
Black Lives Matter - But UN cannot mention US as the culprit in its resolution against systemic racism and police brutality

GENEVA: The United States is no longer mentioned in a draft resolution before the UN Human Rights Council condemning systemic racism and police brutality, a revised version of the text showed on Friday (Jun 19).

The UN's top rights body is due to vote Friday afternoon on a draft resolution initially presented by African countries this week ahead of an urgent council debate sparked by the police killing of George Floyd in the United States.

But the initially strongly-worded text, which called for a high-level international investigation into police violence against people of African descent in the United States, has been repeatedly watered down in recent days, sparking outrage from rights groups.

First the call for an international investigation was removed, and in what appeared to be a final revision circulated around midday Friday, the text no longer mentions the United States....

Rights groups slammed the revision, charging that Washington had been lobbying hard for dramatic changes to the text.

"By bullying other countries to water down what would have been an historic resolution and exempting itself from international investigation, the United States is yet again turning its back on victims of police violence and black people," said Jamil Dakwar, head of the American Civil Liberties Union's human rights division....

Washington complained of being singled out in the draft text, and a number of its allies, including Australia and Israel, spoke out against the US focus during the debate.

Andrew Bremberg, the US ambassador to the UN in Geneva, acknowledged earlier this week that the United States was "not above scrutiny."

The above is an AFP  article in the CNA.

The world's Number One bully and violator of human rights, systemic racism and police brutality cannot be mentioned in the UN Resolution to condemn the white racists in the USA. What the fuck? Must as well say there is no violation of human rights, no systemic racism and no police brutality in the USA! The main reason for raising this in UN and a resolution to investigate these crimes against humanity is due to what is happening in the USA. The UN could not even talk about it, cannot mention the USA? On the other hand the evil Americans are throwing wild allegations and accusations against every country without the need of proof or evidence.

Might as well say Black Lives Do Not Matter, and this monster can go on its hypocritical ways to attack other countries for such violations and walking around like an angel, Not Me, we are the good guys. How sick can the world and the UN be to be bullied by this international gangster and terrorists and with so many silly countries claiming that they are the best people, even invited to be the policemen of the world, to police the South China Sea?

The truth and ugliness of the evil white Americans cannot be hidden under the rug forever. A spade is a spade. Evilness is evilness. Call them out and stop being bullied by these criminals of human civilisation.  Black Lives Matter, not just White Lives.

End the hypocrisy. The USA, the white Americans are the worst racist in the whole world!

Stop dreaming Black Americans, you are not equal to the whites.

Stop dreaming, people of the world, stop living under the lies of the white Americans. They are racist. They killed black people, they killed Arabs, they killed Muslims, they killed Latinos, they killed Latin Americans, they killed Afghans, Talibans, they killed Chinese,Venezuelans, Iranians, they killed Russians, Somalians, .... They killed people all over the world.

The white Americans are doing exactly the opposite of what they preached about human rights, racial equality, fairness, freedom and justice. There is no equal rights or human rights for the blacks and coloured in the USA. The killer of George Floyd is given a special floor and guarded by the white policemen. Black policemen not allowed to go near him. He might even have a special room to entertain and amuse himself while in 'police custody', living like a great white lord.

The world must end the hypocrisy of the white supremacists.


  1. US should enact an African American Human Rights Policy Act instead of the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act.

  2. How come no one make comments here? I hope to start the ball rolling.

    This racism of the Whitemen has been openly, daringly and arrogantly reflected in their Seat of Power called the WHITE HOUSE for the past 200 years or more. Yet people the world over have brushed this symbolic representation of the White Supremacy aside again and again, without the slightest expression of outrage.

    The pro-US faction, such as UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and European countries, of course, are happy about it, because they are also controlled by the Whites.

    The lackeys such as Saudi Arabia, Israel, South Korea, Japan and Singapore, would timidly keep their mouths shut.

    But why most Asian countries such as China, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Asean have not taken issue with that Symbol? So are African and Latin American countries and the Middle-East. Why no protests against that racist symbolism?


  3. Yes, I agree. The world must help the non-whites to start a revolution for freedom. The white American supremacists and racists use military might and violence to suppress and oppress non-white people and countries all over the world. Give them the same medicine and take them as a good teacher, so the more violent the revolution the better chance for it to be successful. The evil white men will never give the coloured people independence, freedom, respect and dignity unless they are confronted with a violent revolution.

    God save the coloured people. Damned the evil white racists and supremacists

    Fair-play for all, only then will there be peace in America

    Fareed Mahmood Shah Bangladesh citizen

  4. One reason the resolution was watered down was because American perennial cheerleader and supporter Australia went round telling member African countries to tone down mentioning US. Reason given was that since US is a liberal democracy, it will have internal measures , check and balances to reign in racism within the country.

    The American nation has been in existence since 1776, nearly 250 years. The near extermination of the native Americans to African slavery have been long past history and yet deep rooted racism is still very prevalent today especially towards Asian. In the recent Trump rally in Tulsa . The lunatic POTUS was still calling the COVID19 virus "Kung Flu".

    So how has a liberal democracy tackle racism in the US? If anything, it just shows Australia continue to be willing lapdog of US. You cannot fault China to be pissed with them.

  5. The Blacks can demonstrate all they want and the Whites in power will make all the fake laws to give the impression that they are listening. These laws are just pushing the can further down the road. It makes little material difference.

    Indeed, those law will do nothing more than What Martin Luther King managed to wrestle from the White supremacist racists in power, which even after more than four centuries the Blacks still do not enjoy real equality. All they got are just lip service and token feel good impressions, with little change. How much do the Blacks really have from the human rights perspective or fair treatment from the rule of law?

  6. Australia again plays the crucial role of a lapdog of US by blocking the mentioning of US in the motion on racism in the US . But they have no problem by being first to call for inquiry into the COVID19 pandemic by including the mentioning of China's and WHO's handling in the beginning.
    Once a dog always a dog.

  7. Mr. Glory if u starts a fund as per your suggestion, the CIA will designate u as a terrorist. U will have to watch out for the drone that will take u out.


  8. Re: Anonymous 10.36 pm

    You are either a moron or a paid CIA agent to make such silly remark. If everybody is scared of America like you, then you and those of the same thinking like you deserve to be white men's slaves. It's time all non-white countries take 'a tit for tat' response to all the evil American wicked deeds and atrocities committed against other people and countries. I believe American high time is up and will soon be consigned to their graves.

    Anti-white American bully.

    1. Bravo Anon 10.35

      Now this Dr Fauci or Fark Chee of UAssA said that in his whole life of service in infectious diseases, he has never come across this COVID virus that is so powerful and can mutate itself into so many variants.

      Definitely, as this Virus is scientifically engineered by them to destroy the Chinese and other races that's why they must made sure that it's hard to find a vaccine for it.

      He crying crocodile tears with their evil deeds.

      Now the virus is hitting hard at his own Americunts.

      So, Dotard TRUMP evil heart told the EU to export another strain to kill the Chinese.

      Chinkees and bananas Sinkies still treat these Whites as Gods.
