
Covid19 - Waco and incompetent Trump blaming China again

WASHINGTON, DC: US President Donald Trump on Wednesday (May 20) again lashed out at China over the coronavirus pandemic, blaming Beijing for "mass Worldwide killing."
His early morning tweet, which also referred to an unidentified "wacko in China," was the latest heated rhetoric from the White House, where Trump is making attacks on Beijing a centerpiece of his November re-election bid.
"It was the 'incompetence of China', and nothing else, that did this mass worldwide killing," the president tweeted.

About is copied from CNA and it should read like this instead to reflect an accurate reality of what is going on.

WASHINGTON, DC: The American people on Wednesday (May 20) again lashed out at Trump over the coronavirus pandemic, blaming the USA for "mass Worldwide killing."
In an early morning tweet, which also referred to an unidentified "wacko in the US," was the latest heated rhetoric from the American governors, where Trump is making attacks on Beijing a centerpiece of his November re-election bid.
"It was the 'incompetence of USA', and nothing else, that did this mass worldwide killing, and the killing of more than 90,000 Americans." the tweet said.

The more Americans got infected and the more deaths reported daily against the much smaller infection/deaths in China, the more furious and insane, and very mad Trump will become. He could not see the two sets of numbers being placed side by side to show to the Americans and the world what a failure he and his evil men have done. How could that be, how could that be real? How can China and Xi be doing so much better than him and his circus of clowns?

The only way he could be happy with China's numbers is for China to fabricate a set of numbers that is worse than the Americans. Why didn't he say the figures in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Vietnam were also fake? How can they have so few cases and so few deaths? Cannot be right!

Trump, for his incompetence and negligence, have sentenced millions of Americans to be victims of this virus and now nearly 100,000 Americans have died because of his inept and foolishness. He is so silly that no one can miss it, even his hardcore supporters are deserting him.

How could such an idiot be made to become the President of the USA? It is all because of a stupid system called democracy. Only in democracy can a clown be made a president. Only in democracy can idiots, scoundrels, pimps, convicts, liars, conmen, etc etc be elected to be in govt or be head of a govt. How could can such a system be good when this is happening?

The freedom to elect their President or head of govt is a farce. The system is fixed to allow the rich and powerful, not necessary the best man, to head a govt. Cronyism, nepotism, corruption, cheating, etc etc are all part and parcel of democracy. The common people can never think of becoming the President of USA without the money and machination behind them. Democracy only favours the elite, the entrenched elite, to rob the country of its wealth by the abuse of power. Trump and his gangsters is a glaring example of everything that is bad in democracy. No one can stop him from abusing his power to serve his personal interests and the interests of his family members.

Bring Trump down would only lead to another form of Trump in power. The weaknesses of democracy is far worse than the communist system in China. At least in the latter system, the best men will rise to the top. The reality of all system is that the political elite is always from a small group of people and the majority of the people are just supporting casts, to be manipulated by the rulers, to be ruled. In communism or authoritarian states, at least the people know about this. In democracy, the people believe the lie that they are free to elect their leaders and they have freedom of choice of leaders.

How's that for electing a waco President and unable to do anything about it? The idiocy of Trump is so unbelievable but so predictable. What can you expect from an idiot?


  1. In a word, Trump has lost his mind and is extremely dangerous. He is vindictive, now tearing into his political opponents, Obama and Biden and provoking China.

    The sad part is that he listens to no one, and the most worrying part is that he is surrounded by sycophants who are engaging him in his erratic behaviour.

  2. Why is this sad or worrying? To me this is cause for celebration. This mad bull in a glass house should destroy as much as he could in his madness and recklessness.

    This is good for the rest of the world.

  3. If Trump just destroy the USA, it will indeed be cause for celebration. But he may destroy the world as well. He started the trade war that is already weighing heavily on the global economy.

    Next he may start a military conflict with China, which is not far fetched, considering the war hawks behind him egging him on, with more and more provocative language and postures trying to drive China against the wall.

    The USA knows China is building up it's military capabilities for the eventual confrontation. And the USA knows at this point it still has the advantage in terms of military hardware, particularly in nuclear arsenals. On top of that they still have the support of the attack dogs.

    Even if Trump looses the November election, Joe Biden is also hardly a choice for friendly relations with China.

  4. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Wednesday questioned Washington's intensive deployment of biological laboratories in countries neighboring China and Russia, as well as its unwillingness to disclose the biological experiments being performed in those facilities.

    According to reports, the U.S. has more than 200 biological laboratories established worldwide and large-scale dangerous infectious diseases have been found around some of them. For example, the army lab at Fort Detrick in Maryland, which is the country's largest biochemical weapons base, was shut down in July last year, but the CDC refused to give any details on the grounds of "national security".

    Once regarded as the center of the U.S. government's darkest experiments, the lab was also the CIA's base for secret chemical and mind control experiments. According to The New York Times, the research involved biological agents and toxins that have been determined to have the potential to pose a severe threat to public health and safety, to animal and plant health, or to animal or plant products.

    What's even more worrisome was that a vaping-related lung disease, the symptoms of which resemble those of COVID-19 pneumonia, broke out in a community just one hour's drive away from the lab shortly after the lab was shut down. The timing and the location of the outbreak appear dubious, especially since e-cigarettes have been sold in the country since 2007.

    In March, many Americans signed a petition that asked the White House to disclose the real reason behind the closure after the CDC decided to reopen the Fort Detrick lab. They also wanted clarification about whether the lab was related to the novel coronavirus and if there had been a virus leak. Unsurprisingly, U.S. authorities and politicians have remained silent on the issue.

    The unusual silence from Washington has raised international concerns as to what kind of risks the U.S. biolabs, which are found in former Soviet Union member countries, Southeast Asian nations and African countries, may pose to global public health security.

  5. The World is now witnessing a second Hitler, going mad with inability to make proper productive use of the power he wields to help his fellow countrymen. Instead, like Hitler, he diverts the country's attention outwards to demonize other countries and making China as his central object of enmity and destruction in order to safeguard his own position and glorify himself.

    Remember, his is half German by descent, probably same bloodline as some of the top Nazi's during Hitler's Rise?

    This mad man is like a rabies suffering mongrel, ever-ready to attack anyone without responsibility and without qualms, logic, legality or morality. He is extremely dangerous to the whole world now. Probably, he would start the 3rd World War on behalf of the Nazis.

  6. Third World War In The Making By A Mad President of USA

    The World is now witnessing a second Hitler, going mad with inability to make proper productive use of the power he wields to help his fellow countrymen. Instead, like Hitler, Trump diverts the country's attention outwards to demonize other countries and making China as his central object of enmity and destruction in order to safeguard his own position and power, and to glorify himself.

    Don't forget, Trump is half German by descent, probably same bloodline as some of the top Nazi's during Hitler's Third Reich?

    This mad man is like a rabies suffering mongrel, ever-ready to attack anyone without responsibility and without qualms, logic, legality or morality. He is extremely dangerous to the whole world now.

    Probably, he would start the 3rd World War on behalf of the Nazis?

  7. Capitalist Entertainers, oops Entrepreneurs and Elites - those crafty professionals when made good on the blood, sweat and tears of their slaves workers ants tended to be over pompous and pampered.

    Thinking that just be making lots of monies, they are God's given Saviour to the World.

    When all and sundry of their slaves workers ants kow towed to them and their families, they become swell headed and thought that everyone must obey and also kow towed to them.

    Can see everywhere like the Korean Chaebo clans and Sinkies Elites and the Western Scoundrels.

    Never realised that their Wealth came from the workers ants and have the conscience to pay back to where they gained from.

    With Wealth, they became greedier and greedier and enclosed in their own enclaves wanted more and more.

    See Jack Ma. After accumulating much WEALTH, he let go still at his prime and plan to do philanthropy for his countrymen and also the World at large.

    This is the different in the brought up of a real Chinese Civilisation Gentleman.

    Unlike the Western bananas Asians who ate and drinks too much Western Shits and Urine.

    So, this Dotard TRUMP been kow towed by so many of his workers slaves ants thought that the America and the Rest of the World must also kow towed to him. That's why HE will never listen to anyone. WEALTH alone does not make a person a complete man.

    Now, the coming aftermath or post COVID-19, the Papies are harping on the reality of unemployments and retrenchments.

    Telling the Capitalists Companies to have a heart for their workers slaves ants.

    But, in the same breath, did they mention that they themselves would take a salary cut ??

    Still clinging to their millions?

    Tuesday, HSK will give another round of taking people's backsides flesh for their faces and votes to help the citizens.

    Think from their pockets?

  8. Trump is an above mediocre man because of his income. Jack Ma definitely a genius for his money and wealth. A mediocre man is one that earns less than $500k a year.

    So it is very difficult for anyone to want to take a salary cut to become a mediocre man.

  9. Mediocre or not is not how much you can earn, but whether you can perform and ultimately achieve.

    By Woody's definition many, if not all of the first generation politicians were mediocre. Were they? Which politician today can match the brilliance of Dr Goh Keng Swee or the old man, whose name I cannot mention due to registered trade mark issues.

    Most people take Woody's long tales with spoonfuls of salt. Long grandmother's tales like 'Goal 2010", 'Swiss standard of living' and 'More good years'.

  10. US President Donald Tramp alone is
    able to hold the World at ransom.
    how powerful he is ?
    play play with him.
    Swear and curse do not work on him. He is invincible to whatever he is being accused of.
    He is protected even moving about without bodyguard around him and without mask amidst the COVID-19 Contagion.
    He could even be bullet-proof.
    Do not pray pray with him, okay ?

  11. Now Trump and Pompeo are stirring shit imto HK affairs warning China over the proposed security law. Who the fuck do they think they are? If US is so concerned about the protesters' rights, give all of them green cards to the land of the free. They can protest at Capitol Hill, ransack the offices , sing the Star spangled Banner with gusto carrying placards amd buntings praising Trump for saving them all day.

  12. We just hope lunatic Trump can destroy the evil empire from the inside.

    If the Hong Kong protesters think the USA cares about them at this juncture, they must be dreaming. Anti Chinese sentiment in the USA is running so high, even the blacks are joining in the fray, and these Hong Kong terrorist will be shot like clay pigeons if they dare to protest in USA like the Whites, as what they did in Hong Kong. They never appreciate the human freedom they have been given in Hong Kong, until they lose it.

  13. It is time for China to come down hard. Hong Kong belongs to China, like it or not.

    Anywhere in the world Governments have to maintain order, so does Hong Kong. It is perfectly logical, appropriate and is not for outsiders to tell them when to or not to clamp down. Not even for the USA to use it's CB mouth (not circuit breaker) to stir shit.

  14. Shallow thinking hongkies deserve to be shot. Period.

  15. Now CNN the Whites persecuting the blacks for arresting the man who recorded the fatal shooting of Ahmad Arbery.

    Faces charges of felony murder.


  16. Hope China PLA soldiers will soon stream into Hong Kong and crush the bones of the treacherous US-backed Hongkie protesters !

    1. China had their PLA camps on HK.

      Just NOT out yet.

      Supposed to be only for external aggression.

      Now for internal suppression.

      The Yanks will cried and shout Human Rights.

      But their Whites killing the Blacks and hitting the coloured no action and their human wrongs.

  17. Hope the blacks rise up for a revolution. Break up the USA. Return the land to the native Indians, Mexicans, Hawaiians and people of Guan.

    African countries should support that move. China too, like the USA supporting protest in Hong Kong. Supporting human rights isn't it?

  18. It is not democracy that is the problem, it is the so called "representative Western" form of democracy that is the problem. We need to develop a democratic system that serve the intrest of the majority and not the minority, as is the case of most countries today. We should not discredit the concept of democracy, rather the kind of democracy
