
Covid19 - Why Pompeo so sure virus hit Wuhan in November?

'WASHINGTON: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo charged on Thursday (Apr 23) that China may have known of the new coronavirus as early as November, renewing accusations that Beijing has not been transparent.

"You'll recall that the first cases of this were known by the Chinese government maybe as early as November, but certainly by mid-December," Pompeo said in an interview.

"They were slow to identify this for anyone in the world, including the World Health Organization," he told conservative radio host Larry O'Connor.'  CNA

The above statement used to attack China also revealed what Pompeo knew from the start, that the virus was planted in Wuhan in November or earlier, likely during the World Military Games by American soldiers. This is really the main reason why he is so cock sure that the virus infection started much earlier, he ordered it, and thus knew that China informing the WHO on 31 Dec 19 was too late.

The point about how slow or how fast is relative and subjective. Given the circumstances, a totally knew virus, it would take time to infect a big enough population to gain notice. It would then take more time to investigate, identify and confirm that it is really a new virus. The Chinese too would need to know how serious and how infectious this was before reporting it to the Chinese leadership. How much time would all these processes take?

China was not given a day of advance notice. The virus hit China like Japan hit Pearl Harbour. There was no time to react and China struggled to get back on its feet on its own. China reacted too slow? China gave the rest of the world 2/3 months notice to prepare for this virus it did not have. Not enough, how much time do the mischievous Americans need to be enough? These shit stirrers are out spoiling for war with China, a war that would be inconceivable in terms of the carnage and destruction of human life.

Very likely this virus would come to notice in the second half of November and confirmation would take at least a month or more. For China to report it just after one and a half month of discovering this virus and with insufficient information and not a really big spread, many would be thinking China was crying wolf. Trump even called it a hoax one month after China informed the WHO. That was what actually happened.  Many would not believe that this was really a serious problem.

So what is the problem with this mad dog and liar Pompeo for biting and not letting go? Is is because he needs to push this to China to deflect any attention on him and the Americans that planted this virus? This is a thief shouting thief. He wants all attention to be focused on blaming China and forgot about the real origin of this virus, the Americans.

Below is another quote from CNA on this virus infection in the USA that suggested the infection there was much earlier and more widespread than thought. This could be the reason why Trump and his administration did not want to do the testing earlier, to avoid spilling the beans that the virus were already in the USA before it hit Wuhan. It was an American virus planted in Wuhan, China and blaming China for it. The more they delay the test, the more suspicion it would be that they are hiding something real bad.

Maybe the presence of antibodies in so many Americans could be investigated and scientifically proven that these Americans were actually infected very very much earlier.

'REUTERS: New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said on Thursday (Apr 23) a screening of 3,000 people found nearly 14 per cent tested positive for antibodies for the novel coronavirus, suggesting that 2.7 million residents across the state may have been infected with the disease.

Cuomo noted that the survey was preliminary and had limitations, including the possibility that New York, like California, would find the coronavirus was circulating and killing people earlier than previously known.

He said the testing targeted people who were out shopping, meaning that they may be more likely to have been infected than people isolating at home.'  CNA

Remember this clearly. Trump and Pompeo and those in the know would not want to do more tests.  Fauci not in the know and still insisted on more testing and testing.  This is the key to this whole dastard pandemic, it was started by the CIA and Trump and Pompeo knew. No testing, any testing would be nominal and for show only! This deliberate refusal to test more is very revealing, something very sinister is behind this. There is a very serious reason for Trump's reluctance and apparent incompetence to conduct more testing. He could use the defence law to ramp up production of test kits but he refused to do so.

According to Yahoo News, ' Gov. Newsom has ordered autopsies dating back to December to understand 'when this pandemic really started to impact Californians'. Why stop at December, why not earlier to Oct and Nov? Checking anything earlier is taboo? Cannot check earlier because it would reveal that the virus were already in the USA and killing Americans?


  1. Many a times, slipped of the minds the preparators of the evil deeds disclosed their foxed tails and let out their secrets of the evil deeds.

    Dotard Trump must have know which are thr likely cures for the COVID and that's why he asked the Americunts to inject with disinfectants..

    He cannnot blared that this is the cure as others would suspect that they are the Ones who planted the virus.

    Their biological warfare labs must have formulated this deadly virus to annihilate the Chinese.

    So, likely antidote drink and inject choralax and lysol to beat the virus.

    Just like washing your dirty pang sai toilet and sinks with the virus in your bodies.

    Simple straightforward logic!

    Isn't NOT?

  2. No doubt! Now there is absolutely no doubt that the COVID-19 coronavirus was infiltrated into China by CIA agents disguised as soldiers to "participate" in the September World Military Sports Event in Wuhan.

    Many of the US soldiers "participating" in the Sports Event did not participate at all. Many more had reported sick and did not turn up. But they were spotted at the Wuhan Wildlife Food Centre. Even after the Sports Event was over, many of the "soldiers" stayed behind in Wuhan City. These "soldiers" were most probably CIA agents and operatives.

    China must insist on sending teams of professional investigators to the USA to dig out the evidences. Especially to all the US Biological Laboratories. No stones should be left unturned.

    Trump, Pompeo, CIA Chief and US Military Chief at the Pentagon knew about it because they authorized it.

    Biological Warfare is not new to the Evil US Empire. It has been using it since World War II, in China, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Africa. Even Latin America is not spared.

    The world at large must condemn this evil deed deliberately carried out by the Evil US Empire.

  3. This virus already surfaced in September 2019. That's there was a surge in deaths caused by the "common flu". It was unprecedented in terms of numbers. Many of the doctors simply certified the unusual number of deaths as "Due to common flu".

  4. Pompeo has to shift the time goalpost to earlier after reports that a US woman was confirmed to have died of coronavirus on February 7, which same time as purported whistleblower Dr Li Wenliang. As the Chinese doctor was infected on January 8, that means the American woman - who had no known history travelling outside the USA - was also infected in the US in early January.

  5. Your story is not complete without the below link. Dr Helen Chu an american epidemologist, was issued a stop work order by USA regulator when as early as February she wanted to do tests on infected patients. Why? What was the USA TRYING TO HIDE? AND THEY DARE TO BLAME CHINA FOR THIER OWN SINS?

  6. Yeah, Pompeo is shifting goalpost when earlier accusations hit a roadblock and gets shot down by scientific evidence and timeline events.

    How can the world believe in someone who lies, cheat and steal?

    This revelation practically lets the cat out of the bag. The Wuhan Military Games was held in October, and if the virus hit in November, and Pompeo is so sure of it's date of outbreak, it means all along the suspicion is on target.

    The USA is clutching at straws to pin the blame on China, by hook or by crook.

    This fat piece of lard is the worst US Secretary of State and complimenting the worst President of the United Snakes of America makes them very dangerous to the rest of the world and USA itself. Instead of concentrating on fighting the virus to save American lives, they are focusing on bringing down China and the WHO.

    Trump is loosing his mind to dementia, looking at his behaviour of forgetting what he says between one day and the next. One day he will push the wrong button for a doorbell and that will be the end of mankind.

    And the irony is the next US election pits Trump possibly against Joe Biden, another one that is mentally approaching unstable behaviour, as revealed by some who watched him closely of late.

    What is the agenda of the Democrat, pushing Joe Biden to the forefront and putting Bernie Sanders to pasture? In fact, among the Democrats, Andrew Cuomo would be the perfect choice to stand against Trump. Perhaps he is too smart to be manipulated by the powers behind the throne. So they pit two mentally unstable dim wits against each other.

  7. Chinese biotech firm says Coronvirus vaccine protects monkeys.

    Chinese brains from experience SARs-Cov-2 infections used same pathogen injected two different doses of its vaccine into eight rhesus macaque monkeys and exposed them to the virus three weeks later and they did not develop infections.

    Sinovac said its experiments so far jad shown its vaccine can neutralize the different strains in patients of China, Italy, Switzerland, Spain and Britain.

    But NOT America.

    Sinkies should be safe as genes somewhat same as the PRCs except the bananas.

    UK nonsense that they nearing a vaccine are hogwash. Wanted to be the first but own PM kena.

    Yahoo News


    1. Do you think Ang moh countries will ever trust a vaccine made by China?

    2. Aiyo, see coffins in front of them. Injected disinfectants also try lah!

      Drink Lysol or Chlorides also gamble if they see Hell in front of them.

  8. WHO is bringing together all countries, except the USA, to fast track development of a vaccine.

    Never mind if Ang Moh countries will never trust a vaccine made by China. Never trust means very little sales. China can just sell to Asians, where the market is big enough. After all, the whites never did trust TCM. In fact they don't trust anything Chinese, even yellow bananas!

  9. Don't trust things made by China but begging and hijacking medical supplies not meant for them! No shame, no integrity, no dignity, no pride, no moral!

  10. Hahaha

    Nothing to lose is what Trump said to them. Seeing coffins in front of them, anything will trust, even injecting disinfectants!

  11. USA has close to a million infections, now at 925,000 and more than 52,000 dead. Retribution is sweet and heaven has eyes.

    UK death toll is rising. India, now complaining about defective test kits from China and never one to miss a chance to demonise China, is also a rising star, of the wrong kind.

    Japan is in the same situation as Red Dot, complacent and lazing in the limelight of global admiration initially, is now waiting to have a mind blowing experience.

  12. PLs lah.
    Virus is created by aliens so that humans will start to fight and kill each other.
    It will make it easier for them to conquer plant earth.

  13. Maybe the virus are the aliens!

  14. COVID-19: Brief Summary Of Key Events Today

    World Health Organization says people who have recovered from the COVID-19 corona-virus infection may not be protected against reinfection. In other words, they are not immuned. They can be infected by the same COVID-19 corona-virus again for a second or third or fourth time. The second time may be more severe than the first time, and so on and so forth.

    Japan reports 59 more confirmed cases among the crew of the cruise ship Diamond Princess, docked since January 2020.

    UK virus testing website runs out of slots within an hour of reopening on Saturday.

    USA now, instead of fighting the COVID-19 corona-virus, is now focusing on fighting the malicious advice given by President Trump to the American public to inject themselves with antiseptic solutions and insecticides. Even Trump's own presidential campaigners are asking whether there is too much Trump or is Trump too much?

    India's local shops reopen as part of moves to restart the economy. Economic consideration seems to be more important than health, lives and limbs?

    Belgium unveils plans to reopen shops from 11 May and schools a week later. This must have been welcomed by the COVID-19 corona-virus?

    Globally, the number of confirmed cases is more than 2.8 million, with about 200,000 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University.

    Singapore still cannot see any ease in the sudden exponential surge in COVID-19 infections that have been festering silently in the island unnoticed by the used-to-be very efficient and competent government. What has/have caused the decline in efficiency and competency? Is it because of the overly high salary paid to ministers? Many people think that it is so.

    High pay does not necessarily attract talents with commitment and passion. It usually attract the mercenary-opportunists and the unprincipled-cunning wolves in White collar shirts.

    Good luck, fellow Singaporeans!

  15. Navarro accused China, where the coronavirus is believed to have originated in the city of Wuhan, of spreading the virus to the rest of the world after "they hid it for six weeks". CNA

    This lunatic is even more precise about when the virus was inserted in Wuhan, 6 weeks from when China reported to the WHO on 31 Dec 19. This means the virus was inserted in mid November. He knew exactly when without the need for China to tell him.

    How did he know? Because the Americans inserted it, how else could he know so well. The more they tried to pin the blame on China, the more they are going to expose themselves and their evil deeds.
