alter the chronology on the evolution of the COVID-19, experts said.

    Spain detected the presence of the novel coronavirus in March last year, and Italy made similar findings.

    Research led by the University of Barcelona showed the presence of the virus in samples of wastewater in Barcelona in March 2019 , and infections were present before knowing of any case of COVID-19 in any part of the world.

    The Spanish research quoted Albert Bosch, president of the Spanish Society of Virology, as saying, "Those infected with COVID-19 could have been diagnosed with flu by mistake in primary care."

    The University of Barcelona released the findings in "SARS-CoV-2 detected in wastewater in Barcelona on March 12, 2019" on its website on Friday (June 26), and the findings were also published in medRxiv.

    The presence of the virus in the sewage offers us a clue about the existence of the virus in Spain, either among people or animals, before China reported its first COVID-19 patient in December 2019, said Wang Guangfa, a respiratory expert at Peking University First Hospital, on Saturday.

    The US government is making China the scapegoat for its own failure in combating the epidemic, and is blaming China for spreading the virus.

  2. Ho ho ho

    Virus found in sewage?

    How about Virus in Sai Cheo?

    Last few times heavy rain. Virus swimmingly happier in the reservoirs and rains?

    Wah, one metre social distancing!

    All that's bullshits.

    They want to get you, they get you.


  3. The United States government's extreme systematic corruption is no difference from Chiang Kai Shek and his KMT. Their governments benefited only the one percent ruling class rogues and scoundrels. The cancerous corruption system is now strongly reflected in many ASEAN countries.


  4. Chiang Kai-shek and the KMT's downfall was due to incompetence, extreme corruption, nepotism and cronyism. We are now seeing similar things happening in some ASEAN countries. Only these rogues legalise their corruption by enacting laws to protect themselves.


  5. Chian Kai-shek and his KMT, kindreds and cronies did not pay themselves high salaries. But they just took whatever they could lay their hands on. But politicians in some South East Asia countries play a different tact. They legalise their sinful unearthly astronomical super high salaries, high bonus and perts and underperformance allowance. The salaries of their spouses and kindreds and cronies are so high that they dared not disclose them. In the meantime the ordinary citizens are left in the dirge to suffer.

    Wake up citizens of the world to corruption in high places and take the necessary action.


  6. The Chinese and other non-white countries have been devastated by the evil West / USA for hundreds of years. It is time Africans,Asians and Latin Americans must wake up and unite with China to stop the ravages and savage aggressions of the West headed by the evil empire, USA.


  7. The period 1830s to 1940s was a dark age in Chinese history. China was ravaged and attacked by almost all the European countries, Russia, America and Japan. They tore China apart like hounds and hyenas tearing their prey to blistering pieces. They should know better not to commit travesty with the modern powerful China now. This time round China will have to teach them their own lesson and put a stop to their never ending bullies and aggressions against other non-white countries .


  8. China is right to condemn western democracy . The USA and the west have always use 'democracy'as a strategy to promote its global influence. The USA has been using 'democracy'as a tool to attack and demonize countries which are opposed to US policies of aggression. US is using fake democracy as a tool to control the whole world under its evil hegemony.

  9. That is why the West is so nervous about communist China overtaking their democratic system which is failing big time.

    After hundreds of years of touting the superiority complex of the democratic system, suddenly communist China's system is found to be producing so much wealth and elevating hundreds of millions of poor Chinese out of poverty. This is an affront to the West, getting hit where it was not supposed to.

    But, of course, these facts of progress will be beaten down as fake news and Chinese propaganda. But, but, if it is just fake news or propaganda, why is there a need to fear the Chinese?

    In the past, without social media, the Western MSM can lie all they want without people in the West knowing what is really happening in China. Now people in the West have woken to the realization that China is not what they have been told about by their MSM.

    But never mind, if no one else can bring down 'USA exceptionalism' the tiny virus will destroy the world's No. 1 military and economic power in time. Experts estimate that the infection rate in the USA is about ten times higher than as reported, which is more than 20 million and rising.

    People of the world better be wise and avoid USA food, stored in refrigerated trucks that were used as storage for corpse of those who died earlier of COVID19. While the virus was ravaging China, the Chinese used their innovative ideas to produce specially modified ambulances, with air filters to stop the virus escaping from the ambulance, while conveying victims of COVID19 to hospitals or mortuary. Not fake news lah!


  10. USA wants to control the whole world but no, the whole world will never allow the evil empire to do so. The United States adopts a gun slinging approach to world affairs and like the backstreet thugs they always use force and military coercion to deal with international affairs. USA is no longer invincible as it had been defeated in so many wars it created like the Korean War, Indo-China War, Afghanistan War, the Iraqi War and the Syrian War. So the fucking white Americans should not try to entangle its mischief with China now less it faces the most ignominious defeat and destruction.

    Hate the Americans. Death to the white Americans


  11. RE: Anonymous 2:51pm

    Hi! fellow netizen. Thanks for sharing your knowledge, your keen observation and good post. As you know western mass media is absolutely controlled by the Jewish-Zionist Deep State Cabal which also controls the US government, the CIA and Pentagon so it is always paddling lots of misinformation, disinformation and lies about others. There is no freedom in the western press and media and they always control the truth which actually are lies they perpetrate.


  12. In kidnapping Huawei's CEO Meng Wang Zhou the United States thinks it can still exercise extra-terrritorial power against China with impunity. Eventually Americans will taste its own medicine when other countries are forced to kidnap American leaders for similar reasons.

  13. Non democratic countries like NK, Iran, Russia, Cuba, Venezeula and a lot of African and Latin Americans were made poor because of economic sanctions by the Evil Empire. If not these countries would be just as prosperous as China.

    The biggest democracy like India is still a very poor country and so were many European democracies.

    The wind has changed and the communist and non democratic countries are going to be the rich countries while the so called fake democracies are going to become poor countries.

  14. It would be interesting to see how many US companies operating in China are going to move back to the USA as proclaimed by Trump.

    The fact is, US companies can never compete worldwide doing production in the USA for export. Their cost is too expensive. They can sell at home to their own citizens, but not elsewhere. Trump can pass a law to force US citizens to buy made in USA, as passing laws for Trump is like wiping his arsehole with toilet paper.

    As it is, moving production out of China is no big deal as already many Chinese owned companies are moving production of many products to ASEAN countries like Vietnam to take advantage of wage differentials. This is what the US companies did over the last few decades where they took advantage of the wage differentials between USA and China. Moreover, the Chinese market is huge and there are still vast advantage to do production in China.

  15. China is prepared to play rough with the US. The US knows that and that is why they dare not arrest Meng Wanzhou but asked the stupid boy PM to do it. The Chinese would arrest Americans if they did the arrest of Meng.

    See how stupid the boy PM is? And he refused to admit his stupidity while Trump is laughing at him.
