
ActiveSg stadium - A bicycle is a bicycle

To ActiveSg stadium, a bicyle is a bicycle. No bicycle is allowed inside the stadium. They do not want to know how big is the bicycle, adult bicycle or children bicycle. They did not want to know big or small, normal or foldable. Bicycle should be parked outside the stadium bicycle park. So neat and clean. It is their rules.

How big is a stadium compared to a train? SMRT allowed foldable bikes to be brought into the train cabin. A stadium has no place for a foldable bike.

When there are major events in the stadium it is understandable that you would not want bicycles to be inside the stadium. But when there is no event, when people are using the stadium for training and leisure, and families brought their children to play, with their little bikes, not allowed. It is the stadium rule.

Long long ago there was no foldable bike when the rules were made, just like when the stadiums were built, just like when the trains were built. Then they invented foldable bikes. So how? It is very easy to say a bicycle is a bicycle, no need to think further, no need to bother about new inventions and changes over time.

Is a foldable bike a bicycle when folded?

Anyway when the authorities think and act like they are the rulers of the people, rules are made by them to suit their interest and agenda and convenience and to be followed. They are the rulers and they made the rules. So just obey.

So we have to accept the CPF rules and all their rules, including a bicycle is a bicycle.

Do we want to be ruled by rulers?

Do we want to change the rules and the rulers?

The GE is around the corner. The rulers do not want to change their rules. It is too inconvenient for them. So it is time to change the rulers.

What do you think?


  1. Mr RB.

    Sinkies Majority ALREADY ZOMBIEs zombies as ruled by the PAP for too long.

    All nervous wrecks except for a few Mavericks Lau Hans Pioneer and Merdeka oldies who dare to defy them of their unfair abuse of extreme powers.

    See even their chow kar ambassadors and ambassadess just appointed by them to control crowds and temp taking in all places treated our old folks with disdain and shouting at them.

    Rubbing off the powers from their EVIL serpents and the PAP.

    Never know that the seniors are the ones who are giving them their past good lives.

    Very soon, after all these hues and crys aftermaths, they gonna find themselves in the same position as the rest as beggars with no jobs of their own.

    The Pay And Pay is now abusing their powers in this What's pandemic and controlling the citizens like Pows.

    Or in Military Camps. Malaysia Mat Sabri had offered repciporal green lane for our citizens and their own to travel freely between the two countries and yet this sissy ViVi is stalking the offer.

    This to show their control of you stupid Sinkies who voted them to tekan you.

    On the pretext of for your own good.

    So this GE vote wiselt not to be slaves to them again.

    At least have voices in Parliament to counter their draconian rule.

  2. Unrelates RB, what do you think about Sin Telcos choosing Nokia and Erickson over HW for 5G? Is it really a commercial decision given cost and state of technology weren't revealed and market reputation that HW is better on both and will consumers be shortchanged?

  3. Read my latest post today. Costly financial decision/mistake made under political duress.

  4. Evil Empire said cannot use Huawei.
