
Covid19 - Singapore cases going exponential

This is a chart dated 11 Apr 20 provided by CNA. The number of cases is blowing away with the new average about 190 cases in the last 4 days. If the rate goes on, we are in big trouble. And to compound the problem 119 cases were unlinked yesterday, saying that the virus is in the air. Put on the mask when outside. You cannot feel safe now.


  1. It is as expected. This is only the beginning.

    The way the Scholar-led Sin Gov handled the COVID-19 Pandemic has helped the virus to spread easily instead of helping the people.

    The harmful and unthinkable advice telling everyone "NOT TO WEAR A MASK WHEN WELL" is a message to make people complacent. It is the motto of the strategy for mass infection to achieve community immunity at the expense of the old and weak. This was the initial strategy adopted. The cat was let out of the bag by the DPM.

    Be prepared for more deaths and more widespread infections.

  2. Singapore Covid cases going exponential.

    Pay these PAP Ministers million dollar salaries for what?

    Vote Opposition to check on the PAP Ministers.

  3. Perhaps this was the event that the USA wanted to crash and burn their unsolvable debt of US$23 trillion, as some have suggested.

    But then, it will also be the end of US$ hegemony.

  4. Is this what they called the 'second wave'?

    It seems this is not a virus that goes away like the normal flu, but keeps re-infecting even from those that recovered. The greatest fear is that it may also keep mutating, making vaccines less effective.

    Mankind wants to tinker with nature setting up biological labs to interfere with nature. Now we really had it!

  5. @All,

    Like I said ... this daily high numbers at the beginning of a lockdown is NORMAL.

    All these people were infected BEFORE the lockdown.

    Big improvements will only show around 14 days AFTER the start of lockdown.

    USA new infection numbers have flattened & just starting to drop. I expect the numbers to stay range-bound for a while ... as the rest of USA go thru their infection & lockdown cycle. But it won't be as bad as the last 2 weeks.

    As I said 1 1/2 months ago .... late April to mid-May for US & Europe.

    The Real Economy (jobs, SMEs, global trade) will still be shit.

    But the big boys, and those who can take advantage of this virus will do well & take over market share from those who cannot e.g. virtual working, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, e-commerce, data centres, IT infrastructure, 5G, cloud computing, SaaS, Slack, Salesforce, Shopify, Tencent, Alibaba, logistics, ecosystem providers who can manage well from backend supply-chain mgmt to distribution channels to frontend sales to logistics mgmt.

    They will be bigger, richer & more powerful 2 years down the road.

    Buy The Fucking Dips.

    And buy big when markets crash -5% or more in a day.

    5 years later, you can shake legs & shake cock at home.


  6. Dear Ah Lee / Ah Long San

    Where are your billionaires now?

    What have your billionaires done for Singaporeans?


  7. "If I can get 10 billionaires, they can this and they can that."

    If I were to speak like that, it means I am projecting myself as a useless, pretentious, good-for-nothing, devoid of ideas - a parasitic leader who has to depend on my father, my mentor, and 8 other ministers to help run my PMO (one Minister Mentor/ESM, two Senior Ministers,
    one/two DPMs, and three to four Ministers without portfolio in the PMO).

    "Only billionaires have ideas and capabilities. I and my Scholarship-Grabbing Generals simply do not have ideas and capabilities like the billionaires. Because we do not have the real experiences. We only learnt from books. Out Scholarship brains have been stuck at A-Level, at 18 years-old. That's why you can see many of us restored to crying in front of the camera in desperation and despair."

    "We need more billionaires in Singapore to help grow the economy and the GDP, so that every year we ministers can get our huge, larger-than-our-salary annual bonuses! Quite Easily Done. Remember, I majored in Mathematics? Every Theory solved must end with QED? AS SIMPLE AS THAT!

    My name is QED. Call me PM QED, okay?

  8. Jim Rogers is one of PM Lee's foreign billionaire living in Singapore.

    Eduardo Saverin is another PM Lee's foreign billionaire living in Singapore.

    What have they done for Singaporeans?

  9. How the Greedy Ruling Elite Failed Us


  10. COVID-19: Singapore's Reactionary Strategy Of Chasing The Virus Like A Blue Arse Fly Is Paying Heavily!


    "We will continue to monitor closely..." sounds all too familiar because it has been repeatedly repeated like a mantra by many ministers and ministries. What does this statement tell you? It means they will watch and see, wait and wait, before they take action. It means they can only react after the thiefy-virus has bared its arse. It means they are reactive followers of viruses, not proactive leaders of men! Why? Because they are not able to think ahead. Why? Because they have been paid too well, overpaid for their real worthiness. Why so? Because complacency has set in so deeply, over the last 20 years of millionaires' salary, that their brains have become AFRAID TO THINK. Why so? For fear of making mistakes and get sacked by the Big Boss, and thereafter lost all their easy jackpot money.

    Reality At Ground Level:

    Meanwhile, 191 new cases of Covid-19 infection have been reported by the Ministry of Hello on Saturday night (April 11).

    In addition, there are three new clusters and one more death.

    The unnecessarily unfortunate death: A 90-year-old Singaporean man. He was a locally-transmitted and unlinked case who tested positive for the virus on April 3 and has died while isolated at the NCID, with no hope of cure!

    The total death roll is now eight. The total confirmed cases due to Covid-19 is now 2,299, and climbing, without a light at the end of the tunnel.

    The three new clusters are:

    1. North Coast Lodge (51 North Coast Avenue) with two confirmed and many suspected cases,

    2. Westlite Woodlands dormitory (2 Woodlands Sector 2) with eight cases, and many suspected cases.

    3. Cassia @ Pejuru (15 Penjuru Walk), with two confirmed cases and many suspected cases.

    The cluster at S11 Dormitory in Punggol has increased by 29 new cases, making a total of 335 confirmed cases. This is the biggest cluster in Singapore so far!

    Mustafa Centre at Serangoon Road is probably the largest cluster but because of the untraceable nature, the statistics cannot be obtained.

    In total, Singapore has 37 clusters, very well spread all over the island, covering almost every district.


    Contact tracing is still going on, but is now futile because more than half of the new cases have no links or their contacts are untraceable! They don't even know what, when, who hit them! How to trace? The could have been infected at shopping malls, at supermarkets, in coffee shops, at 4D-Toto Booths, in over-cramped MRT trains, in crowded buses, in taxis or at the airports and Causeway checkpoints? Or even while queueing up to collect the free masks and hand sanitizer distributed by the government?

    Of the 943 cases admitted into the hospitals, the number of those in critical condition has increased to 31, from 24 last week.

    Another 820 confirmed cases are currently in isolation and receiving medical attention. In other words, waiting for their respective individual fate to take its course, because there is no cure, yet!

    Good News:

    From today onwards, everyone has to wear a mask while talking bus, taxis or trains; visiting a market, mall, shopping centre, hospitals, polytechnics, and other public places with big crowds. Failure to do so will be denied entry.

    Failure to keep the social distance can be fined up to $10,000 or six months jail, or both. First offence is minimum of $300!


    So, be aware of where you go and take good care of yourself first and have no regrets later.

  11. With the virus spreading like wild fire among the foreign workers in their dormitories, one group of people are trembling under their skirts, the girl friends of these foreign workers. And who would you think would be next to be in fear, of the maids?

    The employers and many of these employers are the rich and powerful. Would the govt start to test the maids before they infect their employers with some looking after the old and sick and the young and weak?

    The rich thought they would be safe from the foreign workers as they would not share their good class bungalow compounds with them. But the foreign workers would share what they have with their maids that also lived in the GCB where the rich live and all the private properties.

  12. Don't worry Singaporeans, your efficient PAP government will look after you. Singapore has an estimated S$ 1 trillion. Just pour money on this pandemic and it will go away. During the early days, your efficient PAP government told Singaporeans not to wear masks unless you have symptoms of COVID-19. Now you must wear masks when out of home. Also, the Singapore border must not be closed, trade and economy of Singapore must take priority over safety of the population.

    Singapore is governed by a group of A***** book smart scholars. So Singaporeans, please don't lose any sleep, you are all safe. Your efficient PAP government will keep you safe. You get what you voted for. You should know where you put your X in the coming election. HAHAHAHA.

  13. Correction for @5:21 pm above:

    The last sub heading should be "Conclusion", not "Confusion".

    Apologies, sorry lah

  14. @ 5.21pm

    "We will continue to monitor closely ..."

    Do you think this means no PAP Minister will take action until he cannot tai chi anymore ??

  15. Wah, Tuesday Sinkies rich, rich with 600 bucks.

    But be careful hoh, one wrong step and you have to pay back more than the 600 bucks they give you.

    Just mistep unconsciously near to any human bean at the whatsoever place and these super efficient now out of jobs so called ambassadors or abattoirs will give you an invitation summons of 300 bucks.

    Little do they know that after this episode, the Aftermath of them going Roaming The Streets be very Real.

    Next mistep in court and pay hundred over times more or even Changi Resorts.

    Now, even worse than in military camps where you won't be so easily charged for any silly offences than in the civvy streets.

    So, be carfeul to enjoy their 600 bucks which is not easy to get from them.

  16. Redbean.

    Geylang services.
    Is it considered an essential service?

    I got $600 to spend leh.

  17. Sori, essential service for FWs, not locals.

  18. 11.46pm don't ask rb the stupid question. If u can not tahan and must go. Then u may get something back from the girls as they service many people. I suggest u use your hand to jerk yourself off if can not tahan by looking at miss universe photo if u need help. Knn this situation liao still think of geylang.
