
Another racist shit stirrer

Singapore – A woman, whose comments on Facebook that she was called “black” when she growing up have annoyed some people, has been strongly urged not compare the situation in Singapore with that in the United States.

In response to a post of a man sharing conversations with his daughter regarding discrimination, Ms Marie Sita noted that she too was called “black” when she was growing up because of her skin tone.

“Not only Chinese and Malay but also Chinese teachers” made fun of her, she said.

She felt that the topic of racism is not talked about enough in Singapore. “We will no longer be silenced or ignored,” she said and that the Government “must acknowledge” the issue. She added:

“Indians feel as discriminated and unjustified as ‘Blacks’ feel in (the) US.”

The only difference between the two countries, she said, is the US government having no control over its law-enforcers. “In Singapore, it’s no better from name-calling to job applications,” she added.

Members of the online community, annoyed by the comments, strongly urged her not to  compare the minorities in Singapore with those in the US.

These are some of the responses to her comments.

The above are from www.theindependent.sg

In Singapore, often the Chinese majority are being attacked and accused of racism. The minorities are so nice, never called Chinese names, and that is why the Chinese never accused the minorities of calling them names and being racists.

Is that true? What to you think? If the Chinese were half as racists as the Americans, you think the minorities would be so bold and wild to attack the Chinese for being racists everyday with the slightest comment, or be cowered in fear like the blacks in the USA?

The govt must step in to stem out these wild allegations by racists pretending to be victims and being hurt for any little things on colours. If this is allowed to continue unchecked, then Singaporeans would have to live with another silly myth that this is a racist country.

Don't we have enough silly myths being perpetuated by the charlatans, ie the myths that foreigners are here to create jobs for Singaporeans, foreigners are talents, foreigners help us to grow our economy, without foreigners we would become a third world country, like them? The truth is that these foreigners would be jobless, unemployed if Singapore did not offer them a job here if they remain in their third world countries. Now because of these silly myths, the foreigners are looking down on Singaporeans, despising Singaporeans, bullying and attacking Singaporeans as if we owe them a living.

Stop all these silly myths and bring back some pride in being Singaporeans and not to be looked down upon by third world low lives.

If the majority keeps on keeping quiet and allowed the racists to attack them freely at the slightest excuses, then the attacks will keep coming at them. Do not take body blows quietly and let them pass. You are only emboldening them to attack you more. Speak out and put a stop to it. Or else like they said, 'see, they never say anything, so it must be true'.


  1. These shit stirrers should go and live in Malaysia, Australia or better still USA to have a taste of what is racism. Not only would they be beaten up, their lives also at stake.

    Singapore is about the least racist country in the whole wide world and they are complaining about racism.

  2. Too fast too angry.


    Even extended a law to have a Minority President of other Races.

    Tried that in Matland and Indon.You think they care two hoots to implement these?

    These clowns are getting bolder and bolder to test our patience and boundary.

    Just because Chinese Sinkies are mild, maganimous they taking advantage and accusing us of all sorts of nonsense.

    We even have Ministers to cajole and scold us for their complaints trying to pacify them for the sake of racial harmony and peace.

    This enbolden them that they are right and kept pushing their Agenda.

  3. "Indians feel discriminated in Singapore."

    What about Indians discriminating against other Indians in India?
    - this would be the Indian Hindu caste system

    Many incidents of upper caste Hindus (Brahmins) killing the lower caste Hindus and getting away with murder.

  4. SOURCE:

    Caste related violence in India

    Dalit man killed for eating in front of upper caste men

    1. So this Marie Sita.
      - what is her Hindu caste?

      Upper, middle or lower caste?

  5. In this island it is the minorities bullying the majority and still complaining against the majority.


    1. Hi Anon

      These are the privelkges just to name a few. It will take 56 man years to list out all.

      1)Majority Chinese Sinkies made provision to ensure the minorities are allocated seats in Parliament to have their voices in what's GRCs.

      MPs supposed to voice for all Aingappreans regardless of races, isn't? How can they be so parochial?

      2) Ensure that there must be a Minority Race President in rotation.

      Chinese sinkies racists? Bukit Batok and many other constituencies with minority candidates and yet they still voted for them. Racists?

      3) Chinese Sinkies donated the most to their other charities.
      You think they will donate to ours?

      For example our CDC even gave free tuitions not only to our own disadvantages but also to all other races.
      You think they will do the same?

      4) Free education up to UniLevels for their special class of Singapore Bumis.
      What's bullshits Singapore Bumis, they are also migrants from elsewhere.

      5) Social welfares, the most allocated and given to them.
      Still complaining?
      Chinese prides our old folks even worked to earn their keeps unless incapacitated.

      6) HDB pigeon holes priorities to them. Just bullshits racial mixes and harmony.
      Can get theirs within three months and even just days after registrations.

      Chinese Sinkies had to wait three to five years and have sex in small places as recommended by JT.

      They themselves had sex even in their courtyard bigger than 2 five rooms units combined.

      So, still discriminating against them?

      Chinese sinkies only cared for themselves and you be shock more maganimous to others than their own.

      Due to their inherent survival instincts being inborn in them when they compete with each other.

      They afraid their own kind smarter than them and have to cripple their own.

      Whereas, they thought other races are inferior to them and they can easily beat them in any endeavours and employments.

      This is the weaknesses of the Chinese Race. Sueing and killing their own.

      The others knew of this and thus they always manipulate and divide us.

      Chinese race like loose sand will never meet eye to eye.

      Oneupmanship on the other.

      Fine example, our diverse Opposition Parties.


  6. Hahaha Hahahahahaha


    Hahaha Hahahahahaha..

  7. News Headline abroad :

    Wuhan verified safe from epidemic after citywide test results prove victory

    New Zealand drops Covid-19 restrictions after nation declared 'virus-free'

    New Headline Singapore :
    S'pore has to learn to live with Covid-19 for the long term: Lawrence Wong

    So pathetic performance! This is truly sia suay! TOTAL FAILURE !

    1. Yes.
      Total failure.

      So they will give themselves another round of salary increase.
      - and tell us to be grateful


    2. Hahaha....

      Total failure?

      They are not worry at all!

      They know they will smelly smelly get at least 8o% at next GE! With all seats!

      Total failure?


    3. @ 12.37pm

      Yes. 100% agree with you.

      PAP helping PAP make more money.

      PAP helping Singaporeans.

  8. The Indian sisters here seem alot more sensitive than others. MOST of the people who call out racism here are them. Remember the siblings who made a racist video about the Chinese for alleged being discriminated and warned by MHA? Indian. The one who termed "Chinese privilege"-Indian. And caused her to migrate to, of all places, Australia. Just note the latest travel advisories China issues to their citizens and students about that country.

    1. Morrisons pleaded with China to start negotiations but said China no hew.

      Reports 8 over billions from Chinese students studying there.

      Plus their exports to China with her vast demands.

      Kwa lan, carry Americunts balls now you die.

      China just used economic "own sanctions" against any country and they be dead ducks.

    2. Autralia deserves what they are getting from China. Govt leadwrs may go all out to preach against racism but at same time, together with the media and and think tanks continue to throw mud on China,
      following the position of their political master the US. That can omly help to sow more hate and racism aganist Chinese and Asians.If China is really done with Australia, the latter may never get out of recession for a long long time. An exellent example of the saying "Never Bite The Hands That Feed You" Australia is now pleading for a dialogue but China is not even answering the phone.

  9. Migrated oredy ah, very good. Good riddance.

  10. How Britain stole $45 trillion from India


  11. It is ok what. Indians don't mind. They love the Brits.

  12. PAP has been growing very fat and as a result becomes very sloppy, slow and lazy.

    Pragmatism has led to Elitism.
    Elitism has led to Cronyism and Nepotism.

    Cronyism and Nepotism have led to Dictatorship and Despotism.

    Dictatorship and Despotism have led to Tyranny.
    Tyranny will inevitably end in Total Downfall.

    When that day comes, it will be sudden, swift and fury.
    The Elitists (1%) know this very well. They have calculated and assessed the ultimate outcome some 20 years ago - i.e. the day that they started to increase their bank accounts exponentially by paying themselves by the $millions, while at the same time suppress the pays of the majority, the 90%, and making the other 9% (the hound-dogs) happy to execute their orders.

    This is how I see it. What do you ALL think?

  13. I used to buy Aussie wine. Now I have stopped buying from them. Better to buy Chilean or South African wines than throwing money to these racist cunts.

    Boycott Australian products.
